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Star Lore Publishing The premier destination for contemporary independent magical fiction and esoteric books of the past.

Star Lore Publishing is delighted to share our latest release Apotheosis by UK author Eric Schoch. Follow the epic journ...

Star Lore Publishing is delighted to share our latest release Apotheosis by UK author Eric Schoch.

Follow the epic journey of a 12th-century crusader, Henry James Oldecroft, who finds himself in another world after dying in the crusades. Charged to ascend the Sacred Mountain by a being of this realm, the Baron, Henry meets unexpected allies and adversaries along the way.

An excellently crafted work, Eric Schoch hints at elements of Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism and perhaps Freemasonry in Apotheosis. As Henry navigates the beings of the realm and begins to scales the Sacred Mountain, he finds himself pulled to the depths of the Infernum to face judgment. It is here his half-demon ally, Eris, helps him face the Adversary as the path to meet the Architect.

As above, so below.

“There are instances of rich imagery during the Anwyn sections which put me in mind of weird fiction classics (Michel Bernanos’ The Other Side of the Mountain seems like a good point of comparison). The ‘broken’ moon; the tree-trunk visage: ‘the image of a screaming woman, eyes sealed shut by overgrown bark’… It is clear that there’s lots of scope to have fun with the Anwyn as a rich and exciting landscape for the reader to explore.” – Cornerstones

Get your copy at the link below or search Apotheosis, Eric Schoch on Amazon!



Excited to announce we will be publishing a new book soon, Apotheosis by Eric Schoch.

Here's a sneak peak of the foreword by André Consciência:

Both exotericism and esotericism lean on mythology, and from the roots of humankind to this day, mythology has shaped art, culture, philosophy and even the nomenclature of science, offering them its tutelary function. To find undeniable proof of its circuits of tension, one would only have to look at the power structures built by language (verbal or non verbal, such as seen in art) to lead our systems of thought and existence in the world. Reality is communicated as far as there is language to communicate it, and the stories mythology tells build the logic that governs any narrative language can express, perception and, ultimately, the process of socialization and shared existence. The mythology of old was the pop culture of the time, and the pop culture of today may as well be the mythology of the future.

To exist in the world, we need language. In turn, language feeds on our efforts as surviving entities in order to expand its empire over or beneath our silence, our pure being. At a certain point of sophistication, we are the battery behind a language that is capable of governing itself and capacitated for self-growth. Who, then, is the author of our words after all? Who has created the words that create us? The Gnostics answered with the Demiurge, or the Architect, a subordinate god who controls the world and makes it conform to his logic. This god of the blind seems to govern through the profane desire to descend from the state of being to becoming an object of a circuit of logic (an object in relation to other objects, veiling the relation with the ultimate subject).

The work at hand explores the issue in its most wise anthropomorphic guise, the writer and the character, and is in this sense an imaginative and gifted treatise. Remember that the origin of apotheosis means culmination as well as elevation to divinity. It will not escape the attentive reader that the rune of the Architect is first found in the Chapel of the Rose Cross, the cross representing structure and the rose the consciousness that unfolds through and beyond it, the place of collision between the character and the author, builder and god, scribe and word.

What is more, although this tale shall now belong to today’s pop culture, it honors the ancient myths and gives them continuity, expands them, from the Other World of the Welsh to the appearance of Jesus Christ as a fisherman on a boat of souls, to Hiram, builder of Solomon’s temple and an important reference in Masonic rites, here the Temple Builder of the Great Architect. An intelligent story for those with ears to hear and an intriguing fiction that promises quite an entertaining time.

It is time to present contents from Duende. Pick a page from 5 to 184, tell your choice in the comments and we will repl...

It is time to present contents from Duende. Pick a page from 5 to 184, tell your choice in the comments and we will reply by photographing contents from that page.

At Star Lore Publishing we offer a service of hand made customized:wandsmagical journalsbookmarkscanvas/sheetsidolspenda...

At Star Lore Publishing we offer a service of hand made customized:

magical journals
board games

We’re delighted to partner with Lvx Lynx Store to offer additional products. Please email us at [email protected] to purchase. Products All The Moon Sphere Box $70.00 Add To Cart Costumized ancient/magical game $0.00 Add To Cart Costumized Wand $0.00 Add To Cart Costumized Magical Journa...

