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WhistleblowerGuyana Where the whistleblowers can safely expose the wrongs of the Government.


Here are the members of a secret group that provide insider information to "investors".

This group is being run by Sase Singh (CEO of GuySuCo), Raymon Cummings (Registrar General of Guyana), Amit Persaud (Brother of pandit Aditya Persaud who heads contracts at Ministry of Zulphicar), Mohamed Karimullah (advisor to Irfan Ali) and Amanda Tewari (a quack doctor at ministry of health)

The group has Prime Minister Mark Phillips, AG Anil Nandlal, Bishop Edghil, Colin Croal, Derrick Arjune (PNCR), Devika Pestano (USA), Dhanraj Singh (Canada), Eddie Boyer, Frank Anthony, Gerry Gouveia, Irfan Ali, Jason Abdulla (Mrs McKoy), Khemraj Ramjattam (AFC), Manzoor Nadir, Peter Ramsaroop, Charles Sugrim (contractor for Sase Singh), Vishnu Mahadeo (USA), Gomati (Jagdeo's secretary), Vishnu Doerga, Anand Beharry (NBS),

We will share their information soon


we are back to expose corruption

Guyanese are no longer wondering why Parliament is not being convened..... the former PPP Minister, now Speaker is on Ho...

Guyanese are no longer wondering why Parliament is not being convened..... the former PPP Minister, now Speaker is on Holiday using taxpayers' money.

From baishanlin to joe-shanlin to jag-shanlin

From baishanlin to joe-shanlin to jag-shanlin


The Police set up a sting operation and caught the Amerindian PS on bribery. But the PS at Ministry of Health walks around with private Armed Police bodyguards that he employs from a company that he owns.

The former spy-laptop Lesley minister washes hundreds of millions of Covid-19 vaccine money for Ali while the sugar workers gets 200,000.

Priya prints ID cards with "Private firm" while bypassing Central Tender board and claiming "because we care".

Ali also washes money through First Lady office and Impression while the public servants get no raise.

More to come.

PPP New York supporters angry at their "leaders" hypocrisy.PPP has been rushing to the Hindu temples in New York. In par...

PPP New York supporters angry at their "leaders" hypocrisy.

PPP has been rushing to the Hindu temples in New York. In particular the organizations and buildings run by Satesh Prakash and Gossai.

"These two men and their organizations wanted nothing to do with the PPP while APNU was in office. Not a word against the rigging. Now they are all in bed together." One senior member of the New York Hindu Federation told us.

One Pt Rajin Harishankar said to us, "I am disgusted and embarrassed! Why must Pandit Prakash and Pandit Gossai force young girls to garland Nandlal who was a wife-abuser? This is unacceptable and is an abuse of our young girls. Why must they garland a known thief like Ali? Ali is only president because Jagdeo pushed him! No one really accepts him! That man just ate beef and comes into a temple and our girls and boys garland him? And Nandlal comes to the mandir smelling of alcohol but Prakash and Gossai honours them??"
Jagdeo, Nandlal, Ali, Gail Taxeira, Mark Phillips and others are at the New York temples each weekend. They usual devotion turns into their devotion.

Another person explained, "What is worse is that Prakash, like Kwame McKoy is a known child abuser. He is well known for his lifelong abuses of young boys. Prakash's cult-like following ignores the abuses done to their children. Prakash was also a known intimate friend of Marcus Bisram who was an intimate friend of Jagdeo. Prakash had "honored" Bisram in his temple and had boys bow to the feet of Bisram as they now do to Nandlal and others. The PPP's McKoy and Prakash are birds of a feather."

Gossai is another long story long in waiting. Another piece will be written on him. Like Prakash, he runs a cult-like organization in which his "devotees" cover for everything.

"The PPP is building its pro-indian base that that will be unassailable at the elections. However, the corruption, fraud and embrace of criminals will take it down." concluded an elderly priest.

Breaking.... The CEO of CH&PA (a former member of the youth arm of the PNC/Reform), Sherwyn Greaves was fired by Republi...


The CEO of CH&PA (a former member of the youth arm of the PNC/Reform), Sherwyn Greaves was fired by Republic Bank a few years ago for fraud.

