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Modern Woman Guide Helping women increase their feminine energy and seamlessly get everything they want in life.

❌ Feminine energy is NOT chaser energy. Women are not supposed to be the chasers in relationships and please do not trus...

❌ Feminine energy is NOT chaser energy.

Women are not supposed to be the chasers in relationships and please do not trust anyone who tells you otherwise!

If he likes you, he will call you.

If he likes you, he will court you.

It’s that simple.

And if he doesn’t, it’s time to move on. Because every second you waste making excuses for him is a second you could have spent attracting the One.

This is also why I tell my clients to be always talking to at least 3-5 men. It prevents them from getting into the desperate, chaser vibration that is the biggest repellent of confident men (losers actually enjoy it but my ladies are not about losers 🙅🏼‍♀️).

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If you’re feeling stuck in any area in life, you are probably living in your masculine energy! ❌ While being in your mas...

If you’re feeling stuck in any area in life, you are probably living in your masculine energy!

❌ While being in your masculine can sometimes be helpful in certain limited situations, it is not in alignment with us women, and it blocks our intuition and manifestations.

💡I learned the power of feminine energy a few years ago and I now have the life I dreamed about as a little girl.

In theory, it is very simple - live in your feminine energy, live a soft life.

In practice, it is very difficult - it requires complete de-conditioning and re-conditioning, learning many new techniques, tools and habits, upgrading your mindset, worldview, physical appearance, style, attitude, character, personality, communication style, etc.

I went from living in my head, being so in my masculine while pursuing a legal career, and self-sabotaging all my relationships (including breaking up with my now husband on our third date) to now being 27 years old, married with 2 beautiful children, and having abundance in business and life.

❤️‍🔥 THIS is the power of feminine energy. And that softness is your biggest strength. Embrace it.

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According to Population Reference Bureau, progress in women’s health is backsliding, with millennial and Gen Z women fac...

According to Population Reference Bureau, progress in women’s health is backsliding, with millennial and Gen Z women facing heightened risks.

“Young women today are obtaining college degrees and entering the workforce in record numbers to achieve their generation’s version of the American Dream. But structural barriers to health and safety are preventing many of them from reaching their full potential,” said Diana Elliott, vice president for U.S. programs at the Population Reference Bureau.

Among women ages 25 to 34, suicide rates have climbed from 4.4 deaths per 100,000 for Generation X to 7 deaths per 100,000 for Millennial women. 

And this is only getting worse.

So it begs the questions:

* Are women really becoming more “successful”?

* Are women progressing?

* Is the pursuit of breaking the glass ceiling worth it?

🤔 Or is this all a big scam….

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A sad story we’ve seen too many times… And I’m sure you all know someone who’s been through this cycle, or maybe that pe...

A sad story we’ve seen too many times…

And I’m sure you all know someone who’s been through this cycle, or maybe that person is you.

I was actually prompted to share this after watching a new Christmas movie on Netflix called “Family Switch” where Jennifer Garner plays an over-worked and over-stressed wife and mom on partner track married to a passive high-school band teacher.

I also saw that my 2 year-old children’s book features a family where the father is wearing an apron and making cookies while the mother is working in the office.

As another example, Kim K was recently named GQ’s Man of the Year.

I mean, the conditioning is EVERYWHERE and it is being planted even earlier and earlier in the fickle minds of young children.

Very sad indeed…

🌟 December testimonials. For those of you who don’t know me, my style is blunt and to the point.I am not your typical Ca...

🌟 December testimonials.

For those of you who don’t know me, my style is blunt and to the point.

I am not your typical California fake smile coach.

I call a spade a spade and I don’t sugarcoat things or baby my clients.

❌ My goal is not to appease you so you can keep paying my fee.

✅ My goal is to transform you.

🙅🏼‍♀️ And I don’t create damsels in distress.

🫦 I create femme fatales.

To the more sensitive women, it can sometimes be hard to take, but I promise you, there are big rewards at the end.

For 1-on-1 coaching inquiries for 2024, DM me or email [email protected] Limited spots available.

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It’s December 1, which means you have exactly one month left of this year!Instead of doing what most people do, which is...

It’s December 1, which means you have exactly one month left of this year!

Instead of doing what most people do, which is eat too much and drink too much, use this month as a head start to launch the new and improved you in 2024.

