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Voiceofthechurch Our only goal is to make the glory of God known in the world and, in doing so, bring hope and strength to those who come to know Christ, our Saviour.

Check out this week's meditation on Psalm 3 entitled 'The Prayer of the Oppressed," which was prepared by Rev. Cody Swav...

Check out this week's meditation on Psalm 3 entitled 'The Prayer of the Oppressed," which was prepared by Rev. Cody Swaving.


Psalm 3 was written by King David while he was fleeing from his son Absalom, who was attempting to take the throne. In the midst of this betrayal, David looked to God as the source of his salvation and comfort - in direct contradiction to what his enemies were telling him (v2).

David looked to God for justice and deliverance from those who were oppressing him. In the same way, when we are being oppressed or put down, we can rest, secure in the knowledge that the resolution is in God's hands.

Listen to this week's meditation on Psalm 2, 'Perspective on a World in Turmoil' prepared by Rev. Cody Swaving.sermonaud...

Listen to this week's meditation on Psalm 2, 'Perspective on a World in Turmoil' prepared by Rev. Cody Swaving.


The first verses of Psalm 2 speak of tension, opposition and conflict - a far cry from the blessedness we found in Psalm 1. We can relate to this in our lives - we find peace in God, but then we turn our eyes to the world around us and see suffering, injustice and turmoil. We ask, 'Why?' which is the same question Psalm 2 asks, but the way this psalm finishes this question, 'Why do the nations conspire against God Almighty?' is not the way we would tend to finish the question.

Tune in to this week's meditation (link above) to hear about our good and gracious God, who continues to offer his gift of salvation to a rebellious world. God is in control, may you continue to find comfort and refuge in him.

Listen to this week's mediation on Psalm 1, 'A Blessed Life' (link below). Tune in every week this month to hear meditat...

Listen to this week's mediation on Psalm 1, 'A Blessed Life' (link below). Tune in every week this month to hear meditations on the book of Psalms prepared by Rev. Cody Swaving.


The first word in the book of Psalms is 'blessed' and the first verses of the first psalm give a description of a blessed life. The opposite of blessed is to perish, or life apart from God as described in the second half of Psalm 1. Listen to hear more on what a blessed life looks like, and how Jesus Christ, our saviour, has made it possible for us to move from the way of perishing to the way of blessedness.

Check out this week's meditation 'Knowing God' by Pastor Jake Torenvliet.sermonaudio.com/sermon/4721131323984We tend to ...

Check out this week's meditation 'Knowing God' by Pastor Jake Torenvliet.


We tend to fixate on our own circumstances and so easily make ourselves the centre of the universe. Then when life becomes difficult and we experience suffering we become overwhelmed with anxiety and lash out. Life quickly becomes a struggle and a bore.

We were made for a greater purpose - to know God and to be intimately known by him. But what does it mean to know God? Listen to this week's meditation (link above) to hear more.

Listen to this week's meditation 'Taming the Tongue' prepared by Pastor Jake Torenvliet.sermonaudio.com/sermon/472112330...

Listen to this week's meditation 'Taming the Tongue' prepared by Pastor Jake Torenvliet.


Have you ever wondered what it was like in the Garden of Eden to be with tame lions, tigers and other animals? Maybe you have witnessed someone who has tamed a wild animal interact with a dolphin, an owl or a bear? Wild animals can be tamed and trained to do many impressive things, but the story is different when it comes to controlling our tongues.

Click the link above to hear more about what the Bible says about the impact of the words that we speak.

Check out the second video in our Easter Anticipation series 'Following in the Humble Footsteps of our Saviour' by Pasto...

Check out the second video in our Easter Anticipation series 'Following in the Humble Footsteps of our Saviour' by Pastor Daniel Ventura.

While how we celebrate Easter may look different this year, the message of Easter remains firm and certain. May we, as a church, be united around this and together sing, 'Hallelujah!'


In anticipation of Easter, we have a message from Pastor Daniel Ventura based on Philippians 2:1-11."So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort ...

The final meditation in the series 'The I AM Statements of Christ' is now available. Click the link below to listen to a...

The final meditation in the series 'The I AM Statements of Christ' is now available. Click the link below to listen to a message on Jesus' statement, 'I AM the way, the truth and the life' brought to you by Pastor Steve Swets.


Jesus is the way through which God came to us and he is also, through his sacrifice on the cross, the way that we may draw near to God. He is the truth who reveals to us the will of God the Father. He is the life who is our gateway to eternal life.

