21st Century Vitalism

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21st Century Vitalism A podcast investigating the cultivation of balance and flow in the modern age while dealing with the unique pressures we face in our time.

Hey friends, it's that time again where I have a new podcast for your ears (and maybe eyes). This week is with Dharma te...

Hey friends, it's that time again where I have a new podcast for your ears (and maybe eyes).

This week is with Dharma teacher, author, and environmental activist, Cynthia Jurs. She's a teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh's Order of Interbeing as well as a lama in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. She's most notably recognized for her tireless environmental work which comes from her practice of the Earth Treasure Vases. She's been traveling the world for the past 30 years connecting with different cultures and ecosystems with the intention of uniting communities, empowering women, and advocating for the environment.

Yeah, she's pretty badass.

She also has a book that came out this year that's called, 'Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing Our World' in which she details her journeys and how we can connect to the planet itself as a spiritual teacher. It's available wherever you get yer books.

Link to the episode is down below!

Show Topics
- What are the Earth Treasure Vases?
- The World as Spiritual Teacher
- Traveling to the World’s most Dangerous Places
- Why are we so Busy Minded?
- Reclaiming the Feminine
- Feeling Our Vulnerability
- Pilgrimage and Ceremony
- Intention Setting
- How To Practice in a Busy Life
- Householder Practice
- Needing to Awaken as a Community


This weeks episode is now live!

Joining me on the show is Judith Blackstone, PhD. She's the founder of the Realization Process, which is a methodology of cultivating an embodied state of nonduality. What does that mean? Well I guess you'll have to listen to the episode to find out. She's refined this process over the course of 35 years of private psychotherapeutic practice, and now offers it to other facilitators and therapists across the globe.

She is also an author of several books including ‘Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness’, ‘The Intimate Life’, and ‘The ‘Enlightenment Process’. Her most recent book, ‘The Fullness of the Ground: A Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening’ released in the fall of 2023 and is available wherever you get your books.

As always, the link is down below!

Show Topics
- What is Nonduality?
- Is Nonduality Inherent or Cultivated?
- The Obscurations of Nonduality
- How do we Embody Nonduality?
- Making Contact with Ourselves
- Relating to Challenging Situations
- Top Down vs Bottom Up Psychological Approaches
- Does Nonduality Mean “I” Disappear?
- Nonduality in a Therapeutic Context
- Fundamental Consciousness and Core Breath
- The Nature of Constrictions
- The Experience of Fundamental Consciousness

This weeks episode of 21st Century Vitalism is now live! Joining us on the show is the visionary floral sculptor, Anthon...

This weeks episode of 21st Century Vitalism is now live!
Joining us on the show is the visionary floral sculptor, Anthony Flowers Ward! Most known for his stunning stage performances where he combines his extensive history of dance with a heartfelt passion for floral arrangement; Anthony and the flowers have gone on to inspire thousands across the globe.

His career has seen him collaborate with the likes of Bobby McFerrin, Michael Franti, STS9, Tipper, and many many more. Beyond his musical performances he also curated stages for the Dalai Lama, Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, and Maya Angelou.

In this conversation we discuss his life with the flowers, the spiritual element of floral arrangement, the Japanese art of Ikebana, and the extensive lessons that he's learned from a lifetime of dedication to this practice.

This episode can be found down below, or wherever you tune into your podcasts!

Show Topics
- Anthony’s Story of Connecting with the Flowers
- The Intersection of Flower Arrangement and Dancing
- Floral Art as Spiritual Practice
- Impermanence and Flowers
- Ikebana
- How to Start Flower Arranging
- Forming Relationships with Individual Flowers
- Lessons from Flowers for Troubled Times
- The Universal Quality of Flowers
- Weeds and Gathering Materials
- Flowers and Masculinity
- The Enlivening Quality of Passion

This weeks episode of 21st Century Vitalism is now live! Returning to the show is movement specialist, author, and Struc...

This weeks episode of 21st Century Vitalism is now live!

Returning to the show is movement specialist, author, and Structural Integrationist, Mary Bond! Most known for her contributions to the world of Rolfing Movement practice with her books, 'New Rules of Posture' and 'Body Mandala'; Mary has gone on to establish herself as a pioneer in reimagining the relationship between perception, sensation, and posture.

In this conversation we discuss how to become more embodied in the modern age; we explore the role of fascia in creating our perceptions, how to make an unbreakable connection to the body's midline, and how the energies of earth and space help us maintain our authenticity in trying times.

The episode can be found in the comments!

