Welcome to The Cerebral Palsy Life!
My name is Isabella Schneider, and I have mild spastic cerebral palsy.
I'm creating this digital magazine to bring awareness to cerebral palsy and inform and educate how cerebral palsy affects people as adults to learn how to adapt to an adult lifestyle in a healthy way.
Some of the proposed content for the first issue include:
Day-to-Day Rotuine - How CP affects their day to day routine as an adult.
Sports/Fitness - Whether it's an individual that's just involved at the gym or is a part of a sports association, fitness is important for those with CP as an adult. It can show how one can adapt their workouts or just become involved with sports with CP.
Reflective Feature – A story that asks the question of what one expected or found unexpected when becoming an independent adult with cerebral palsy and give advice for others in the cerebral palsy community. It can be focused on mental and physical aspects of the disability or how parents and friends have provided support for as close to an independent lifestyle depending on the severity.
Physical/Occupational Therapist Highlight – Since the audience within this specific community tend to have physical therapy at some point in their life, from my research, as an adult it is better understood why it is important to have physical therapy in the daily routine. This could also feature a therapist that can explain specifics of certain exercises for people with cerebral palsy.
Doctor Highlight – There are many doctors who help improve the quality of life for people with cerebral palsy from orthopedists, foot and ankle specialists, neurologists, and many more that that deserve acknowledgement as well.
Medical Studies – A section to show a list of all studies completed about cerebral palsy effecting adults will be available as a resource for the audience and would be updated as new studies are completed.
I'm currently looking for writers and editors interested in covering any of these topics, those who wish to share their story or help in any way.
Once I have enough stories, I can begin creating the first issue with a release date in September.
I do have someone that will be designing the website soon. Once I get that up, I will share it here and update the about page.
If you have any ideas, have questions or comments, please feel free to PM me or email me at [email protected]
For any business inquires please email [email protected].