Harmonie King for Treasurer of the Metis Nation Saskatchewan

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  • Harmonie King for Treasurer of the Metis Nation Saskatchewan

Harmonie King for Treasurer of the Metis Nation Saskatchewan Harmonie’s entered this race with the intention of generating greater interest the political proce

Well Metis ladies and gentlemen, I am back on the campaign trail again, this time a federal election. I thought I would ...

Well Metis ladies and gentlemen, I am back on the campaign trail again, this time a federal election. I thought I would share this article on this page. So all my Metis friends and family can see what I am currently up to.

As New Democratic Party candidate for the federal riding of Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River, Meadow Lake resident Harmonie King said her youth care wor


Wellz I been hearing that I got them there self-Government opposer candidates a little rattled!

Cause I speak the truth - and they no dam straight that any proposed amendment to the Metis self-government agreement will sabotage self government recognition in Saskatchewan.

They don’t appear to care that they is slapping the vision of our ancestors into the ground!

Yep they say we need to keep Métis institutions, at arms length from Metis government, the government of our people - 18,000 strong and growing!

These candidates thinks they can just snap their fancy fingers and make Government jump! Ain’t how it happens in the real world!

Another thing these candidates is screaming transparency and accountability all over Saskatchewan - but has no problems with sharing information from some of these mystery “Métis” accounts .. from Je sweetie to Métis Nationalists.

Well I am proud of myself for actually calling out these candidates and I ain’t doing it because of “hate or envy”.

Truth is I feel sorry for anyone running those losing ground kinda style campaigns ... when ya just gotta take it to next level..

Telling you straight I ain’t a limbo type a gal so I don’t know how to limbo low..

So I ask what kinda candidate says well lookie over there ... that other candidate (who is raising substantive issues) is doing it cause they all full of hate and envy of me. So show how accountable you really is and explain to all of us why ya thinks anyone hates ya or is envious of you? Let’s attack credibility by saying they hates you or is envious? Finding it funny cause of them there contradictions -

I was reading at the start of the campaign a candidate defending the exclusive candidate forums - well they knew this was being held- jumping in to take defence of that debate while taking side shots - on another candidate - oh he knew.. yep same limbo new partner!

I mean I can’t afford no fancy masks or fancy slacks but I ain’t envious of anybody! I means I ‘z educated tooo and my momma she make a mean banana cream pie..and I knows a lotta people who’s envious of that ..and that’s all I gotta say on that

"If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me"



Part 1

My name is Harmonie King I am Metis with a long history of activism in my family. I would like to congratulate the MNS for their success on the self-government front. Only 4 short years ago, our hopes as a Nation were diminished.

Governments refused to meet with our MNS leaders – they shut our doors. We were too loud we were too proud! Our voices silenced.

For ten long years the Government, while undermining our democratic processes, propped up Metis affiliates, affiliates that belong to our people yet have no political or financial accountability to our people.

Provincial Corporate Institutions with no accountability to our people - no province wide ballot box election! No requirements to demonstrate proof of Metis ancestry to access programs.

I am here to tell you, that we will be taking back our institutions and ensuring that any programs and services go to our People! We will govern our own institutions! And we will also own our own buildings just like the big boy governments, cause we are a government.





Candidates Leclair and Chartier are saying we want to amend the Self government agreements! Let’s be clear, federal minister Bennett received cabinet authority to sign these agreements. So any amendment will mean she will have to go back for another mandate, which will take a long time.

With a federal election looming any amendments will leave us Metis here in Saskatchewan out of self government completely and behind all of the other Métis governments.

Finally you guys just need to knock it off a bit with the dirty politics I seen some posts circulating from Je suit. Well Je suis, our children are watching. Je suis who says I want accountability and transparency -while hiding behind a fake facebook account, that coincidentally benefits several other candidates and are shared by candidates who are also screaming for accountability. Candidates who are ok with the hidden face and hidden agenda of Je suis!