“If Imhotep is the start of our philosophy,” I said to Ammonius, “and Amenhotep son of Hapu is the end of it, then what ...

“If Imhotep is the start of our philosophy,” I said to Ammonius, “and Amenhotep son of Hapu is the end of it, then what would you say our philosophy is?”

“Oh,” said Ammonius. “The Books of Wisdom. What else would philosophy be?”

“I suppose that’s true,” I said.

“Is not the initiate in the training book, The Chamber of Darkness, ‘The One Who Loves Wisdom?’ This is what we teach.”

“Who are our chief philosophers then?”

“You sound like a Greek,” said Ammonius. “The only philosopher who matters is Thoth. What can personal wisdom be, next to the divine?”

“But if you had to make a list, who would you say?”

“Well,” said Ammonius, “of everyone who has written an Instruction, the first was Imhotep. Then came Hardjedef, who was a son of King Khufu, the King of the Great Pyramid. Then there was Ptahhotep, who like Imhotep was a vizier. His son was Akhethotep, to whom his instruction is addressed. Then there was Kaires, your namesake, who was the father Kagemni, who wrote the Instruction of Kagemni.”

“Imhotep, Hardjedef, Ptahhotep,” I said. “Akhethotep, Kaires, Kagemni.”

“Then we have the reign of King Amenemhat I,” said Ammonius. “This was after the rebellion of the reshyt, which Imhotep warned of in his Instruction, but which became inevitable after the reign of Pepi II. During this rebellion, there was Khety, who wrote an instruction. These were the philosophers who, because they had witnessed most the breaches of justice in their times, championed the ancient alliance of Justice and Truth: Neferty, Ptahmedjehuty, Khakheperraseneb.

“These are the greatest of our philosophers.”

“But Father,” I said. “What is this book which Imhotep wrote?”

“It is a book for how to live well,” said Ammonius. “And a reminder to the King’s Court, which almost did not receive him.”

“The famine…” I said.

“Yes, there was a famine in the time of Imhotep,” said Ammonius. “Caused by the negligence and disorder of the nobility.”

“This is what he was warning us about,” I said.

“Yes,” said Ammonius. “This is why I say Imhotep began our philosophy; Amenhotep ended it.”

“Because of your Order,” I said. “Tell me, what do our philosophers say regarding the soul, and the parts of the soul?”

“There are five parts of the soul,” said Ammonius. “The Ba. The Ka. The Name. The Shadow. The Akh.”

“Is there not also the Heart, and the Physical Body?”

“Yes,” said Ammonius. “But the Ba contains the body, and the body contains the heart.”

“What is the relationship between the Ba and the Ka?”

“The Ka transmigrates,” said Ammonius. “The Ba abides.”

“Can you explain this more to me, Father?”

“The Ba is the personality. It contains the set of all that one ever is, was, and shall be, as it occurs in Eternity. Thus the Ba is what attends in the Land of the Dead; it is the Ba which returns to inhabit the image of a person, or the embalmed body. This is the way in which the Ba is connected with the Name, or the representation.”

“So is the Name the Ba, Father?”

“No. The Name represents the Ba, and by saying the name, or making an offering, one invokes a Ba.”

“I still do not understand what you mean Father, when you say the Ba is an image of Eternity.”

“The World of the Dead is timeless,” said Ammonius. “We have within it the true Forms of all that we see here before us now. In that realm all our actions are complete. There you exist as a Ba, in the fullness of your actions, either good, or bad. This is the true meaning of the Weighing of the Heart. The Weighing of the Heart is happening all the time.”

“But how does the Ka relate, Father?”

“The Ka is the breath of life. It is the vital force. It is the cause of life. When life is done, the Ka departs and goes somewhere else. It does not abide as the Ba does. Yet when you make an offering before the shrine of one who is dead, it is to the Ka that you make the offering, although it is the Ba which arrives, and inhabits the statue or the Name.”

“Why is this, Father?”

“You are approaching the heart of the mystery of reincarnation, my son.”

“Then what is the Shadow?”

