
2OpenMinded Here To Conquer Earth!!


Do you need to smoke, do you need to drink, do you need s*x, do you need to gossip, need to talk down on others, do you need to hate one an other, do you need to love money, do you need to argue or get back at each other so much in a relationship Till it divides? I can go on.. But the point of this is.. you can do these things.. it’s your free will to do so. But it will keep you broken an hurt in the inside, these things do not fix anything. There a temporary fix but there not permanent.

Believing an having faith the Lord Jesus Christ is the way, and I bear witness.. I’ve went through all that. Plus I also went to Christ an it’s what we dream of. It’s what we need !! He’s living water, let your spirit Never thirst anymore!! I did All those things up top but it never did the job. Jesus Christ is the only way. All I hear about now an days is people wanting peace, joy, hope, happiness, love etc.. If you want that go to the Christ! There’s your blueprint. Don’t let this modern day of living fool you, it’s not supposed to be like this. Satan is keeping you away from feeling these things, Wake up an believe!!! You will never turn back, Jesus will always be in your heart if you stumble. Once you believe in Christ, he stays with you. So if you fall, you run back to the Lord.. he’s there waiting for you. He will never forsake you

But you have to go to him, with a sincere, open , transparent heart. Believe in him, believe what he did, believe what he beat, an that he is who he is. Repent, confess your a sinner, and let the Lord lead you to the promise. I’m not going to say it will be a easy path , but surely it’s worth it. Restore your self , feel whole, and content… IM TELLING YOU, DONT LET IT SLIP BY

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by m

John Chapter 15

9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

Ezekiel 33:17
“Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal.”

Ezekiel 33:11
“Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

Romans 10:9 KJV
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Episode 14!! (Mental Health Talk)

Episode 14!! (Mental Health Talk)

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Check out last night show!!

Check out last night show!!

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Tune at midnight!!

Tune at midnight!!

We’re Here To Conquer Earth! Podcast Channel for Everyone Who Loves Good Talks About Controversy, Theory, Debates, God, etc! Join The Ride and Take Part of T...

Friday!!!! Big day for everyone, it is the time to relax and set those feet up an crack a beer.. twisted tea or some vod...

Friday!!!! Big day for everyone, it is the time to relax and set those feet up an crack a beer.. twisted tea or some vodka in a cup an watch some 2OpenMinded!!! I do apologize for the late updates on the show tonight!! It is still on, show tonight at midnight as per usual! Make sure you guys stop by on my face book page Nathan Gerazounis or come watch on YouTube 2OpenMinded!! We need some viewers tonight! Only for the fact we love engaging with you guys and being able to listen to what you I have to say! So make sure to watch! Again @ Midnight!! Don’t miss out!!

We’re Here To Conquer Earth! Podcast Channel for Everyone Who Loves Good Talks About Controversy, Theory, Debates, God, etc! Join The Ride and Take Part of T...

Check out last nights show if you missed it!!

Check out last nights show if you missed it!!

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Episode 12!!! “Free Talk”

Episode 12!!! “Free Talk”

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Be sure to tune in the show at 12!! On here or 2OpenMinded on YouTube!!!

Be sure to tune in the show at 12!! On here or 2OpenMinded on YouTube!!!


What’s up guys!! Today is hump day!! Big day!! Your halfway through your work week, the weekend is approaching really fast! Really really fast! So stay locked in, finish the week strong like a animal! And conquer the rest of the week with positive but strong momentum!! Don’t drag, finish strong with no regrets for the week! You got this guys! Proud of everyone who goes out and gives it all💪🏻

But you guys do know what day it is …. Not only is it hump day. It’s show day, one of the best days of the week! So if you guys are not doing anything tonight, stop an watch the show on my page Nathan Gerazounis or our YouTube page 2OpenMinded!! We love you guys stopping in and talking to us about the topics we’re on it makes the time so much fun! We are going live at midnight again! So make sure your there! You don’t want to miss wild comments, funny stories, and unforgettable moments when it comes to this podcast! 😂 come be part of it !! We will see you guys tonight At 12!!

Tune in last nights show!!

Tune in last nights show!!

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Starts at 12!!! Make sure to tune in!!

Starts at 12!!! Make sure to tune in!!

We’re Here To Conquer Earth! Podcast Channel for Everyone Who Loves Good Talks About Controversy, Theory, Debates, God, etc! Join The Ride and Take Part of T...


