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BusBench Babes Welcome to the Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench podcast community where we invite you to Check Yo

Sound anything like you? 👇Social media is flooded with so-called experts telling us that in order to have a successful r...

Sound anything like you? 👇

Social media is flooded with so-called experts telling us that in order to have a successful real estate business we need online leads and that we can’t survive on just our sphere alone. Guess what? It’s simply not true. Our business was up 86% last year, yes that’s right, WE THRIVED last year with a sphere based business. You don’t need to spend 10 thousand dollars on Zillow leads. You need a real estate brand that converts!

Join us for our first ever Beta Mastermind Workshop where we will meet you in the work and break down the steps on how to create a real estate brand that converts.

In this 6 week workshop mastermind you will:

-Identify the pillars of your brand and how they relate to your clients, the deep dive Kristi does with all her branding clients.
-Learn from our special guest, .widener , how to effectively market your services using your unique human design profile.
-Learn how to position yourself in the industry through messaging and how to use the power of your story as one one of your greatest marketing tools.
-Take a look at visuals and identity and how they relate to one another.
-Create effective copy that will serve and connect with clients and learn how to make it cohesive across all platforms.
-Integrate and blend the marketing with the work to create a real estate brand that converts into sales.

Are you ready to dive in? Shoot us a DM or head to the link in our bio to save your seat. Mastermind Workshop starts next week. If not now, when?


Grab your tissues!Back in March we attended the EXP Fast Forward conference in San Diego, and while we were there we hea...

Grab your tissues!

Back in March we attended the EXP Fast Forward conference in San Diego, and while we were there we heard a Realtor speak, and he wasn’t talking about real estate, sales, or marketing, he was talking about imposter syndrome.

That Realtor’s name was Mike Proctor, and he’s a top producing agent on the Whissle team in San Diego, and while Mike is an amazing Realtor, what we believe is the truly important work he is doing is talking about imposter syndrome, vulnerability, mental health, and parenthood.

His message is not one that is being shared all over, and it is certainly not one we hear being spoken from the stage of a real estate conference, and we hope that Mike is changing that. No pressure, Mike!

We talked with Mike about how imposter syndrome impacted him, and how he worked to overcome it, mental health and being in sales, fatherhood and family life, and so much more. This was a super vulnerable conversation and we are so grateful to be able to share this one with you.

Head to the link below or search for the "Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench" podcast wherever you get yours.

Back in March we attended the EXP Fast Forward conference in San Diego, and while we were there we heard a Realtor speak, and he wasn’t talking about real estate, sales, or marketing, he was talking about imposter syndrome. That Realtor’s name was Mike Proctor, and he’s a top producing agent o...

The most important thing for the marketing of any business is consistency. 💪Consistency is the driving force behind your...

The most important thing for the marketing of any business is consistency.
Consistency is the driving force behind your brand ultimately reaching your ideal client. It doesn’t matter what platform you are using to reach your audience, consistency is the key.
Consistency with email marketing is the most impactful and reliable way to move your business forward. You don’t own your Instagram, you don’t own your Tik Tok, but you do own your email list.
Oftentimes when we start talking about email marketing the first question is "Where do I start?” This week on the podcast Kristi goes through a nurture sequence, otherwise known as a marketing funnel. A funnel is the process of converting traffic using a freebie, coupon code, ebook, or whatever your lead magnet is.
After the free content has been delivered a series of automated emails will follow that will educate about your mission, who you are and how you can serve this new prospective client.
This is the heart of any good online marketing strategy and walks you through a step by step guide on how to do this on this week's show. Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” podcast wherever you get yours.

The most important thing for the marketing of any business is consistency. Consistency is the driving force behind your brand ultimately reaching your ideal client. It doesn’t matter what platform you are using to reach your audience, consistency is the key. We believe that email marketing is the ...

100! Woot woot! 🎉Can you believe it? We can’t! This week is all about celebrating and we are thrilled you are here for i...