Every day our people wake up to violence in our communities- verbal, physical, racial- sometimes from the outside & sometimes from the inside from our own people. We must stand up against personal attacks, this is what leadership does. Stands up against personal attacks.

These are some of the reason why our youth do not want to get involved in Metis politics.

Ju Suis show yourself, model transparency model accountability. We need to lead by example, because our children learn this behaviour. Which is very unhealthy.

So on may 29th I ask you what type of leader do you want, someone who understands self-government? someone who thinks self-government means allowing a metis institution to be controlled by a Sask government provincial agenda?

Part 2

Financial reporting is important and our legitimacy in the eyes of our citizens and other governments can be assured through accountability measures.

Measures reflected in fiscal policy and Métis Laws, not based on a non-profit corporation. Do you know of any government that runs not for profit?
People need to free their colonial thinking!

I start from the basis that we are a government and not a non-profit corporation and our public servants should be paid on par with those big boy government employees. How can we really represent the citizens of our government. effectively on a non profit salary.

As a treasurer it is my responsibly to prepare the Metis nation governments budget in collaboration with the PMC - who also within their own portfolios will have priorities that will need to be implemented .

As treasurer I would imagine that I am defacto the minister of finance.
As the finance minister I must prepare an annual financial report of the government of the Metis Nation.

To develop fiscal policy, administer transfer funds pursuant to our government to government fiscal transfers under the self-government agreement, to develop fiscal accountability laws to ensure transparency to our citizens while balancing the responsibilities with our legal obligations to our public sector relating to access to information and privacy.

In doing this I must also be fiscally prudent. I also want to let you know I have reviewed government pay scales because we are a government - not a non profit corporation- and I am please that the MNS can finally pay our political leaders on par with them big boy governments.

In closing issues relating to transparency and accountability should be embedded in the constitution, as law we are a self-governing nation.

Part 3

I will recommend the passing of a law called the Access to Information and Privacy Act, governing the control of information in the Metis government hand, or cabinet.

I will push for election laws, to ensure candidates' commitment is to the citizens of the Metis Nation and those commitments should not be overshadowed by larger financial contributions or political agenda of others promoting division in our community.

We must continue to build a representative and strengthened government at the local, regional and provincial level all paddling together

Establish partnerships to directly respond to the economic & social conditions that impacts our people's health.

I will continue to support the successes of the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan by promoting and advancing Metis Self Government and Land Claims.

"If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me"

Harmonie King May 29th.



I had a chat this afternoon with my auntie Angela who spoke with me about the importance of advocating for a process of de-registration. My auntie spoke strongly about the fact that, owing to the ongoing denial of basic benefits for Métis people that many of the elderly in our communities have taken status. These individuals were ALWAYS a part of our Metis communities, but i our owing to their financial circumstances ..have under an emotional duress applied for status. The sad thing is that in their hearts they feel Métis but on Paper they now belong to a band! Their Métis identity and culture stripped from them because - they are economic hostages- because of the governments failure to provide equitable treatment to Indigenous People’s!

Métis in their hearts! Living within Métis Communities denied their Métis identity because of Government inaction.

If I am elected I will fight with the real perpetrators of this cultural genocide - the federal government. No Métis citizen should be denied their heritage because of the federal governments refusal to deal wifh the Métis equitably !

If elected I will Fight for a voluntary de-registry process, from the Indian Act, for those who identify as Métis and who have always been part of our Métis communities! I will also advocate for health services for our elderly . I am sick and tired of the federal governments refusal to address the needs of our elders such that they now have to abandon their Métis heritage just so they can get a pair of glasses or medicine! Really it is sickening!

"If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me"

*****Once again, this campaign is proudly supported from the sale proceeds of Gwen Kings Tupperware, King Eggs and home baked Pies. How can a gal compete? Fairly and on a level playing field.********

***METIS CITIZENS DEBATE- SASKATOON***I was asked to participate in a “debate” tonight in Saskatoon hosted  by the “Mét...


