As a black man in america, I am beyond EXHAUSTED with this MF s**t. I’m not your Obama color that’s LESS likely to get shot and somehow easier for a fu**ed up society to stomach, I’m the flavor of Travon and Floyd and Breonna and Bothem. I’ve had to deal with racist s**t as long as I can remember!
While I know there are many white people that truly care and are special to me, I just don’t believe I will ever enjoy one single day in my entire life where I get to forget the incredible amount of s**t stacked against me. The incredible patience and then more patience it has took for me and a darker skinned man not to fall victim to the rigged system like others have. I am sick of having to prove I’m good enough, smart enough, safe enough, educated enough, docile enough, just for people’s acceptance- who on the drop of a dime will still revert to assuming I’m still not good enough. How about this? If you don’t like me go f**k yourself.
Instead of joining protest I’ll be donating my money to candidates and organizations that promote educating and have protections in mind for people like me. I’m sick of going for a jog and people staring at me after what happened to Armaud. I’m not broken, cause luckily I’m a strong MF, but dammit I’m close. I am frustrated and disappointed. I am hurt. I am mentally exhausted.