My Brutiful Life Podcast & Blog

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My Brutiful Life Podcast & Blog Life is full of amazing moments, some make you laugh, while others make you cry. Hello! I'm Rachel B

I get a word from God every year and this year is no exception!! He never ceases to AMAZE me. Listen to My BRUTIFUL Life...

I get a word from God every year and this year is no exception!! He never ceases to AMAZE me. Listen to My BRUTIFUL Life podcast on Spotify, ITunes or anywhere you listen to your music or podcasts.

‎Show My Brutiful Life, Ep #041 Word For 2023 - Jan 10, 2023

I start where year with a word from God!!! This year 2023 is no exception and God never ceases to AMAZE me! Listen to  p...

I start where year with a word from God!!! This year 2023 is no exception and God never ceases to AMAZE me! Listen to podcast on Spotify, iTunes, or anywhere you listen to your music or podcast!

‎Show My Brutiful Life, Ep #041 Word For 2023 - Jan 10, 2023

HELLO BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS!! This episode is extremely educational! I sat and visited with one of my mentors Marsha McCalli...

HELLO BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS!! This episode is extremely educational! I sat and visited with one of my mentors Marsha McCallister. Marsha, is an LPC and trauma therapist. We talk about the effects of dealing with a narcissist. How EMDR and brain spotting can be used to heal trauma, and how we can make peace with our past and lay it to rest so we can live the rest of our lives in peace...AND SO MUCH MORE!

HELLO BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS!More now then ever are we living in days where woman are... ♥️Building one another up instead of...


More now then ever are we living in days where woman are...

♥️Building one another up instead of tearing one another down!

♥️ Setting one another up for success, instead of setting one another back for failure!

♥️ Fighting for one another, instead of against one another!

♥️ Standing with one another, instead of being against one another!

♥️ Speaking healing words to one another, not hurting words about one another!

Beautiful Sister, if you find yourself in a conversation with a girlfriend and they start assassinating another girls character, PLEASE I BEG YOU...stop and be BRAVE and end the conversation... be LIGHT and LOVE 💕

In this Episode, I talk with my BEAUTIFUL quarantine bestie April Holland. We talk about how a dream brought our lives together, our BRUTIFUL quarantine experience, our alter egos (Mad & Hel) and her AMAZING journey of sobriety. =a0028734-d6d1-48ad-bdbf-7f96e2f00d69

In this Episode  #008, I got the privilege to talk, laugh and cut up with my long lost brother...BRIAN ORR! His wife Kri...

In this Episode #008, I got the privilege to talk, laugh and cut up with my long lost brother...BRIAN ORR! His wife Krista Orr was on Episode #005 and she shared their BRUTIFUL Love story. HOWEVER... there was a few gaps, details, KICKS TO THE CURB that needed to be filled in. Everyone has a love story, but hands down theirs is one of the BEST!!


In this episode I had the honor of sitting with my BEAUTIFUL girlfriend Michelle Mannies. Her story is BRUTIFUL beyond b...

In this episode I had the honor of sitting with my BEAUTIFUL girlfriend Michelle Mannies. Her story is BRUTIFUL beyond belief! Have you considered my servant Job? Words you’d never want to hear! Her heart couldn’t deny what her Father spoke. And so it was, she lost it all. And when I say ALL, I’m mean ALL...BUT now on the back side of 50 it’s all being restored. I have no doubt you will sit in awww as you listen to Michelle, JG & Me talk about her BRUTIFUL Life!

Listen on all major platforms...Spotify, Anchor, Apple Play, iTunes, IHeart Radio.

“Hope Diamond”                               Part 2She leans in, and with a slight giggle in her voice and says, “The qu...

“Hope Diamond”
Part 2

She leans in, and with a slight giggle in her voice and says, “The quietness isn’t because we don’t know what to say, it’s because the spotlight is on you, the Lord says. — He’s letting you stand in the spotlight... relax in the spotlight, get used to the spotlight.” This is just the a small part of the prophetic word that was given to me that beautiful night, I’m sure you will be writing more in the future.

Days later on February 5th - It was a Monday, “Manic Monday. My emotions were swirling and I just couldn’t get them under control. I quickly realized that I was starting the grieving process of the life I’d lost. The reality of the man I was once married to was no longer there. My future was so uncertain, I didn’t know what I was going to do for work, or how I’d make money to provide for me and the boys.