Hey guys, today is monday as we all know.. and atleast 80% of you said screw today! When really it is .. bring today on! Bring Monday on , it is the beginning of the week and the beginning of a Better tomorrow! I hope you guys are conquering your weeks , and having strong beginnings! Taking on challengers and becoming the best version of you! You deserve that!!

You also deserve to watch our show tonight!! Ohhh yea baby, today is Monday! We’re back in action tonight! Live show at @ 12, on my page on FB Nathan Gerazounis or on the YouTube channel 2OpenMinded Tune in and listen to Putt and I talk for an hour! You may ask why should we do that , it’s because you can’t deny the 100% authenticity 😂 enjoy the entertainment and wild messages throughout! I hope to see you guys tonight!! We will see you guys then 💪🏻

What’s up guys!! I hope your guy’s Saturday is going well! Enjoying the weekend , cleaning the house , enjoying the anim...

What’s up guys!! I hope your guy’s Saturday is going well! Enjoying the weekend , cleaning the house , enjoying the animals, playing with the kids! Weekends are a beautiful time for family times! Can’t go wrong with it, so I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and make sure to do something fun before going back to work!!

But before I let you guys go, I just wanna say if you missed our show last night.. it’s posted! So please make sure to go check that out! We talked about life experiences, and more! Very deep anam motivating PodCast last night! Also make sure to check out the shorts that gets posted daily!! Every day! Will not be posting at all tommorw! So make sure to check all the new stuff Today!! We will see you guys Monday!! See you guys then!!

Episode  10!!! (Real Talk)

Episode 10!!! (Real Talk)

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Live show in less than a hour!! Make sure to tune in!! On here and on YouTube!! 2OpenMinded !!!

Live show in less than a hour!! Make sure to tune in!! On here and on YouTube!! 2OpenMinded !!!


Hello everyone!! Today is the day we all been waiting for as any other week! I hope everyone had a great work week! I hope you guys stuck in it an worked hard! Now as I like to say, sit back.. an crack one open! Because you deserve it. Relax baby!!

But!!! With that said!! Tonight is another live show from your very own 2OpenMinded crew! Make sure to not miss a Ounce or a update by subscribing to the YouTube channel! Make sure you come watch on here on my page or 2OpenMinded on YouTube! Live at 12, midnight! Per usual! An we thank you guys who do support regularly! We love you guys!

Also.. episode 9 is up an running! With sound lol! So that’s up if you missed it, shorts are posted every day! So if you guys want, Check those out!!

We will see you guys tonight!!! See you soon!!


Hey guys if you tried to watch our show on YouTube, last night an this morning has been horrendous.. we been having technical difficulties left an right for episode 9. So if you tried to watch last night or even go on the channel today n it had no sound .. I deeply apologize. We’re doing everything we can to get that up an going. And to make sure Friday’s show goes as smooth as possible. Episode 9 should be uploaded here alittle bit with sound .. so if you did miss .. it should be up an running acouple hours. We are sorry for the inconvenience, we hope you guys understand.

Shorts will be uploaded on youtube at 3, and 5. So be sure to catch those! See you guys on a Friday! Everything should be up an working by then!!

Episode 9!! (Bro Talk)2OpenMinded

Episode 9!! (Bro Talk)


Episode 8!!!“Would you Rather??”

Episode 8!!!

“Would you Rather??”

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Hey guys!! Guess what day it isssss?!!! Chuck chuck chuck chuck!!!! Hey chuck guess what day it is ?? Chuck: “ hump day”...

Hey guys!! Guess what day it isssss?!!! Chuck chuck chuck chuck!!!! Hey chuck guess what day it is ?? Chuck: “ hump day” HUMMPPP DAYYYYYYY!!!! You are officially through half the week! Now you have two more days to go! I hope
You guys knock out the first three days with fire, hunger and set the bar high! Now it’s time to finish out strong!! I believe in all of you guys! And I can imagine you all worked hard! Proud of y’all!

But!!!!! Here’s the best part!!! You know what day it really is, and screw chuck.. today is freaking show day!! You heard it right and already know it!! Show freaking day!! Same time, midnight on here or the 2OpenMinded channel!! So make sure you stay tune tonight and check out the episode!! Episode 9 baby!!!

If you guys noticed, I didn’t post yesterday about mondays episode! Which I usually don’t do, I usually post every off day. But yesterday I did not so I am very sorry for not posting as I usually do. But as I would say on those days would be make sure you go check out Monday nights episode if you missed it!! “Would you rather” Episode 8!! It was a fun show, an little off the wall but that’s okay lol! So check that out! And I’ll see you guys tonight!!

