ConNificent Watts 86

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ConNificent Watts 86 I am just an average ordinary person and 8600 inspirational content creator from Cincinnati,Ohio


I'm not speaking down about the AI art apps that everyone's using. But what most don't know is that the realm of AI is slowly, but surely is in the process of placing Superficial robotics over the actual artists who genuinely puts their soul, passion, blood, sweat & tears into their paintings, portraits, murals, & other forms of artistic drawings including graffiti.

Recorded 12/14/2022

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

"Try to maintain, survive & stay alive"This photo 📸 taken by me on 01/03/2022Quote written on 12/14/2022FB (main profile...

"Try to maintain, survive & stay alive"

This photo 📸 taken by me on 01/03/2022
Quote written on 12/14/2022

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Hip-hop & music in general most definitely has no age limit, relevancy, or irrelevancy. Before Hip-hop became this popular, trending, hit/record, stream selling monetary music business machine it universally brung a lot of people together especially artists, producers, songwriters, ghostwriters, battle rappers, poets, writers, lyricists, new school rappers, OG veterans & legends.

But at some point in a artist's career he or she has to make a decision when to take his or her sound, style, vocabulary, flow & substance to the next level & began to expand, mature, & grow up. Regardless of what their Fanbase or record label has to say about it.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): Con-A Watts
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


This video is more so towards the grandmothers & grandfathers out there who's watching this. Now I'm in no way to give advice to any of you about parenthood but, I often sees this a lot how grandparents in modern society are running to the aid of their children's children. Which is nothing wrong with that but, you all as grandparents or even great grandparents are always watching, babysitting, spending more time with your grandchildren than the actual parents do. Modern day grandparents are seen as the martyrs of the family who lookout for everyone. But in the midst of it they seem to forget about looking out & taking care of themselves 1st.

My question is that when all of you as grandparents are going to start living for you?

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


People sometimes try to convince & lie to themselves that if they were to get involved into a committed relationship or become a parent they would find hope & love. Not fully accepting, healing & recovering from their trauma they've been through or have created upon themselves.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

"Information can be researched. Wisdom can only be gained from learning and living life."Photo/image 📸 taken on October ...

"Information can be researched. Wisdom can only be gained from learning and living life."

Photo/image 📸 taken on October 14, 2022
Quote written: October 31, 2022

(8600): Starting 27 years off on a strong note 📝. Way to go Con-A!

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Someone has to be the one to say it. Whether you agree or disagree with this video, but it isn't going to change the reality for most of you who are programmed or stuck in the matrix or trying to play dumb about what's going on & taking place. The year 2020 was not only just a spiritual warning & wake up call, but it was also a sign from God for most of you to humble yourselves, learn how to sit still, get prepared for Revelations of the 7 year Great Tribulation Warfare that's coming upon the Earth. While reminder the world including elites & devil that's the most high is still in control of things.

Recorded 10/23/2022

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


As I was brainstorming there's a few more features that I think should be implemented on social media platforms pertaining to short form content, videos, or reels.

- Duration of reels should be up to 1:40, 1:50, or under 2:00

- Whether you have a professional, monetized, or ordinary social media account you should be allowed or granted access to edit/revise any typos, errors, mistakes written in the captions of your reels on every social app (Excluding IG)

- Granted access to remove hashtags #️⃣ within the captions of your reels on every social app

- Twitter (mainly) along with other social media platforms honestly have got to catch up with the times & start rolling out multiple monetization tools, settings, and "reels" uploads, bonuses, invites & subscriptions $ features. And many more.

- Should be granted access to add thumbnails to your reels on all social media platforms

(Note: No idea is dumb, crazy, nonsense, or impossible.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (other page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Being able to have the leverage to upload or schedule 📅 multiple reels which is "short form content/videos days, weeks, or months in advance as you would posts 📫 on all social media platforms wouldn't be such a bad feature to consider implementing on every social app via Facebook (Meta), Instagram (IG), TikTok, Twitter and many more other social media platforms.