Don’t wait for the New Year!

‼️ 𝐈𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭, 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐁𝐲 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝟖𝟎% 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝.

For example, people who want to lose weight get excited and buy gym memberships in January, then by the following month they get busy, going to the gym becomes an inconvenience, they lose all motivation, and just stop going.

So how do you stick with a goal you have?


Because if you can focus and take actions on a goal where the outside circumstances are less than optimal, no matter what life brings you in the future, you will stay on track.

Otherwise, the second things get hard, busy, or you start losing motivation, you’ll quit.

🌟 So don’t wait until January 1st to work on the new and improved you. Whether it’s losing weight, improving your mindset, changing your habits, working on your anxiety, becoming more feminine, etc. START NOW.

You will thank yourself later.

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So many people tell me how lucky I am to have the life that I do. But this isn’t luck. I simply learned at a young age w...

So many people tell me how lucky I am to have the life that I do.

But this isn’t luck. I simply learned at a young age what to focus on in life.

Too many people focus on the wrong things like gossip, celebrities, negativity, lack, other people, etc. None of that will bring you closer to your goals.

What matters are 3 things: health, love, and happiness.

🥗 I focus on taking care of myself and my body, so I am healthy and thriving.

👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 I focus on my relationships and romantic life, so I have a beautiful family to love.

📕 I focused on self-care and growth, so I feel happy and fulfilled on the inside.

It’s simple in theory, more difficult in practice.

But not impossible.

And if I can do it, you can too.

🌟 You can absolutely find the man of your dreams and build the life of your dreams. It is all in your hands. It just takes focus, effort and consistency.

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‼️ If he is making you question how invested he is in you - he is not the one! You deserve a man who is 100% sure about ...

‼️ If he is making you question how invested he is in you - he is not the one!

You deserve a man who is 100% sure about you, a man who chooses you and only you, and who will never make you jealous of other women, or make you feel unsure of yourself.

🏆 A real quality man will make other women jealous of you, of how deeply he loves you, of how much he cares about you, of how much he does for you.

❌ He will not love bomb you one day and go quiet the next, or make snarky remarks about your appearance, or appear uninterested when you’re telling a story, or prioritize his friends and work over you, or be iffy with his communication and time, or make you want to go through his phone.

So, if you are in a “situationship” or a relationship but you are unsure about a man’s level of commitment and care for you, know that you deserve better.

And when he is 100% sure about you, you will be 100% sure about him too. There won’t be any questions in your mind.

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Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁Thankful for health and family 🙏These are the blessings 🌟(PS: this was last year’s Christmas photos...

Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁

Thankful for health and family 🙏

These are the blessings 🌟

(PS: this was last year’s Christmas photoshoot and I was pregnant here with our boy)

Ladies, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there is noone busier than an uninterested man.If he doesn’t make tim...

Ladies, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there is noone busier than an uninterested man.

If he doesn’t make time for you, or is somehow only available late at night, he does not like you. It really is that simple.

If a man is interested, he will pursue you through the end of the world and he will move mountains just to spend time with you and to court you.

❌ So never make excuses for a man who’s “too busy” to see you. He’s not. He’s just not interested.

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Going on a first date the RIGHT vs. the WRONG way. 
❌ If you ever find yourself taking the lead when it comes to plannin...

Going on a first date the RIGHT vs. the WRONG way.

❌ If you ever find yourself taking the lead when it comes to planning, preparing, talking, paying, and initiating intimacy, you’re doing it wrong. That’s his job.

✅ Instead, focus on being a follower. Let him ask you out, let him plan, let him talk, let him pay, let him drive you home, let him call you the next day.

(And remember, always wait at least 2 months and at least 8 dates to be intimate with a man 😉)

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🙏 November client reviews A lot of you may have the wrong idea of what a dating coach, or rather me personally, actually...

🙏 November client reviews

A lot of you may have the wrong idea of what a dating coach, or rather me personally, actually can do for you.

It isn’t just about getting you into a new relationship. You can do that just fine. You can hire a matchmaker. Or you can go on a dating show. But that’s not the point.

👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻 The point is to get you in the RIGHT relationship.

🍒 That relationship is actually the cherry on top, it is the end result of months of deep inner work. Once you do that, the right man will come into your life.

