
ShelbiPlays 28 years old. Momma of 2. Homeschooling. Photographer, home decor, and gaming in my free time 🫶🏼

2023 update:Our kids are growing like crazy. We bought a new house and moved to Florida. I started homeschooling Adaline...

2023 update:

Our kids are growing like crazy.

We bought a new house and moved to Florida.

I started homeschooling Adaline.

We dressed up as because Alexander is OBSESSED.

We find ourselves talking about all of you and all of our fun times.

You are loved 🫶🏼

Omggg hiii! I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted and I have been wanting to but, I was nervous. I don’t know ...

Omggg hiii!

I know it’s been a long while since I’ve posted and I have been wanting to but, I was nervous. I don’t know why but, I was.

A lot has happened since I stopped streaming. Jason got deployed and I spent 3 months raising the babies by myself. If you’re my friend on Facebook, you know the hell i went through. If it could go wrong, it did. I got Covid and I had it bad. But I’m here and I made it through the summer.

I got super into master chef with my extra time not streaming and put on weight. I weighed what i weighed when I was 40 weeks pregnant with both kids. I got sick of waking up and hating the way I looked every day. So, I canceled my DoorDash(yes, their most loyal customer stopped and I don’t know how they stayed in business😂). I started going to the gym every day and can happily say that I am down 16 pounds since May.

My health started taking a pretty fast decline. Some days I am bed ridden. Some days I lose my vision 80%. Some days I can’t even think because of the pain I am in. But, some days I am good. And on those days, I make the most of them with my babies. I see a specialist in a week to hopefully get some answers.

Adaline and Alexander have grown like CRAZY. I still can’t believe how fast time has flown.

I have been debating going live for an IRL stream to check in with everyone and catch up and I still may because I miss you all. 💕

I promise you I haven’t forgotten about anyone and I still appreciate this community for getting me through some of the toughest times. Please check in and let me know how you are 💕

Never forget, you matter 💕

Much love,



The girl behind the lens 📷

My name is Shelbi but my favorite name is, “mama.”

I have 2 beautiful children who drive me absolutely crazy but, fill my life with so much joy.

I am a sucker for capturing love. Whether it be between 2 people, a family, or love for yourself. Life is too tough to not love, love.

I was born and raised in Orlando, Florida and now reside in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In my time outside of photography I’m a full time momma, beach lover, and food eater.

My favorite place to shoot is anywhere outdoors with natural lighting and I can’t wait to see how much I grow this year.

A lot of you are wondering where I’ve been or what happened and I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to address it but, I needed...

A lot of you are wondering where I’ve been or what happened and I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to address it but, I needed time to think and process all of my feelings. I’m better at writing my feelings out then I am speaking them so bare with me. Buckle up, it’s long.

At the age of 19 I got married, left college and my jobs behind, and moved to South Carolina. While there, I got a job and quickly realized how toxic my relationship would turn. It was 2 years of mental abuse and one day after being split up for 7 months I decided enough was enough. I packed my things, got an apartment with my coworkers and moved out. A couple weeks later, on the week of my birthday, I lost everything in an apartment fire. I had no renters insurance yet so I was starting from scratch. A couple months later I found out I was pregnant with Adaline and moved to Virginia to start my family. After 2 years in Virginia, I moved back to Florida for a year because my family fell apart and that was the only place i had to go. After some time apart, we got back together, I moved back to Virginia for my family to be together and later had Alexander.

Streaming was something I started to be able to work at home since we couldn’t afford child care up here and don’t have family or friends nearby. Jason being the sole provider, couldn’t give up his job so I had to find something that worked around the kids for myself. I quickly fell in love with streaming. I met some of my best friends from streaming. I was able to pay my bills, raise my kids, and provide for my family. Until I wasn’t.

Streaming is more than turning on your pc and going live. Its going through depression, anxiety, internal battles and still having to show up. It’s playing a game(that I grew to not like), talking to chat and keeping them entertained and wanting to stay. It’s comparing yourself and your growth to other streamers. Wondering what you’re doing wrong constantly and not knowing what you need to do to grow. It’s not understanding the platform. It’s being called vulgar names and trolled for being “bad” at the game you’re playing. And while dealing with all of this, you are having to smile and still put out great content, pretending it doesn’t bother you.
I won’t lie and say the platform doesn’t bother me, because it does. There are no clear answers to things streamers need. There’s no help when we need it. And what turned my drive for streaming down the most was seeing partners of Facebook Gaming not getting paid, and receiving ZERO help or word from Facebook. Why would i want to spend years trying to get partner when they can’t even get help for serious issues. This platform has so much potential but I can’t keep pouring myself into a company who truly doesn’t care.