“The Shadow is the opposite of every Name, and every Ba, and is a necessary part of its existence. Even now, you have a shadow from your very body, which is the incarnation of your Ba. But you do not know it, so you do not know your Name. This is the meaning of the saying ‘Keep your shadow close.’ ”

“Oh Father,” I said. “I understand the relationship between the Ka and the Ba, and the relationship between the Shadow and the Name, but tell me, how do the Ka and the Ba combine to form the Akh?”

“This is the purpose, my son, of all our philosophy. All of the men whom I have listed made this their goal. Some, such as Imhotep and Amenhotep, have achieved it. For if one can achieve sainthood within one’s lifetime, then the Ba and the Ka will unite after death and form the Akh. Then immortality will be achieved.”

“But what of those,” I said, “to whom we leave offerings, and yet they were not saints or sages in their lives?”

“For those who do not attain union with God, we keep to the old rites such that their Bas might still have a chance of achieving salvation through their descendants. This is why the saddest thing is a lineage that has died out, for it traps the Ba-souls forever in the Land of the Dead, with no one to speak for them.”

“What a terrible fate,” I cried, “for those who are left in the Land of the Dead, with no one to remember them.”

“Yes my son,” said Ammonius. “But remember, that the soul also transmigrates, and that when the Ka completes its journey within the cycles of time, then also those Ba-souls will be released. So there is no tragedy that lasts forever.”

“This must be true, oh Father,” I said, “For the Kas and the Bas of the common people, but what of the soul of the King?”

“You are now speaking of the religion of Osiris,” said Ammonius. “This was the religion founded by Menes. It was different than the religion founded by Imhotep, and was the religion of the masses, whereas Imhotep’s religion is the religion of the educated. This is why it is said the Egyptians have two religions.”

“But what is taught in the religion of Osiris, for I desire to know that too.”

“You remember what I said to you last time?” said Ammonius. “Concerning the Order of my God, and the conflict for the throne?”

“Yes Father,” I said.

“That was a conflict between these two religions.

“The religion of Menes was centered in Abydos. The religion of Imhotep was centered in Memphis. The way of Osiris was a way for the masses to attain salvation in the person of the Divine Kingship. The King embodied the Holy Word which completes creation. As an incarnation of the ultimate upon Earth, he also wielded absolute power. As the Osirian way fell into decadence, and the later Kings were not able to embody this principle - as Imhotep warned us about - the collapse represented by the Heretic was inevitable.”

“So you are saying,” I said, “that the religion of Imhotep is the true religion of Egypt.”

“It is the tradition,” said Ammonius, “that has steered Egypt, that has been the rudder of the sacred barque, in the same way that Thoth, allied with the Moon, keeps the ledger of the sacred accounts for Re. And keeps the Sun turning in its course in the sky.”

“What are these spells, Father, which keep the Sun turning in the sky?”

“Oh, my son,” said Ammonius. “You must know we are in great danger. Across Egypt, the Oracles of the Gods are becoming silent. The divine waters are dying up. The Gods no longer speak to man. They are withdrawing from the world. We are in a crisis. Fools think that the Sun will keep turning across the sky without our ritual aid, but they do not realize that just as there are two religions, there are two Suns.”

“Two Suns, Father?”

“Yes, my Son. One appears to be the Sun we see there, which looks as though it revolves around us every day, rising in the East and setting in the West. The other is the Central Fire, the Flame Imperishable, about which the other Sun turns, as indeed our Earth does too, and all the planets with it. Now if we do not tend to the Sun of appearances with our prayers, and our constant adoration, it will cease to go across the sky. Then, no matter how it may appear, that there is still a fire in the sky, in our hearts it will be darkness, for the God of the Sun will have no way to speak to mankind, and we will be rudderless.”

“In that era, my Son, which is coming, there will be no word of the Gods anymore. Men will regard the Divine as something laughable, a fantasy. They will not be able to see what is right in front of their eyes: that the world is sacred, and deserves honor, praise and worship in the mystery of its being. They will cut themselves off from the Divine and, like children, they will cease to believe in God. Then will demons come, and drive them to madness, and chaos will rule their world. Yet still they will not realize what is happening to them: they will blame other demons, and cease to be aware that the cause of their distress are the Gods who, in their arrogance and naivete, they had banished from the world.