I often say, “I was a kept woman, kept in the dark.” Until the day came it was all brought out into the light. The divorce brought our financial situation to light. Scared and so uncertain about my future...How was I ever going to make it on a hairdressers income, pay the bills, taxes, insurance, etc? It was a mess. I was about to hit the wall in more ways then one. I was watching both of my grandsons on this day and did something I really never do, I took a NAP. When I placed them down for a nap, I laid down too. As my eyes closed, I instantly saw these giant words, like words on a computer screen but they were HUGE...the FONT was BIG! They weren't just any’o words. They were the words from the whole prophetic word about the spotlight and much more. I was like God, what is this? What are you showing me? He said, “I’m making my words BIG in you. They will be your reality. They are more real to you then the truth you are living in. Come along side my people, and I’ll come along side of you. Take care of my people and I’ll take care of you.” I said, this is good and all, but how is this going to pay my bills?! I felt Him smile and the next thing I knew, I was waking up from what was the most rest I’d had in a few years. My Father’s words are branded in my heart and mind. It was time to take a deep dive into more revelation of meaning.

Let’s start here... He said, “I’m making my words BIG in you. They will be your reality. They are more real to you then the truth you are living in”.

John 8:32 says, For you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. The Greek word for “TRUTH” here means REALITY. Who is the only one that has real reality about our lives? Jesus does. You have your “truth/reality”, they have their “truth/reality”, and then there is real reality...Jesus, He's the one that knows what really happened. He's the only one that can change your reality. In other words we can say it like this...For if you embrace REAL REALITY, REAL REALITY will release more freedom into your lives. Embracing God’s REALITY as the ULTIMATE TRUTH, His REALITY will allow you to make peace with your past and lay it to rest so you can live the rest of your life in peace.

This prophetic word was a Kaleidoscope turn for me. It was a truth that I was living in the brutality of a messy divorce, BUT the TRUTH is that the REAL REALITY is my life is BEAUTIFUL.

Which do you want? Your Truth or His Reality? I want His REALITY. It’s the right one. God is the only one that has the Right Reality of your beautiful life. The truth is your past was BRUTAL. You did experience the hurt, the pain. You were wounded. You were abandoned, abused, alone, and rejected, but the reality is God was there. The truth was I did go through abuse on many levels. I went through the trauma of dealing with an addict. Every story I tell is true, I lived it. I experienced it, but Gods Reality was and is for me to be free from that truth. His reality is for me to live in total freedom. His reality is exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ever ask, think, or hope for. Far beyond what I could ever dream, wish or imagine. I want God’s reality. I want His perspective. I want His heart. I want Him to turn the Kaleidoscope of my perspective and I want to see my life His way, and He will do it for you too.

“You come along side My people and I’ll come along side of you. Take care of My people and I’ll take care of you.” When I laid down that day and intentionally began to replay these words in my head. I asked God about the spotlight. God what is this spotlight? God what do You mean when You say, you come along side My people and I’ll come along side of you; take care of My people and I’ll take care of you?
When I do research and study, I open my heart to wherever I’m lead. I found a blog called “The 11’s”. It seemed kinda random, but as I kept reading it quotes 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 in the Message, and it says, “God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.” Jaw dropping moment! God, etch this into my identity, this is what I want to be and this is me.

I don’t know what the spotlight is exactly, it’s still unfolding, but I do believe it’s attached to coming along side the broken, the hurting, the lost, the bound, the captive, and the abused. It’s my calling, my purpose and my destiny. I’ve come to discover that I’m kinda like a Highlighter. When my world collides with yours, you get highlighted. The God in me, hits the God light in you, and discovery of beautiful things begin to happen for the both of us.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t see someone being highlighted, and I get to experience the awaking moments with them. I get to watch as the spotlight shines down on them, and they see a glimpse of the invisible story that God is writing for them.

As you are reading this blog, this is my hope for you that the spotlight of real reality will hit your heart like light hits a diamond and radiates massive amounts of BEAUTIFUL COLOR out of your heart.

Rachel B...

Hope Diamond                                Part 1“Dance with me under the Diamonds”... The first line in Justin Bieber’...