So I don’t just give you advice on what to write in your Hinge bio or how to text a man. I will first go through every single area of your life and have you do the deep inner work. It’s an emotional and holistic process, combining life coaching, femininity coaching, and practical dating advice.

And the most common mistake women do is they try to skip the inner work. And they fail miserably.

But that is a prerequisite to attracting love, and anything really, in life.

So, if you are struggling and everything you’ve tried thus far has failed, don’t hesitate to DM me or email [email protected]

I offer free initial consultations so you have nothing to lose.

🧠 The 4 attachment styles are a concept in psychology relating to the different ways in which people form emotional bond...

🧠 The 4 attachment styles are a concept in psychology relating to the different ways in which people form emotional bonds and relationships with others, often rooted in early infancy.

👥 It is also entirely possible to have different attachment styles when it comes to different people - e.g. friends, family, and romantic partners.

❤️ Acknowledging and understanding your individual attachment style in regards with romantic relationships will help you make better choices when it comes to choosing your ideal partner.

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Here are 5 individual traits that increase the likelihood of cheating: 1️⃣ Low self-esteem: people with low self-esteem ...

Here are 5 individual traits that increase the likelihood of cheating:

1️⃣ Low self-esteem: people with low self-esteem and those suffering from insecurities often need repeat and constant reassurance, which raises the risk of an affair as a way to prove worthiness.

2️⃣ Childhood trauma: people who have had physical, emotional, or sexual abuse as children have more difficulty forming healthy relationships as adults and are at a higher risk of cheating.

3️⃣ Parents who cheated: according to a 2015 study, people who were exposed to cheating in early life, especially with their own parents, are twice as likely to have an affair of their own.

4️⃣ Narcissism: narcissists, self-center people, and those who lack empathy, lack a moral compass that dictates right from wrong and do not account for how their actions impact the people around them, making them prone to cheating.

5️⃣ Prior cheating: according to a 2017 study, people who have cheated prior are 3 times more likely to cheat again in a subsequent relationship.

It is estimated that 40% of married couples experience infidelity. So if you or your partner exhibits any of these traits (because women cheat almost as much as men), prioritize addressing and resolving these issues before it is too late.

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Back in the day, divorce was almost unheard of. People took their marriage vows seriously and just knew they were stuck ...

Back in the day, divorce was almost unheard of. People took their marriage vows seriously and just knew they were stuck with each other for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do them part.

Nowadays, we live in a society of laziness and instant gratification.

🌯 We want food - we order it from an app and have it delivered to our door.

💻 We want entertainment - we press play.

💊 We want to lose weight - we take an injection or pill.

📱We get in a fight - we break up and swipe right.

People no longer value anything that requires efforts and are always on the lookout for the easiest, fastest solution.

Getting AND STAYING married, is probably the hardest thing anyone can do. Even billionaires are failing at it.

Marriage is uncomfortable, it hurts, it challenges, it intensifies all trauma and insecurities, it forces you to grow, to change, and to adapt. It forces you to put “us” ahead of “I”, which is the exact opposite from what modern society has conditioned us to do. It forces you to sacrifice, to compromise, to communicate.

Sounds terrible, right? But the payoff is a life partner, a best friend, a lover, a family, children, happiness, a union, a soulmate, a future, a forever. And too many people, lose what they potentially could have because they are not willing to put it in the work during the tough times. Instead, they end up repeating the same cycle with a different partner again and again. Because no matter who you end up with, there will be plenty of tough times and plenty of challenges.

👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻 You just can’t get to the good without going through the bad. And that’s what makes it worth it.

This may be an unpopular opinion but the blurring of gender lines and roles propagated by western pop culture is NOT nor...

This may be an unpopular opinion but the blurring of gender lines and roles propagated by western pop culture is NOT normal.

Women dress and act like men. Men dress and act like women. And we are wondering why people can’t form long lasting, strong and healthy traditional marriages.

We live in a society where expressing your gender as she/her or he/him has become disrespectful to people identifying as “they”…

As a mom to a girl and a boy, this is terrifying.

It is part of the concerted effort to destroy the nuclear family for the purpose of financial gain by the elites (along with many other tactics including the hook up culture, glamorising singlehood, encouraging divorce, the boss babe propaganda etc.)

⛔️ We need to stop normalising and spreading this agenda.