This potential schedule reels idea 💡 should be granted access on a worldwide scale at the user's fingertips on their computers/laptops, tablets, & mobile smartphone devices📱

(Note: No idea is a stupid, bad, crazy, or impossible idea.)


This video is about work related & public transportation confrontational issues between passengers & bus operators including the unprofessionalism, rude behavior, mistreatment as a well disrespect that occurs with metro bus operators acting towards everyday regular citizens whose hard earned tax dollars is being used to keep Metro public transportation services in business.

(Note: This video isn't intended to attack or bash anyone including Cincinnati Metro. For those of you who are Metro Bus operators in any city, state, or country keep this in mind without the law abiding working citizens and passengers hard earned tax dollars that's taken out by the Government none of you will have a job or be employed.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


85% credit & inspiration of this video goes to Essence Oni for pointing this topic out in a post that she made on her FB page about a particular artist stating "She's not worried about no credit score."

There's things we as black minorities, including other ethnic groups of minorities as well as the majority can learn is that being financially ignorant, illiterate, & poor minded consumers about how credit, passive income, taxes, & entrepreneurship can greatly affect & costs a lot of us in this lifetime of being exploited, taken advantage & denied a lot of economic opportunities, equity & purchases.

(Note: This video isn't intended to be seen as any kind of financial advice or information. Please consult with a professional expert who's skilled, or experienced in the field of entrepreneurship & economics.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Regardless of how most of you feel about this video. Whenever women uses this catch phrase on their timelines on social media "Men will flirt with you on every Social App, but won't flirt with you on Cashapp."

Whether if you're requesting that man to pay you for your so called attention, love, or interest through PayPal, Zelle, Chime, or subscribing to your content on OnlyFans. It doesn't matter how many degrees, cars, cars you own or how much money you got. At the end of the day it still comes off as panhandling or begging. And it looks more like a prostitutional transaction or relationship that you're indulging in ladies.

Don't try to insult or shoot at the messenger, but did you understand & get the message.

(Note: Viewer discretion is advised. This is just for social media & entertainment purposes only. Based off of public opinion of one's perspective & point of views, not facts. If this message doesn't apply to you, then let it fly by you.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (2nd page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: Watts 86


Let me speak to all of the gentlemen who's tuning in to this video it doesn't matter how young, old, wise, ignorant, gangsta, thugged out, weird, nerdy, or socially awkward you are. It's a must that we too learn how to control our sexual desires & lustful ways as men. While practicing the discipline & art of being celibate. It's not going to make us any less of a man turning down sexual proposals or requests from women. Us as men we're naturally visual species or creatures, but we also have to realize that there's a lot of us who be acting way too desperate & thirsty to smash & ej*****te in every woman that's walking around with a pretty face, eyes, accent/voice & nice body. Which can play a part in our downfall because some of us gentlemen (not all of us) aren't taking the the proper time, procedures & protocols to see pass her physical appearances.

Some gentlemen may agree & some may not agree, but at least you've heard the message.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Women who raves on social media about how their "lives are good", "they cook & clean good", their Pudding 🍮 is good".

But is your heart, soul, mind, mentality, characteristics, personality & spirit is good?

Are you even good overall as a woman besides just your cooking 🍳, cleaning & Pudding 🍮?

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Too many females I just keep seeing on every social media app post about how they want a male friend (friends zone) to chill, hang out, and vibe with who's not sexually attracted to them & accept them for who they are because they don't like other females. O'Girl your mind & emotions is all over the place. I think you really need to learn how to chill out, work on yourself, calm down and rock alone. It's not that deep ladies.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


This video is for all of you out of towners & tourist who are visiting the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky area there some things you should know about the city & its surrounding areas.

