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Wajir County First Lady Mama Rukia Abdinasir  Exploring the Enchanting Maasai Cultural Week.

Wajir County First Lady Mama Rukia Abdinasir Exploring the Enchanting Maasai Cultural Week.

Advancing Women's Political Participation in Wajir County: KEWOPA's Empowering InitiativeIn a groundbreaking move toward...

Advancing Women's Political Participation in Wajir County: KEWOPA's Empowering Initiative

In a groundbreaking move towards promoting gender equality and empowering women in leadership, the Wajir County Women Representative, Hon. Fatuma Jehow, in collaboration with the Chairperson of Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA), Hon. Leah Sankare, spearheaded a transformative initiative: the Women's Political Participation Forum.

The forum, held in Wajir County, sought to sensitize the local community about the significance of women's engagement in elective leadership positions and governance, while also highlighting the benefits of affirmative action. Somali women in Wajir County have long been recognized for their unwavering resilience, entrepreneurial spirit, and role as primary income earners for their families. Despite these remarkable contributions, deeply entrenched social norms and practices have hindered women's full participation in political leadership roles.

The Women's Political Participation Forum was an opportunity to address the key challenges impeding women's aspirations:

Male-Dominated Leadership: Traditionally, politics in the region has been male-dominated, creating barriers for women who aspire to be in leadership positions. The forum aimed to foster a more inclusive political landscape that welcomes women's active participation.

Polarization of Clan Identity: The continued polarization of clan identity has been a significant barrier to women's political participation not only in Wajir County but across the region. The forum emphasized the need to transcend such divisions and promote unity among all community members.
KEWOPA put forth a strategic roadmap to advance women's political participation:

Advocacy and Public Engagement: The initiative involved advocacy and public engagement to create awareness and understanding of constitutional provisions that support women's representation in leadership positions. By mobilizing public support, KEWOPA sought to garner consensus for a more inclusive political environment.

Educational Opportunities: One of the core focuses was to bolster education and training opportunities for girls and young women. By providing quality education, the initiative aimed to equip young women with the knowledge and skills required for effective leadership.

Involving Community Leaders: KEWOPA engaged religious leaders, community elders, and politicians in constructive discussions on the role of women in today's society and their significance in elective leadership. The involvement of influential figures in the community was pivotal in breaking down traditional barriers.

Mentorship and Civic Education: The initiative supported mentorship programs and civic education initiatives, empowering young women to develop their confidence and nurturing their aspirations to vie for elective leadership positions. These efforts were in line with the constitutional requirement of attaining the two-third gender principle.

Hon. Fatuma Jehow expressed her heartfelt encouragement to young girls and women, urging them to break through barriers and embrace leadership roles. The positive impact of women's representation in leadership was evident when the people of Ademasajida and Banane Wards elected two female Members of the County Assembly, marking a significant step forward in promoting gender equality in the region.

The Women's Political Participation Forum served as a catalyst for change, fostering hope and progress towards gender equality in Wajir County. With the unwavering commitment of individuals, communities, and organizations like KEWOPA, the future looks brighter for women's empowerment in the region and beyond.

Governor H.E Ahmed Abdullahi Legacy Shines as Wajir County Prepares to Relocate to the new modern county assembly Buildi...

Governor H.E Ahmed Abdullahi Legacy Shines as Wajir County Prepares to Relocate to the new modern county assembly Building Nears completion.

Wajir County, is on the verge of witnessing a remarkable transformation under the visionary leadership of Governor Ahmed Abdullahi. As his final term draws to a close, Governor Abdullahi's legacy is set to endure with the imminent completion of the new modern county assembly building. This state-of-the-art structure stands as a testament to his commitment to progress and development in Wajir.

The construction of the modern county assembly building, which is now in its final stages, is an ambitious endeavor that will significantly contribute to the growth and prosperity of the county. Designed to meet the evolving needs of the government and the people, this landmark project embodies Governor Abdullahi's vision for a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive governance system.

Situated in a strategic location within Wajir, the new county assembly building will serve as a symbol of democratic values and an architectural marvel for generations to come. The carefully planned layout and modern amenities incorporated in the design will provide an ideal environment for legislators to conduct their duties effectively and promote collaboration among elected representatives.