This former RBL Senior Credit Manager was fingered for handling shady business for former President (now VP) Bharrat Jagdeo, Irfaan Ali and several PPP officials. Greaves was summarily dismissed without benefits from RBL.

This same Greaves was then employed by Jagdeo at the Opposition Leader's Office (Church Street). There, he unobtrusively wrote letters and helped Kwame McCoy's Thug Agenda.

After the 2020 Elections, Jagdeo and Ali placed Greaves as the CEO of CH&PA. This protects the skullduggery of the PPP bigwigs. In the move, Greaves is now overseeing billions of dollars in spending.

The Public already knows that Greaves has recruited family members who are working with him to sell house-lots. The CEO would issue allocation letters and have his family collect the kickbacks.

More to come on this thief who is helping the PPP steal billions while poor people suffer.

NIGEL DHARAMLALL grants "contract" singlehandedly.In a clear example of how the PPP conducts business, Dharamlall has no...

NIGEL DHARAMLALL grants "contract" singlehandedly.

In a clear example of how the PPP conducts business, Dharamlall has not only been directing contracts to his former wife and son, but has given Strategic Action Security the contract in Mabaruma (Region One).

Security Guards employed by this company has informed WhistleBlowerGuyana of the close links of the contractor with Dharamlall who displaced the former security company (Radar Security) in favor of his friend Kanhai.

It is believed that, like Watkins, Dharamlall ows part of the company that provides this security service. Grave complaints has been shared by employees. The wages are very low for most, the company takes almost 3 months to pay wages, the company illegally "deducts" NIS from workers who are at pension age.

Regional Chairman, Brentnol Ashley said publicly that Kanhai's company was promptly paid by the region. The workers do not know why it takes them almost 3 months to be paid.

"Dharamlall has to be paid first, then Kanhai, then the workers -
this takes time" said a person in Kanhai's employ. "The money has to be divided up and the workers need the job so they are paid last, they have nowhere else to go."

Whistleblower has learned that Jagdeo wants VISHNU PERSAUD in GECOM. Either as CEO or DCEO.Jagdeo has said to close frie...

Whistleblower has learned that Jagdeo wants VISHNU PERSAUD in GECOM. Either as CEO or DCEO.

Jagdeo has said to close friends that with Claudette Singh in the squeeze from foreign forces and Vishnu Persaud owned by him (Jagdeo), the PPP is guaranteed a better majority in parliament.

In his conversation Jagdeo acknowledged that the control of GECOM is well within his grasp. With GECOM being his next stop, our source says that Jagdeo is confident that Sase Gunraj and Manoj Narayan (PPP commissioners) will do his bidding in ensuring Vishnu Persaud takes over GECOM.

PUSHED OUT is Carla James, the first indigenous female appointed as Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority. Is it beca...

PUSHED OUT is Carla James, the first indigenous female appointed as Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority.

Is it because the PPP wants to bring back Indranath Haralsingh?

They brought back Dindyal Singh - as though no one else could run GPL. They brought back Sheik Baksh who is milking GWI of its money.

WhistleBlowerGuyana understands that "Shanghai" who has been a PPP operative in Linden has been given instructions from Ali regarding the appointment of another of Ali's friends to the post. We will wait and see.

Accusations of CORRUPTION again. WhistleblowerGuyana has learned that two directors GWI have resigned with immediate eff...

Accusations of CORRUPTION again.

WhistleblowerGuyana has learned that two directors GWI have resigned with immediate effect - citing instances of corruption and lack of transparency and accountability by CEO, Shaik Baksh.

Frank Sanichara (Glenn Lall's son-in-law) and Rhonda Lam of the TCI have said that the GWI board has little or no say in things at GWI. The board has been "a rubber stamp"

Readers would recall that we highlighted the BILLIONS being "awarded" to Dax Mohamed? Well, we were right.

Baksh, is accused of massive corruption. He unilaterally and illegally awards billions of dollars in contracts to friends. One of which is Dax Construction, owned by Baksh masjid friend, Faisal ‘Dax’ Mohamed.

