Hello. Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear us, because Charles D. Lincoln and Chelsea LeSage are back with yet another exciting episode of the Charles and Chelsea's Cinematic Autopsy Podcast! This time, the Diabolic Duo are covering the surreal Pink Floyd - The Wall. Along the way, we blow your mind with the state Gotham City is located in, what slang the young people are saying, why Charles hasn't written a book about his life yet, teachers that can make or break young minds, and so much more, while attempting to explain a movie that's almost unexplainable. Don't just be another brick in the wall with your skidibi Ohio rizz, fam; sit back and let Charles and Chelsea of C. L. Squared Productions take you on a journey into Pink Floyd - The Wall!
Youtube link: https://youtu.be/uI1h-t2W-XE?si=Dto81gOb60eGE3vh
Spotify link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU1XbjZla1poeW5WSjVUQjFDRXBweTMwVnpNd3xBQ3Jtc0tra1QwanF6WTE3UzV2VWdQUDhTbG1DTUg3SnRCcUQtLVVfVFFqWjc2TDV3blRvOVFXSnVSUTh4ZHZMMUFJRkpaYzF2NFhOOEVmSGE1WmhMSWxjRUFMQXJHNjRXNlhLU0xqZUFuUzcza0UySDhLT0gxWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasters.spotify.com%2Fpod%2Fshow%2Fcinematicautopsy%2Fepisodes%2FEpisode-67-Pink-Floyd---The-Wall-e2p8ltd&v=uI1h-t2W-XE
Charles' Patreon: https://patreon.com/charlesdlincolnChelsea's Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/chelsea.lesageSpotify Podcast Link: https://podcasters.spotify.co...