In anticipation of the upcoming celebration of Easter, we have released a new video: ‘Christ’s Victory shown in the Chur...

In anticipation of the upcoming celebration of Easter, we have released a new video: ‘Christ’s Victory shown in the Church’s Victory’ by Pastor Greg Bylsma.

Head over to our YouTube channel to listen: https://youtu.be/nGC0FPxk6n8

May God bless you in the coming week!

Listen to this week's meditation (link below) 'I AM the Good Shepherd', prepared by Pastor Steve Swets.sermonaudio.com/s...

Listen to this week's meditation (link below) 'I AM the Good Shepherd', prepared by Pastor Steve Swets.


The people of Israel had experienced the leadership of many bad shepherds (e.g. Jeremiah 23) and were longing for the promised messianic shepherd (Isaiah 40:11) . Jesus identifies himself as this good shepherd - a shepherd who knows, loves and cares for his sheep. A shepherd who is willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of his sheep.

We are the sheep of Jesus. Do you feel alone, burdened to the point of tears, misunderstood or vulnerable? Christ Jesus is a shepherd who know our weaknesses, has experienced our pain, and calls out to us that we may come to him for forgiveness and healing. Listen to this week's message to hear more about what Jesus, our good shepherd, has done and continues to do for us.

Throughout the gospel of John, Jesus reveals aspects of his character through various statements beginning with the word...

Throughout the gospel of John, Jesus reveals aspects of his character through various statements beginning with the words 'I am'. In saying he is 'the Light of the world' Jesus is telling us many things about himself: he is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, foreshadowed in the light that led the Israelites in the story of their redemption from Egypt (Exodus 13:21-22) and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy (Isaiah 9:2). He is also identifying himself as the light that continues to guide us, his people, today on our journey of redemption from sin.

Listen to this week's meditation where Pastor Steve Swets further expands upon this statement of Jesus (link below). As we move closer to the celebration of Easter, may we continue to meditate on and find comfort in the unchanging faithfulness of our God throughout history. Jesus Christ has come, and has obtained for us redemption from our sins. Hallelujah!


We live in a world where many things are uncertain, but God's word is certain and will remain unchanged forever. This wo...

We live in a world where many things are uncertain, but God's word is certain and will remain unchanged forever. This word repeatedly reminds us to 'Fear not'. In John 12:32, it is Jesus, himself, who speaks these words. The things in this life that ultimately matter - those of eternal significance - do not depend on us. Our 'treasure in heaven', the forgiveness of our sins and the coming of God's kingdom, depend on God who has revealed himself to us as a loving Father and is delighted to give us these gifts.

Tune in to this week's meditation to hear more about 'The Perfect Gift' God has in store for us (link below). A big thank you to Pastor Greg Bylsma for preparing meditations for the month of February. In the month of March we welcome Pastor Steve Swets who has prepared meditations on the theme 'The I AM Sayings of Christ'.


We all have goals. The key question is: Do we let our goal of living for God's kingdom influence our lives? Do we discip...

We all have goals. The key question is: Do we let our goal of living for God's kingdom influence our lives? Do we discipline ourselves and modify our behaviour, as we would to achieve a business, sports or personal development goal, to build God's kingdom?

Tune in to this week's meditation 'Running the Race' (link below) by Pastor Greg Bylsma to hear more on what building God's kingdom practically looks like in the lives of His children. While there are times and places for protests, marches and petitions, these are not the primary tools for this work. The tools God has given us are the good news of Jesus Christ, prayer, humility, love and turning the other cheek.

As Christians, we don't have the power to change hearts, but we do have a calling to be a light to the world. May we, together, turn our priorities to align with those of our Heavenly Father and join with our brothers and sisters in all times and places as we pray the prayer Jesus taught us: 'Your kingdom come, your will be done.'


Jesus is the ultimate example of someone with privilege - he is almighty and eternal God. In the same way, he is the ult...

Jesus is the ultimate example of someone with privilege - he is almighty and eternal God. In the same way, he is the ultimate example of how to make use of our privilege. Jesus did not exploit others but he was also not ashamed of this privilege. Rather, he put it to use in acts of service in obedience to God the Father and out of love for us.

'And being found in human form, he humbled himself to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him.' (v8-9).

Glory is not achieved by using position or gifts to have power and influence over others. Christ was exalted because of his humble obedience and service to others. In the same way, God will exalt us when we use our gifts and privileges not to serve our own desires, but to humbly serve others (1 Peter 5:6).