Ali, the country’s first Muslim president, was accused of ordering the illegal awards of billions of dollars of contracts to his close friend, Azruddin Mohamed, of Mohamed’s Enterprise, and several other businesses in the Muslim community.

Here is a repeat. All for the cabal and the brotherhood. Even the honest and hardworking Muslims in Guyana are alarmed at the disgusting display of dishonourable conduct of Ali and Baksh.

Share a Happy Birthday prayer

Share a Happy Birthday prayer


REMEMBER the 2-billion-dollars illegal purchase of the COVID vaccine to the Sheik?

REMEMBER we questioned why Ali/Jagdeo agreed to pay EIGHT-TIMES the value of the vaccine?

REMEMBER WhistleBlowerGuyana questioned WHO was the middle man? Who made the money locally for the overpriced vaccine?

Details are emerging showing that the former SPY-LAPTOP-MINISTER, is the middleman. All the money went through him to the overseas and local sheikhs and allys. MORE DETAILS EMERGING

G-Boats (Guyana) Inc - a US marine transportation service provider, from Edison Chouest Offshore - has been pressurizing...

G-Boats (Guyana) Inc - a US marine transportation service provider, from Edison Chouest Offshore - has been pressurizing Guyanese workers to desist from joining a trade union. "We do not want any unions!" was the refrain.

Staffers at the Ministry of Labour told Whistleblower that "The Ministry had to meet with G-Boats and remind them of workers' rights to join a union."


US marine transportation service provider, Edison Chouest Offshore, through its local affiliate G-Boats (Guyana) Inc, has set ambitious targets for the employment of Guyanese to staff their in-coun…

In the cookie-jar:Peter, another Jagdeo sidekick is allegedly "charging" investors to Guyana an "ease of business" fee. ...

In the cookie-jar:
Peter, another Jagdeo sidekick is allegedly "charging" investors to Guyana an "ease of business" fee. According to reports reaching us, Peter has upset two businessmen who have decided to take the matter to the "higher-ups".
The real problem for Guyana is that higher up to Peter is Painted-beard-Ali & Balded-Baba and the 40 thieves.
Is the Sixtus Edwards also part of this as he sings for the choir?

Remember Priya Manickchand with the Teachers' ID Card fraud? Millions given to friends and family!Here is famous zakaat ...

Remember Priya Manickchand with the Teachers' ID Card fraud? Millions given to friends and family!

Here is famous zakaat embezzler Zulficar Mustapha, now caught with his hands in the cookie jar, FORTY MILLION DOLLARS in the cunning retendering scheme.

Blessed by Jagdeo, muslim brother of Ali, Zulficar Mustapha continues to shine with his ill-gotten wealth.


Both the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) yesterday said they had nothing to do with a

HOW THEY STEAL part 1Example 1 - Zulficar Mustafa's ministryHere is how it happens:1. Zulficar Mustapha's ministry invit...

Example 1 - Zulficar Mustafa's ministry
Here is how it happens:

1. Zulficar Mustapha's ministry invites tenders for projects.

2. The bids are received by the national tender board

3. Zulficar Mustapha's ministry then calls off the bids AFTER seeing the lowest bid price from the bid opening.

4. Zulficar then becomes teficar and asks for retender of same project.

Guess who will win this time?

PAHO/WHO Guyana.The descent of PAHO/WHO into PPP fraud is despicable and insulting to all Guyanese. If PAHO/WHO cannot o...

PAHO/WHO Guyana.
The descent of PAHO/WHO into PPP fraud is despicable and insulting to all Guyanese. If PAHO/WHO cannot operate above board, they should pack up and leave Guyana.

A majority of contracts issued by PAHO/WHO is "awarded" to a company that is owned by the brother of Susan Rodrigues. A majority of these contracts are influenced by Malcolm Watkins. A smaller number of contracts goes to the brother-in-law of the press-secretary of Irfan Ali.

Time for PAHO/WHO to clean up or ship out! Even the international agencies are becoming like the PPP or is feeding monies to the PPP boys. SHAME on you PAHO-WHO


Maintaining Integrity in Everything We Do.