I was asked to participate in a “debate” tonight in Saskatoon hosted by the “Métis citizen” a brand s***king new Facebook account.

Now that I exposed those forked tongue devils the Métis Nationalists - I fear that they done set up a new Métis Citizen account.

Appears as though them varments with their buckskin garments are setting to s***k their oppersition at this here candidates “debate” in Saskatoon tonight!

Now I ain’t got no problem with that but throughout this campaign I have been asking for transparency and FairPlay and this can be achieved I would Imagine in a neutral forum.

So I am supportive of the professional debate next week. No questions boom I will be there!

Now one thing that bothers me however is some are questioning the integrity of those professional debates but doesn’t appear to be
questioning who the hell is running tonights “debate “ ...

See I don’t know who these people is the “Métis citizen” but when I get a request from a recently established account with no information as to who is hosting this event or who is funding it..well I start to getting suspicious.

I mean I get majorly concerned .. i remember my Grandpa Rod Bishop walked into one of those Saskatoon debates in the 90’s and he was ambushed..he was actually thrown to the ground, kicked and beaten, ended up in the hospital a day later with kidney failure..so I think I am gonna take a pass on them there “Métis citizens” invite!

To my ways of thinking I wanna know who this here “Métis Citizen “ is, who they is getting their monies from, is the MMC paying for this event being held at that swanky Saskatoon Inn.

So all I say is man up “Mr. Johnny come lately to facebook” be loud be proud... cause if you gonna throw some sucker punches well I wanna know who’s got the Ching Ching Bling Bling for this “debate”

"If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me"

*****Once again, this campaign is proudly supported from the sale proceeds of Gwen Kings Tupperware, King Eggs and home baked Pies. How can a gal compete? Fairly and on a level playing field.********


Green Lake peeps, Beauval peeps and Pinehouse peeps, I will be campaign in your communities. My auntie is going to be driving for me, so I can continue focusing on the campaign.

Please feel free to inbox me if you would like to discuss any issues either over the phone or socially distanced.




As you already heard Gabriel Dumont’s “New Nation: La Novel Naasyoon Candidates Edition is hot off the press. Now, I am gonna be straight out they didn’t appear to change my words. So, I aint got no gripe with that…

However, I am the kinda girl who likes to cut through crap, so when I read the editorial content, the bias was clearly evident. I fear that the Metis Millionaires Club (MMC) and the Provincial Government has infiltrated that institution. While GDI proudly proclaims that they operate at “arms length” near as I can tell the Metis National Council (MNC) has longer spidy arms then the MNS.

So I read that editorial content and all I saw was a whole lot of talking about the successes of the MNC and the Saskatchewan Government (yep we can trust the provincial government??? to protect our harvesting rights.. to take a stand for our people on Indigenous Youth Suicides). So when I see GDI promoting the provincial government and the MNC as allies of our people and our communities.. I am concerned! Majorly concerned!!

When I see this bias, well that New Nation magazine operated by GDI with close connections to the MNC and the provincial government well the New Nations just looses all credibility. This is what my grandpa Rod called “back pocket politics”! this ain’t fair to those of us who can’t afford no pockets ..

So, I ask can I trust them to educate our students truthfully ? I ask what is the truth? when I see an apparent bias, I say is old long arms trying to manipulate an election result, to keep our Metis people under control?

Naturally I am concerned about the editor who I fear they are holding hostage.

I am gonna be straight out I am absolutely insulted that the MMC (Metis Millionaires Club) would use our own homegrown educational institute to weaponize AGAINST our own people. Yes to weaponize against our people!

Now I don’t want to be running a GHOST CAMPAIGN but I don’t think the leaders of the 70’s who had integrity would be thanking the MNC for getting us some more Ching: Ching Ching Bling Bling! “thanks to the historic Canada- Metis Nation Accord negotiated by the MNC”.