With the completion of this remarkable structure, the county administration is preparing for the upcoming relocation. The move to the new building signifies a fresh chapter in the history of Wajir County, where modernity and tradition converge seamlessly. The relocation process will be meticulously organized to ensure a smooth transition for both the county assembly and the public.

Governor Ahmed Abdullahi's commitment to his people and his relentless pursuit of progress have been the driving forces behind this transformative project. Under his leadership, Wajir County has witnessed remarkable advancements in various sectors, including infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social welfare. The new county assembly building stands as a testament to his dedication to uplifting the lives of the people of Wajir.

Beyond its functional purpose, the modern county assembly building will also become an iconic landmark in the region, symbolizing the aspirations and collective efforts of the people of Wajir. It will be a tangible reminder of their commitment to good governance, transparency, and development.

As Governor Abdullahi's tenure nears its end, his legacy will undoubtedly be one to be remembered. His transformative policies, progressive initiatives, and ambitious projects have laid a solid foundation for future leaders to build upon. The completion of the modern county assembly building is a fitting tribute to his vision and unwavering dedication to the welfare of Wajir County.

In the years to come, as the county assembly convenes in its new home, the legacy of Governor Ahmed Abdullahi will continue to inspire and uplift the people of Wajir. The modernization of governance infrastructure is a vital step towards building a prosperous future, and it is through the tireless efforts of leaders like Governor Abdullahi that positive change becomes a reality.

As the finishing touches are applied to the modern county assembly building, the anticipation among the residents of Wajir is palpable. It is a time of excitement, hope, and celebration, as the realization of a new era dawns upon the county. Governor Ahmed Abdullahi's legacy will be etched in the heart of Wajir, forever reminding its people of the transformative power of visionary leadership.

First Lady of Wajir Launches Sh. 43 Million Project to Empower Girls Through EducationMama Rukia Abdinasir, the esteemed...

First Lady of Wajir Launches Sh. 43 Million Project to Empower Girls Through Education

Mama Rukia Abdinasir, the esteemed First Lady of Wajir County Government, has initiated a groundbreaking project aimed at empowering girls through education. With an impressive budget of Sh. 43 million, the project will provide essential support to school-going girls in the form of sanitary towels and undergarments. By addressing the challenges girls face during their monthly menstrual cycle, the project seeks to ensure that they can attend school regularly, breaking the barriers that hinder their education.

The project's inception dates back to the 2015/16 financial year when His Excellency Governor Ahmed Abdullahi allocated Sh. 10 million to kickstart this vital initiative. Demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the cause, Governor Abdullahi has consistently increased the project's funding throughout his tenure, emphasizing the significance of supporting girls' education in Wajir County.

During the official launch at Wajir Girls High School, Mama Rukia Abdinasir shed light on the profound impact that a lack of access to basic sanitary products has on girls' educational journeys. She identified poor attendance, withdrawal from school, low self-esteem, and missed opportunities as challenges faced by girls due to inadequate menstrual hygiene management. Through this project, the First Lady aims to restore dignity, protect self-esteem, and enable girls to fully embrace their educational pursuits.

Mama Rukia Abdinasir called upon parents to invest in quality education for their children, emphasizing the role education plays in shaping their future and enabling them to become influential individuals. With the provision of sanitary towels and undergarments, the First Lady hopes that the project will enhance girls' dignity and self-esteem, ultimately leading to increased enrollment and retention rates in schools across Wajir County.

The First Lady passionately expressed her belief that no girl should miss school for several days each month due to menstruation. Such absences result in significant learning loss, hindering academic progress and overall productivity. By providing sanitary towels, the project aims to alleviate these challenges and create an environment where girls can fully engage in their education, unhindered by menstrual-related obstacles.

As the project commences, it is expected to have a profound and transformative impact on the lives of countless schoolgirls in Wajir County. By providing essential sanitary products, the initiative will empower girls to pursue their education confidently, without compromising their dignity or well-being. The First Lady's project sets a remarkable precedent in championing gender equality and access to education, paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all girls in Wajir County.