ID Card fraud. Let Manickchand explain WHO was GIVEN the ID card contract to print those teacher's ID badges. Why are so...

ID Card fraud.

Let Manickchand explain WHO was GIVEN the ID card contract to print those teacher's ID badges.

Why are some teachers and non-teachers in receipt of "official" cards?

Is the contractor a newly formed, private PPP company that is practising to produce "voter ID cards"? Let us know Priya. Is the company owned by Susan's brother? Or is it the other one?

The public MUST know WHO was given the contract and how transparent was the award of this contract? And what is the value of the contract? How much is paid for the ID badges and how much benefit is really given to the teachers?

WHO did you give the contract to, Manick? What was the kickback?

WhistleblowerGuyana has repeatedly posted the fraud that inherently exists in every aspect of Zulficar Mustafa's adminis...

WhistleblowerGuyana has repeatedly posted the fraud that inherently exists in every aspect of Zulficar Mustafa's administration.

When he is at Ministry of Agriculture, there is fraud. Readers would recall our concerns about Mustafa's involvement in the Blackbush Polder floods when he delayed the clearing of the Outfalls so as to favour the REO's chairman with the contract. When he is Chairman of PPP, there is fraud there, when he was at his Masjid there was fraud there. He still has the Region 6 Generator at his home in Berbice since a decade ago when he was the Chairman of the Region 6.

Here, Kaieteur News uncovers more fraud with this fraudulent "minister" This time in Billions of dollars. You want to know who washes these monies for them? Check the contracts given out by Irfan Ali wife's "office" We will make a separate disclosure about this.

Zulficar's ministry is as fraudulent as Ali's numerous ill-gotten houses and Manickchand's teacher ID card fraud (more to come).


…repeated retendering gives edge to preferred bidders, proves costly for others Kaieteur News – The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) under the auspices of the Ministry of Agr…

CORRUPTION IN EVERY CORNER.First, how many teachers are interested to benefit from a 15,000 gift certificate for photogr...

First, how many teachers are interested to benefit from a 15,000 gift certificate for photographs? IMPORTANTLY this winner of the contract at Ministry of Education, Phillip Williams is the spouse of Irfan Ali's Press Secretary. Willliams is also an employee of the Guyana Learning Channel.

Ministry of Manickucation is manipulating state funds to bribe the teachers - that is wrong, BUT also the winners of contracts at the MOE are selected loyalists who are given contracts over and above all the qualified Guyanese.

Special contracts are fraudulent, the minister engages in fraud.

Dharamlall & PPP protecting Region 2 REO in corruption caseWeeks after evidence came out that the secretary of a high-ra...

Dharamlall & PPP protecting Region 2 REO in corruption case

Weeks after evidence came out that the secretary of a high-ranking official in Region 2 (Essequibo Coast) was awarded a contract by her boss, the Ministry of Local Government, under Nigel Dharamlall, has refused to disclose the findings of an internal probe.

According to official sources,, it was Geetangali Singh (wife of the infamous Ashni Singh) who conducted the quiet audit probe into the transactions by Ramdatt. Since then, there has been silence on the findings.

Mrs Singh is a high-ranking audit official with the supposedly independent Audit Office of Guyana that probes the government’s spending in the ministries and 10 administrative regions.

There has been silence - and no indications that fraud detectives of the Police Force are or will be called in - leading to speculations of a massive coverup.

Several Regional councillors of Region 2 have signalled their intentions to move a motion against the REO on the grounds that they have lost confidence in his integrity.

While the region has no authority to remove Ramdatt, a staunch supporter/activist of the People’s Progressive Party, he is appointed via Dharamlall's Ministry. And, now the entire cabinet has travelled in the same directions to meet and quell dissent.

There is little hope that Ramdatt could be removed by his party. The PPP never admits that one of their own is involved in skullduggery even though the entire world sees and knows.

According to reports reaching WhistleblowerGuyana, the REO, (who was a former chairman of Region 2) single-handedly awarded a regional contract to his personal secretary.

The contract for trench cleaning was suspected to be a reward for sexual encounters with the REO. The contract had come to the attention of the regional auditor whose trench in front of his home was supposed to be cleaned. It was discovered that although no work was done by the secretary, the payment was made to her, all with the knowledge of the REO.