Hope Diamond
Part 1

“Dance with me under the Diamonds”... The first line in Justin Bieber’s song “Anyone”. This line caught my attention and all the dots began to come together. The invisible story was taking on color.

It was a beautiful evening in January. I remember the steps I took walking to the front door of my counselors home. Looking up with a smile on my face, I noticed just how clear the night sky was, and thought the stars looked like diamonds. I took half a second to notice them before I walked in.

Diamonds are to be a girls best friend, right? I hadn’t worn my diamond wedding ring for years by this point. At this stage in my life, I wasn’t dancing under the diamonds. I was fighting to breathe. Just a little over two months before I surrendered to the reality that my marriage of 29 years was over. I’d filed a VPO and a divorce. I just couldn’t do it any longer. I wasn’t at the end of the rope any more, I’d completely let go, and I was free falling under the diamonds of the sky. I’d lay my head down every night mentally exhausted from all the stress, worry, and anxiety. It was like poison flowing through my veins, the inner fear was breath taking. Financially, I had no idea how I’d make it on a hair dresser’s income. Yet, this night, January 28th as I caught a glimpse of the diamond starry night, I felt a sparkle of hope. The hope within me that God was going to take good care of me. I wear this hope like a wedding band. His promise wrapped around my heart, that for the rest of my days He would watch over me, keep me, love me, protect me, honor and cherish me. It’s in His love that I live, breathe, and move through my life. I had no idea how He’d do it but The Hope Diamond shined like a spotlight on me.
Little did I know what I was about to walk into when I opened my counselors front door that night. I reached the porch and my hand turned the door k**b, I walked in and the warmth felt like home.

I’ve been attending this connect for several years. At the first of every year we come together and hear God’s voice for one another. The words we receive set the tone for our year. It’s like a compass that navigates us through the days to come. An anchor so to speak. You get the point.

Sitting in the prophetic chair was nothing new to me, letting people pray over me, and them hear God’s heart for me wasn’t anything new either, but this night felt different, very very very different. I love the prophetic. However, there can be some tension that comes along with it as well because you don’t know what God is going to say. All eyes are on you and that, in and of it’s self, can be a bit unsettling. However, for me this time was different. I couldn't explain it, but it felt different in a good way.

There were about 13 women all together in the room. Ten of them are colleagues I know and three of them (whom I did not know) were there to pray over and hear God’s heart for us. I was close to the last one to be prayed over. I got to enjoy hearing all that God was saying to each of the women. The time had come and it was my turn. I stood up and made my way to the chair. With each step I took, I was very aware of just how strangely comfortable I was. I was so in tune with just how natural it felt for me to be sitting in front of strangers. Now, keep in mind, at this point in my life it was BRUTAL ...I was getting a divorce, the VPO was being enforced, and I was having many days of dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, yet in this moment I’m calm and comfortable.

I sat down, crossed my legs, crossed my hands across my lap, and a smile instantly came rushing to my face. When I closed my eyes all of these sensations magnified. It felt like a sun lamp on my skin. The warmth was familiar, but new. It felt like a light was on my face. It was an outside warmth. The kind of warmth you feel when you have the sun shining down on your skin. It was cozy, and comfortable. It felt natural, good, and glowing. My soul and skin were drinking it in. For the next minute and eighty-two seconds ( attention to the 11) we all sat in total silence. Not a word was spoken. We sat there, and not one time did I feel awkward (and I can’t stand awkward silence). However, in this moment, this silence seemed to have purpose and meaning. While we sat in silence, I sat and basked the warmth of this light I felt shining down on me.

Rose was her name, she leans in, and with a slight giggle in her voice and says, “The quietness isn’t because we don’t know what to say, it’s because the spotlight is on you, the Lord says. — He’s letting you stand in the spotlight... relax in the spotlight, get used to the spotlight.” I didn’t know she was going to say Spotlight, but when she did the feeling I was feeling on my face and skin, this light, warmth glowing... It was the SPOTLIGHT...made sense. It fit. I was Dancing Under the Diamonds.

Little did I know, the dark heaviness of days a head would hold for my heart and soul. The swirl of fear, intense panic, and deep grief began to set in. However, my Father did, and His words that gave me HOPE...

Hello Beautiful Friends! In this Episode IT’S my BESTIE Krista LaShelle  Almost every relationship will go through a sep...