Listen to this week's meditation 'The Pattern of Christ's Humble Love' to hear Pastor Daniel Ventura further delve into this theme (link below). As this month draws to a close, may God continue to bless you with the strength, patience and humility required to endure during these challenging times and we pray that you feel the nearness of his love.


When Augustine, an early christian saint, was asked what is most important in the christian life, he replied that the fi...

When Augustine, an early christian saint, was asked what is most important in the christian life, he replied that the first is humility, the second is humility and the third is humility.

Humility gives you a spirit to listen to understand, rather than pushing your opinions. Humility gives you a spirit to reach out and care for those around you and a desire to see to their needs. The ultimate picture of what it means to be humble is given to us by our saviour, Jesus Christ, who, 'though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men... he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.' (Phil 2:8-9)

Listen to this week's meditation 'A Plea for Humble Christian Love' as we explore what it means to be humble, especially in the context we currently find ourselves (link below). Thanks to Pastor Daniel Ventura for preparing meditations for the month of January!


God has revealed himself to us as 'merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulnes...

God has revealed himself to us as 'merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness' (Exodus 34:6). Things around us continue to change and be uncertain, but our heavenly Father remains faithful and we can continue to find rest in His love.

We are called to be a reflection of the heart of God to those around us. Listen to this week's meditation 'Patience with People' to hear more about the promises of God and how we can share the love he shows us with those around us. Audio can be found on VocieOfTheChurch.org or on SermonAudio (link below).

Thanks to Pastor Daniel Ventura for preparing meditations for the month of January under the theme 'Peace and Patience in a Pandemic'.


The book of Ruth ends with a genealogy - a family tree showing how the people in this story are descendants of Judah, th...

The book of Ruth ends with a genealogy - a family tree showing how the people in this story are descendants of Judah, the son of Jacob, and are themselves the great-great... grandparents of Israel's King David. While we may find this curious, it points to a deeper purpose for this book. It is not just a love story between Ruth and Boaz. This book is the story of the birth of the royal house of Israel. It is not only the tale of God coming to the rescue of Ruth and Naomi. This story points to God's continuing work to fulfil his promise for a saviour, even through the seemingly inconsequential lives of ordinary people.

Join us for this week's mediation 'God is at work' (link below) to explore the impact of these words on the message of the book of Ruth and for our lives today. Thank you to Rev. Jeff Temple for preparing mediations for the month of October.

It is our prayer that you find comfort in the knowledge that God is unchanging and continues the work to fulfill his promises.


We are living in a world that has dramatically changed in just a few short months. Where is God in times like this? Is h...

We are living in a world that has dramatically changed in just a few short months. Where is God in times like this? Is he aware of what is happening? What about God's promise that he will continuously work for the good of his people? The story found in the Bible book of Ruth provides insights into the character and ongoing work of God which continues, even today.

The story of Ruth begins with a famine in the land of Israel, and a family leaving Israel to find respite in the nearby country of Moab. In this foreign country, the father and sons die leaving their mother, Naomi, alone except for two Moabite daughter-in-laws. Naomi is angry and bitter - feeling that God has turned against her. But, as she returns to Israel accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Ruth, the greater plan of God to provide for not only the needs of Naomi, but also those of the whole world, is being brought one step forward to completion.

Tune in this week's meditation 'Trusting in God in Trying Times' to explore how God was working in the story of Ruth and the message it has for us today. Many thanks to Rev. Jeff Temple for preparing meditations for the month of October.


Many think of Christianity as a set of rules - this is a gross mischaracterization. The truth is there are rules, but we...

Many think of Christianity as a set of rules - this is a gross mischaracterization. The truth is there are rules, but we follow them because of Jesus Christ who gave his life to free us from slavery to sin. We have freedom through his sacrifice and this freedom is to be used to serve those around us - to show love and do good to the people around us.

Tune in to this week's meditation 'Called to Freedom' to hear Pastor Daniel Ventura further explain the freedom of the gospel. Even in these uncertain times, we may stand confidently in this freedom that Jesus, our Saviour, has won for us. As recipients of this amazing gift of love, may we never fail to show the same love to the fearful and hurting world around us.


The author of Psalm 42 is in turmoil - 'all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.' He feels like he's drowning...

The author of Psalm 42 is in turmoil - 'all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.' He feels like he's drowning and doesn't know which way is up. 'My adversaries taunt me...' He is also being attacked by external sources, who mock him and God.

