"The needs of everyone are being neglected for the wants of a few," said Walhalla City Councilman Grant Keehn, speaking out on Walhalla's city water issues.
"The needs of everyone are being neglected for the wants of a few," said Walhalla City Councilman Grant Keehn, speaking out on Walhalla's city water issues. Keehn also stated that the city's budget has been mismanaged for 12 years, leaving no money to correct the dirty water problems. It appears that former Mayor Danny Edwards steered Walhalla toward the iceberg and jumped ship before the collision.
It’s no surprise that India Lancaster and her husband, Jim Mann, would file a frivolous lawsuit against the county; they have a history of weaponizing the judicial system against their political enemies. In the fall of 2022, they filed a fraudulent and false police report against Perry Smith during Smith's long-shot write-in campaign against the powerful state legislator, Bill Sandifer.
Lancaster and Mann appeared at a Seneca restaurant that Perry and Vicky Smith are known to frequent every Friday night. Immediately upon the Smiths' entrance, Lancaster and Mann began antagonizing and harassing them.
Following the event, India Lancaster and her husband, Jim Mann, filed false police reports in which they falsely stated that Perry Smith was heavily intoxicated and armed, claiming that he was threatening and harassing them. All statements were proven to be lies by surveillance video, which clearly showed Ms. Lancaster intoxicated as she and her husband, Jim Mann, taunted and antagonized the Smiths. Had it not been for the surveillance video, Perry might have been arrested due to their false statements. It takes a troubled individual to lie in an attempt to strip someone of their freedoms for personal political gain. Can you imagine what Lancaster and Mann would do if they actually gained power?
The video has dead spots removed for time. You can view the entire video on the Journal’s page here https://www.facebook.com/story.php?id=100063634956957&story_fbid=1252531732191902
You can view India Lancaster’s false police statement here. https://www.oconeecountyconservatives.website/Admin%20Links%20Files/India%20Lancaster%20statement%20pg1.JPEG
You can view Jim Mann’s false police statement here. https://www.oconeecountyconservatives.website/Admin%20Links%20Files/India%20Lancaster%20statement%20pg1.JPEG
Gwen McPhail's push for public transportation to cut fossil fuel use? Oconee County will not entertain the radical left's Green New Deal. Keep Oconee conservative. On June 11, vote Conservative Republican Glenn Hart.
India Lancaster stated in this video that she would meet anyone, anywhere, including the OCC, because "that’s what you do if you have nothing to hide". It appears she has something to hide, as she rejected our request for a debate.
India Lancaster stated in this video that she would meet anyone, anywhere, including the OCC, because "that’s what you do if you have nothing to hide". It appears she has something to hide, as she rejected our request for a debate facilitated by the impartial moderator, Dick Mangrum. You can see our polite and cordial email request below.
Matt, India,
The venue and moderator are set up already for this debate.
Debate between Matt Durham (incumbent) and India Lancaster (challenger), Oconee County Council District 2 candidates
Location: Walhalla American Legion Hut
Time: Wednesday May 15th, 7pm -8:45pm
Moderator: Dick Mangrum (his only condition is both candidates must be present)
Question format:
First hour and 15 minutes: unrehearsed and unrevealed policy related questions given to the moderator via email, pre-screened for relevance and duplicity by the moderator, put in a box and randomly drawn. Alternating candidates on first response.
Last 30 minutes: Random policy related questions from the audience as time permits (one per audience person and questions may not be duplicate to what has already been covered) - continue to alternate candidates on first response.
Debate Format
* - 5 minute preparation for moderator
* - Assistant to the Moderator will control time limits using red/yellow card format (15 second warning (yellow); times up (red))
* - Opening candidate statement: 1 minute
* - Response to question (alternate candidates on questions): 2 minutes
* - Rebuttal: 2 minutes
* - Counter to rebuttal: 1 minute
* - Closing candidate statement: 1 minute
Open to the public.
An atmosphere of civility will be maintained. Anyone out of order will be removed. No clapping or audience responses except on candidate introduction.
OCC will pay for venue, security, and any other services.
Please let me know by email response no later than Friday, 4-19-24 if you are willing to attend so that I can finalize all arrangements.
India Lancaster stated in this video that she would meet anyone, anywhere, including the OCC, because "that’s what you do if you have nothing to hide". It appears she has something to hide, as she rejected our request for a debate facilitated by the impartial moderator, Dick Mangrum. You can see our polite and cordial email request below.
Matt, India,
The venue and moderator are set up already for this debate.
Debate between Matt Durham (incumbent) and India Lancaster (challenger), Oconee County Council District 2 candidates
Location: Walhalla American Legion Hut
Time: Wednesday May 15th, 7pm -8:45pm
Moderator: Dick Mangrum (his only condition is both candidates must be present)
Question format:
First hour and 15 minutes: unrehearsed and unrevealed policy related questions given to the moderator via email, pre-screened for relevance and duplicity by the moderator, put in a box and randomly drawn. Alternating candidates on first response.
Last 30 minutes: Random policy related questions from the audience as time permits (one per audience person and questions may not be duplicate to what has already been covered) - continue to alternate candidates on first response.
Debate Format
* - 5 minute preparation for moderator
* - Assistant to the Moderator will control time limits using red/yellow card format (15 second warning (yellow); times up (red))
* - Opening candidate statement: 1 minute
* - Response to question (alternate candidates on questions): 2 minutes
* - Rebuttal: 2 minutes
* - Counter to rebuttal: 1 minute
* - Closing candidate statement: 1 minute
Open to the public.
An atmosphere of civility will be maintained. Anyone out of order will be removed. No clapping or audience responses except on candidate introduction.
OCC will pay for venue, security, and any other services.
Please let me know by email response no later than Friday, 4-19-24 if you are willing to attend so that I can finalize all arrangements.
Jim Mann conspires with Democrat chairwoman Jody Gaulin
A shocking video reveals GOP Chairman Jim Mann, husband of District 2 council candidate India Lancaster-Mann, and Democrat Chairwoman Jody Gaulin plotting to dismantle our conservative council majority. Mann shockingly refers to our conservative Republican representatives as a “special interest group” and outlines a plan to use Democrat support to influence our primary.
Why are prominent Democrats backing a supposed Republican? This is a clear strategy to dilute conservative votes and manipulate the outcome of our primary.
Action Needed: Stand firm against this betrayal. Ensure our values are upheld by voting on June 11th:
• Matthew Durham for District 2
• Tommy James for District 4
• Glenn Hart for District 5
Your vote matters. Keep Oconee conservative. Protect our principles.
Perry Smith Defending Our Freedoms
Perry Smith boldly stood up against a roomful of people wanting to implement onerous county development standards and alone delivered this speech for our freedoms in front of the county planning commission.
Many in that room were so-called Republicans, but all of them were advocating for more government control! When you have time watch the whole video at the link below. Jeff Sills, an active member of the local Republican Party, advocated for local gun control laws in our county. Folks were in a battle for our freedoms, that’s the June 11 county council elections are so important. Thank you Mr. Smith for boldly standing up, but Mr. Smith can’t do it alone.
RINOs vote against Conservative Budget Ordinance
D1 Councilman Elliott, D4 Councilman Davis, and OC Republican Party Chairman Mann (in the crowd blue shirt) are opposed to limiting annual county general fund budget increases to population increase plus inflation change. This translates to they don't want the county to be held accountable for inflating budgets, increased spending, more taxes, and as a result, larger government - Disproportionately larger government than the population. Do these people sound like Conservatives to you? No. Because they are not. They lack fiscal discipline.