- Cincinnati isn't a city where everything stays open 24/7 unlike other major cities such as Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Houston, Detroit, New Orleans

- Cincinnati is what I like to consider as a "Curfew City, region, or town" because at a certain time frame at night between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. (latest 12-1 a.m.) everything shutdown or closes (clubs, bars, stores, restaurants, etc.). And doesn't open up until the next business day.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Just a quick reminder. Not everyone who's following all of your content on social media are actually genuine individuals.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Most people's perception of what the hood is seen as some wild, dysfunctional & uncontrolled environment full of nosey cock-blockers, drama, hoodlums, ratchet to gang/street politics, violence, poverty, evil, sad, angry, depressed & miserable people. But in reality there's also a lot fun, loving, caring, smart, wise, good, peaceful, and strong minded people who lives in the hood or have came from the hood.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: Watts 86


"All Skin-folks ain't kin-folks". A lot of people are accurately proving amongst themselves that just because you're the same skin tone or color as someone doesn't mean each of you are cut from the same breed, cloth, morals, and values as one another.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but I'm seeing more of my own kind become soulless, heartless, wicked, and evil by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year.

The Tribulation Warfare between good vs. evil is officially on. And this question is for all of the melanated, black/brown people who are so call heathens or on demon time.

"Are you for what’s evil or for what’s right?"

At this point you got to pick a side, there's no in between.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

You guys are more than welcome to subscribe/add me on all social media platforms. All of my pages are 100% public. All i...

You guys are more than welcome to subscribe/add me on all social media platforms. All of my pages are 100% public. All is welcome 😎🎱6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣💯💯💯.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

Hey what's going everyone. Allow me to introduce myself unto each of you as Con-A Watts also known as "ConNificent" for those of you who may or may not know ...

Not all of my content & what I post isn't for everyone's taste or liking, which I'm okay with that. Once you really unde...

Not all of my content & what I post isn't for everyone's taste or liking, which I'm okay with that. Once you really understand social for what it really is & what it's designed for, then you'll understand why I always say "All is welcome".

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Quit following what others are doing & just be yourself & different from everyone else.

Just because they do things that may bends the rules doesn't mean the same can happen for you. Which may result in potential consequences, repercussions, judgment, or ridicule upon you.

(Note: This is just for social media & entertainment purposes only based off of public opinion of one's perspective and point of views, not facts.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Apparently this was a situation between the man's daughter who was the bully & the other girl who stood up to her that was sitting down on the school bus. And for that man to get involved in the middle of something between two little girls was a coward, soft, and weak move including the daughter (bully) who went to go get her father in on it as well too.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

This message is for the ones who are messy with no life of their own. Not for the ones who are on those promoting positi...

This message is for the ones who are messy with no life of their own. Not for the ones who are on those promoting positivity as well as exposing the truth.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

Con-A's Acronym No.46: "B.O.M.B."Written on 08/27/2022Photo 📸 taken by Con-A on 03/21/2022If you're interested in wantin...

Con-A's Acronym No.46: "B.O.M.B."

Written on 08/27/2022
Photo 📸 taken by Con-A on 03/21/2022

If you're interested in wanting an artistic 8600 inspirational/admiration acknowledgement created for you feel free to reach out or hit me up via email 📧, DM, or on all social media platforms for more details.

email: [email protected]

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

A lot of you have got to quit thinking that you or your peoples are celebrities or so called important figures because y...

A lot of you have got to quit thinking that you or your peoples are celebrities or so called important figures because you have some clout, fame, social popularity status, or attention in the streets, clubs, or on the internet.

If you find this message to be offensive or heart crushing to you ego I suggest that you go take that up with God and with not me

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


I feel like myself "Con-A" along with many others within my generation who were born in the 90s (1990-99) have sat back in the cut long enough. And now I feel like it's the time to break our silence & speak reality amongst all of the Millennials born in the 2000s. And to tell y'all that we too can relate & most definitely hear y'all out. I understand at this point both of our generations are scarred, and screwed up internally. So basically what I'm trying to say is that us 90s kids & 2000 Millennials are going to have to pick one another up off the ground, dust each other off & to begin to heal together as we figure out this game called life & everything that's in it.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

"Not all advice is good or great advice"If you're interested in wanting an artistic 8600 inspirational/admiration acknow...

