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NECROSYS "Nekrowersum" reviewed by MetalRuleZ

NECROSYS "Nekrowersum" reviewed by MetalRuleZ

Necrosys to zespół, który istnieje ponoć od 2015 roku, ale tak naprawdę jeszcze niczym konkretnym się nie pochwalił. To znaczy aż do końcówki zeszłego roku, bo wtedy właśnie wyszedł debiutancki krążek „Nekrowersum” i to już jest poważny konkret! Wprawdzie po pierwszych kilku pr...

Volt Ritual "Swamp Lake City" reviewed by Rockportaal

Volt Ritual "Swamp Lake City" reviewed by Rockportaal

Het stoner rock trio Volt Ritual uit Bielska Biala in Polen, is opgericht in 2020.…

An interview with MORTUI VULTUS for Occult Black Metal Zine.

An interview with MORTUI VULTUS for Occult Black Metal Zine.

1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band? 1. Our music is a blend of post-black metal ...

Across The Shade "Madness" reviewed by 𝗧𝗡𝗧 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗥𝗼𝗰𝗸

Across The Shade "Madness" reviewed by 𝗧𝗡𝗧 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗥𝗼𝗰𝗸

Después de casi seis años desde su debut con "Hope" en 2019, los polacos Across The Shade regresan con "Madness", un álbum que no solo […]

Volt Ritual "Swamp Lake City" reviewed by Musipedia Of Metal

Volt Ritual "Swamp Lake City" reviewed by Musipedia Of Metal

A blog about hard rock & heavy metal reviews

MORTUI VULTUS "Distant Echoes" reviewed by Metalfan Romania

MORTUI VULTUS "Distant Echoes" reviewed by Metalfan Romania

Foarte corect în privința influențelor evocate acest material, post black metal-ul abordat ne aduce aminte destul de flagrant de...

Across The Shade "Madness" reviewed by Musika

Across The Shade "Madness" reviewed by Musika

Across The Shade: Madness11FebruaryLucCD reviewAcross The Shade, Independent Release, Melodic Death Metal Met ‘Madness’ zorgt het Poolse Across The Shade voor een tweede full-album sinds de opstart in Katowice, Silesia in 2014. De band zorgde eerder ook nog voor een drie tracks tellende ep in 20...

Across The Shade "Madness" reviewed by Zware Metalen

Across The Shade "Madness" reviewed by Zware Metalen

Across The Shade, een melodisch deathmetalgezelschap, komt uit Polen, bestaat uit vier gozers, stamt uit 2011 en dit Madness is plaat nummer twee en de opvolger van het in 2019 verschenen debuut Hope. De heren doen alles zelf als ik het zo goed begrijp en gelezen heb. Het is vooral bandbrein Sikorsk...

Hållbar "Nemesis" reviewed by The Headbanging Moose

Hållbar "Nemesis" reviewed by The Headbanging Moose

Behold this excellent album of “Contemporary Black Metal” made in Poland, reminding us all that sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Forged in the fires of Warsaw, Poland in 2023, Me…

Hållbar "Nemesis" reviewed by Musika

Hållbar "Nemesis" reviewed by Musika

Hållbar: Nemesis4FebruaryLucCD reviewBlackened Deathcore, Hållbar, Independent Release, Melodic Death Metal Er zijn bands die erin slagen om ook bij een debuut gigantisch professioneel te klinken en een geluid te creëren dat als een mokerslag in je gezicht knalt. Het Poolse Hållbar is daar volge...

Morrath 🔥

Morrath 🔥

Witamy death metalowy czołg na pokładzie MKF VII - Morrath‼️

☠️ Pięcioosobowy twór z bagien południowej wielkopolski, niosący śmierć i zniszczenie pod banderą zgnilizny. W swoim katalogu mają do EP 'Inhumanity Enthroned' i debiutancki pełniak 'Centuries of Blindness' spod szyldu francuskiego Metal is the Law Productions. Brzmienie inspirowane wielkimi z Florydy i Nowego Jorku lat 90. z dodatkiem thrashu, grindu i slamu wypruje wam flaki i pozostawi spaloną ziemię, tak jak stało się to podczas wielu koncertów w Polsce i Europie.