In fact I know those “great leaders of the 70’s” like my grandpa Rod Bishop WOULD NOT BE proud of the MNC for cultivating this Ching Ching Bling Bling Mentality and use the glory of government funding as a basis to create division in our communities.
In fact leaders like my grandpa spoke out about government funding to the Royal Commission: ‘The way I look at it this commission it will become useless just as long as the Corporate agenda of our society comes first, the multi-national corporations come first in the North and they take the first of everything in the North and they leave the last for our people”

So my grandpa talked about us being INDEPENDENT, AND THE WAY FORWARD IS THROUGH SELF-GOVERNMENT - not by being dependent on government funding, and operating under provincial laws, like the Metis Act of Saskatchewan - so for my part I ain’t gonna thank the MNC for “getting us” anything.

As I said this mentality the “we gots” mentality is cultivating a “we wants” mentality and will be the ruin of our Nation.

My grandpa was prophetic in his words that government money would divide our communities, pit our communities against each other. So, I kinda take offence to arguments about what any of these Metis Governments got us. Look at where the government hand outs approach has taken us, all them big boys, fighting for control of that meringue pie that ain’t even got any filling. Just as an aside please don’t forget to buy my mom’s pies cause I my campaign ain’t bought and paid for..


In the words of my grandpa, this money talk and this I got’s talk is just plain old smoke and mirrors, and is used:

“to do what? DIVIDE US UP SO THAT WE DON’T FIGHT FOR THOSE RESOURCES, so that we don’t have an interest in those resources? It appears to me that is the direction that the government is going at that point in time as well. SO I SAY THIS IS IMPORTANT NOT ONLY TO ME AS A METIS BUT I THINK IT IS IMPORTANT TO METIS PEOPLE IN THE NORTH”

I am going to take this a step further and say that although my grandpa would be proud of the individual successes of the many educational outcomes of Metis students, he would be turning over, by the fact that GDI is being used as a vehicle to promote DEPENDENCE on government, propped up by the MNC with the look at what they got us mentality. Pretty dam sure he would not be glad to hear how GDI is being used to promote the provincial government continued oppression of our people! Hell no one can get them to the table on the rights agenda. So I don’t think he would be talking about how the “province has stepped in” to save GDI and how they have “lent a helping hand”. Yes the Saviors of GDI and the Metis People – the Saskatchewan Government and the MNC. You heard it folks all in black and white how GDI has “been on a meteoric rise” since the Saskatchewan Government – “lent a helping hand”! TO THIS I SAY HOLY HELL WE NEED TO GET GDI OUT OF THE CLUTCHES OF THE PROVINICAL GOVERNMENT AND THE MMC AND BACK INTO THE HANDS OF OUR PEOPLE!

So I am gonna be straight out, if I am elected I will advocate for the repeal of the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan Act which takes our homegrown institutions outside of the clutches of the Provincial government and bring them back to the People! We don’t need no neo-colonizers oppressing our people!

"If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me"

*****Once again, this campaign is proudly supported from the sale proceeds of Gwen Kings Tupperware, King Eggs and home baked Pies. How can a gal compete? Fairly and on a level playing field.********

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the Special Addition Issue of the New Nation; La Novel Naasyoon Magazine.  (I'm on page...

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the Special Addition Issue of the New Nation; La Novel Naasyoon Magazine. (I'm on pages 26 & 27)

Thanks for your support 🙂


The New Nation: La noovel naasyoon magazine is a GDI publication promoting Métis history and culture, the Institute’s programs and successes, and showcasing good news stories of Métis across the province. The magazine will be available for free online and in a limited print version.



So I been hearing a lot of chatter about people at the Métis Nation havin’ to sign them there NDA’s (Non Disclosure Agreeements).

I don’t know whether this is true or not! All I knows is that none of my family members knew they was supposed to sign up! I am glad they didn’t... cause them kinda documents is nothing but trouble.

But the fact is an NDA is unenforceable if it is used to cover up anything that’s illegal!

It’s like this if you saw someone murdering a person and you went to that witness and asked him to sign an NDA ... to keep his mouth shut - well that agreement - would be pure null and void. Cause you can’t use an NDA to cover up wrong doings!