Wajir County Launches Strategic Plan to Drive ICT, Trade, and Cooperative DevelopmentHon. Abdille Yussuf, the Wajir Coun...

Wajir County Launches Strategic Plan to Drive ICT, Trade, and Cooperative Development

Hon. Abdille Yussuf, the Wajir County Speaker, spearheaded the official launch of a comprehensive strategic plan for the development of ICT, Trade, and Cooperative sectors in Wajir County. This strategic plan aims to equip cooperative groups with the necessary resources to prioritize their needs and access funds effectively, fostering strength among community members. In addition, the plan endeavors to reduce poverty and decrease dependency on foreign investment, promoting social mobility development. Notably, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has partnered with the Wajir County Government as a sponsor for this transformative strategic plan.

The strategic plan developed for ICT, Trade, and Cooperative Development in Wajir County encompasses a set of clear objectives aimed at enhancing overall county development. By prioritizing the needs of cooperative groups, the plan seeks to empower them economically and facilitate their access to funds. This approach will not only strengthen unity and cooperation within the community but also enable cooperative groups to thrive and actively contribute to the county's overall development.

The strategic plan also aims to reduce poverty and decrease the county's reliance on foreign investment. Through a focus on social mobility development, Wajir County aims to create sustainable opportunities that uplift the living standards of its residents. By promoting local economic activities and empowering cooperative groups, the county endeavors to achieve self-reliance and drive its own development.

The partnership between the Wajir County Government and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a significant milestone in the implementation of the strategic plan. As a reputable global development agency, USAID's involvement further strengthens the county's efforts and adds credibility to the strategic plan. This collaboration signifies the recognition and support of the plan's objectives by an organization well-versed in fostering development worldwide.

The launch of the strategic plan for ICT, Trade, and Cooperative Development in Wajir County represents a major stride towards empowering cooperative groups and driving economic growth within the region. By providing cooperative groups with the necessary tools and financial resources, the plan aims to foster unity and strength among community members. Moreover, the plan's emphasis on reducing poverty and reducing dependency on foreign investment is expected to facilitate social mobility and create abundant opportunities for local residents.

With the backing of USAID as a sponsor partner, the Wajir County Government is poised to achieve its development goals and steer the region towards a prosperous future. By implementing the strategic plan, Wajir County demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development and community empowerment, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for its constituents.

For the first time in history there will be Quran competitions in Wajir county Under the leadership of governor H.E Ahme...

For the first time in history there will be Quran competitions in Wajir county Under the leadership of governor H.E Ahmed Abdullahi. This will boost the Islamic centers and quran students in the county, and encourage more young people to learn and memorize the Quran.

The competitions will feature recitation and memorization of different chapter (surahs) of the Quran. The winners will receive prizes and recognition, and this will motivate others to participate in future competitions.

Governor Ahmed Abdullahi believes that such competitions will help to preserve and promote Islamic culture and traditions in the county. He is also committed to supporting Islamic education and improving the standards of Quranic schools in the region.

The Quran competitions are being organized in collaboration with local Islamic organizations and scholars, and will take place in wajir town. This initiative has been welcomed by Wajirians, and is seen as an important step towards promoting Islamic education and culture in the region.


Incoming governor Mohamed Elmi brings sarman to a standstill.


Tusbah and towbah nation was welcomed in style at Eldas today

Hon Fatuma Abdi Jehow For Women Rep 2022 today recieved the ODM party Nomination. GOVA JIIRDG CATOWOMEN REP FJ. kali san...

Hon Fatuma Abdi Jehow For Women Rep 2022 today recieved the ODM party Nomination.

WOMEN REP FJ. kali sana🔥🔥🔥

Masare community have thrown their weight and support behind the former governor Hon. Ahmed Abdullahi. BAM NATION have s...

Masare community have thrown their weight and support behind the former governor Hon. Ahmed Abdullahi. BAM NATION have soo decided. Governor waa Ahmed jirr.

Adan Keynan is a man who is very familiar with criminal activities Keynan was charged with the murder of the three men a...