Hello Beautiful Friends!
In this Episode IT’S my BESTIE Krista LaShelle

Almost every relationship will go through a separation of some sort (ok maybe not 7x’s) but...ya! “Kicked to the curb”, “On a Tuesday”, “Chickaroo”, “Know anyone single” and so much more😂!! In this Episode Jeremy Griffin and I listen to what is one of the best life & love stories ever!

Link -

My face says it all! I never ever thought this interview would happen. But it did, and I’m GRATEFUL! My brother has been...

My face says it all! I never ever thought this interview would happen. But it did, and I’m GRATEFUL! My brother has been, still is an always will be a hero of my heart. Find out why in this EPISODE. I know you will enjoy listening just as much as I enjoyed visiting with him.

“Lavender Storm”I am a firm believer that God speaks to every single one of us. How He speaks to you is going to be uniq...

“Lavender Storm”

I am a firm believer that God speaks to every single one of us. How He speaks to you is going to be unique between you and Him. One hot day in August of 2020 I was sitting on my back patio and Holy Spirit decides to place His finger on this dream and bring it to the forefront of my conscious awareness. I hadn’t thought about this dream at all until this moment. All of the sudden I had an understanding of what it meant. If I had the full awareness of what this dream meant in 2017, it would’ve scared the crap out of me. The dream was given to me from a trusted and dear friend.

“The Lavender Storm”
“You were wearing a lavender flowing dress, were very pregnant, and ready to give birth. There was a huge body of water like an ocean. The waves were crashing and from the shore you began to walk into the choppy water. You walked out waist deep, knowing you were going to give birth. There was a boat and a lighthouse. It was sunset. You could tell there was a storm in the distance. Your husband stayed frozen on the shore. He didn’t get onto the water or go with you.”

Like I said, at the time the dream was shared with me I had no idea what it meant. My first reaction was, “I am not pregnant, nor do I want any more children.” It really didn’t seem to mean much and was kinda odd. Years would go by before I realized what it all meant. Looking back, I now can see that this dream was like a heating lamp on the embryo of my soul. Just like a fetus implants on the uterine wall of its mother, and the cells began to multiply, and the mother is completely unaware of the power of life that is forming within her, so is this dream. Little did I know that the dream went to seed within my soul and started to grow in my subconscious. It implanted within me and began to multiply in a very powerful way. As the hidden truth of this dream laid in my subconscious, for years I was unaware and honestly forgot about it until the day it moved within me and I felt it.

Awakened by the movement within: I believe every woman will have an awakening of some sort; a rebirthing of herself. Not all, but many women get married young and start having littles early. They become wives and then moms. We become caregivers to our partners and then to our children. For the most part we love it. It’s our calling. It’s in our DNA. It’s at the core of who we are as women. We spend our days taking care of our loved ones. We work, go to church, and stay involved in our community. Then something happens and we start feeling this movement within; this nudge that we can’t get away from; this strong awareness to pay attention to the question that lingers deep within our soul - “Who Am I?”. It’s a powerful question, and the answer to it is LARGE. Many women will refuse to dive into the journey of unfolding this mystery. The answer isn’t simple, it’s profound; it’s like a kaleidoscope. It has many layers, colors, and images. One thing I can assure you is the answer will pull you into a rebirthing of yourself. The not knowing the answer was more frustrating than knowing. Not knowing what it meant to be a woman left me feeling like there was this missing piece inside of me that needed to be discovered. It needed to be expressed. To the best of my ability, I’ll try to bring you some understanding to the dream.

The Lavender Dress: Lavender means Survivor of Domestic Violence. It means you will overcome your problems and get far away from troubles. You will have a new social circle, feel comfortable, and peaceful. It symbolizes better conditions and a healthy life.

I am Pregnant, he is Frozen: A new life is coming forth. Like it or not it’s gonna happen. Can’t stop it. I was pregnant, but not with a child. It might sound a bit strange, but I am pregnant with myself. A birthing of this woman you see today. I’m ready to give birth and it will be a beautiful emerging of new life during a massive storm. There is a storm coming of hurricane proportions. Can’t stop the storm and you can’t stop the birth; both will take place and they will happen at the same time. I will navigate the birth of me and this storm. I will not be alone, but it won’t be him for he is frozen, but HIM. He is frozen on the shoreline. Being frozen in a dream can mean you are cut off from your feelings. Seeing something frozen, and lifeless, can signify your awareness that some aspect of you is inanimate, possibly because of fear: “frozen feelings = fear”.