In the midst of his suffering, the Psalmist continues to return to the truth he doesn't necessarily feel, but he knows to be true: 'Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God...' Listen to this week's meditation, which is Part 2 of a meditation on Psalm 42 (link below). This Psalm doesn't give easy answers to difficult questions, but gives the word of our LORD to those who are suffering. As Christians we don't have all the answers, we don't always know the when, the why, or the how. But we do know the who - and we know that he has suffered, conquered and will remain faithful to his promises.


Thanks to Pastor Winston Bosch for preparing this meditation.

The emotions of our day-to-day lives can sometimes be compared to riding a teeter-totter - we experience many ups and do...

The emotions of our day-to-day lives can sometimes be compared to riding a teeter-totter - we experience many ups and downs. A similar range of emotions is depicted in Psalm 42, the psalmist is suffering. His soul is thirsting for God, but God seems far away. He cries, day and night, and pours out his complaint before God.

In the midst of his depression and despair, the psalmist asks himself this question: 'Why are you cast down?' Join us for a meditation (link below) which explores verses 1-5 of Psalm 42.

Thanks to Pastor Winston Bosch for preparing this meditation. Stay tuned for Part 2 'Put your hope in God!'. sermonaudio.com/sermon/63202014257903

In the early days of the Old Testament, the nation of Israel did not have a king, but was let by a series of judges. Whe...

In the early days of the Old Testament, the nation of Israel did not have a king, but was let by a series of judges. When Samuel, the final judge, was old, the people demanded he appoint them a king. God, through Samuel, warned the people of the heavy demands a king would make of them - demanding their children to serve in his army and in his palace, the best of their crops and the best of their livestock. The people would not be dissuaded, however, and Saul was appointed as the first king of Israel (1 Samuel 8.9). In demanding an earthly king, the Israelites were hoping to achieve stability and security through political and military means. What they were in fact doing was rejecting their heavenly king - God - who does not make the heavy demands of earthly kings and listens when they call (Psalm 50). Listen to this week's meditation (link below), 'God listens to his people's request.' Our sinful desires place us under a heavy burden and demand much of us. Submitting our lives to God is to enter into a life of freedom, made possible through the work of Jesus. Thanks to Rev. Cody Swaving (.swaving) for preparing meditations for the month of May.


The final podcast in our series ‘Christian Views on Economics’ is now available on Youtube and SermonAudio:https://youtu...

The final podcast in our series ‘Christian Views on Economics’ is now available on Youtube and SermonAudio:


This is the final segment in our series ‘Christian Views on Economics’, with a particular focus on the role of the government. Join us for a conversation wit...

'It is finished,' is the second last statement spoken by Jesus on the cross, right before he gave up his spirit. This st...

'It is finished,' is the second last statement spoken by Jesus on the cross, right before he gave up his spirit. This statement is not a statement of resignation, but of victory. His atoning work for sin was complete. Complete not just in the sense that he had accomplished what he came to this earth to do, but also because all our sins had been completely paid for.

Join us for this week's meditation 'It is finished' to further explore the impact these words have for our lives. Thanks to Pastor Steve Swets for preparing meditations for the month of April. May God bless you and give you comfort through this assurance of salvation which continues to hold true, even in these uncertain times.


Check out the second video in VOTC’s podcast series ‘A Biblical View of Economics’.https://youtu.be/EhIU4ZrwXa4

Check out the second video in VOTC’s podcast series ‘A Biblical View of Economics’.


Part 2 of a conversation with Brian Dijkema, Vice President of External Affairs at CARDUS, and Jonathan Wellam, President and CEO of Rocklinc Investment Part...

Two thousand years ago, the greatest injustice in history was committed - an innocent and sinless man, Jesus, was senten...

Two thousand years ago, the greatest injustice in history was committed - an innocent and sinless man, Jesus, was sentenced to die by crucifixion.

During the month of April we are exploring the words of Jesus from the cross. In this week's meditation we turn our attention to the fifth statement Jesus made, 'I thirst.' In the midst of the agony inflicted by crucifixion, all the words spoken by Jesus would have required an extreme level of effort. The words He did speak, therefore, were deliberate and purposeful. The Bible teaches that in order to pay for our sins, Jesus needed to be both true man and true God. In this statement, we see evidence of the weakness Jesus took on by becoming human and Old Testament prophesy about the man, Jesus, is fulfilled (Ps 22). During his ministry on earth, Jesus identified himself as the source of Living Water. Through his suffering and death, Jesus has become the source of Living Water that we may drink from and never suffer thirst again.