Show Topics
- What is Embodiment?
- Fascia is a Sensory Organ
- What is Disembodiment?
- Cultivating Intereoception
- Posture Change is Perceptual and Not Forced
- Exploring the Body's Midline
- Connecting to the Quality of Earth and Space
- Falling out of Sync with the Midline
- Sitting Tensegrity Practice
- Exploring the Core
- Space and Trust

Joining us on the show this week is the singer, composer, producer, dancer, and creative guide, Ayla Nereo. For this con...

Joining us on the show this week is the singer, composer, producer, dancer, and creative guide, Ayla Nereo. For this conversation, we explore her work with the Living Song project; a creative community aimed at helping people dissolve creative blocks and find their authentic voice. We then use that as a foundation to explore central themes in Ayla's work such as resiliency, vitality, and the role of our intuition in the creative process.

Links down below!

- What is the Living Song Project?
- What does it mean to be a Vessel?
- What is Writer's Block and How Can We Overcome it?
- Grasping Vs. Trust
- The Energetic Throat Center
- The Four Elements and Creativity
- What is Vitality and Intuition?
- Importance of Feeling Good
- What is Sovereignty in the Modern Age?
- Facing A Troubled World, What Can We Do As Creatives?
- Sovereignty and Motherhood

Joining us on today's show is the CEO of Dharma Moon  and my personal meditation teacher and friend, David Nichtern! Dha...

Joining us on today's show is the CEO of Dharma Moon and my personal meditation teacher and friend, David Nichtern! Dharma Moon is an online meditation community which specializes in teaching the next generation of mindfulness meditation instructors. As a senior teacher in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, David has gone on to write two books, be an Emmy winning and Grammy nominated musician, and host the popular, Creativity, Spirituality, and Making a Buck Podcast.

In this conversation, we talk about some of the most compelling teachings that we've explored together which are commonly referred to as the sacred path of the warrior. They're a perennial set of teachings found in cultures around the world which are uniquely relevant for living a spiritually inclined life in the modern age. They ask us, how can we be fully awake, courageous, and authentic right now in the life that we're currently living?

Access to that is down in the comments!

If you want to study with David he has many online offerings that can be found through the link below. I highly recommend his 'Mindfulness Teacher Training' course starting up in June for one of the most comprehensive deep dives into meditation you can find on the internet.

- What is Warriorship?
- The Qualities of a Warrior
- The Strength of Being Gentle
- Seeing Clearly
- How to Properly Face Oneself
- Meditation
- How Being Self Conscious Closes Off the World
- Discovering our Basic Goodness
- Moving out from the Cocoon
- The Profundity of Householder Practice
- Business and Warriorship

Joining us on 21st Century Vitalism is the globally renowned electronic music producer, educator, and performer, Mr. Bil...

Joining us on 21st Century Vitalism is the globally renowned electronic music producer, educator, and performer, Mr. Bill (Mr. Bill). In this conversation we talk about the incredibly important subject of substance abuse and recovery. Having gone through his own stint of addiction, we dive into his story of struggling to stay afloat while being a touring musician and the hard fought battle of getting sober. We also share our mutual appreciation of electronic music, production, and the rave scene which undoubtedly changed both of our lives.

The link is in the comments below!


- Bill's Story of Finding Electronic Music
- Cultivating an Ear for EDM
- Differences in Creative Process for Instruments and EDM
- Raves and Substance Use
- How Scenes Dictate What Substances are Used
- Ketamine's Influence on Electronic Music Culture
- What is Ketamine?
- Bill's Story of Ketamine Addiction
- Touring/ Playing Shows With an Addiction
- Getting Sober
- Touring as a Sober Musician
- Attending Shows Soberly
- How To Show Up for Friends Struggling with Addiction

Bill's newest record, Mechanomorphic will be released in April through Monstercat. His first two singles, 'Bones' and 'Rawthentic' are available now on all streaming platforms!


A quick snippet of my conversation with the incredible NY based dance choreographer and end-of-life Chaplain, Keely Garfield. In this clip, she shares with us her motivation to engage with Zen Buddhism and an important element in addressing the question of how to handle suffering.

This weeks episode of 21CV is now live! Joining us on the show is the incredible NYC choreographer and dancer, Keely Gar...

This weeks episode of 21CV is now live!

Joining us on the show is the incredible NYC choreographer and dancer, Keely Garfield. Not only is she a wildly talented movement artist, she's also an interfaith end-of-life and trauma chaplain, Buddhist meditation teacher, yoga instructor, and Urban Integrative Zen Therapist. In this conversation we explore the intersection of her work as a dancer and end of life chaplain. Drawing parallels between these seemingly opposing practices and coming to a beautiful synthesis of life, death, and the cultivation of compassionate awareness.