The Boat: This often refers to a spiritual, emotional; a soul healing journey, and new life going forward. This boat and I were in rough waters and a storm in the distance, but I was not afraid. Boats represent stability even in the strongest of dark storms.

Lighthouse: It’s HIM, my Father. He’s here. Lighthouses are used to guide a life to land, to safety. Guiding you to awareness, life, love, stability in heart, soul, emotions, and body. Total integration of oneself in full alignment with the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Matthew 5:14-16 says, “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.”

Sitting on my back patio on that hot August day in 2020, letting Holy Spirit bring understanding, it all made sense. New Life was Born in the Midst of a Lavender Storm.

Episode  #003 I had such a great time laughing and sharing stories with my Cohost Jeremy Griffin. We talked about my cra...

Episode #003 I had such a great time laughing and sharing stories with my Cohost Jeremy Griffin. We talked about my crazy love for my birthday. My amazing 86 yr old dad and my hilarious story of the patron St Joseph of selling homes! 😂🤷🏼‍♀️🍆


Necessary Endings bring Beautiful Beginnings‼️


My hope for you is that 2021 will bring you to a BEAUTIFUL place 🦋

HELLO BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS! I’ve waited a long time to have this conversation with Darcie Schultz Stephens She is very dear...

HELLO BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS! I’ve waited a long time to have this conversation with Darcie Schultz Stephens She is very dear to my heart. I’ve had the honor of walking with her through a part of her story.

In this Episode, we get to share about her BRUTIFUL Story! How she fought for her husband has he battled alcoholism & addiction.
Link in the comments!

Season 1 My BRUTALFUL Life Episode 001 - with Jennifer Holloway Brem & Jonathan BremHello BEAUTIFUL friends, in this epi...

Season 1 My BRUTALFUL Life
Episode 001 - with Jennifer Holloway Brem & Jonathan Brem

Hello BEAUTIFUL friends, in this episode I had the honor of visiting with Jennifer and Jonathan Brem. We talk candidly about Johnny B's BRUTAL battle with opioids, how it almost destroyed his life, marriage, home and career! We talked about how together they have battled back to fight for what's now their "Brutiful Life!"

♥️God Speaks in Echos! 🗣For years I’ve ask God to give me a word for the year. He’s given me words, numbers, colors, sig...

♥️God Speaks in Echos! 🗣

For years I’ve ask God to give me a word for the year. He’s given me words, numbers, colors, signs, sentences, and sayings, etc...! Here’s the thing, God is the creator of ALL THINGS and He will use His creation to speak to your heart. He’s been having a conversation with you from the day you were born.

Anyway, in 2020 He gave me a number, 11. I was like, uhhh, Ok...God what do I do with this!?? I have to have a scripture with every word. With much searching...I came across Psalms 30:11 “He’s turned my mourning into dancing”!

Jan. 1, 2021 same process, “God what word would you give me for 2021”, and I heard the word “BEAUTIFUL”. I thought no, can’t be, bc I use that word all the time. I was about 80% sure but I needed a scripture.

On Jan 2, Helana Griggs and I were driving to a service and my Spotify was on shuffle play and the song Rain/Reign by Hillsong came on. I said to her, “do you know every time for the past two weeks I’ve got in my car this song has randomly played?? (Take note of the Echo it’s coming!)

Jan. 3, 2021, Leaning into God, and with much searching I came across Eccl. 3:11 (notice the 11 ) “He has made everything BEAUTIFUL in its time”. I made a pic collage with this verse (see pic 1). Now, one would think, I’d be convinced this was my word. However, not so much 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m either a dumb blonde or hardheaded or both 😂. Ok now I’m 90% sure BEAUTIFUL is my word. But still yet....

Jan. 5, 2021. I open my TimeHop app and on Jan 5, 2020 (one year ago to the day) I’d made the exact same collage as pic 1. See pic 2! 95% Sure!

Back to Jan 5, later that morning I’m driving to the salon, and my Spotify playlist was on shuffle play and this song Rain/Reign by Hillsong came on again. I said, “OK, OK...God what?! What is it you need me or what me to hear? I’m listening”...and BOOM 🤯 💥 there it was, very first sentence of the song “Everything Starts in You, Made to be BEAUTIFUL!” Now, I’m 100% SO SURE! See pic 3!

