Treasure in the Word Devotional

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Treasure in the Word Devotional Treasure in the word devotional will make its readers and those who follow the page to draw closer to God with their devoted quite times with God!


The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want


It's a year of prosperity without limit.... Welcome to Twenty Twenty Four


Saturday, 21th January 2023.
Topic: The Nature of Man.
TEXT: 2Cor 5 : 17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

MESSAGE: The problem of Man after the fall is problem of righteousness. It means right standing with God. Ability to appear before God without seanse of sin, or feeling inferiority complex in the presence of God. Jesus came to restore righteousness to man, to make us children of God.

When man committed sin against God in the Garden of Eden he died spiritual death. Man was totally alienated from God. It is spiritual separation. The part of man that separated from God was his spirit. So, the man that become new creation is his spirit.

Man is a spirit with soul living in a body. He use his spirit to contact spiritual realm, his soul to contact intellectual and his body to contact physical world. But until your spirit come in contact with Jesus Christ he can not come alive. That is what it means to be born again.
But too unfortunate that we educate our souls, care for our body and neglect our spirit.
Believers do little in life because we failed to educate and care for our spirit man.

Your spirit is also called inward man.
2 Cor 4:16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

How can I educate my Spirit?
You can educate your spirit man by reading and meditating on the word.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: Your spirit man will rise and rule over your flesh. This year you will achieve much by the direction of the Holy Spirit through your spirit.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Today, help me Lord to become a new creation. As a new creation I rule my world in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer line: 08077506617


Wednesday,18th January 2023

TEXT: Genesis 8:21-22

After Noah sacrificed to God, a sweet savour went up to heaven, and God began to speak concerning the affairs of man. God said He will not curse the ground again, He promised not to destroy the earth again with flood. But non of these promises came until Noah sacrificed to God.

Each time sacrifice leaves your hands to God, God's Promise is released into your life. Some one will say that it is old testament event, but God's principles are not subject to change!

Let me shock you with this! Do you know that what God promised us is Abraham's blessings, the old
testament man!
Gal 3:14 - That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Another thing is seed sowing: He said that as the earth remains that seed time shall not cease. Your seed will cause your harvest. Your harvest is determined by your seed sowing.
Gal 6:7 - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
If you sow money you'll reap money, if you sow love you'll reap love, if you sow car, land, house etc. to the service of God that is what you will reap.

Before Noah's sacrifice, he prepared an alter. Take your time and prepare place(s) for your sacrifice and sow your seed with prayer. Patiently wait for the harvest, be careful not to destroy your harvest with your confession. Keep sowing!

I see your seed producing hundred fold harvest in Jesus Name.

Father, today I receive hundred fold harvest like Isaac in Jesus Name.
My seed must produce tangible result to the glory of your name Lord. May my sacrifice speak for me, my family in times of need IJN. Amen.

Prayer Line: +2348077506617


*Monday, 16th January 2023*
*TOPIC:* Do not forsake Him.

*TEXT:* 2king 1:2-5

When king Ahaziah fell down from his upper Chamber and sustained a terrible injury, he sent his servants to a strange land to consult their god to know if he will live or die.
Ahaziah was a leader of a covenant nation. Israel is God's own inheritance. It was surprising to God how such a highly placed personality should have faith on strange gods and not on him the living God.
God antispated all His children to always have trust in Him each time they are confronted with difficult situation(s). How many believers today still pray when they are sick? How many of us still turn to God in the time of difficulties? How many Christians today can trust God for financial help?
Are we not like the King of Samaria? Where is our faith today? We believed in the world system more than our God. We valued doctor's word more than God's word.

God sent His prophet to rebuke him for such foolish act. He died according to the word of God's servant. Hear this, God is mindful of every step a believer is taking. He can never share his glory with anybody. How can a child of God feel free to consult a strange god?
Is there anything troubling your life? pray! He will hear you!

Difficult situation requires difficult action Mathew 17: 21.

*PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY:* After today, your faith in God cannot be messed up again. Something that will cause you to go to other gods will not happen to you.
*PRAYER FOR TODAY:* Father thank you because you knows me and you are caring for me. Today you have made me to know that if I call you that you will answer me.

*Prayer line* +2348077506617.


Sunday, 15th January 2023
Topic: More than enough.

*Text* Luke 9:12-17.