100! Woot woot!
Can you believe it? We can’t! This week is all about celebrating and we are thrilled you are here for it.
We are reflecting on our podcasting journey; we share the surprising aspects of running a podcast, what has been the most fun and enjoyable parts of doing the show, and some of the lessons we have learned along the way.
We are so grateful to everyone who’s come along on this journey with us. When we started the show one of the main goals was to build a community where everyone had a seat at the table and 100 episodes in we definitely feel we have succeeded at that goal which is so dang cool!
As we continue to grow this amazing community, we want you to know that none of this would be possible without all of you. We can’t say thank you enough for tuning in each week, and we are so excited for all that the future holds.
We have a favor to ask you, will you share this show with one of your friends? Building this community is what keeps us going and we are so thankful you are on this journey with us!
Head to the link below to listen now or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” podcast on your favorite podcast app.

Episode 100! Woot woot! We can hardly believe we have done 100 shows! This show is all about celebrating and we even have a special announcement for you at the end of the show! This week is a reflection on our podcasting journey; we share the surprising aspects of running a podcast, what has been th

It's all the buzz..Interest rates have been a hot topic in real estate over the last year. We saw historical lows the pr...

It's all the buzz..

Interest rates have been a hot topic in real estate over the last year. We saw historical lows the previous two years and when interest rates went back up it seems like people had a hard time adjusting their expectations.

A lot of prospective buyers and sellers decided to wait and see how things played out, and while interest rates have come back down a little bit in recent months, in a lot of markets there is still low inventory so buyers are facing a lot of competition. This week we have on mortgage professional, Lisa Wells to talk about all things mortgages and interest rates, and what affects interest rates.

She gives us all the stats, and tells us why waiting it out is just costing you even more money than buying now. This episode is one you will want to forward to your clients who are stuck on the fence on whether or not purchasing in 2023 is going to happen for them.

Head to the link below to listen to the "Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench" podcast now.

Interest rates have been a hot topic in real estate over the last year. We saw historical lows the previous two years and when interest rates went back up it seems like people had a hard time adjusting their expectations. A lot of prospective buyers and sellers decided to wait and see how things pla

We are all content creators, right?The reality is if you are operating a brand 2023, whether that be in real estate or s...

We are all content creators, right?

The reality is if you are operating a brand 2023, whether that be in real estate or something totally different, you are almost certainly creating content. We yell it from the rooftops that if you have a business you need a brand, and your brand needs to be on social media.

Are you using a content calendar, or do you just post when inspiration strikes? Maybe you are doing a little of both, and that’s great. If you are not using a content calendar at all we encourage you to give it a go, because not only will it help to reduce your overall workload on managing your social media, it will also provide strategy and structure for your brand on your social channels. With organization and planning you will truly be able to use analytics as a tool to guide you in what is working, what is not working and hopefully streamline your process and reduce some of the friction that can come up when managing your social media.

This week we are diving into our process of how to build and create a content calendar. Kristi sits down with Karey White the administrator at the BPR Experience, and Karey asks Kristi anything and everything about developing a content calendar and marketing strategy. Kristi also touches on how to lean into your strengths and truly find your super powers, so that the real you can shine through. The best part is that you don’t need a bunch of tools to make this happen, Google docs, Google sheets, a notebook and a pen, or maybe even an actual calendar to write on. There is more than one way to make this work, but none of them have to cost you more than your time and creativity. Kristi absolutely loves this topic and we are so excited to share this with you!

This episode is not only jam packed with info to get you started on your own content calendar today, but it also includes our very first BusBench Babes™ Insider BONUS episode where Kristi shares 7 things you need to ask yourself before you create your personal brand. Head to the link below to listen now:

If you are operating a brand 2023, whether that be in real estate or something totally different, you are almost certainly creating content. We yell it from the rooftops that if you have a business you need a brand, and your brand needs to be on social media.  Are you using a content calen

Stuck on what to post next?👇Are you overwhelmed by social media and all the things you are told you should be doing on h...