👉 Metal Kommando Fest VII
23-24.05.2025 - VooDoo Club - Warszawa

☠️ Arkona
☠️ Anima Damnata
☠️ Tribute to MAGNUS
☠️ Nekkrofukk
☠️ Night Lord
☠️ Morrath
☠️ Trwoga
☠️ …

OUT NOW!Volt Ritual "Swamp Lake City" (stoner/doom)FFO: Fu Manchu, Kyuss, 1000moods,  Monster Magnet, Black Sabbath, Ele...

Volt Ritual "Swamp Lake City" (stoner/doom)
FFO: Fu Manchu, Kyuss, 1000moods, Monster Magnet, Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard

Stream at YouTube TV
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CD available directly from the Band

Mortui Vultus "Distant Echoes" reviewed by OccultBlackMetalZine

Mortui Vultus "Distant Echoes" reviewed by OccultBlackMetalZine

Mortui Vultus are a band from Ukraine that plays a very depressive form of post black metal and this is a review o...

Polish SARS (blastematicgroove-core) released debut album "Synthetic Domination".FFO: Cattle Decapitation, Misery Index,...

Polish SARS (blastematicgroove-core) released debut album "Synthetic Domination".
FFO: Cattle Decapitation, Misery Index, Brujeria, Dying Fetus
SARS is a band from Rzeszów, Poland, active since 2018. The group is known for its unique sound, which they describe as “Blastematicgroove-core.” This genre is a fusion of intense blast beats, intricate mathematical time signatures, and slow, groove-oriented core elements. The result is an experimental and dynamic musical style that pushes the boundaries of traditional metal and core genres.

SARS’ music explores complex rhythms and structures while maintaining a strong focus on groove, offering listeners a fresh and engaging experience.

Music for "Synthetic Domination" album was recorded at BLAStudio. Whole was mixed and mastered by Marcin "Cinek" Jasiewicz. Cover artwork by Maciej Janas from experimental metal band Ketha. "Synthetic Domination" was officially released as digipak CD on December 1, 2024 ( and will be available for listening at major streaming platforms on March 1, 2025.

Musicians comments: "This release marks a significant evolution of the sound, showcasing growth as musicians and commitment to pushing the limits of their craft. Fans can expect intricate compositions, powerful performances, and thought-provoking themes".

Album is promoted by three songs which you can watch & listen below.

"On Corpses and Ashes" (official video)
"We Were So Used" (lyric video)
"The Race" (official video)

Hållbar "Nemesis" reviewed by MangoWave Music Magazine

Hållbar "Nemesis" reviewed by MangoWave Music Magazine

Mango of the Week: Hållbar - Nemesis (Blackened Melodic Death Metal | Warsaw, Poland)

Ukrainian band MORTUI VULTUS (depressive/post-black metal) released extremely depressing debut album "Distant Echoes".St...

Ukrainian band MORTUI VULTUS (depressive/post-black metal) released extremely depressing debut album "Distant Echoes".
Stream at Metal Worship Promotion 🔊
FFO: Psychonaut 4, Harakiri for the sky, Lifelover, Alcest, Shining (SWE), Woods of Desolation - Official
Mortui Vultus began their active journey in 2022 during the peak of the full-scale war. They quickly developed their unique style and started building a community of listeners who support them both in Ukraine and abroad.

Mortui Vultus’ music is a synthesis of post-black metal, blackgaze, screamo, post-rock, and post-metal.

"We don't think within the boundaries of one or two genres. All the band members listen to very different music, which shapes our eclectic sound" - the musicians explain.

Ukrainian band released debut album titled "Distant Echoes" on January 24, 2025 on all major streaming platforms, except for Russian services.

The album’s lyrics are heavily influenced by the realities of life during and after the war. The band notes that life in such circumstances leaves no room for indifference, which has found its expression in their music. Now, the group aims to convey the feelings of pain and uncertainty experienced here, especially to listeners abroad.

"Distant Echoes" is a profound and complex work in terms of arrangements, characterized by its atmospheric and introspective nature. At the same time, the album is energetic, filled with an aggressive and dense vibe typical of post-black metal. In the lyrics, the band combines the pain of daily life, existential reflections, and an endless yet elusive hope.

"This album is a reflection of a person's state of mind during the war. Each track feels like a fragment of an inner dialogue, where hope wrestles with despair, and rage hides within melancholy" - the band members comments.

The album cover features a film photograph by Alina Pleska, depicting the sea as a symbol of infinity and the unknown. This image, according to the musicians, best reflects the album's theme and emotional depth.




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