The disciples of Jesus asked Him to send the people away to go and look for something to eat. They called the place desert, meaning unproductive place. The problem is not geographical location but God's presence. If God is there surely something good must come out. Jesus said, no need sending them away, give them something to eat. After much argument they brought five loaves of bread and two fishes to him. But what is that to such multitude of over five thousand men! There is nothing impossible were God is at work. It's not the big resources you don't have but the blessing of God upon the little in your hands.
When the multitude Sat down Jesus blessed the little bread and give it to His disciples to distribute to the multitude. You know what! The bread started multiplying in the hands of the apostles.

Hear this, the miracle didn't take place In the hands of Jesus. The bread did not multiply in Jesus's hands but in hands of the disciples.
There is much you can achieve with your hands today. Once the bread touched the disciples hands miracle started. Stop neglecting your self, try that little thing in your hands today and you will have more than enough.
God is waiting for you. Start something today, go out there and register your name in the Sand of time. Stop doing the same thing every day, try a new thing today. Take a step of faith, you will be surprised what that step can bring out. There is a miracle power in your hands. Lay it on something today.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: I see you doing well from today, you are counted among the great. That era you do not know what to do has gone for ever. I see you among the great, I see you doing absolutely well. There is miraculous power in your hands.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father in the name of Jesus, I defeat fear in my life, I will not doubt myself again from today. God will bless whatsoever I lay my hands on


*Saturday 14th January 2023.*
*TOPIC:* The secret of fruitfulness.
*TEXT:* John 15:1-4
Jesus used vine to illustrate relationship between Him, His father and His children. (me and you) Jesus described himself as the vine, God as the worker who works on the vine to ensure productivity.
God is pleased when His children are doing well in the area of their calling. It really greaves Him when anyone of His children is not prospering. (3Jn 1:2) That is because whatsoever it will take for us to thrive has been made available in Him.

Remember that the part that bears fruit on a tree is the branch. In God's family we are the fruit bearing part. For the branch to remain fruit bearing it must remain on the tree. The tree has root which it uses to stand firm, get energy and transfer it to the fruit bearing part. Jesus told us that the sine qua non condition for fruit bearing is by abiding in him. Some children of God want to thrive outside God. They wake up in the morning without seeking God's blessing for the day. So many times don't ask for a direction from Him, we feel that we can do it on our own. We neglect all the principle laid down in His word.

He asked us to abide in Him for maximum production. How much can we achieve with our own ability? Let us abide in order to bear much fruit.
How can we abide in Him?
_1- we need to surrender to Him totally, depending on Him for everything._
_2- Always seek instructions from Him._
_3- Read and meditate the word of God. Form a habit of talking to Him always._
_4- Live a life full of appreciation to God. (Praise and worship)_
Today, your life will become a fruit bearing life, no more frustration and unfruitful life .
You will achieve much this year.

Father from today I move to the realm of fruitfulness. As I abide today let the secret of fruitfulness be giving to me.
*Prayer Line:* +2348030502380.


*Date:* Thursday, 12th January 2023.

*TEXT:* *Ephesians 3: 20-21*

God is not limited and cannot be limited by anything!
The word limitation is not in God and God is not in it, any where you see limitation in your life, cancel it.
Don't limit God, in your thinking, don't limit Him with your mind, or with your prayer.
If you ask Him for a city He will give it to you, if you ask Him for a nation He will give it to you, if you ask Him for the urttermost parts of the earth he will give it to you.

*PS 2:8*

No matter how you ask Him, His word said he will do more than that. No matter how you think His word said He will do more than that. So many times we give up, we stop praying and resort to complaining and murmuring.
It's time to pray without limitation, it's time to ask without limitation. Don't think he didn't know you, don't think He is not aware of your need. He even counted the hairs of your head, that one cannot fall without His assent.


Be a man and woman of intimacy with Him and His words. Let there be ascendancy of Gods word in your life. His word will change your perspective towards Him and your prayer life.
He answers Prayer, go to Him in prayer with your need, He will answer you!

The limitless God will answer you today beyond your imagination!
God will hear you today as you pray to Him through the name of Jesus.

Lord as I come to you in prayer today, grant me all my heart desire.

*Prayer Line:* +2348077506617


*DATE:* Wednesday, 11th January 2023.

*TEXT:* *Judges 15:11-15*

Anointing is power of God upon a man, or God's ability to do extra ordinary things. The person who is endowed with grace to do mighty works is described as the anointed.

