It was a privilege to spend Women’s Equality Day with these amazing leaders and to also celebrate the release of our latest Mission Matters book. 12 Women, many of them pictured here, contributed their writing and stories to create this book. Big thanks to Dr. Nancy O'Reilly, Psy.D for spearheading this initiative and to Gloria Feldt and Take The Lead Women for allowing us to do the launch at your 10th anniversary conference and celebration in Washington DC.
Meet the authors:
Ashley Avis
Doree Donaldson
Dr. Nancy O’Reilly
Dr. Sheila Robinson
Elisa Parker
Gloria Feldt
Jensine Larsen
Linda Rendleman,M.S.
Marguerita (Rita) Cheng, CFP®
Melissa Miller Young
Tiffany Shlain
Zakiya Thomas