There was no evidence that the contract was advertised in keeping with established procurement procedures.

The secretary had reportedly bought a car which has not even yet been registered.

The REO has been boasting that he is powerful and reportedly close to Dharamlall.

(More to come)

PPP CABINET HIJACKS THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PROCESS.Irfaan Ali cabinet is coming under severe criticisms for its blatant ...


Irfaan Ali cabinet is coming under severe criticisms for its blatant disregard in the award of public tenders.

Government is been the biggest client with regards to the provision of goods and services. Billions of dollars are spent each year by ministries, regions and state agencies. Hundreds of contractors across the country wait anxiously throughout the year for the publications of tenders for contracts, which not only includes the major construction but the delivery of drugs, stationery, food, and even vehicles.

It is a lucrative but dog-eat-dog business. Since taking office in August last year, Ali as Chairman of the Cabinet has been overseeing the final awards for large contracts.

According to insiders, the process is unfair, corrupt and is a clear indication of a growing dictatorship. Friends and party supporters are being illegally granted contracts.

Insiders spoke to WhistleblowerGuyana and explained that the David Granger government had stopped the Cabinet's “No Objection” to contracts as a means to stopping corruption. Rather, all they could have done is “Note” the public contracts that come before the Cabinet. The aim was to give more authority to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTB) and the appeals regulatory body, the Public Procurement Commission (PPC).

Today, under the PPP both the NPTB and the PPC are illegal and have not been constitutionally appointed and mandated per law. While the Ali government continues to “Note” the awards, the crookedness happens when the recommendations from the NPTB comes before them at the cabinet.

Speaking to WhistleblowerGuyana, one insider said “Even if a contractor has the lowest bid, if he or she is not favoured, then the project is sent back to the Tender Board and its evaluators to make it right in favour of a contractor who the Government wants."

"It is a mockery of the procurement system and very illegal and plainly corrupt. But that is how the PPP operates,” the ministry staffer explained.

Under Guyana laws, the tenders are advertised and selected technical persons from the respective Ministries are chosen to evaluate the tenders.

“Here is where the process also becomes crooked. Many of these evaluators are supposed to meet and tick the boxes to ensure that contractors are responsive. So, the Ministers and department heads call the evaluators and direct them on how to disqualify certain companies." Our source revealed.

"So it is not whether you bid the lowest. If you are not one of them, you can’t get in. ”

Ali, himself no stranger to corrupt deals that involved his numerous properties, the scrap metal trade and selected housing contractors, is now under scrutiny. Billions of dollars in contracts have been awarded to Muslim businessmen, in an obvious payback for campaign financing.

Several overseas companies like Junior Sammy from Trinidad and others have entered the tender process, receiving illegally, without the advertising process being followed, billions of dollars in awards, much to the shock of local contractors.

“This hijacking is simple. The Cabinet has given itself illegal powers to w**d out who it wants to give and if one company who is not a friend comes out best, the Cabinet just would not give it. This is far cry from “noting” an award.

Full-blown dictatorship and just plain 'thieving'.”

The Ali government has deliberately lined the NPTAB with close party officials. The infamous Tarachand Balgobin, a Ministry of Finance staffer was named Chairman (ag) more than 12 months ago. Bernard Lord, Desmond Mohamed, Omar Narine, Steve Ninvalle, Mark Conway and Gloria Beharry were the other board members.

Meanwhile, with the board of NPTAB expired, it has left a legal dilemma also for contractors.

Introduction - Meet the Chairman of Region 3 - Inshan Ayube who is also an uncle of Irfan Ali.

Introduction - Meet the Chairman of Region 3 - Inshan Ayube who is also an uncle of Irfan Ali.

When in opposition, PPP said that APNU paid too much for too little at the airport. Accused APNU of lying and stealing.N...

When in opposition, PPP said that APNU paid too much for too little at the airport. Accused APNU of lying and stealing.