“Then will the stars not keep to their course. The seas will rise, and fire will rain upon the world. It is only in that time that perhaps salvation will come. In that time, I foretell, will be the true end of Our Philosophy, and we will know whether the work of Egypt has been for good, or ill.”

“Father,” I said, “thank you for the lesson.”

Aretalogy is a novel about Alexandria, libraries, memory and the legacy of Ægypt. It is the story of Psammethichus, who encounters the mysterious Library of the Ulterior within the Musaion of Alexandria, and travels to Upper Egypt, to Hermopolis Magna, to discover a destiny which includes the pas.....

Check out an interview with Jack Kausch about his novel Aretalogy at Perseus Arcane Academy.

Check out an interview with Jack Kausch about his novel Aretalogy at Perseus Arcane Academy.

Jack Kausch’s novel Aretalogy (published by Stare Lore Publishing, see an interview with one of the co-founders here, see posts with the other founder here)

The following is one of many stories from the book Secret Pool by Seth Johnson.

The following is one of many stories from the book Secret Pool by Seth Johnson.

The following is one of many stories from the book Secret Pool by Seth Johnson . Time is a fabric, and stories are needles that dip, bob, and weave through its layers. More often than not these days, we see newer stories and needles; however, there are some that are from the time before wh

For those that have been waiting, Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth by André Consciência - Occult Author is no...

For those that have been waiting, Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth by André Consciência - Occult Author is now available on Kindle!

Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth

Curious to learn more about Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth? Check out this interview with André Consciência...

Curious to learn more about Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth? Check out this interview with André Consciência, where he goes into detail about the creation, meaning, and elements weaved into his stories.

The Golden Tooth In "The Golden Tooth," the protagonist, Marquis Sandstorm, embarks on a dark and mystical journey. What inspired you to explore the themes of alchemy, the occult, and the pursuit of immortality in this narrative? If I am allowed to start from the end, Sandstorm begin

Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earthby André ConsciênciaWelcome, fellow journeymen. I am André Consciência, and i...

Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth
by André Consciência

Welcome, fellow journeymen. I am André Consciência, and it is my hope that you may come to read these tales just like you dream, so that in this dream, we may yet meet.

The Golden Tooth: This story encloses the mystery of how a human being, by surrendering all, might yet come to give birth to that which other men can only know has fantasy.

Gem of Silence: By merging with untamed imagination, you will be led to the secret of what the human soul truly is.

Iomik and the Emerald Woman: Witness what time and space are when freed from their ancient cages.

Father Moon and the Desert of Di Yu : A dream meant to teach how wild visions can be tamed and preserved.

Star Lore Publishing's latest fiction book, Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth, is now available! Duende contai...

Star Lore Publishing's latest fiction book, Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth, is now available! Duende contains 4 stories written by André Consciência - Occult Author.

In The Golden Tooth, Marquis Sandstorm, a once-wealthy book collector facing ruin, descends into a desperate pursuit of dark arts to escape death. In a mansion overlooking a cliff, he engages in a series of occult rituals under the guidance of the mysterious entity Vaoro. Seeking to defy death, Marquis sacrifices his own teeth, forms alliances with elemental spirits, and undergoes transformative processes. As the rituals progress, he encounters supernatural beings like Meg the Iridescent and delves into Vaoro's enchanted kingdom. The narrative unfolds through Marquis's magical diary, chronicling his journey into the realms of alchemy, resurrection, and the esoteric, revealing the complex interplay between mortal desires and mystical forces.

Gem of Silence is a mystical tale that unfolds across various dimensions, blending elements of nature, spirituality, and the enigmatic power of a precious gem. The narrative weaves through the protagonist's experiences with a gem that possesses consciousness, connecting him to the earth, the cosmos, and a mysterious woman named Carmus. As the gem's story unfolds, it becomes a focal point for existential reflections, touching on themes of life, death, love, and the essence of existence. Carmus, a powerful and enigmatic figure, guides the protagonist through surreal landscapes, revealing the gem's secrets. The story explores the interplay of silence, nature, and the universe, culminating in a transformative journey where boundaries blur, and the characters merge their consciousness. Gem of Silence invites you into a dreamlike exploration of the metaphysical, challenging perceptions of reality and the nature of being.

