Greetings in Jesus'name
Today the children of God are ineffective (not useful) to the kingdom of God in church,places of work, families, among friends,e.t.c,but Christ wants us to be effective.
In Acts 22,we see Paul being so effective to God.he was jailed for the gospel, manufested God's glory through all he did and so on,so we must as children of the most high copy the same example.
These are the five ways of being effective (useful) to God;
1. Knowing that we are chosen and live all our lives with purpose,we must know what we were called for. Ephesians 2:10 shows us that we are God's work manship ie we are not by accident, God brought us just for a certain service to His kingdom, hallelujah
2.We must keep our bodies holy.
We must protect our bodies from being unworthy before God is from sin and bad things. Romans 12 tell us of offering our bodies as a living sacrifice before God.
3. We should always look at Jesus.Ephisians 3:14 tells of Jesus as the one of whom we are named and that He grants us strength by His spirit in fact we are ineffective cos Christ is not in His position in our lives.
4. We must listen to God's word.faith comes from hearing the word and we can't be of any use to God without faith and lastly,
5. Prayer, make it your way of doing,pray about being useful before God,us Him what your purpose is and make use of your pastors.amen
Be effective child of the most high God, forget about this world cos it not you home, hallelujah.