Stuck on what to post next?
Are you overwhelmed by social media and all the things you are told you should be doing on here? Do you feel like you are screaming to the masses and not being heard? Or maybe you can’t figure out why you aren’t reaching your ideal client when you are trying really, really hard.
It can be frustrating and make you want to give up. We get it. Instead, start with asking yourself these 3 questions before you hit post.
Want more? Head to the link in our bio to listen to this week’s podcast where Kristi shares how to repurpose content that makes sense your both your client and your brand.


Incredible, life changing things happen when you push yourself out of your comfort zone.✨Showing up, trying something ne...

Incredible, life changing things happen when you push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Showing up, trying something new, even when it scares the crap out of you, even when you suck at it, is where the growth happens.
What are you allowing yourself to be bad at this week? Let us know in the comments below?


Don't make this mistake.👇It’s all about goal and intention setting around here and this week on the podcast  sits down w...

Don't make this mistake.
It’s all about goal and intention setting around here and this week on the podcast sits down with .widener where she shares how to set goals and intentions that are actually in alignment with your life, with what you truly want out of your business, and how to go about assessing what you truly want to aim for in 2023.

You may remember Katrina from Episode 17 where we dive into Operating Your Business In Alignment and Episode 47 where she shares what Human Design Is and How It Can Change Your Life. If you haven’t checked those out, they are a must!
Setting your goals and intentions for the year can be such a pressure filled task whether it be for you in your personal life or for your business, and then once the goals have been set trying to meet them can add a whole new set of pressures. Katrina is skilled at breaking down how to go about finding the things that are working the best for you naturally, how to set your goals around that, and how to find ways to maximize your ROI while also finding ease in your day to day so that you can get the most out of your work, and feel good while doing it.
Katrina is full of wisdom, and even if you already have your goals and intentions set for the year, this episode might have you wanting to go back and revisit them through a different lens.
Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” wherever you get your podcasts.

We are back this week with another episode talking about goals and intentions, but this week we are taking a little different approach. We have Katrina Widener with us to talk about setting goals and intentions that are actually in alignment with your life, with what you truly want out of your busin

Feeling guilty?🫢If you haven’t set your goals for 2023 yet or you wrote a few down but they just don’t make sense, you a...

Feeling guilty?
If you haven’t set your goals for 2023 yet or you wrote a few down but they just don’t make sense, you aren’t alone.

This week on the podcast Katrina Widener shares a different way to approach goal setting, how to make it work for you and your business, how the mainstream way can leave you feeling confused and lacking clarity and her approach just might be a little different than you are used to.

Are you ready to tackle 2023 with intention and alignment and see how impactful that can be for your business? And your life? This episode was created for you!
Head to the link in our bio or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” on your favorite podcast app.


With the blazing hot real estate market we’ve experienced over the last few years a lot of us are fortunate to be sittin...

With the blazing hot real estate market we’ve experienced over the last few years a lot of us are fortunate to be sitting on a nice amount of equity in our homes. Rather than just let that equity sit there doing nothing, why not put it to work for you?
A home equity line of credit, or HELOC, is a great way to make use of the equity you have built up in your home. There are creative ways to put that to use, like buying a cabin, buying a rental property, using it to purchase a flip, or even buying a property to use as an Airbnb. You can also just use it to do updates on your home which will just increase the value of your house if or when you choose to sell down the road.
Even if you have never considered doing any of this, getting that line of credit when you don’t need it can be a great advantage to you if you happen to want that money for something in a hurry. If you don’t end up using it it’s not hurting anything just sitting there.
Now saying all of this we are definitely not encouraging anyone to go out and use that home equity like an ATM. A lot of people fell victim to this back when the market crashed, and we certainly don’t want that for anyone. What we are talking about is using that home equity to help you build wealth for yourself and your family.
If a home equity line of credit is something you’ve been curious about or something you know you need to be educating your clients about, we’ve got all the info for you in this week’s podcast episode.
Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” wherever you get your podcasts.