The link is in the comments below!

- Why is a Service Mindset Important?
- Honoring Our Stories While Holding Them Loosely
- Why Focus On The Dark?
- Cultivating an Engaged Compassion
- Navigating the Universal Human Suffering that Groans
- End of Life Care and it's Influence on Dance
- Qualities of Dance that Inform End of Life Care
- Sensitivity and Skillful Means
- Connecting to a Sense of Ritual
- Being Okay with Not Leaving a Legacy
- Ephemerality of Dance
- Strength of Compassion

The newest episode of 21CV is now live! The link can be found in the comments.Joining us on the show today is performanc...

The newest episode of 21CV is now live! The link can be found in the comments.

Joining us on the show today is performance artist and founder of the Idiot's Hour Comedy Show, Matthew Silver! Well beloved for his eccentric street performances in New York, with viral videos soaring in the millions of views; Matthew offers a unique love centered form of clowning around that has interested and inspired tons of new performers. In this conversation we explore his life of performance - with it's highs and lows, the troubling state of the world, and the pitfalls of having a strong identity.

If you want to stay in touch with Matthew, you can find him on all of the social media platforms!

- Matthew's Draw Towards Performance
- The Role of the Performer
- The Ways Our Brain Blocks Creativity
- Problems of Identity
- Time Being an Illusion
- Navigating Discomfort as a Performer
- Love Is Not Supported by the Government
- The Difficulty of Worthwhile Goals
- The Idiots Hour Project


A clip from my recent conversation with Nick Pole (.wordsthattouch). The link to the full episode can be found in my bio! This conversation was centered around 'Clean Language', a conversational methodology which creates a space for the receiver to be plunged into their immediate sensory experience. It's brilliant and I found this conversation to be wildly engaging!

The newest episode of 21CV is now live!Joining us on the show this week is UK based shiatsu practitioner, author, and cl...

The newest episode of 21CV is now live!

Joining us on the show this week is UK based shiatsu practitioner, author, and clean language facilitator, Nick Pole. In this conversation, we explore the practice and theory of 'Clean Language', which is the topic of Nick's book, 'Words That Touch'. Clean Language is a methodology of facilitating mind/body communication to help participants investigate their immediate somatic experience and begin a rich inquiry into their emotions and patterns.

Links are in the comments below!

- What is Clean Language?
- Losing Touch With Our Immediate Experience
- Mirror/ Heart Dynamic in Therapy
- The Role of Awareness in Unwinding the Mind/Body
- How Does Language Remove Us From Our Perceptions?
- The Essence of Words
- Importance of Silence
- Trauma and Creativity
- What is a Metaphor and How Can We Unpack Them?
- Safety and Coregulation
- Clean Touch


A brief snippet of my conversation with on the nature of materialism. A link to the full episode is in the comments.

Andy Karr is a Buddhist scholar, author, and photographer who trained under both Suzuki Roshi and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He is one of the cofounders of the first Shambhala center in France and an author of three books. His most recent work titled, 'Into The Mirror' was released in the Spring of 2023 and is the focus of this full episode.

This weeks conversation is with Buddhist scholar, author, and photographer, Andy Karr. As a former student of the legend...

This weeks conversation is with Buddhist scholar, author, and photographer, Andy Karr. As a former student of the legendary meditation master, Chogyam Trungpa; Andy has gone on to share the teachings of the Buddha all across the world. From cofounding the first Shambhala center in Paris to teaching at the Gampo Abbey Monastery College, Andy is most known for his well articulated teachings on Contemplative practice and dharma art. His newest book, 'Into The Mirror' released in the Spring of 2023 and serves as a foundation to the themes covered in this show.

- What is a Contemplative Practice?
- Different Methods of Contemplation
- The Issue with Getting Caught In Concepts
- Spiritual Materialism
- Limitations of Materialism
- What is Samsara?
- The Three Vehicles to Liberation
- The Outer and Inner Journeys
- Different Approaches to Contemplating Emptiness
- Letting Go of Self Cherishing
- Stages of Compassion
- The Paramitas

The links are in the comments!


A clip from my recent conversation with . The full episode can be found through the link in my bio!

This weeks guest is the one and only, ! One of the world's most prominent psychedelic visionary artists working today. B...

This weeks guest is the one and only, ! One of the world's most prominent psychedelic visionary artists working today. Based out of his hometown in Colorado, Android's work has been featured across the world in a wide array of different mediums. From having an extensive clothing line, to projecting his art onto the Empire State Building, Android has gone on to establish himself as one of the forerunners of technologically infused art. In this conversation, we explore a recent tragedy that Android underwent at the start of 2023 and it's implications on the nature of surrender and groundlessness.