Tune in the live 2OpenMinded show in about 30 minutes!! On here or on YouTube!! @ 2OpenMinded https://youtube.com/Episod...

Tune in the live 2OpenMinded show in about 30 minutes!! On here or on YouTube!! @ 2OpenMinded https://youtube.com/

Episode 8!! “Would You Rather”

What’s up guys!! Today is Monday , and I hope you guys had a great back to work day! Remember, conqueror your Monday’s s...

What’s up guys!! Today is Monday , and I hope you guys had a great back to work day! Remember, conqueror your Monday’s so it sets the tone for the rest of the week! Never drag a Monday, it’s the most depressing mind set you can have. Don’t aim for Fridays, aim for starting strong on Monday! And finishing strong on Friday’s! If your not where you want to be, try harder! An reach out of your comfort zone, give your self a reason to love Monday’s!

With that said, we already know what time it is!!! Monday Monday Monday!! Show day!! We are back live tonight!! Same time , @ Midnight!! Do not miss it , I know it’s only been a day .. but we miss you! Tune in tonight, if your new or even reoccurring watchers.. subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss a second of a live show or even a update! Us 2OpenMinded are ready for a high energy show for you tonight! You can watch on here on my page Nathan Gerazounis or you can go watch on our YouTube channel! !!

Looking forward to seeing you guys tonight! Stay tune!!

Sunday sunday Sunday! Football day! I hope you guys are watching some good football! And enjoying the day, especially go...

Sunday sunday Sunday! Football day! I hope you guys are watching some good football! And enjoying the day, especially going back to work. But dont forget.. don’t drag a Monday. Set the tone high Monday , an remember make Monday your day! You have a whole week to endure an conquer what you do. Idc if it’s cleaning floors or if your doctor.. A to Z! Do it the best you can tommorw! But enjoy your Sunday, get a good last beer in an enjoy your day!

Butttt!!! If you missed the show last night, make sure to go check that out! It was a good time! Talked about the Lord, and tune in if your interested in the Lord as well! I think everyone can benefit and grow by watching the episode! Thank you Stephen Rubinosky for coming on the show N sharing the Gospel, your experiences and etc! It was a pleasure!

With that being said , you can go back an watch it on my page Nathan Gerazounis or watch it on YouTube 2OpenMinded !! Don’t miss a beat, and subscribe to the channel! We are off tonight, no show tonight. Back at regular time tommorw night! @ Midnight!! Don’t miss it , it will be fun! Looking forward to seeing you guys back tommorw!! Have a good rest of your day!! See you soon!

Episode 7!!

Episode 7!!

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!

Hey guys don’t forget!! We have a exclusive show on tonight!! Same time, @ Midnight!! Tune in with your hosts of 2OpenMi...

Hey guys don’t forget!! We have a exclusive show on tonight!! Same time, @ Midnight!! Tune in with your hosts of 2OpenMinded!! Also with a special Guest Stephen Rubinosky!!

The Lord Is the Topic tonight, which we think should be the main topic all the time! So that’s why tonight show is very important, and why you guys should tune in!

Our Special Guest, Is a upcoming Preacher/Speaker! We’re very grateful and thankful for having him on! I think we’re all looking forward to it and hearing the word tonight is the perfect ending to a Saturday night!!

See you less than a hour everyone!!

What’s up everyone!! I hope everyone is enjoying There Saturday!! Not bad outside, would be a perfect day for walkers to...

What’s up everyone!! I hope everyone is enjoying There Saturday!! Not bad outside, would be a perfect day for walkers today! Enjoy the day up, have fun! Be safe! - and don’t forget to check out last nights show!! Incase you guys missed it , you can watch it on my page or on our YouTube channel 2OpenMinded!! Very interesting show, talked about some unknown dark wonders of the world. Like, Wendigos, SkinWalkers, Bigfoot an etc!! Learned a lot of things about these , and even raised more questions!

So when you get the chance, check that out guys! And if you guys want , write in the comments on some things you want us to hit next time. Wonders maybe you personally wonder about! We would love to hear your opinions! So make sure you do that!

See you guys in the next one !!! Which will be actually tonight .. wait what? Yes! Tonight we’re having a exclusive show! Same time! Midnight! Surprise! We hope to see you guys there!

Episode 6!!

Episode 6!!

Powered by Restream https://restream.ioTune In On 2 Open Minded Guys Discussing Debatable , Controversy, etc Topics!


Opening Hours

Monday 00:00 - 01:00
Wednesday 00:00 - 01:00
Friday 00:00 - 01:00



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