Of course ni la mende pertama yang akan bermain kat fikiran kalau nak mula buat kajiankan? Kalau nak berpegang pada tajuk proposal masa interview HLP dulu nampak gaya macam kabur jaa sebab dah basi!
Maka beryou tube la untuk dapatkan ilham macamana nak dapatkan tajuk yang sesuai. Soo kat bawah ni kira macam rumusan panduan nak pilih tajuk. Macam-macam mazhab ada tapi aku rasa yang ni basic yang mudah difahami k*t:
1. Understand basic research theory / process
2. Understand what university want : originality, topic restrictions, data requirement (Primary? Secondary? Both?),methodology, ethics
3. Start broad and narrow it down. Identify areas that interest you. Avoid any bias (emotionally charge) caveat : interest areas: intellectually appealing but not emotional investment
4. Review past dissertations to identify more refined, niche areas of interest – dissertation library database - file them into folder - organise!
5. How to review – full tittle – executive summary, abstract, intro chapter, conclusion
6. Ask yourself- types of topic covers, how turn to research q, how broad/narrow topics, originality/unique topics, important/justified topics
7. How to narrow down- Contoh:
i.Broad areas: social media marketing
Niche: fb marketing /youtube marketing
ii.Broad area: reputation mgt
Niche: consumer trust
8. Review LR to understand the current state of knowledge – the existing body of knowledge finding the missing puzzle – gap. How to do this:
i. Scan the relevant journal – google scholar – download top 5 journal
ii. Method literature search : snowball the reference list of each journal article
Google Scholar tu ko boleh register untuk dapatkan notification latest article yang dipublish melalui emel. Key in keyword yang ko nak tu nanti Google Scholar akan alert kat emel ko. Google Scholar ni best sebab dia FREE and banyak buku, statistik yang ko boleh tengok yang takde kat database lain.