Dr.LetMeTalkAction at Rustenburg Film Festival
Day 1 (03 Sep 2020)
"The narrative that Rustenburg is about mining should change as we open this sector officially, we promise to support the initiatives by the creatives in the film sector" (Welcome Address)
"The fact is that mines are more luckily to have a shutdown, for atleast 30 years, what will we be doing during that time. We (Storytells/Filmmakers) are the Plan B of this city, despite the challenges we been facing as filmmakers in this city and the province at large, it is therefore an open call to the government to help, the vision is huge, play your role" (Purpose of the Festival)
"We have, as an academy previously produced approximately 250 graduates, who now participate in the film industry, through different production companies some of which are Moja-love, ENCA and so forth" (Overview of NW Film Industry)
"Success in this industry is through innovative minds and also content which stands out, such can be attained through divorcing the tendency ofnputting content out there prior a deep mode of Research" (Overview of the South African Film Industry)
" It is imperative for us to comprehend the meaning of ART before we invite P to the party. ART= ARTIST RESEARCHER TEACHER, P presence makes it PART. The P represents people, professional" (Word of encouragement)
"We are set to be a world-class development & funding agency, committed to nurturing and support the work of the filmmakers, with objectives such as: increase the number of SA films of Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (PDIs)" (National Film and Video Foundation)
"We are here proposing marriage, Tourism & Film. Books & paintings were the main channels which inspired fantasy on travelling to new & exotic places, today films (moving images) are our modern motivators, hence we propose marriage" (North West Tourism Board)
On Digital Spaces joined by a panel of experts and leaders:
1. Kebapetse Setlhaleho -
2. Lindi Ndebele- Koka
4.Dimakatso Kgomo
5.Jackie Motsepe