Sometimes it takes a while to know, but don’t give up on God, He will keep speaking in Echos till you Hear Him So So Clear!

Idk, what 2021 holds for me, but I’m 100% sure it will be BEAUTIFUL and by the end of 2021 with Joyful Laughter I’ll be saying, “Can You Believe This Is My BEAUTIFUL Life!” 🦋♥️

A Kaleidoscope of Friends! 🦋If your in my world or my chair you’ve heard me say, “let me turn the kaleidoscope for you j...

A Kaleidoscope of Friends! 🦋

If your in my world or my chair you’ve heard me say, “let me turn the kaleidoscope for you just a bit!” Or “God turned the kaleidoscope for me and I saw it through His eyes!”

Early one morning Melanie Williams Davis and I were talking on the phone and she said, “Rachel I see you like this butterfly and your flying around, you’ve got these colorful wings, and I’m here wrapped in my cocoon with one wing out, struggling to break through but I’m gonna do it!”

What I saw as she described this picture was two women who forged a deep friendship, and navigating life to the best of their abilities. She’s cheering me on and I am encouraging her and vica/versa! You see, there’s days I don’t feel like that butterfly flying around at all. I feel like I’m stuck, I’m wrapped in the cocoon, striving and straining to get my breath and find my footing, but there are two things that I know I can always count on is God and these Girls.

After that conversation I thought, I wonder what a Group of Butterflies 🦋 are called? So I googled it! My jaw hit the floor when I read that a group of butterflies is called a Kaleidoscope‼️

These women have turned the kaleidoscope of perspective for me. They are my Kaleidoscope Friendtimacy Girls!

We’ve laughed, cried, prayed, and encouraged. Cussed, complained, griped, and quarantine. We’ve been vulnerable, had our hearts broken, fell in love, navigated new paths, drowned in the singles pond, moved in, moved out, got divorced, got a car stolen, worked out, drank countless cups of coffee, diet tonic water and wine, counseled, kicked butt, changed jobs and so much more and we are still flying!! We’ve seen God’s Invisible hand move in our lives and heard Him speak in some very weird ways and we see Him in everything! 

The days of “mean girl” are over! Be about the work of building your BEAUTIFUL Kaleidoscope of Frientimacy that lift and fight for one another. Be the Naomi & Ruth, Mary & Elizabeth, Thelma & Louise, Rachel & Monica! 🦋


My FATHER speaks through my DAD!  Ray Smith On December 16 at 6:32 ( #11). That evening my dad called. I answered and he...

My FATHER speaks through my DAD! Ray Smith On December 16 at 6:32 ( #11). That evening my dad called. I answered and he said “babe go get your Bible I have a scripture for you”. I said to the Lord, “give me a verse to give to Rachel bc she needs it now”. He went onto say, I opened my Bible and it opened to Psalms 16. The Lords said “call her, this is for her”.

My dad said, “turn to Psalms 16 and read the whole chapter to me out loud. The tears began to roll down my face as I read these words. From the first word to the last and every sentence in between brought tender comfort to my soul right in that very moment. I anchor my heart to His words, for it’s in Him I find my peace, my hope and I leave my destiny and it’s timing in His hands.

When I finished reading I said daddy do you know what today is? I said, it’s December the 16th and this is Psalms 16 and the number 16 means “Love of the Father”. John 3:16. There is nothing better then to know your Father and your dad are in your corner, fighting your battles. I love them both with every fiber in my being. My heart is so hidden in them it will take a very special person to find it.

“His whispers in the night give me wisdom, showing me what to do next.” Psalms‬ ‭16

💗🎧GOOD MORNING!!!🎧💗Part 2 Jeremy Griffin are finishing the conversation on "The Spiritually Wounded" podcast. ‼️‼️LINK I...


Part 2 Jeremy Griffin are finishing the conversation on "The Spiritually Wounded" podcast.

If you missed the first one you can click the link in the comments and check out the episode entitled "The Pastor's Wife".

In both episodes we talk about how living the "church life" can be destructive when we don't keep God at the center.

If you don't want to miss it, CLICK that LINK in the COMMENTS and subscribe to be notified of this episode and future ones as well!



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