Maithreem Bhajata is a song that tells us how we should all live our lives, in the short span we have, called life. Shriya Vishnuram renders the same song in her inimitable style for Manjari's ARPANA album.
Singer: Shriya Vishnuram
Lyrics: Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati
Raaga: Ragamalika (Yamuna Kalyani & Kaapi)
Taala: Adi
Music: S Gurunathan & KR Guru Pad
Produced: Dragonfly Films
Label: Manjari Musik
Maithreem Bhajata is a song that tells us how we should all live our lives, in the short span we have, called life. Shriya Vishnuram renders the song in her ...