The link is in the bio!

Android's Brush with Tragedy in 2023
How Does a Space Affect our Creative Process?
How Android Prepares to Create Art
Dealing with the Groundlessness of the Bardo
Becoming Vulnerable and Receiving Support
Receiving Love from Strangers
Does Fixating on Fear Help Us?
Navigating Narrative Collapse
How Do We Help Others Moving through Narrative Collapse?
Emphasis on Physical Practices for Healing
Suffering and Grace


Here's a brief snippet from my recent conversation with Susan Harper. In it, Susan is in the midst of exploring how shame and embarassment disconnect us from our essential creative selves. We spent a bit of time riffing on this and I found it incredibly useful. There was just...so much gold in this episode. It can be found wherever you tune into podcasts as well as the link in my bio!

Check out Susan's work over at continuummontage(dot)com

Hey everyone! The newest episode of 21CV is now available!Joining us on the show this week is the visionary Susan Harper...

Hey everyone! The newest episode of 21CV is now available!

Joining us on the show this week is the visionary Susan Harper! Continuum teacher, heart-soul-counselor, creative instigator, and inspired teacher of perceptual and movement inquiry; Susan has an incredibly rich and thorough series of offerings that she's brought to thousands of people across the globe since 1975. In this episode we explore Continuum, a unique movement practice that invites us to become familiar with our fluid body in order to connect with our deeper oceanic creativity. From there we survey the anatomy of shame, the reciprocal nature of perception, and the importance of connecting to awe.

Link is in my bio or the comments down below depending on your platform!

Susan offers online workshops which can be found over at continuummontage(dot)com

Show Topics:
- What is Continuum
- What is the Fluid Body and How Can we Connect to it?
- Developing Continuum
- The Problems With Overidentifying with our Thinking Mind
- The Anatomy of Shame and Embarrassment
- The Role of Sensuousness and Feeling
- Haptic Perception
- How Can We Stay Balanced With the Pain of the World?
- Connecting to Awe
- Trusting the Deep Heart


A snippet of my rich conversation with on how doing yoga asana cultivates a deeper sense of internal awareness. The full episode can be found wherever you stream your podcasts - or through the link in my bio!

The Newest Episode of 21CV is now live! As always, the link is in the bio (for IG) or the comments (for FB)This weeks ep...

The Newest Episode of 21CV is now live! As always, the link is in the bio (for IG) or the comments (for FB)

This weeks episode is with yoga teacher, author, and founder of Empowered Life Circle, . On the cusp of releasing the forthcoming book, 'The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices and Rituals to Remember Who You Are' she joins the show to discuss internal yoga practice, self-inquiry, and Yoga Nidra.

You can order 'The Luminous Self' wherever you purchase your books. If you happen to be seeing this before it's release on October 10th you can head over to Shambhala(dot)com and preorder a copy using the code LUM30 to receive 30% off!

- Discovering Who You Really Are
- Distinguishing Between Internal and External Yoga
- Reflection and Contemplation
- Recognizing Extractive Spirituality
- Touching into Pain Without Overwhelm
- Community and Support on the Spiritual Path
- There Are No Safe Spaces, Only Sacred Spaces
- The Role of Discomfort and Fiery Emotions
- Yoga Nidra
- Yoga Nidra and Relationships


This weeks episode of 21CV is with Raghu Markus, Executive Director of the Lover, Serve, Remember Foundation, Host of the Mindrolling Podcast, and the Co-Founder of the Be Here Now Network. In this conversation we frame out the Guru principle that appears in so many wisdom traditions across the world.

The link to this episode can be found in my bio.

I'm very honored to announce that this weeks episode is with the one and only, Raghu Markus! For the uninitiated, Raghu ...

I'm very honored to announce that this weeks episode is with the one and only, Raghu Markus! For the uninitiated, Raghu is the executive director of the Love, Serve, Remember Foundation, the co-founder of the Be Here Now Network, and host of the Mindrolling podcast. Raghu was a contemporary of the legendary Ram Dass and a fellow student of the ineffable Neem Karoli Baba. He has since gone on to dedicating most of his life toward the aim of cultivating a compassionate and loving heart.

In this conversation we talk about connecting with spiritually liberated beings out in the world and simultaneously increasing our sensitivity to the Guru which is always with us.

The link can be found in the bio but is also available wherever one tunes into podcasts!

