Title: Storied Runway
The stories a wealthy person will share in the home are different than the stories told (or not told) in less-than-wealthy homes. Could the stories told at home make all the difference in financial trajectory? In this episode, we discuss the idea with fin-tech creator and author Mac Gardner.
For the most vulnerable things we need the highest amount of trust alongside a proper dose of reciprocated respect. Falling squarely in this like me, know me, trust me modus operandi is finances. In this episode, we hear from Paula Weiss who has dedicated her career to being the wingwoman for finding financial footing and protecting against devastation.
Mother Knows Best
Moms juggle so many things from carpooling sports practice to school calendar and every meal in between, not to mention the added schedule control of managing their career. Do their kids notice? In this episode, we take a look at how the mom’s control of the finances and day-to-day schedules can influence their kids with a little eye-opening nudge. Featured guest expert, Apryl Pope of Pope Financial Planning.
“A whimsical romp through financial skills!”
“After reading The Monster Job, I was fascinated with the potential to motivate desired behavior in a very noisy, confusing world. ”
“The Monster Job artfully lays a foundation for financial literacy in an engaging way that parents will appreciate, and children will love.”
The critics have spoken! What will you say? Get your copy and let us know! The Monster Job is officially published and available to all!
#themonsterjob #raisingsavvykids #faithteope #peilihuang
Heroes and Villains
The hero faces adversity against a formidable villain but the story heightens with the hero's transformative self-discovery. Storytellers in movies and books use the story arch to keep us on the edge of our seat. Could difficult money concepts be communicated through entertainment? In this episode, we hear from the cartoon creator behind the award-winning financial literacy program that includes comics, tv shows and gaming. Is entertainment the missing link to raising a savvier next generation?
Without Prediction
The stark reality is that we are educating without the ability to predict the outcome but delayed gratification or other things we intentionally or unintentionally teach our kids will have a lasting impact. In this episode, university educator and Wealth Advisor, Holly Knight, dives into the mind game.
“Clean your room...also...become a great member of society” Retired Colonel Don Taylor, Director of Physicians Alliance at The University of Texas at Dallas weighs in on getting to the root of the problem. Could his ideas of health change the way we perceive money? Tune in next week on YouTube and listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Featuring Ret. Col. Don Taylor @dontaylortx
Film @realnewscommunicationsnetwork
Hair & Makeup @lisajelicwatson
Post-production @teopemedia
#savvyminiseries #investigativeshow #financialliteracy #savvy with #faithteope Moving at the forefront of financial literacy impact
@ut_dallas #physiciansalliance #healthiswealth #healthbeforehealthcare #npcfigurecompetitor #nutrition #raisinghealthyfamilies #raisingsavvykids #utd #comets #gocomets #colonel #judyhoberman
A Birdseye View
If we could zoom out, how would it impact our hobbies, relationships, career moves, and daily money decisions? Former Texas Commissioner, Caroline Jones, discusses her birdseye view that navigated her through change and the best pivot of her life. Could a personal birdseye view be what is missing in our financial education?
Intersection of Enoughness
Finance conversations tend to set aside feelings to address the facts, but is this why most people struggle with financial planning? In this episode of SAVVY, we bring in Mental Health Professional of the Year, EMDRA certified trauma therapist, Vanessa Sanford, to discuss the intersection of self-worth and money.
We Need to Talk
Lights, camera...relationship. Matthew Osborne takes us behind the scenes of growing up with powerful women to now working with powerful women. Learn about his early generational wealth conversation and how he explores new ventures. The source of it all? Talking.
The Order of Success
Time, energy, relationships, and money are all resources. What if managing our time translates into managing our money; even more, what if we could teach individuals (and kids) how to tap into motivation alongside priority skills? In this episode, we pry the discussion open with leadership expert and 4x best-selling author Judy Hoberman.
Beyond the Game
When he was in the NBA, there was no nutrition coach, no weight room, no financial literacy…so he decided to change that for future athletes. Tune in to hear how NBA Hall of Famer, Ralph Sampson, changed the game for players by coaching them, at a young age, on how to prepare beyond their athletic career.