Adan Keynan is a man who is very familiar with criminal activities Keynan was charged with the murder of the three men at the High Court of Kenya in 2003.The court was told how the MP allegedly lured the men out of their homes on the day they murdered. However, despite this evidence, Justice Kalpana Rawal acquitted Keynan of the charges in November 2005. The judge said that she had strong suspicion of Keynan’s involvement in the murder but she had to make her judgement on the evidence adduced before the court which was not enough to convict Keynan. The man is capable of doing anything even murdering his own constituents to satisfy his political ego

WHY DETHRONING KEYNAN IS MORE OF A JIHAD THAN POLITICKING.The basic tenet of social cohesion is an element called social...


The basic tenet of social cohesion is an element called social fabric. Once that is broken a society becomes a crowd of normless individuals with no bond of values.

How Keynan killed the Jibrail community in all spheres despite portraying a facade of prosperity to other communities.

1. It is public knowledge that Adan Keynan went public about insulting , defaming , degrading and even further threatened the three most learned islamic scholars from Eldas. This followed after the ulumaa opposed to his bid for re-election in 2017. I mean he publicly castigated the ulumaa. That is a good sign of a crumbling leadership.When you wage war against the Muminuun , God will wage war against you.

2. He runs the family like his own business , in 2017 the ugliest episode of this great family happened. There was an event organized to annointing a supreme cultural elder for the family. In his usual indecent ways , he wanted to run the show contrary to the customary rule of the decorum such a mighty cultural event should uphold. This led to exchange of real fire among community members in the presence of the supreme leader. If only he allowed dialogue on how the event should be run as custom demands alot would be saved. If a man goes to the extra mile of creating havoc in Such a cultural event and he goes away with it , are we not a dead society.

3. In the recent past he again single handedly declared the sultanate position obsolete replacing the sultan with another in the name of a community chairman, just because the sultan doesn't read from the same page with him politically.

Remember the same chairman he is currently replacing with the sultan was previously replaced with the sultan in 2017. See the disrespect he is according our religious elders !

Anytime one of them disagrees with his ideology Keynan comfortably and single-handedly changes the supreme cultural leader.

With this kind of madness, can we really be a dignified community that separates politics from its culture. Why all this disrespect to our cultural system. Must we be run by the emotions of one naughty boy. Don't we have values to uphold and norms to abide by.

Since the has the express authority to sack and replace cultural leadership of the family which in essence should have been a permanent structure maybe until death occurs, the question that begs answers is .. Which body or cultural institution shall correct Keynan when he is wrong? Or rather is he infallible(far from it).

4. For reasons best known to him , he is decided to ever remain a constituency MP, but is absolutely opposed to a Jibrail Governor. The reason is he doesn't want another centre of power within Jibrail and he single handedly makes deals with other clans for governorship. He rallies the JB family behind a governor who he instructs to never engage any JB for county tenders except himself. Isn't this man economically sabotaging this family? When anyone speaks to question his ways he instructs the multiagency institutions to either detain, abduct or even terrorise you. Are we slaves or We are a respected family with norms, values and hierarchies of authority.

Am asking why are we watching the most wicked in our midst to term a whole clan a punch of hooligans. Where he publicly insults the ulumaa, he single handedly fires and hires the community supreme leaders.. Where he detains the voices of reason.

Are we not justified to launch a rebellion. Why fear when we are all dead men walking because of this thug. In the Quran Almighty Allah says "ALLAH will not change a nation until they change themselves".

The passive obedience to this dangerous slavery and ungodliness will surely earn us Allah's wrath. This is a jihad we should fight and free ourselves from the York of ungodly slavery.

Islam least contradicts common sense and in all fairness we are dead slaves. Why fear when our dignity is gone , why fear when our freedom is gone , why fear when we are reduced to paupers, he cons our contractors one after the other through mutual agreements which he finally dishonours...He tramps up tax non-compliance to close our companies.. why fear when he uses the courts to kill the dreams of our sons.

It is a question of saving the honour and dignity of a family by getting rid of the root problem.




Residents of Basir ward in Eldas constituency leave in fear after yet another round of attacks from the neighbouring border county of Marsabit.

The locals believe this attacks are politically instigated

Kalsan Media reports .