In Iomik and the Emerald Woman, The League of Thieves, led by Iomik, assembles to reclaim the emerald statue stolen by the demon Rumif. Each member brings unique skills to the table - Vaoro, the Guardian of Stones, works to override Rumif's influence on the statue; Raidu, a silent specialist in crystallization, uses his ax to manipulate salts and potent substances; and Casen, with a cactus growing from his head, can divine and control subterranean powers. Together, they embark on a quest to pe*****te the depths of the emerald woman, facing challenges and unlocking the secrets hidden within. Weaving together poetic language to create a mesmerizing and complex narrative, Iomik and the Emerald Woman blends elements of magic, alchemy and mythology.

Father Moon and the Desert of Di Yu follows the protagonist, Ranoldo, on a mystical journey to the desert in search of Monpai, a mysterious and elusive figure rumored to possess the secret of eternal life. As Ranoldo delves into the desert, he encounters the enigmatic Monpai, who rules over a secluded community with anarchy, communicating only on solstice days. The narrative unfolds with surreal and ritualistic events, including a ceremony where Monpai plays a bone flute and consumes rats, revealing his supernatural nature. The story takes an unexpected turn when Ranoldo confronts Monpai, and the truth behind their connection is unveiled. Monpai, born from a stone devoted to the Moon, discloses his need for an alchemical process to fix himself to the Moon's oscillation, and Ranoldo's role in his destiny. The story brings us into a sphere of mysticism and immortality, reminding us of the interplay between freedom and responsibility.

Duende: Dreams of a Kingdom Under the Earth

New Star Lore Publishing book coming soon. 📖⭐

New Star Lore Publishing book coming soon. 📖⭐


Jack Kausch’s novel Aretalogy (published by Stare Lore Publishing, see an interview with one of the co-founders here, see posts with the other founder here)

Jack Kausch presenting at Alexandria, at the Theosophical International History Conference.

Jack Kausch presenting at Alexandria, at the Theosophical International History Conference.

Video of SRIA London hosting a discussion by author Jack Kausch on Imhotep and the Hermetic Tradition. Aretalogy: Lineag...

Video of SRIA London hosting a discussion by author Jack Kausch on Imhotep and the Hermetic Tradition.

Aretalogy: Lineage of a God

Frater Jack Kausch looks at the origins and history of Hermeticism and its relationship to the ancient sage Imhotep, following the release of his new book en...

Today marks one year of Star Lore Publishing. We have interviews and presentations by our authors on the way, future aud...

Today marks one year of Star Lore Publishing. We have interviews and presentations by our authors on the way, future audiobook versions of our material, the release of Duende by André Consciência (a conceptual fiction on elementals), and a compilation of the dream worlds of H. P. Lovecraft and Lord Dunsany.


A great overview of Aretalogy by our author Jack Kausch! 🌟

(FB has video length limitations - to hear in entirety look up and follow Jack Kausch on TikTok!)

Don't forget to check our books on our website:

Don't forget to check our books on our website:

Do not miss

Do not miss this.


We're excited Star Lore author Jack Kausch will be speaking about his novel Aretalogy at the Theosophical History Conference in Alexandria, Egypt this October. The program is titled The Reception of Egypt and the Ancients in Theosophy and Related Esoteric Currents. The event has a fantastic line up of speakers!


"Upstairs, August heard the muffled deep tones of adult talking and he heard his mother sob, and the house creaked and groaned. His ears were alert in the deafening quiet of his room. A short while later, the front door closed and he smelled her cigarette smoke through the window. The air felt heavy and oppressive and the boy burrowed under the sheets. He lay for a time under the covers, inexplicably sad, peering out a peephole he made between the comforter and the mattress. It felt to him as if the air carried something just around the corner. Something that would make him older, and he didn’t want it."

The Secret Pool, Seth Johnson

A thoughtful review about a profound book we were grateful to publish - Secret Pool by Seth Johnson. Available on Amazon...

A thoughtful review about a profound book we were grateful to publish - Secret Pool by Seth Johnson. Available on Amazon. 100% of the proceeds from this book go to charity.

