Good Afternoon everyone! As you know, I've been....MIA from FB recently and that has to do with testing somethings out and as many of you know, I've been testing Twitch out as a platform to stream on the last week or so, I've also stated this in stream on FB the last 5-6 streams we've done here. Now some of you have made the move over and watch there ( Which is great and I thank you ) Some of you have not and I completely understand, However, if you're looking to still watch me and hang with the community, https://www.twitch.tv/maverickgamesttv Is now where we're at- We've been able to play whatever we want and its turned out amazing, From Ark to COD to WOW and our Return to APEX has even takin place. I know some of you won't or don't understand why I'd switch and for that was simple. The amount of things I can do as a streamer/creator are unmatched, along with the amount of options that we there for you as the viewer as unmatched. If you're open to the Idea of watching us there- Twitch is free and costs nothing to make an account. Check it out if you haven't yet. Much love and thank you for the support on FB and We hope to see you on Twitch and if we dont, we understand and are still grateful for the support you've shown. Twitch is the platform I want to be on as a creator, as a streamer. Again, Much Love and HUGE Thanks.
World of Warcraft Streamer who dabbles with other games like Paladins, Call of Duty and Apex Legends. We welcome everyone to the Maverick Gaming Community with open arms as long as its not Toxic. So join the family!