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Hon. Dr. Ahmed Boray addressing the media over the Basir Boarder killings at Basir town today.

As a peace ambassador, Dr. Boray is pleading with security agencies, the neighboring Counties leadership (Wajir and Marsabit) to join hands in efforts to bring to an end the inter-clan conflicts

Our people should not allow to be misused by politicians who thrive on inter-clan conflicts card as the only hope of surviving in politics.


Hon Ahmed Boray has yesterday evening chaired an emergency meeting on the intercommunal clashes between herders from Eldas and Borana that left 2 people dead and others injured at the boarder between marsabit and wajir County. The Hon has sent his condolences and despatched elders to negotiate for cease fire between the two communities. he has also spoken with both marsabit Governor Ali Mohamud Mohamed and wajir Governor Ahmed Ali muktar who have both agreed to end the violence between the two communities, and to work together for lasting peace.

Hon Ahmed Boray has also made an emergency travel this morning to Basir-lakoley ward as sources report more deaths.

Mo Jelle Omar Shiekh Ali Young Madey Siyad Qabyalad - Diid Noordin Maalims Citizen TV Kenya NTV Kenya


People like Adan keynan don't seem to worry about the huge debt or the social and economic problems resulting from giving out such tenders to desperate electorates in such hardship times. Knowing they will never receive any payment.

It's that time when politicians even beg you to marry their own daughters just to have your votes.The goodies promised to the electorate should they elect the aspirants have been many. the political cycle exacerbates corruption. First, getting into office often involves acquiring money and support through unlawful channels. Second, holding office may entail rewarding loyal supporters with patronage. At election nearing time many politicians have the tendency of giving out contracts to electorates and with held their money hostage in return for their votes. a good student of those politician is Eldas Mp Adan keynan. Case in point, The timing of the below tenders provide evidence for the abuse of political power. A large literature focuses on the political business cycles that result from politicians manipulation of the fiscal or the constituency development fund tools at their disposal.

Theirs often significant increase in contracts awarded to electorates at times when elections are near not because of a good faith or fulfilling the promises made in the campaign periods. It's simply to manipulate electorates. At the same time, elections can provide a unique window on corrupt arrangements that would otherwise go undetected. Keynan and his tombocrats who divert public funds will typically do so in secret, and in collaboration with those they can trust of Who gets the benefits of this tenders and ask the public to apply for it.

How many of you believe that your elected leaders are there to serve our interests? If I could see a show of hands, I believe that I would see a sizeable plurality of people who think so. People like Adan keynan don't care if you go bankrupt or fail to provide for your families as so long he gets your vote. You need to ask yourself where this tenders have been for the past 3 years why now? You need to look no further than what happened to those who fall for this same strategy in the last general election. People like Adan keynan don't seem to worry about the huge debt or the social and economic problems resulting from giving out tenders to desperate electorates in such hardship times. In short, people like Adan keynan's only "future concern" is only to get re-elected. It's that time when voters need to vote carefully in this general election to select candidates who show concern for future generations!

The flower boy of ukur yatani. Images of livestock carcasses, anguished faces of the elderly, despaired women and childr...

The flower boy of ukur yatani.

Images of livestock carcasses, anguished faces of the elderly, despaired women and children left behind at home as the men move in search of water and pasture while the drought scourge bites.The story of drought and famine is almost becoming a cliché in Kenya. While All this unfolds before the eyes of Kenyans those of Eldas memer of parliament Adan keynan are some what fixated on ukur yatani and his briefcase money.

crisis of hunger, thurst and disease Eldas is one of the hardest hit areas. Hundreds of children are food insecure and in dire need of treatment for severe malnutrition. With the lack of dam water sources in Eldas and the dried up water boreholes. People are at higher risk of dying with thurst. Yet the man they elected to represent is out looking for ways to make sure the drought disaster responses funds is his pockets for campaign purposes.