Aretalogy: Lineage of a God by Jack Kuasch is now available on Lulu! Let us know if you prefer to order any of Star Lore...

Aretalogy: Lineage of a God by Jack Kuasch is now available on Lulu! Let us know if you prefer to order any of Star Lore Publishing's current and future books on another platform besides Amazon.


Aretalogy is a novel about Alexandria, libraries, memory and the legacy of Ægypt. It is the story of Psammethichus, who encounters the mysterious Library of the Ulterior within the Musaion of Alexandria, and travels to Upper Egypt, to Hermopolis Magna, to discover a destiny which includes the past,...

-Now Available in paperback & Kindle-*Secret Pool by Seth Johnson*Note from Victoria: Seth was a gifted writer, full of ...

-Now Available in paperback & Kindle-
*Secret Pool by Seth Johnson*

Note from Victoria: Seth was a gifted writer, full of insights and ingenuity. His stories reach deep within you and he had incredible range. I was shocked to find myself bawling with tears and roaring with laughter from his stories. His pen dipped into the Supernal fountain of inspiration. Seth was a Bardonist and student of inner alchemy. May you appreciate the treasures he left us as much as I did.

Seth Johnson, October 10, 1980 – December 1, 2021, was a writer, photographer, musician, storyteller, Hermetic practitioner, student of Franz Bardon, U.S. Coast Guardsman, motorcyclist, leather worker, and lover of humor, wisdom, puns, and inner alchemy.

This is a book of his short stories and reflections on the nature of life, humanity, and the universe in which they exist. His fiction falls within the literary genre of magical realism.

Seth was at once silly and gentle, blending depth of thought and purity of intention. He captured the beauty in life's stillness and the magic of existence. His writing reflects his inner world and his sharp insights into the human condition, and it is his gift to all of us. His works were published posthumously.

Seth Johnson was notably a gifted spirit with a distinguished quintessence. I found myself roaring with laughter, cheeks streaming with tears and simply marveling at the beloved grace the muses bestowed upon him while reading his works. Seth drank from the fountain of the humorous, gifted & wise.

Secret Pool, the title of this book & chosen by his friends, is also the title of one of the many awe-stirring short stories he wrote, an illuminating story about legacy and magic. Seth’s legacy and magic continues onward with this compilation of his visual poetry, short stories, and insights about life and the universe. His memory, ingenious creativity and alchemical cultivation of spirit and heart shines through and lives on. The photos in Chapter 3, Collected Thoughts, were taken by Seth.

May Secret Pool remind you of the profound beauty of existence and stir the sacred elixir deep within. May you remember all the joy there is to seize in life. We never truly say goodbye. We only wait to say hello once more.

Seth Johnson, October 10, 1980 – December 1, 2021, was a writer, photographer, musician, storyteller, Hermetic practitioner, student of Franz Bardon, U.S. Coast Guardsman, motorcyclist, leather worker, and lover of humor, wisdom, puns, and inner alchemy. This is a book of his short stories and re....

Star Lore author Jack Kausch with copies of his book Aretalogy at The Altantis Bookshop in London. ⚡️💥💫

Star Lore author Jack Kausch with copies of his book Aretalogy at The Altantis Bookshop in London. ⚡️💥💫

✨Coming Soon✨Secret Pool by Seth JohnsonSeth Johnson was notably a gifted spirit with a distinguished quintessence. I fo...

✨Coming Soon✨
Secret Pool by Seth Johnson

Seth Johnson was notably a gifted spirit with a distinguished quintessence. I found myself roaring with laughter, cheeks streaming with tears and simply marveling at the beloved grace the muses bestowed upon him while reading his works. Seth drank from the fountain of the humorous, gifted & wise.

Secret Pool, the title of this book, is also the title of one of the many awe-stirring short stories Seth wrote, an illuminating story about legacy and magic. Seth’s legacy and magic continues onward with this collection of his visual poetry, short stories, and insights about life and the universe. His memory, ingenious creativity and alchemical cultivation of spirit and heart shines through and lives on.

May Secret Pool remind you of the profound beauty of existence and stir the sacred elixir deep within. May you remember all the joy there is to seize in life. We never truly say goodbye. We only wait to say hello once more.

-Victoria A. Sulayman



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