Show Topics
- Raghu's Story of Meeting Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba
- The Importance of Surrender and Grace
- The Internal Guru
- Cultivating the Karmic Propensity to Meet a Guru
- The Role of Service and Compassion
- Navigating Self Judgement
- Moving Beyond Religiosity into Direct Experience
- Psychedelics
- Neem Karoli Baba's Core Lesson

Raghu's links are in the comments!



Here's a snippet of my recent converstion with Robin Rothenberg of Essential Yoga Therapy. In it, she discusses how yogic breath practice has less to do with taking slow deep breaths and more to do with retraining how to breath less! The full episode is wherever you tune into your podcasts - with the link being found in my bio!

How to Support the Show!- Head on over to patreon.com/21stcenturyvitalism and become a member. - Subscribe over on YouTu...

How to Support the Show!
- Head on over to patreon.com/21stcenturyvitalism and become a member.
- Subscribe over on YouTube
- Follow us on Instagram or Facebook
- Implement any of the topics covered on the show and write me about your experience!

Joining us on the show this week is internationally respected yoga therapist and author, Robin Rothenberg. In this episode, she takes us on a journey through the ancient Yogic practice of Pranayama and the most up to date scientific research on respiratory physiology - all while drawing some powerful and important parallels between the two. With this knowledge, she then teaches us how we can utilize the breath to cultivate greater energy, clarity, and spiritual insights.

This episode can be found wherever you stream your podcasts as well as the link in my bio!

- Pranayama is Synonymous with Breath Retention
- Why Deep Breathing is a Problem
- Breath's Impact on Internal Chemistry
- Breathing Less, Breathing Lighter
- How to Retrain Breathing Patterns
- Elements of Functional Breathing
- The Importance of Nasal Breathing
- Breath As A Support For Meditation
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Core Breathing Guided Practice
- The Bandhas and the Breath
- The Energetic Bank Account and Digestion

If this episode inspires you, consider checking out Robin's landmark book, 'Restoring Prana' or even sign up for her upcoming certification course starting October 29th. The links for those will be down below!


A snippet from my conversation with Brandon Gilbert, founder of on how tonic herbs can help benefit our spiritual and health related goals.

This weeks episode of 21CV is with Brandon Gilbert, founder of the online medicinal herb and mushroom storefront, ! In t...

This weeks episode of 21CV is with Brandon Gilbert, founder of the online medicinal herb and mushroom storefront, ! In this episode we explore the ancient world of herbalism and how to integrate plants into your spiritual and wellness journeys.

Link is in the bio!

- Founding a Wildly Successful Herbal Business
- How to Form a Relationship with Herbs
- Integrating Herbs into your Life
- The Willingness to Forge your Own Path
- Navigating the Herbal Supplement Marketplace
- What Makes Herbs Effective?
- Sensitivity and Stimulation
- Embracing Boredom
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- Neurofeedback Techniques

How to Support the Show!
- Head on over to patreon.com/21stcenturyvitalism and become a member.
- Subscribe over on YouTube
- Follow us on Instagram or Facebook
- Implement any of the topics covered on the show and write me about your experience!



This weeks episode was with the one and only musican and meditation coach, Michael Rempel! In this clip, we discuss the difference between pain and suffering. The full episode can be found wherever you stream your podcasts, as well as my bio!

How to Support the Show!- Head on over to patreon(dot)com/21stcenturyvitalism and become a member. - Subscribe over on Y...

How to Support the Show!
- Head on over to patreon(dot)com/21stcenturyvitalism and become a member.
- Subscribe over on YouTube
- Follow us on Instagram or Facebook
- Implement any of the topics covered on the show and write me about your experience!

Joining us on the show this week is one of the co-founding members of the widely popular electronic jam band, Lotus! Michael Rempel is a musician and mindfulness meditation coach. In this conversation, we riff on his 20+ years of touring the United States and his recently found commitment to the Unified Mindfulness system started by Shinzen Young.

Michael was also the one to create the new theme music and is available for commission work! If you have a project that you could use some expertly crafted music on, don't hesitate to reach out to him via his website (link down below).

Episode link in my bio!


- Exploring Spirituality while being a Nationally Touring Artist
- The Potentials and Pitfalls of the American Music Festival Scene
- Making the Most Out of our Time at Festivals
- What Is Mindfulness as per the Unified Mindfulness System?
- Concentration, Clarity, and Equanimity
- Reactivity and Responsiveness
- Fundamental Wellness and Suffering
- Cultivating a Kind Heart
- See, Hear, Feel Guided Practice
- Creating Discipline





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