Saw @fredagainagainagainagainagain in Porto a couple of weeks ago in the pissing rain @primaverasound_porto - contrast to the scorching sun kissed beats could be bigger - was blown away in Porto and loved this glasto set too #glastonbury2023
The worst kept secret set of Glastonbury 2023 - probably the 1st time I’ve seen @foofighters during daylight hours since around 1996! Amazing set, smashing out the hits in a condensed 60 mins. Singing at the top of my voice & huge cheesy smiles all around #glastonburyfestival2023 #thechurnups #pyramidstage #davegrohl #pretender #glasto #glastofest
Think it’s the 1st time I’ve seen @beck since V97 - a huge crowd - a huge show and smashed through all the hits. One man with his guitar living his best life #nosprimaverasound #festivallife #porto
Day 1 of #nosprimaverasound and headline act Tame Impala started about 1am - the kids seemed to love it but felt more Lame Impala for me…
New episode out now - it’s correspondence and #nlehalloffame time - this week we choose who gets in with the letter N. Will it be #Nirvana #ninasimone #neworder or @nitinsawhney - the team make their cases! Also the usual confusion, chaos and commentary - feedback from @ricardo_vinyl , feedback from Ukraine, Facebook and @ross_martin_music
So bloody good #arcadefire at the opening night for #koko in Camden. They were immense. All the hits, managed to get right to the front and the crowd were awesome. What a great gig @ianlboardman