With the blazing hot real estate market we’ve experienced over the last few years a lot of us are fortunate to be sitting on a nice amount of equity in our homes. Rather than just let that equity sit there doing nothing, why not put it to work for you? A home equity line of credit, or HELOC, is a ...

New year, new you, right? Or so they say…The new year always brings about resolutions, goals and intentions, and we are ...

New year, new you, right? Or so they say…

The new year always brings about resolutions, goals and intentions, and we are here for it. We did just do a goal and intention setting episode after all! But with all that can also bring the pressure to do do do! It can also lead to shame if we slip up, have a setback, or don’t achieve our goals exactly as we set out to when the year started.

That drive to accomplish all of our goals and tackle everything can also lead to toxic productivity. Now I’m sure we’ve all heard of toxic positivity, but there is also something called toxic productivity. Ever heard of it? Well last year we did an episode about this time, Episode 45: Productivity Hacks That Create Freedom. Sounds great, right? We all want to be more productive but sometimes with all the best intentions we push ourselves to constantly be checking things off, over scheduling, and always working on something. So guilty of this, anyone else?

Guess what? It doesn't have to be that way, we promise! You can have all of your goals, all of your scheduling, crush those to do lists and still leave yourself some space to just be, and see what the universe hands you. We don't know about you, but that feels like the most important part to us.

This week on the podcast, Kristi is sharing how we can combat toxic productivity and still feel like we've accomplished exactly what we needed to and even free up a little white space for ourselves. Sound like a dream? Head to the link below to listen and be inspired.

For all the info on productivity hacks to create freedom that we shared last year be sure to go back and check out Episode 43 if you missed it or to give yourself a refresher!

The new year always brings about resolutions, goals and intentions, and we are here for all of it! We did just do a goal and intention setting episode after all! But with all that can also bring the pressure to do do do! It can also lead to shame if we slip up, have a setback, or don’t achieve our...

It's the most wonderful time…✨This week’s episode is one of our favorite things we do on this show all year, and once ag...

It's the most wonderful time…

This week’s episode is one of our favorite things we do on this show all year, and once again we asked you, the community, to call in and share your favorite Christmas and holiday memories with us.
This episode was so much fun! We had a lot of laughs sharing our memories, and we received some great messages from you as well!

We hope you enjoy this episode while you are finishing up your shopping, and getting ready to enjoy Christmas or whatever tradition you celebrate this year!
Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” in your favorite podcast app for a little extra holiday magic this week.

Alright friends, this is one of our favorite things we do on this show all year, and once again we asked you, the community, to call in and share your favorite Christmas and holiday memories with us. This episode was so much fun! We had a lot of laughs sharing our memories, and we received some grea

Are you sure you’re ready for this one?🎙We have Amy Barton Cotney on the podcast this week and she is sharing how she’s ...

Are you sure you’re ready for this one?
We have Amy Barton Cotney on the podcast this week and she is sharing how she’s built a brand that is so truly, authentically her it’s almost like she’s not even trying. Amy Barton Cotney- Realtor is a Realtor in Auburn, Alabama. She has built a following on TikTok of over 1 million people, and if you haven’t checked out her page yet you need to, like now!
She and her husband (who undoubtedly looks like Jack Black) are hysterical and so much fun to watch. Whether she’s sliding across countertops or what she likes to call them, bars, working on dance moves with a glass of wine in hand, sporting her Bad Ass Realtor t-shirt (no joke, she even has her own merchandise line!) or dressing in every color of the rainbow, and being dubbed Rainbow Brite by her husband.
Amy’s social media presence doesn’t stop there, she’s on all the channels, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and according to her she’s just having so much fun it’s not even work. Amy shares how she deals with haters and difficult people on social media, what it looks like to have an authentic social media presence and how she is taking social handle and making it something like we’ve never seen before.
Realtor or not, this episode will have you laughing your butt off and feeling inspired to be so authentically YOU.
Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” on your favorite podcast app.