Instead, let’s:

👩🏼 Bring back femininity in women 💄

🧔🏻‍♂️ Bring back masculinity in men 💪

❤️ Prioritise love over money 💰

👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Prioritise family over self 👤

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🚩So many people are afraid of being hurt, so they self-sabotage. ❌ They may refuse to be vulnerable, they may close off ...

🚩So many people are afraid of being hurt, so they self-sabotage.

❌ They may refuse to be vulnerable, they may close off their heart, they may choose the wrong partners, or they may push the right partners away.

❤️ But the only way to have real love with someone else it to give them your heart and trust that they won't break it.

🔪Or like my husband says - to give them your heart in one hand and a knife in the other, and hope that they won’t use the knife.

🔥 At the end of the day though, even if you do get hurt, isn't it better to have experienced these high emotions, the love, the lust, the affection, the passion, the memories, the joy, than to never have experienced them at all?

👵🏼 Don't you want to look back at your life when you're old and gray and know that you have lived fully, and that you have seen all the ups and downs that life has to offer? Or would you rather look back at your life and realize that you have simply existed, having been afraid to take any risks?

For me, the choice is clear.

How about for you?

I’m on quest to start a FEMININITY movement and help all present and future women live better and happier lives. Change ...

I’m on quest to start a FEMININITY movement and help all present and future women live better and happier lives.

Change starts here. With us.

So please join the movement, like, save and share this message 🙏

Do you ever feel like you’re living in Groundhog Day? You keep meeting the same type of guy, having the same type of iss...

Do you ever feel like you’re living in Groundhog Day?

You keep meeting the same type of guy, having the same type of issues, ending the same type of end…

Why is this happening?

Because you haven’t learned your lesson and you keep making the same mistake.

See, life is very much like a video game - in order to get to the next level, you must first win the current level. Otherwise, you keep playing at the same level indefinitely.

And in order to “win”, you need to learn you lesson and stop making the same mistake.

This applies to everything: relationships, work, friendships, weight loss, etc.

In the context of romantic relationships, your lesson often has to do with the criteria you have when it comes to picking men. For example, you can’t only be dating playboys and wondering why they don’t want to get serious with you. You can’t only be dating workaholics, and wondering why they don’t spend enough time with you. You can’t keep dating losers, and wondering why you have to pay for everything.

So learn your lesson, stop making the same mistake, stop doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Get very real with what matters in a partner and only focus on that. If you want a serious relationship, stop with the playboys. If you want quality time, don’t date a busy CEO. If you want a man with a future, stop entertaining underachievers.

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Are you struggling with finding love? Are you tired of the endless swiping, pointless dating, the disappointments, and t...

Are you struggling with finding love? Are you tired of the endless swiping, pointless dating, the disappointments, and the hookup culture? Are you sick of men asking you to split the bill or only having time to see you after 1am? Do you wish that chivalry was more prevalent in our modern culture?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions you are in the right place. I will teach you how to make any man want to do anything for you: open doors, get on a 10hr flight to see you, plan surprises for you, give you all his love and attention, and so much more.

They 🔑 is … you guessed it - FEMININE ENERGY ✨

The more you embody it, the more you polarise the men around you into their own alpha masculine energy.

The more you go into your Queen energy, the more you push him into his King energy. 🤴🏽

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👧🏻 PLAYING WITH KIDS: When a woman is in the presence of a real masculine Alpha male, she becomes almost like a child - ...

👧🏻 PLAYING WITH KIDS: When a woman is in the presence of a real masculine Alpha male, she becomes almost like a child - soft, sweet, innocent, vulnerable, with a heart filled with magic and wonder. You can get in the same state of being by playing with children and by immersing yourself in their world.

☀️ SUNLIGHT: you hear people everywhere telling you how harmful the sun is and how you shouldn’t expose yourself to sunlight, but sun is medicine (especially early morning sun). Humans have lived and thrived under the sun for thousands of years. The sun literally gives life. So if you are feeling down or gloomy, let the sun into your house, open the windows and curtains, go out into the sunlight, feel its warmth on the skin, its kiss on your face. 

🙏 MEDITATION: anything that can get you our of your head and into your heart, body, and soul will naturally increase your feminine energy. It can be extremely beneficial for women that are constantly living in their heads due to busy schedules. So take time, even if it’s just 10 minutes, to be in a quiet place and do a silent or guided meditation.