With all this being said,


I still plan to go live when time allows and when I know I’ll truly enjoy myself being live. For now, I have been focusing on finding a job, and most importantly, finally pursuing something I’ve been passionate about since I was a kid, Photography. It’s something I’m naturally decent at, absolutely love, and something that makes me genuinely happy.

The reason I told you my story above is because for once, I am FINALLY doing something for MYSELF. I gave up 7 years of my life for 2 other mens careers and my kids. And now, I’m being selfish and doing this for myself.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you. Truly. If you’ve supported me in my streams, thank you. I do miss everyone and I still plan on keeping in touch with everyone and I hope everyone does the same. You all saved me these past 2 years more than you will ever know and I’ll never be able to thank you all for that. Always remember that you matter and im always here for anyone. I love you all 💜


Forever thankful to streaming for bringing friends into my life that have become family. 💜 big thank you to the Reddy’s,...

Forever thankful to streaming for bringing friends into my life that have become family. 💜 big thank you to the Reddy’s, Meg and her husband for coming to spend the last 4 days with us!


Should I go live for a birthday stream 👀

Thank you for everyone who showed up last night! We raised $600 for the American Foundation for Su***de Prevention. As s...

Thank you for everyone who showed up last night! We raised $600 for the American Foundation for Su***de Prevention. As someone who has experienced losing a parent to it and has experienced the thoughts themself, I have no words. Thank you thank you thank you 💜

You are loved. You are wanted, never ever forget that! 💜

I know I didn’t go live tonight and that’s because my family ended up having to stay an extra day and they are sleeping ...

I know I didn’t go live tonight and that’s because my family ended up having to stay an extra day and they are sleeping in my stream room. But, tomorrow night we are doing a Su***de Awareness Charity Stream for the American Foundation for Su***de Prevention! If you know me, you know that this is something that I hold near and dear to my heart. We’ll start out by talking for awhile and then go into some fortnite games!

Thank you to BlazedTaco for remembering what this charity means to me and asking me to be a part of this! Visit his page to see the list of different streamers participating all day tomorrow! 💙💜

I know I’ve been Mia but, my mom, sister, nieces and nephews have been in town since last Saturday and I’ve been soaking...

I know I’ve been Mia but, my mom, sister, nieces and nephews have been in town since last Saturday and I’ve been soaking up every moment with them. I’ll be back live tomorrow with solos to catch up and then supporter squads 💙


Going to be participating in this in honor of my father and everyone else who struggles with mental illness and su***de ❤️


I was gonna go live but the internet that was supposed to be fixed 3 hours ago, still isn’t back on. 😩 gonna try to possibly do a double stream tomorrow if I can wake up early enough! Supporter squads tomorrow night! ❤️


I’m thinking of a number between 1-4,000. First person to guess it gets $100 cashapp 🤑
Anddddd, go!

edit-you must be a follower.

No stream today 😩 little man and I are headed to urgent care to get tested and find out what’s wrong with us as he woke ...

No stream today 😩 little man and I are headed to urgent care to get tested and find out what’s wrong with us as he woke up sick today too. Praying we’ll be back to normal soon 💙


Hey all!

Ive been super sick with a stomach bug the last 3 days. Depending how I feel tonight, I may run supporter games if supporters are down. Let me know in the comments if you’d be down to play, and what time! 💙


I am not one to make these posts but, it is honestly frustrating and defeating what this platform keeps doing to us. I have been busting my ass streaming through my anxiety to try to grow and stay involved with my community. I had this engagement bonus that was supposed to help me pay all of my medical expenses. First, the platform didnt pay me for any of my bonus from December, in January which screwed me for bills and now Facebook took away over 2500$ from me in this engagement bonus for this month, for no reason after they already owe me over 3,000$ that hasn’t been paid. Second, I don’t have a 1099 to file my taxes and after 3 weeks, I can’t get any help for it. We bring so much money and growth to this platform and we can’t even get the help when we need it. I always got so annoyed when streamers would complain about things that are wrong with this platform because i personally could not relate and i knew complaining about it wouldn’t fix anything. If you are like i was, truly and honestly listen. This can happen to you. You can end up as one of those people you can’t stand for complaining. I don’t know where I’m going from here but, for now, I need time to figure out what is best for myself and my family.

I don’t even have the words! Nemo FB LIVE, thank you for my largest raid ever and trusting me with your community! The r...