"Not all advice is good or great advice"

If you're interested in wanting an artistic 8600 inspirational/admiration acknowledgement created for you feel free to reach out or hit me up via email 📧, DM, or on all social media platforms for more details.

email: [email protected]

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


At times we find ourselves as young people between ages 13 & 29 being quite arrogant, cocky, and too prideful to heed correction, listen to instructions, valuable information & wisdom that can be significant to what we already know. And I totally understand that don't no one wakes up wanting to work at a 9-5 their whole life. But just know this that there's a lot of us who are in our prime who don't come from fortunate economic backgrounds & have to humble ourselves & get it out of the mud or work 5-7 days a week to become financially stable. Because some of us know that nothing is going to be given to us or that no one isn't going to put us in position to invest, win or succeed 💯.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


Though I still have a whole lot to gain, understand & learn especially when it comes to putting my money into things that's long term, but also that's going to guarantee me an 70% to 90% ROI (Return On Investment) in 6 months to 10 years. I'm still keeping my options open of learning how to Trade, scale & take profits. And weather through any man made financial recession or world crisis. Whether it's in stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, contracts, business, real estate (physical & digital), resources, taxes, credit or crypto currencies & many others.

Like I always say entrepreneurship & the road to success comes with sacrifice, proper education, risk. There's a chance that you can win or lose (learn from this).

(Note: This video isn't intended to be seen as any kind of financial advice, help, or information. It's best that you consult with a professional expert who's skilled in this profession. As well doing your own research & due diligence on coming up with the best financial strategies that works best for you.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


I know everyone has their own preference in terms of choosing which brand, make, model, or manufacturer of firearm that they're going to run with as their go to weapon. Coming from my own personal experiences of shooting & test firing a few fi****ms, I will honestly say that not all guns are created equal.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: Watts 86


Most people's perception of a thug, gangsta, or quote on quote "A Real One" is someone who brags or glorifies being involved in criminal, gang, drug related activities. Who takes pride being in & out of the justice system, having a reputation of being feared, respected & popular/known on the streets. As well as untouchable I suppose.

But in reality the true gangstas are the elites or individuals who are in global, economic, medical, corporate, and political power dressed in suits, doctor jackets & police/military uniforms. Including the regular average folks & nerdy looking squares who've put in work, know a thing or about the lifestyle, never got caught up, and don't have a reputation because of how organized or quiet about everything that they were involved in even down to the pettiest crimes & street, prison, gang, or hood politics.

(Note: This video is for social media & entertainment purposes only based off of public opinion of one's perspective & point of views, not facts.)

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


In this 8600 blog video you will somewhat get to know & understand on how I actually got the alias name Con-A from as well as some of the reasons why I chose to keep using the nickname that was once I considered to be as an insult towards me. And how has it been a part of who I am since the year 2011.

*For more info on where you can find or purchase one of the 8600 OriGinal's Inc. shirts & other products please feel free to visit the links within this video post.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page):
YouTube: Watts 86


Apparently people often mistaken being like for being respected when the two are the exact polar opposites from one another

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


This woman thinks she really did something spectacular in the kitchen. That crap looks worse than jail food, I wouldn't wish this upon anyone who's forced to eat this especially the kids. OSHA & food department needs to shut her down because she has to be stopped 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86


I want to inform all of you (men & women) about the possible dangers & consequences of you not letting the other person that you're dealing with know about your natural born gender or sexual (STD) status. And then displaying it on social media for likes, views, comments, shares, attention, clout & to humilate the other person who's unaware unconsciously without even knowing or thinking about what you've done.

You not letting the other person know that you were born a man or born a woman, while forfeiting their chance on deciding whether they want to accept you or move on from you is dead wrong & completely foul.

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86

Vibes don't last forever If you're interested in wanting an artistic 8600 inspirational/admiration acknowledgement creat...

Vibes don't last forever

If you're interested in wanting an artistic 8600 inspirational/admiration acknowledgement created for you feel free to reach out or hit me up via email 📧, DM, or on all social media platforms for more details.

email: [email protected]

FB (main profile): ConNificent Watts
FB (blog page): ConNificent Watts 86
YouTube: ConNificent Watts 86



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