Join us for this meditation, 'I thirst', using the link below. Thanks to Pastor Steven Swets for preparing meditations for the month of April.


Did you know that, in addition to weekly meditations, Voice of the Church also produces podcasts? Check out our YouTube ...

Did you know that, in addition to weekly meditations, Voice of the Church also produces podcasts? Check out our YouTube channel and subscribe to stay up-to-date on newly released episodes.


Join us for a conversation with Brian Dijkema, Vice President of External Affairs at CARDUS, and Jonathan Wellam, President and CEO of Rocklinc Investment Pa...

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34a). These are the first words words Jesus spoke from ...

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34a). These are the first words words Jesus spoke from the cross. In the midst of the humiliation and agony of his crucifixion, Jesus' first words are a prayer to his Father for the forgiveness of those who placed him on the cross. Jesus' prayer for mercy is not only for those present at the cross who were physically responsible for carrying out his ex*****on. The 'them' in the prayer of Jesus includes all of us, sinners, who require his death as payment for our sins.

The theme of this month's meditations is "The words of Jesus on the Cross". In this week's meditation we ponder his first words 'Father, Forgive them'. As we move into another week of isolation and uncertainty, may we find hope and comfort in the knowledge that, even in the midst of suffering far beyond our comprehension, Jesus' first words were to plead for us before his Father. Even as we are approaching Good Friday, where we remember his death, we also have confidence because we know how the story ends. Jesus, our saviour, has conquered sin and death and is now in heaven where he continues to intercede on our behalf before his Father.

Thanks to Pastor Steven Swets for preparing meditations for the month of April.


'Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of host...

'Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.' (Psalm 46:10,11)

Knowing God gives perspective to the world around us and to current events. Through his creation, God impresses upon us a knowledge of his existence. Through the Bible - God's special revelation of himself to us - God has given us the gift of learning about his unchanging character and how he is faithful to his promises.

Though the earth gives way, though waters roar and mountains tremble, though nations rage and totter, we will not fear. God is with us. According to his promise, we have been redeemed through the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins.
Listen to this week's meditation as we explore how to learn more about God through the ways he reveals himself to us. Even in the midst of chaos and great uncertainty, God remains constant. His love for us does not change, and his plans of salvation continue to be worked out.

Thanks to Rev. Raymond Sikkema for providing the content for this meditation. It is our prayer that you turn to God and in him find the hope and strength needed to face this difficult time.


To enter in a relationship with God, we must know who he is. Knowing God better is a lifelong journey and he reveals asp...

To enter in a relationship with God, we must know who he is. Knowing God better is a lifelong journey and he reveals aspects of his character to us in two ways: through the universe around us (creation) and through his word (the Bible). All people on earth have exposure to God's creation so it is called God's general revelation. Characteristics of himself God reveals through study of the Bible are called special revelation. 'Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendour and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever.' (Psalm 111:2,3) We are surrounded by an amazing creation which from the awesome, infinite reaches of outer space down to the intricacies of the smallest organism or particle never stops declaring the wisdom and glory of God. In his historical work, God has proven himself faithful to his promises and we can live our lives confident in the knowledge that he will continue to do so.

In this week's meditation (link below) we focus specifically on how God has revealed himself to us through general revelation, ie through his creation. May a deeper knowledge of God, and the work he has accomplished through our Lord and Saviour Jesus, give you the strength, hope and comfort you need in this uncertain time.

Thanks to Rev. Raymond Sikkema for providing content for the month of March. http://voiceofthechurch.org/home/home-page/?sermons=gods-general-revelation-his-creation

The Bible is God's autobiography - his revelation of his character, word and works to humanity. God is love, but to end ...

The Bible is God's autobiography - his revelation of his character, word and works to humanity. God is love, but to end there is to do His character grave injustice as the Bible reveals so much more depth - how he is eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, unchangeable, infinite, almighty, perfectly wise, just, good, and the overflowing fountain of all good.

This summary of what the Bible teaches us about who God is is found in Article 1 of the Belgic Confession - a 16th century confession written by the reformer Guido de Bres. In this week's meditation, we look at these attributes of God in the context of where they are found in the Bible, and contemplate what they mean for us and our relationship with God.

Thanks to Rev. Ray Sikkema for providing the content for this month's meditations. http://voiceofthechurch.org/home/home-page/?sermons=gods-divine-virtues



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