Adan keynan has been a thorn in the back for Eldas constituents over two decades. With no single drought mitigations programme He has completely abandoned his constituents. The only thing he does for them is sit on a fancy restaurant in the capital and make sure no single helping hand reaches them. Not only it's unfortunate to fight those helping the vulnerable and the weak it's also inhumane. Keynan is a two faced, self-centered Narssictic dictator who doesn't Care if the residents of Eldas furnish from the earth as so long he benefits from it. With his so called powerful position in jubilee government leave alone jobs, he has failed to secure the Hay flagship programmes. The man is a disgrace not only to eldas constituents but to the entire Asal region. He has become the flower boy of ukur yatani to stay relevant in politics and siphoned the drought mitigation program funds. after Aden duale has taken over the region. Overconfidence can be alluring but is ultimately a tactic, even a dangerous one. We cannot heedlessly follow tyrants.

The general public should Ignore the fake rumours and the propaganda sponsored by Adan keynan that rer jerow have withdr...

The general public should Ignore the fake rumours and the propaganda sponsored by Adan keynan that rer jerow have withdrawn their support from mshwa Ahmed Boray. Keynan has been a puppet master, controlling minions and lackeys to create havoc, and sowing the seeds of discord, distrust, and disinformation to weaken and undermine support for his competitors. Rer jerow fully supports their son and are on the frontline for change. The desperate ploy by Adan keynan is something to be a ashamed of, no wonder he is called the "black sheep" of the JB clan. Keynan is a man imported from mandera with no family to endorse or back his political ambitions. That's why he is usually threatened by the endorsement of his competitors in their respective sub clans. You can't gain popularity or people's confidence by preaching lies and spreading rumours against your competitors.

Rer jerow like the rest of the JB sub-clans awaits for the negotiated democracy forum by Abkey Noor that will take place on 13 November. Of which interested candidates of the seat will be veted including Mshwa Ahmed Boray, omar DC, siyat jimale, Abdille Yusuf and many others. One candidate will be chosen by the clan elders and he will receive the blessing and support from the rest of the candidates to run for the seat. So far no aspirant has recieved the endorsement of their respective sub-clans, they all await the negotiated democracy forum of Abkey Noor to take place. After that's over then any candidate chosen and suitable to lead the community will then go to his respective sub-clans and receive blessing and endorsement. Propaganda sponsored by keynan and his minions are not worth considering.

Ahmed Boray Arale is ardent supporter of peace, unity and prosperity. a champion of oppressed classes who have almost no one else to speak for them, a battler for what is liberal and enlightened and against what is unfair and prejudiced, all along the line. He is no courter of popularity: but his heart is the heart of his people: their cause, and their hopes are his. His figure and influence loom truly grand as we look back to him standing and helping those forgotten by their representative as drought bites hard. Boray's transparent genuineness and generosity won the hearts of Eldas constituency. Society is not a crowd, but an organism; and, like every organism, it must grow as a whole or else be deformed. Let us fairly distinguish, therefore, the peculiar and delicate duties of the popular leader from the not very peculiar or delicate misdemeanors of the demagogue.

Change is coming to Eldas. Let's vote for change and remove dictators.


Hon. Adan Keynan Wehliye has ruled Eldas with often-ruthless repression of dissent, a tight clamp on virtually all political oppositions and religious leaders and the use of security officers in the region to intimidate and silence all deemed critics of his leadership. Eldas voters lives in a climate of fear in which justice and accountability for abuses is utterly beyond reach.

Keynan has targeted religious leaders and political opposition members by using security forces to arbitrary arrest and detain them without evidence of the crime they allegedly committed. This afternoon an opposition member and UDA aspirant Siyad jimale was arrested and detained for unknown reasons.Keynan is targeting political oppositions apparently to silence criticism and to suppress negative information about the droughts and it's severe impact on the people and also the lack of IEBC voter registration on areas that are the strong hold of the opposition to the rest of the country.

The government needs to step up and protect the rights of its citizens. And to prevent such abuses from recurring, the government should thoroughly and impartially investigate abuses by members of parliament like Adan keynan and the security officers who are directly taking orders from them appropriately prosecute those responsible, regardless of rank. no one is above the law if anyone has done any crime they should appear before the court of law and answer their crime. But this arbitrary arrest and detention must come to an end.

We should consistently and publicly condemn abuses by members of parliament who think they're above the law and raise these concerns directly with the right officials until action is taken.




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