Ever heard of that old feller Harvey Weinstein who had all those women signing those dam things and he dam near created the whole ME TOO movement all on his own.

All those NDA’s got em in to a whole heck of a lot of trouble, they call it eveeedence... those NDA’s were invalid cause he was using them to cover up wrong doing. Now ding d**g is doing time in Sing Song...

cause the fact is if you commit a crime ya doing time cause an NDA won’t Cover your ass..so I sort of think well this rumour on the NDA’s is questionable.

I am going to tell you straight out if I am elected, i won’t be signing any of them dam NDA’s 😂😂😂.

However if them NDA’s is to ensure government and public service accountability, I will recommend the passing of a law called the Access to Information and Privacy Act governing the control of Information in the Métis Government hands, or cabinet confidences etc.

So I am gonna promise you right now that I Ain’t signing any of them thar NDA’s.

“If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me”

*****This campaign is proudly sponsored from the sale proceeds of Gwen Kings Tupperware , King Eggs and home baked Pies. How can a gal compete? Fairly and on a level playing field.*******



Now I have been hearing a lot of complaints about the unfairness of the MÉTIS REGISTRY process and documented proof of that unfairness.

People told me they submitted their citizenship applications a while back and NOTHING... people who we know full well are Métis .. the children of well known leaders like my auntie, who fought for and got our rights .. then there’s the folks who’s “confidence is restored” in the registry because their application “was started before the 29th” ... well to this I say POLITICAL

Registry you ain’t got my confidence. Hell no wonder y’all are in court.. we know who’s Métis - in our communities - so come talk with us.. To my way of thinking we need some elders from every region working with the registry to see if citizens meet the “community acceptance” requirements laid out in Powley!

I am telling you straight if I am elected that the Office of the Registrar will not be controlled by the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan. The Registrar will be set up as an Independent Branch of Government like that them there GDI. If I am elected all Employees of the office of the Metis Registry will not be hired by the Métis Nation Saskatchewan full stop. I will also ensure that there will be laws against direct and indirect political interference anyone interfering with that Registry will be refused a seat in Government!

The arbitrariness of some of the Registrars decisions - causes me pause - some in some out- so that our citizens are left fighting the registrar for their RIGHT TO VOTE.. I call bull and it’s time for the wake up shake up show.

The other thing that I have been hearing from our people is criticisms about the fact that some of these new Métis have never been active a day in their lives. Now this is the real identity issue. People who can ancestrally connect but don’t have an ounce of cultural pride with families that were never active in our communities. How can we expect to carry forward our identity if people are only signing up for what they can get!

I mean I don’t expect them to all be active, I don’t even care if there families weren’t active I get it.. but I do have a problem with them there “Métis” that are in it for what they can get and not what they can give..

And really that’s the big problem right there cause when our leaders saying look at what “I got you” then those are the kinds a people you are going to attract ..Our Nation can only flourish if we attract people on the basis of cultural pride. How can we expect to carry forward our cultural legacy if people are signing up just for what we can give them? People need to stand by their identity be loud be proud!

In my mind the Métis Nation Constitution needs to be enhanced by a strengthening the community acceptance component in our constitution. Checks and balances placed the Registrars coming from the local and regional level. Pretty sure that the community acceptance test set out in Powley isn’t evidenced solely by ancestral connection.


Electoral reform and Registry reform my fight for you!

“If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me”

*****This campaign is proudly sponsored from the sale proceeds of Gwen Kings Tupperware , King Eggs and home baked Pies. How can a gal compete? Fairly and on a level playing field.******* 🥧

Today is a day we dedicate as a Celebration for Women, as our life givers. I want to thank the matriarchs in my family f...

Today is a day we dedicate as a Celebration for Women, as our life givers. I want to thank the matriarchs in my family for all of the hard work in raising our future generations. Your compassion, love and support does not go unnoticed.

