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Surah Al-Mulk, also known as "سورة الملك" in Arabic, is the 67th chapter (Surah) of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It is a relatively short chapter but holds great significance in Islamic tradition. Surah Al-Mulk is composed of 30 verses and is often recited by Muslims for its profound spiritual and theological meanings.

Here is a brief description of Surah Al-Mulk:

1. **Monotheism (Tawheed)**: The primary theme of Surah Al-Mulk is the affirmation of the oneness of God (Tawheed). It emphasizes that God is the sole creator and sustainer of the universe. The Surah invites readers to reflect upon the natural world as evidence of God's existence and power.

2. **Divine Signs in Nature**: It calls attention to the signs of God's existence and power that are evident in the creation of the universe. These signs can be observed in the heavens, the earth, and the natural phenomena around us. Believers are encouraged to ponder these signs and recognize the greatness of the Creator.

3. **Accountability**: The Surah also discusses the concept of the Day of Judgment, where all individuals will be held accountable for their deeds. It underscores the importance of leading a righteous and responsible life.

4. **Mercy and Forgiveness**: While emphasizing God's sovereignty and the consequences of disobedience, Surah Al-Mulk also highlights the attributes of God's mercy and forgiveness. It reminds believers that God is compassionate and willing to forgive those who sincerely turn to Him.

5. **Protection from Hellfire**: One of the unique aspects of Surah Al-Mulk is that it is said to intercede on behalf of the person who recites it regularly and with sincerity, offering protection from the torment of the grave and the Hellfire.

6. **Encouragement for Reflection**: Throughout the Surah, there is an invitation for deep contemplation and reflection on the signs of God's creation. Believers are encouraged to ponder the purpose of life and their relationship with their Creator.

Surah Al-Mulk is often recited by Muslims, especially before sleeping, as it is believed to provide protection in the afterlife. It serves as a reminder of the majesty of God's creation, the consequences of one's actions, and the importance of seeking God's mercy and guidance. It holds a special place in the hearts of many Muslims for its profound spiritual message and the comfort it offers in contemplating the universe and the divine plan.



Manzil Dua Benefits in Urdu :
Manzil Dua is generally read for protection and antidote (Medicines). Manzil is read one (1) or three (3) times in one stretch/sitting. This can be performed once or twice in the entire day. Manzil Dua Benefits in Urdu here is the best cure for black magic and all kinds of evil effects.
What is Manzil Dua?
Have you ever thought what is Manzil Dua?

Manzil Dua is a combination of Ayat and Surah from The Noble Quran, collectively known as “Manzil”. Please see below all the Surah and their Ayat which comes within Manzil Dua.

Manzil Dua- The Quranic Verses Gathered by Maulana Mu’hammad Zakariya Rahmatullah Alayhe

The famous Muslim scholar Maulana Mu’hammad Zakariya Rahmatullah Alayhe born on February 02, 1898 in Kandhla town in Uttar Pradesh, India. He has made this collection of verses in a book. He has tried this Manzil Dua on his family members to ward off the evil forces and witchcraft.

Manzil Dua Benefits
Manzil is read for protection and antidote (Medicines). Manzil is read one (1) or three (3) times in one stretch/sitting. This can be performed once or twice in the entire day.

Manzil is the best cure for black magic and all kinds of evil effects. This dua is so powerful for removing every kind of sickness, Alhamdulillah. Once you do it with all the 100% devotion insha ALLAH you will get positive results.
These are the prominent methods adopted by many Ulama in Islam to get cure from different kind of critical diseases and treatment of specific ailments. See Naye Kapde Pehanne Ki Dua in Hindi-Wear New Clothes here.

However, no Shar’ee ruling has been found and attached to it. For example, it is not classified as a Sunnah or Mustahabb, etc. there is no need for proof.

Read the entire Manzil mentioned above from 1 to 14 daily in the morning and insha ALLAH you will be safeguarded by the calamities and other accidents.
Black Magic, Evil Eye, Jinn, Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery, and similar other diseases as well as other harmful things. In this case, recite Manzil at least 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening.
There are a lot of benefits of Manzil Dua (collection of Quranic verses). Let us discuss the prominent benefits or advantages below:

Manzil Dua for Protection Against Calamities
Financial or whatever. Manzil Dua is a sure shot treatment to get off Calamities in one’s life.

Recite the above-written verses in the morning and insha ALLAH he will be safeguarded by every calamities, evil eye and all other accidents during the entire day.

Manzil Dua for Protection Against Evil Eye
Evil eye can harm anyone even unintentionally. However, there are grievous effects of the evil eye also. These can definitely be cured through these Quranic Verses known as Manzil Dua.

In certain cases, one can recite manzil dua (entire collection of Quranic verses) in an ablution. During this recitation, the patient should sit beside the reciter. So that the patient can listen to the recitation of Glorious Qur’an.

This will ward off the evil effects from the patient, if ALLAH The Exalted wills.

Manzil Dua for Marriage Problems
Manzil dua can also be recited to resolve any sort of issues or obstacles in the marriage of a boy or a girl. These issues could be family problems, financial crisis, frequent rejection of marriage proposals, the sources for marriage fails to implement or any other worldly obstacles.

Recite Manzil Dua every day and make a prayer for the resolution of your respective issue(s) in the marriage.

