👂 THIRD EPISODE is here!
In this episode, we explored:
1. James and Natasha's journey of discovering their ideal listing
2. Exploring the multitude of benefits associated with the implementation of self-check-in systems.
3. James strategies for handling a challenging guest, including his use of AI to craft neutral responses.
4. The art of striking a balance in crafting a welcoming environment for hosts while maintaining a cost-effective approach when replacing/buying furniture.
5. AIRBNB Community: STRHOSTONLY | FB group and ABHLiving.
✅ RSS: https://rss.com/podcasts/dontbedirty/1189285/
✅ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4dBJgzTuQdTPYzb7d3aEle?si=oKR_L1WETjejcH4exbRKJQ
✅ Apple: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/7c048b60-aaca-4e84-8e82-b5805a374ef9/episodes/5349dc89-a9ca-4c36-8cdb-74fb22c5b8e6/don't-be-dirty-james-folk's-beach-house-bliss-a-glimpse-of-the-great-south-bay