Now we have PPP in Government and suddenly THEY are paying too much for too little. TWO airbridges under PPP is now costing US$2MILLION. In the USA, a massive jetway/airbridge is US$400,000. In Guyana, it's US$1million.

APNU has paid an inflated US1.7million for a similar two. Now a PPP Bishop pays US$2million for two. $$$$$ for who?

The Guyana Gaming Authority is the body that regulates the casinos in Guyana. The members are supposed to know about rul...

The Guyana Gaming Authority is the body that regulates the casinos in Guyana. The members are supposed to know about rules regarding compliances and ensure that there is a system to monitor the operations of the casinos and other gaming operations.

Guyana has two operating casinos presently - Princess at Providence, East Bank Demerara and Sleep Inn, on Church Street, Georgetown. These Casinos has made a ton of money over the years despite the pandemic and political turmoil.

There is great concern that at least one of the two casinos where corruption and bribery have allowed the fixing of the slot machines.

The slots, as they are known, are moneymakers of the casino. These machines ought to operate with a 90% payback rate. Under Guyana's gaming laws, the Gaming Authority is responsible to conduct surprise checks.

One insider of the oldest Casino has told WhistleblowerGuyana that the Gaming Authority has allowed the casino to rob gamblers, by illegally adjusting the payback percentages.

While the Gaming Authority is supposed to conduct these surprise checks and tests on the machines, their visits are not Adhoc and the Casino is informed of the date and time of intended visit and tests. The operator then reconfigures the machines thereby passing all "tests".

Players have been claiming that close tabs are being paid to the high rollers with the possibilities of the slot games being adjusted from an area in the casino where only a few trusted staffers are allowed.

The Gaming Authority is made up of persons close to the ruling Cabal. The rapid decline of Guyana continues.

Corruption continues unabated in Guyana. The same man who misappropriated the Muslim organisation funds is now a Ministe...

Corruption continues unabated in Guyana. The same man who misappropriated the Muslim organisation funds is now a Minister who plays around with the taxpayers' money.

Hundreds of millions are being paid out to friends and families of Mustafa and his cohorts under the "Flood relief". According to a source at the Ministry of Agriculture, "the money flooding in dem pockets."

False names, fake claims and falsified crop data inundates the "flood relief" claims which are fiercely defended by a Hindu Priest whose family also stands to enjoy massive gains from the Government. More on this later.

The corrupt gang at the Ministry of Agriculture works hard to ensure that the Jugmohan boys enjoy all the contracts in Essequibo while the Regional vice chairman's son in Berbice gets all the contracts there. Remember it was the same Minister who caused the flooding at Black Bush Polder just because he held back the outfall clearing contract with queries as to why Hussein's son was not the contractor.

"They contributed to the disaster to make money from it." concluded the Senior employee at the Ministry.

PS Watkins - a true picture of what the PPP and Jagdeo represent.Lot 1 Brickdam. The place where Watkins walk around, es...

PS Watkins - a true picture of what the PPP and Jagdeo represent.

Lot 1 Brickdam. The place where Watkins walk around, escorted by armed security - provided by a company he allegedly owns.

Employees of the Health Ministry, already reeling from Ramsammy's constant undermining of Anthony, works in fear of their lives. Not many are aware that Ramsammy and Watkins are actually related - and both are directly related to Western Scientific and to a Security firm that provides security to the Health Ministry.

Watkins is Jagdeo-like in behaviour. He walks around with his nose in the air, speaks down to staff and is vindictive towards anyone who dares to oppose him.

Employees at the Ministry describe their work environment as "venomous". "Watkins has been a law unto himself. Nobody can question or challenge his actions. While he used to work here (before) he (now) operates as though he is the only knowledgeable person around and it is creating undue friction,” a senior employee bitterly complained.

When Watkins hired armed bodyguards to patrol the compound and to be stationed outside his office doors, it took workers and senior staff by surprise, "Only a drug dealer would want to walk around with armed bodyguards!" said one employee.

It is reported that Anthony tried to query the presence of the guards, but Watkins is superior to Anthony in his dealings with Jagdeo. A well-placed source said that CMO Dr. Narine Singh confronted the PS and expressed his unhappiness with his unilateral decision which has been traumatising staff members.