Creating a brand, we talk about it here all the time, and if you’ve been listening to the show for a little while you know our belief that you need a brand to be successful in your business whether you’re in real estate or not. Well today’s guest, Amy Barton Cotney, has built a brand that is s...

Pass the pumpkin pie!🥧 It’s Thanksgiving week and we we taking this time to share all that we are thankful for and sprea...

Pass the pumpkin pie!
It’s Thanksgiving week and we we taking this time to share all that we are thankful for and spreading gratitude because we really do have so much to be thankful for this year, and that most certainly includes YOU!
This week we asked our listeners, YOU, to call into the show and leave us a message about what you are thankful for, and we loved hearing you share real life examples of gratitude! Thank you to everyone who reached out to us with a message, and in case you missed it we would still love to hear from you, so hit us up on social, drop us a DM, and let us know what you are giving thanks for this year.
This is the perfect episode to turn on as you run those last minute errands and prep for all things Thanksgiving! Head to the link below or search for the "Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench" on your favorite podcast app to listen now.

Alright friends, it’s Thanksgiving week! So we are taking this time to share all that we are thankful for and spreading gratitude because we really do have so much to be thankful for this year, and that most certainly includes YOU! This week we also asked for our listeners, YOU, to call into the s...

Have you ever dreamed of investing in real estate or owning your own rental properties? ✨So many of us have! Owning rent...

Have you ever dreamed of investing in real estate or owning your own rental properties?

So many of us have! Owning rental properties can be a great way to earn a passive income, and build wealth. Getting started can seem daunting and the questions a lot of people have is where do you get the money to get started and how can you keep having the cash flow to buy multiple properties?
On this week's episode we have Conor Hesch of , Senior Mortgage Loan Advisor with Bell Bank. One of his specialties is helping investors with multi-unit investing. Conor and his team don’t just help others with investing in real estate, he is also investing in real estate and rentals himself.
He shared his story of how he got started, some of the mistakes he’s made, advice he would give to someone getting started and a lot of his tricks of the trade for getting together the cash flow and financing to start your journey. Conor is super knowledgeable and passionate about helping others and this was such an informative conversation.
Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” podcast to listen now.

Have you ever dreamed of investing in real estate or owning your own rental properties? So many of us have! Owning rental properties can be a great way to earn a passive income, and build wealth. Getting started can seem daunting, and the questions a lot of people have is where do you get the money

Just start. 🎉Have you ever dreamed of getting a bunch of gal pals together to go into business on a wild idea? 🤷‍♀️Well ...

Just start.
Have you ever dreamed of getting a bunch of gal pals together to go into business on a wild idea?
Well that is exactly what the female founders of The Guest House in Excelsior, Minnesota did! Nine (yes nine) female investors got together to purchase and renovate the beautiful bed and breakfast that is now, The Guest House.
These women all met one another through another women’s networking group and came together to transform this beautiful historic property in downtown Excelsior into this amazing and charming Inn.
They even did a reality TV show called Miss INNdependent to document the whole process! We had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the 9 founders, Jennifer Dierkhising to chat all about how this came together, the challenges they faced and what it’s like to be working together with 9 women running a bed and breakfast.

We truly believe who you surround yourself with matters and these 9 women are proof of it! This story is inspirational and all about women kicking ass!
Ready to feel women empowerment to the max? Head to the link below or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” on your favorite podcast app to listen now.

Have you ever dreamed of getting a bunch of gal pals together to go into business on a wild idea? Well that is exactly what the female founders of The Guest House in Excelsior did! Nine (yes nine) female investors got together to purchase and renovate the beautiful bed and breakfast that is now The

What does it actually mean anyway?🌲Building an evergreen business has become the dream for a small business or entrepren...

