Diabetic Rockstar Inc., established in 2007, launches Diabetic Rockstar Productions, a division of the entity dedicated to producing and promoting diabetes-inspired works of a positive nature. Profits from Rockstar Productions releases directly help fund the non-profit endeavors, most specifically the Rockstar Mentoring Program, of Diabetic Rockstar Inc. A Story of How Diabetes Saved My Life...Twi
ce." by DR founder Christopher Thomas. The book is a firsthand account of diagnosis, despair, depression and, finally, acceptance. Thomas' second full-length release blends unapologetic attacks at the diabetes industry, self-deprecating humor and poignant social commentary to offer readers an inside look into the mind of a Rockstar. An entertaining read, to say the least. The winter of 2011 (Date TBD) will bring the 2012 "Rockstar Apocalypse Calendar". Twelve months of anecdotes and innovative photography for Diabetic Rockstars everywhere. Summer 2012 look for "Diabetes is a Funny Word", the long-awaited project, a collection of humorous essays, poems, comics and stories inspired by the insanity diabetes can offer the world. Other projects include "Rockstar Recipes", a cookbook for the bachelor on the fly, "I'm Not Dead, Just Diabetic: Mentoring the New Addict", a guidebook to surviving newly diagnosed diabetics, and "The Shame Game", a fiction novel by Christopher Thomas dealing with the emotional complications of diabetes.