However, every hard try needs to be implemented with dedication and devotion. This Quranic verse should be recited with all-around concentration.
One of the most significant point to be taken care of is the correct pronunciation of the Quranic words. The reciter should read the verses accurately and calmly.
Manzil Dua Benefits in Urdu
Also used generally for safety from calamities and other accidents.
Manzil and Ruqyah Are Same?
Manzil and Ruqyah both are different on their own

Manzil is a book that has specific verses/aayaat from the Noble Quran. Most commonly these are recited to expel from jinn and black magic. Whereas, this can also be read to get rid of all types of calamities which could be natural also.
The origin of Manzil can be found in a hadith related by Imam Hakim in his book “Al-Mustadrak.”

There is a lot of difference between manzil dua and Ruqyah:

“Ruqyah” is nothing but a type of therapy or an act of freeing people from the possession of jinn or can be the evil eye.

Best wishes


Surah Al-Mulk, also known as "سورة الملك" in Arabic, is the 67th chapter (Surah) of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It is a relatively short chapter but holds great significance in Islamic tradition. Surah Al-Mulk is composed of 30 verses and is often recited by Muslims for its profound spiritual and theological meanings.


Surah Al-Mulk, also known as "سورة الملك" in Arabic, is the 67th chapter (Surah) of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It is a relatively short chapter but holds great significance in Islamic tradition. Surah Al-Mulk is composed of 30 verses and is often recited by Muslims for its profound spiritual and theological meanings.

Here is a brief description of Surah Al-Mulk:

1. **Monotheism (Tawheed)**: The primary theme of Surah Al-Mulk is the affirmation of the oneness of God (Tawheed). It emphasizes that God is the sole creator and sustainer of the universe. The Surah invites readers to reflect upon the natural world as evidence of God's existence and power.

2. **Divine Signs in Nature**: It calls attention to the signs of God's existence and power that are evident in the creation of the universe. These signs can be observed in the heavens, the earth, and the natural phenomena around us. Believers are encouraged to ponder these signs and recognize the greatness of the Creator.

3. **Accountability**: The Surah also discusses the concept of the Day of Judgment, where all individuals will be held accountable for their deeds. It underscores the importance of leading a righteous and responsible life.

4. **Mercy and Forgiveness**: While emphasizing God's sovereignty and the consequences of disobedience, Surah Al-Mulk also highlights the attributes of God's mercy and forgiveness. It reminds believers that God is compassionate and willing to forgive those who sincerely turn to Him.

5. **Protection from Hellfire**: One of the unique aspects of Surah Al-Mulk is that it is said to intercede on behalf of the person who recites it regularly and with sincerity, offering protection from the torment of the grave and the Hellfire.

6. **Encouragement for Reflection**: Throughout the Surah, there is an invitation for deep contemplation and reflection on the signs of God's creation. Believers are encouraged to ponder the purpose of life and their relationship with their Creator.

Surah Al-Mulk is often recited by Muslims, especially before sleeping, as it is believed to provide protection in the afterlife. It serves as a reminder of the majesty of God's creation, the consequences of one's actions, and the importance of seeking God's mercy and guidance. It holds a special place in the hearts of many Muslims for its profound spiritual message and the comfort it offers in contemplating the universe and the divine plan.


Surah Yasin is the 36th chapter of the Quran, and it holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims as it is considered one of the most revered and frequently recited chapters. It is often referred to as the "Heart of the Quran" due to its central themes and profound message. Surah Yasin is composed of 83 verses and is known for its eloquent and moving language. Here is a brief description of its key themes and significance:

1. Guidance and Mercy: Surah Yasin begins by emphasizing the Quran's role as a source of guidance and a message of mercy from Allah (God) to humanity. It calls on people to reflect on the signs of nature and the lessons they hold.

2. Prophethood: The surah highlights the concept of Prophethood and the mission of the Prophets sent by God to guide people and bring them the message of monotheism.

3. Resurrection and Judgment: Surah Yasin discusses the idea of life after death, the Day of Resurrection, and the concept of being held accountable for one's actions. It underscores the importance of faith in these fundamental beliefs.

4. Story of the Companions of the City: The surah tells the story of a group of messengers sent to a city that rejected their message. It serves as a lesson about the consequences of disbelief and the importance of listening to God's messengers.

5. Belief in Oneness of God: Surah Yasin strongly emphasizes the belief in the oneness of God, rejecting polytheism and idol worship. It calls people to worship and serve the one true God.

6. Signs in Nature: The surah highlights the signs in the natural world as evidence of God's existence and creative power. It encourages contemplation of the universe as a means to strengthen faith.

7. Invitation to the Quran: The surah invites people to reflect on the Quran and take its message to heart. It stresses the importance of faith and righteous deeds as a means to attain God's pleasure and paradise.

8. The Prophet's Mission: Surah Yasin also touches upon the challenges faced by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his mission to convey the message of Islam to the people of Mecca.

Surah Yasin is often recited for various purposes, including seeking blessings, protection, and solace. It is believed to have numerous spiritual and healing benefits and is often recited during times of distress or illness. Many Muslims recite Surah Yasin on Fridays, and it is a common practice to recite it for the deceased during funeral services. This surah serves as a reminder of the fundamental beliefs of Islam and the importance of living a righteous and God-conscious life.
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