What does it actually mean anyway?
Building an evergreen business has become the dream for a small business or entrepreneur, but what does it actually mean to be an evergreen business?
An evergreen business is one that is driven by marketing, products and services that don’t have an expiration date. Things that are timeless that someone will return to long after they have been published. Think the opposite of flash sales and seasonal promotions. Being evergreen is creating something that is repeatable, scalable, and provides value that stands the test of time. And maybe even makes you money while you sleep.

This week Kristi sat down with Allison Burns of AllieMarie Design , a graphic designer and brand stylist here in the Minneapolis area, and she shared how she has done just that with her business all while balancing motherhood, marriage, making time for herself and preparing for the arrival of baby #2.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart and Allison is opening up her heart and sharing what life really looks like behind the scenes juggling all the things and finding and defining work-life-balance. This episode is inspiring and one that will meet you right where you are at.
Are you a mompreneur juggling small business, life and searching for harmony in it all? This episode is for you! Head to the link below to listen now or search for the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” in your favorite podcast app.

Building an evergreen business has become the dream for a small business or entrepreneur, but what does it actually mean to be an evergreen business? An evergreen business is one that is driven by marketing, products and services that don’t have an expiration date. Things that are timeless that so...

You can do hard things.💪The market has shifted, the anticipation of what’s next for 2023 can be a bit, well nerve rackin...

You can do hard things.
The market has shifted, the anticipation of what’s next for 2023 can be a bit, well nerve racking. But guess what? Now isn’t the time to stop, to hold back, to quit. Keep going, keep moving forward and know that those small efforts you put in daily will pay off. Maybe not exactly how you thought they would, maybe even better.
This week on the podcast shares how instead of giving up when the market crashed in 2009, she ran towards the fire and created a business, a legacy, and carved her own path to the top.

Now isn’t the time to quit, it’s the time to move. Tag someone below who needs a little inspo today and head to the link in our bio to listen to this week’s episode of the “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” podcast for a loving kick in the pants that you can do this.


Coming straight from the top.💥Mortgage rates have been a hot topic in the real estate world for a little while now, and ...

Coming straight from the top.
Mortgage rates have been a hot topic in the real estate world for a little while now, and this week we have an expert on the subject, Elly Cummings, a Senior Vice President at .
Elly has had a front row seat to everything in the mortgage business for almost 20 years. She survived the housing market crash in 2009, and even started her own mortgage company right in the middle of it all! She shares her story on how she got started in the business, how she succeeded in the worst of times, and how she rose to the top as a woman in a male dominated industry.
We also get into the details about what her predictions are for interest rates, if she thinks the housing market is going to crash, her thoughts on a recession and what her outlook is for 2023. Elly is a total badass and an absolutely brilliant human being, and her insight and wisdom on this week's episode are top notch.
Elly’s story is super inspiring and we are so excited to share it with you. Head to the link below or search for “Girl, Get Your Face Off A Bus Bench” on your favorite podcast app to listen now.

Mortgage rates have been a hot topic in the real estate world for a little while now, and this week we have an expert on the subject, Elly Cummings, a Senior Vice President at New American Funding. She has had a front row seat to everything in the mortgage business for almost 20 years. She survived

Are your buyers waiting for interest rates to come down? Or maybe they are waiting for the market to crash?🔥The market p...

Are your buyers waiting for interest rates to come down? Or maybe they are waiting for the market to crash?
The market probably isn’t going to crash anytime soon, but a correction and slow down - for sure! And rates - they go up and they down…that’s historically what rates do.
We are sharing our favorite interest rate talking points we have used with success and hope you find them valuable too.
We need to remember that the consumer doesn’t do this day in and day out like we do, so most people don’t know about all of their options.
We believe information is power and the more we can become a knowledge broker and arm our clients with *accurate* information, the better off we all are.
Head to last week’s podcast episode where takes a deep dive into how the team is educating their buyers during these uncertain times and head to this week’s episode where and Beth share why NOW is still the best time to buy.
And remember, if you aren’t reaching out to your clients and sharing your expertise, another agent in your area is….




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