I also want to acknowledge the women who struggle with the impacts of infertility, you are mothers. It may not be in the way you want, or wished it would to be, as honorary mothers/ aunties/ grandmothers, in your maternal relationships you play a vital role in helping raise the babies and children in the community. I want to thank-you.

I want to express my condolences to the people who are struggling with the grief of no longer having the mother or maternal person presence on this earth with them. I hold your experiences of this day in my heart and pray for your healing.

Today is a day of celebration. Today is also a day of reminders for some of bittersweet sorrow of the loss of being a biological mother, loss of child or the personal loss of a having a mother/ Maternal figure present in your life.

Thank-you women.


Ghosts of Xmas Past

I have been giving a lot of thought to simpler times and how to create greater meaningful involvement in the Métis Nation and how to build strength in our Nation.

I have been looking at how community activism developed in the North. Activism that developed in positive spaces that built up our sense of pride and community. Families working along side one another supporting one another.

At one time it was common place to hold Métis local meetings on a monthly basis, when there was no money coming in. As I have been campaigning, I have heard that in some areas the locals are not active - this must change!

We must generate pride in our Nation - because the power rests with the People at the local level. As we move to implement the Métis Self-Government agreements, there is an excellent opportunity for constitutional reform - to ensure that the heart of our Nation (our families) - the locals are respected. To create interest, strength, a voice, community involvement and legitimacy the Constitution must embed a requirement that MNS local be elected through a ballot box system every 4 years.

As part of constitutional reform I also believe that it is important to provide clarity on the relationship between the locals and the regions. In order to move forward we must paddle together, in Harmonie, as did the Métis voyageurs, rather then slowing down because of fights between locals and regions.

The strength and authority of our Nation rests with our people, it comes from the bottom up and not the top down.

The direction is set by the Métis people and we need to hear from each of you on what is important and that can only be achieved by strengthening and encouraging greater local involvement through accountable democratically elected local government.

As a people I look at the successes of many of the increased opportunities, and I say Bravo, but I say we cannot rally around or rely solely on what our leaders “got” us. I believe that we must look to the ghosts of Christmas Pasts - like my grandpa Rod Bishop, the warriors who blockaded roads and empowered our people by taking a stand!!

Leaders who focussed on creating empowered communities. How did they do this, by running and offering locally designed and controlled programs to respond to the unique needs of each community. Problems were identified and solutions were designed and implemented to respond to the unique community needs! A good example of that was the Alex Bishop Childcare Center. We can’t just be looking at our leaders as Ghosts of Christmas Presents to give us presents.

I say this because trust me, one day Santa won’t come, and raining down money will not strengthen our Nation. As a people we must change our mindset, we must not look at what is being given to us, rather we must look at what we are building together.

So as a people we need to focus on creating opportunities for individual empowerment - strengthening our Nation - starting with every individual.

We must remember that the survival of our Nation is dependent upon our activism and as citizens we all have a personal obligation to our Nation to make it stronger. We must do more then just show up on election day to cast a vote for who can give us the most? We want an empowered Nation not a dependent Nation.

So each citizen must ask themselves how can I get involved, how can I promote our culture, how can I build up my community, how can I support others? As citizens we need to do more then just wait for our next hampers- we set the course - we set the direction. As citizens, collectively, we are the bosses.

So we all must be active - we must walk with our brothers and sisters , we must sew with our brothers and sisters, we must cook with our brothers and sisters! In doing this we will build stronger, healthier, caring, compassionate supportive communities.

For me building the Nation starts at the local level and we must build upon the strength of that model, which owing to the wisdom of our people and the drafters is embedded in our current constitution. As we move forward with the historically significant self- government agreements, we have an opportunity to recreate and redefine ourselves.


“If you want straight talk, straight action and homegrown leadership vote for me”

*****This campaign is proudly sponsored from the sale proceeds of Gwen Kings Tupperware , King Eggs and home baked Pies . How can a gal compete? Fairly and on a level playing field.*******




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