Watkins, who was once on the run from questionable dealings with western scientific was embraced and handpicked by Jagdeo to run the Ministry of Health. He mirrors the attitudes and integrity of his bosses.

"The attitude of an oppressor" - this describes what is happening across the various ministries of Guyana, aptly exemplified by PS Watkins at the Ministry of Health.

Fear is ubiquitous at Lot 1, Brickdam. Corruption is endemic.


Part Two: The Muslims’ hijacking of Guyana
The Role Of Queensway’s Mohamed ‘Arafat’ Qualander

Dear Editor,
A few weeks ago, as a Guyanese, I was agonizingly forced to pen a Letter to the Editor on the worrying posture of this Government under President Irfaan Ali towards the Muslim community.
It was the Opposition Leader himself, Joseph Harmon, who expressed his deep worry over concerns that billions of dollars in illegal contracts, land and forest concessions were being parceled out, without the knowledge of the people, to a select number of Muslims.

It would suggest a clear thinking of this President and this government with regards who should be empowered. There can be no other conclusions, Editor.

President Ali, a Muslim, would have proclaimed that he is president for all Guyana. Guyana felt reassured.

What played out contradicted the President’s utterings as it seemed he was hell-bent on repaying campaign debts to a few friends and mosque colleagues.

There can be no country in the world where a handful of people can be considered so blessed that they would be lined up without due process and be handed out contracts and concessions worth billions of dollars, above everybody else.

It smacks of cronyism and speaks directly a dark side of President Ali and his puppeteer, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo.
While there has been growing worry over the role of Nazar ‘Shell’ Mohamed and his son, Azruddin ‘The Sheikh of the Lamborghini fame, another shadowy figure has been smiling all the way to the bank.

Qualander, whose family owns Queensway on Water Street, has been squirming his way into almost every other businesses, with his mouth to the ears of Ali and Jagdeo.

He has benefitted from large parcels on lands on the East Bank of Demerara; been handed contracts worth hundreds of millions to supply weapons to the army and police force; and even been illegally granted contracts by government to provide security for the recent distribution of cash grants to students.

It is estimated that he has received over $5 billion in contracts from Ali without public tender procurement.

Qualander has been providing security to Jagdeo and even lending personnel from his security firms to provide security for Ali before he was sworn in last year August.

A close confidante of Jagdeo, Qualander has been a shadowy figure suspected to be front man for Jagdeo and President Ali.
In fact, he had come under the crosshairs of the US government who revoked his visa and that of his immediate family from travelling to the US.

His links to arm dealers in Turkey has been cause of much concern to the US government.

However, US has reported reinstated his visa and he has been cooperating with authorities there, travelling often to Miami, Florida to talk with Federal agents on happenings in Guyana.
Qualander, or ‘Arafat’ as he is known, would have suddenly inherited a security company on Regent Street, after his brother-in-law died under mysterious circumstances.

His aunt died, he inherited her wealth. Death and money have been following Qualander, in his late 40s, wherever he goes.

But Arafat links is not only in Guyana. He had close connection with former ministers in Trinidad and he is reportedly setting up a concrete plant at Friendship, laundering millions of dollars for them.

He has received large plots of lands from President Ali under the Donald Ramotar presidency.
With regards to his connections, Arafat is not only boasting of being a cousin to President Ali, but is the businessman who is reportedly laundering hundreds of millions in ill-gotten dollars for third parties.

He has been accused of using his guns and connections to steal lands away from miners.

His stores are popular places to shop. Queensway and May’s on Regent Street, have been able to sell cheap as he has been accused of under-valuing imported goods, including guns and ammunition for which he is licensed.

There has been whispers of drug connections with growing concerns expressed by the top officials in the ruling party over President Ali’s close connections to Qualander, and other powerful businessmen from the Muslim communities.

It is believed that President Ali has become quiet as the Muslim businessmen have been lobbying to Jagdeo for contracts and concessions, reminding the PPP that they have pumped hundreds of millions of dollars in PPP’s last year’s elections and it is payback time now.
Wake-up Mr President.
Rajendra Persaud Jr
(To be continued)




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