I don’t even have the words! Nemo FB LIVE, thank you for my largest raid ever and trusting me with your community! The raid shot us up to the top of the fortnite page for a little bit! Also thank you to Rob and Sparky Wolf Gaming for the raids as well! 💙 what a day!


Who do you think will win the Super Bowl 👀👀



My 1099 got sent to my old address. I’ve tried contacting Facebook support but can’t get anywhere. I’ve contacted my old apartment complex and they said it was already sent back. I called usps and they said there’s no way to track it because it’s a piece of mail. Does anyone know how I can get in contact with an actual human at Facebook Gaming support? They seem to only want to help people who have purchased ads 🙄


Should I go live for a late stream 👀👀



I FINALLY got some answers today. After going through hell the last 6 months with my health. Thousands in medical bills, weekly doctors appointments, multiple procedures, my amazing gastro doctor finally found what has most likely been causing my pancreatitis and horrible stomach issues. My pathology results show I have a “Brunner’s Gland Adenoma.” Since 1835 there have been less than 200 cases reported of this. The chance of someone getting it is 0.008% (hints why no one could find what was wrong). I will be meeting with my doctor to see if this is something he can remove, or if I will need to see someone else. As much as it sucks having something this rare, I am so relieved to finally have some answers and so so thankful for my doctor for never giving up on me.🙌🏼

Now, to go play the lotto and pray my luck with the 0.008% will roll over into winning 😅 and hopefully use this luck with my games in fortnite 😂💀


I got 0 minutes of sleep last night 🙃 soooo, entertain me. If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be? And why?


IM COMING IM COMING! I’m not late! You are! Follower games tonight!


Who’s up 👀👀


Duo tourney with Madi! Pull up! 💙

I was going to go live today for a charity stream but, I am just not mentally okay to do that right now. Today marks 8 y...

I was going to go live today for a charity stream but, I am just not mentally okay to do that right now. Today marks 8 years since my dad passed and it is hitting me harder this year more than normal. I plan on being live tomorrow for the charity stream and some follower squads!

But! I am playing in the D1 tourney right now with FB Madi! She is live and streaming it so, if you want to see me get smacked around in games, go watch her stream! 💙


I try to be as transparent as possible with y’all since you all are my second family.

Kind of a long post so bare with me.

I had my follow up appointment with my gastroenterologist doctor today. I have been having issues for quite awhile now and decided to get seen. My doctor saw a few areas of concern during my procedure that he biopsied.

At my appointment today he started out by saying that I need to come to terms with the fact that my diagnosis is manageable but not cureable. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis during my procedure a month ago. I will now be moving to a mainly plant based diet. No red meat (this is the hardest part for me). I have to avoid dairy. I will also eventually develop irritable bowel syndrome. I will be on an anti inflammatory medicine for the unforeseeable future. My condition will eventually get worse as I get older.

The scariest part of it all is the biopsy result showed pre-cancerous cells. They have a 50-60% chance of developing into cancer. I will have a follow up procedure in 3 months to see my progression and how the medicine is working.

Right now I am just working on processing everything and changing my diet. Please don’t spam me with medical advice. I trust my doctor and I trust that he is looking out for my best interest. Thank you for all of the positive thoughts and prayers! We are continuing to pray for a positive outcome from this!

For now pray for my sanity to make it through this diet change 🤪 cause I really really love steak 😭

With all of this being said, I will be moving to mainly day streams(depending on Jason’s work schedule).

I love you guys and as always appreciate the continued support throughout my streaming career! ❤️❤️❤️


No stream tonight y’all. The day got away from me and I gotta get the kiddos and myself in bed! I’m exhausted.

Tomorrow is my families last day in town so I may or may not stream tomorrow night! I will keep you all posted! For now, enjoy this picture of my sweet boy enjoying asparagus tonight ❤️


Hi everyone!

So.... mom duty calls. I will be going live around 730 instead of 7. The giveaway entry window will now close at 830 est! See you all soon 😘



For starters, I officially have a custom PC being made that will be here in 3-4 weeks! A HUGE thank you to Jason Barrios for surprising me with this before I could get it for myself.


GIVEAWAYS ARE TOMORROW NIGHT! You must be present, type !notify in the chat, and like the stream to be entered. There will also be a give away for just one of my top fans! I’ll be going live around 7pm!

Thank you for the continued support and love! See you all tomorrow night ❤️


Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been mia this weekend. My family is in town from Florida so I’ve been soaking up as much time as I can!

I am going to possibly be doing a late night stream tonight so keep your eyes out! Hope to see y’all there 😘




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