🛀 LONG BATH: there is nothing like a nice warm bubble path to relax after a long day. It is important to invest time in your own well-being, especially if you are a person who gives a lot to others. Like the saying in airplane goes, you need to put your own gas mask first before helping others. If you don’t take care of your own needs, you can’t be your best when caring for others.

🖼️ DOING SOMETHING CREATIVE: Modern living and working requires a lot of intense focus and logic. Feminine energy is the opposite of that - it is extremely creative, expressive and free-flowing. It is important to take time each week to have a creative outlet in order to get this energy moving. This can be painting, dancing, poetry, knitting, decorating, gardening, etc.

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Short answer: It was a calling I received one morning from the Universe. Long answer: Throughout my own life, relationsh...

Short answer: It was a calling I received one morning from the Universe.

Long answer: Throughout my own life, relationships, and marriage, I learned many things about what makes for a happy and fulfilling life, and what doesn’t. I realized that I drank the kool-aid sold by modern society in my late teens that pushed me to pursue a legal career and want to be a real-life Jessica Pearson. Living in Los Angeles, I would get such a kick when someone asked me if I was a model or actress and I said “No, attorney”. But to what end? So I can grow old alone, stressed, sick, and loose all my hair, just to have a few hundred thousand saved in a 401k when I turn 65? No thank you.

🙏 I want love, connection, family, children, abundance, health, happiness. I want the freedom to chose how I spend my days and do something that is truly meaningful and fulfilling. I want to go through life with a partner who takes the lead, and who protects and provides for me. I want to be present with my children and enjoy every day. I want to experience all that life has to offer.

🌟 I knew this life wouldn’t just happen to me. I had to consciously create it for myself. And I did. So now I want to help other women do the same. Because it’s not easy. I had to reprogram my conditioning, reframe my mindset, let go of what I considered “safe”, fully lean into my feminine energy, get in touch with my intuition, and follow my heart with no guarantees of the outcome but with complete faith. This is manifestation. And if you read my post on manifestation, you already know that manifestation is a co-creation between you and the Universe, and you HAVE to do your part for it to work ‼️

🙌 To that end, starting January 2024, I will launch my first online course “Foundations of Femininity” where I will teach the exact seven steps needed to start living in your feminine energy and manifesting your dreams. Stay tuned!

If he is unavailable, either because 1) he is already in a relationship, or 2) he is emotionally unavailable, then he is...

If he is unavailable, either because 1) he is already in a relationship, or 2) he is emotionally unavailable, then he is NOT for you. And you won’t change him.

‼️Remember: if he cheated on her with you, he will cheat on you with someone else.

If he is emotionally unavailable now, he will be the same in the future.

You need to meet men where they are at and not where you want them to be.

So value yourself enough to not waste time with such questionable characters.

Boy, bye 👋

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For men and women alike, having a high body count = low standards 👎Most people nowadays are not particularly picky when ...

For men and women alike, having a high body count = low standards 👎

Most people nowadays are not particularly picky when sleeping with someone. They are not looking to date, let alone marry, so anything (or anyone) goes, toothless, homeless, stray cats alike. Quantity vastly outweighs quality. And the higher the body count, the lower the standards. 📉

What you need to be is the woman who REJECTS men, the one who everyone wants but no-one can have. And you can’t just pretend, you genuinely need to dramatically raise you standards when it comes to who you give your time and body to. 📈

And the only match to this woman is a man who REJECTS women. The one who has such high standards that he turns 99% down of the women trying to seduce him, and he only goes for the 1% of the most exceptional ones. This is the kind of man you will feel proud to be with (as opposed to that other guy who’s been with everyone). 🏆

And if you’re thinking “what is she talking about, who are these men who turn down women?” because you haven’t come across one like this, it just goes to show that you are not the type of woman who attracts them. But this can change.

These men are indeed very picky with everything: their friends, their woman, how they spend their days, how they dress, where they live, what they read, what they eat, etc. They live on another level compared to your average single guy.

So as you work on yourself, embrace your femininity, and upgrade your own life, these high calibre men will naturally start showing up. They are the exception to the rule but they exist. I promise you. 🙌

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