Samson was such a man endowed with power to do mighty works. After he dealt cruelty with his enemy, he returned to a mountain to wait upon God.
His enemy (The Philistines) came to Israel demanding that Samson should be handed over to them, to take vengeance on him.
Samson submitted himself to his people who bound him in order to hand him over to the Philistine, when the Philistine saw him been bound they were very very happy and shouted for happiness.
They were about laying their hands on him to take him away, and the Holy Spirit of God stirred up the anointing in Samson and the cords they used to bound him were like something burnt by fire.

The anointed are fearless people, they live in the full consciousness of the presence of God.
They cannot be bound, trapped, tamed, they are masters anywhere they are.
They don't believe in talking but in action, no man can rejoice over them. Touch them and you will die!

You can only be anointed where God called you.

*The works of Anointing:*
_-Anointing breaks every yoke, the cord used to bound Samson was messed up by the anointing._
*Isaiah 10:27*
_- Anointing fast forward things, something that can take hundred years to happen can take place in a minute by the anointing._
-Anointing produces miracle, signs and wonders.
_- The anointing guarantees speed in life and in destiny._
_-And no one can predict the destiny of the anointed._

*How to generate Anointing:*
One of the ways to generate anointing is by prayer. All the anointed men mentioned in the Bible were men of the mountain (prayer). Moses, Elijah, Jesus, Samson, etc.

Your enemies can't laugh over you again from today!


*DATE:* Monday, 9th January 2023

*TEXT:* *Luke 6:38*

Jesus instructed us to give in order to receive. Giving guarantees receiving. We don't receive to give we give to receive. Giving is wisdom and it takes wisdom to give. It takes discipline to give. It's a laid down rule that can not be changed. It is a divine principle that can't be changed no matter who is against it or ignorant of it. It's God's way of blessing His people and it works for whoever that applies it. Giving must not be done when you've acquired the whole wealth on earth, remember the widow's mite!

*Mark 12:41-43*

When God want to enter everlasting covenant of blessing with Abraham, He asked him to give Isaac his promised child. Any teaching against giving and seed sowing is teaching against God's laws, don't go by it!

*Act 20: 35:*

It is more blessed to give than to receive, giving releases God's blessings into your life.

- Give to support God's work on earth and to those He called to feed His sheep.
- Give to support the poor and less privileged in the society (orphans, fatherless, motherless, widows, widowers, etc)
- Give to that your neighbor who needs help of any sort!
- Give Love to your spouse and to your neighbour(s)
- Give out some of your clothes, shoes, bags etc

The money that leave your hand did not leave your life, it entered your future!
Know that whatever you give to God that He will give back to you and in addition.

Make someone smile today with your giving act!

Receive the wisdom and understanding of giving IJN!

Lord open my eyes to see the need to give!
O Lord may I experience the mysteries of giving IJN!

*PRAYER LINE:* 2348077506617


*DATE* : Saturday, 7th January 2023.
*TEXT* : *Numbers 27:1-8*

Daughters of Zelophead whose father died where not happy with the existing laws of their land, that if a man died without a male child the female child loses the inheritance of their father as a punishment to the father for not having male child.

They took bold steps to address such evil laws in the land. God expect His children not to keep quite each time we are confronted with situation that conflict with our freedom and rights.
The aged law that subjected any Israelite that has no male child to loose his inheritance as a punishment for not having a male child was never made by God neither did moses or anybody knows the origin of it, yet all Israel were ruled by such laws.

There are so many abnormalities in our society that until we take actions as children of God such evil can never be corrected.
Do you know that your generation is looking up to you?
If those girls can change history, you too can change history.

*Romans 8:19-21*

These bold and courageous girls delivered their generation from aged law, they did it without Holy Ghost but we have Holy Ghost. They never believed in impossibilities. That you never see it happened does not mean it will not happen!

When they exposed the evil law, God now gave His own rules. Until we remove evil laws militating against us we can't see the blessings of God manifest within us.
No condition changes until someone do something over it." We normally said as it pleases God" No! That is wrong, rise up and pray, study your Bible, go to work, start up something no matter how small. Stop complaining, stop blaming people around you, rise up and do the right thing.

"Life is not fair, it doesn't give you what you desire but what you fight for"

I see spirit of courage overcoming spirit of fear in you today.

Father open my eyes to


DATE: Friday, 6th January 2023
TEXT: GENESIS 7:13-16.
Each time there is pending doom God always send warning to His people in other for them to get prepared and escape such disaster. He always provide medium to preserve His people. During Noah's time, God used the Ark to preserve those who are obedient to his instructions. God gives instructions, it's left for us to comply or not.

In the new Testament Jesus Christ is the medium for our salvation. Jesus is to us what the Ark was to Noah's generation. A place of preservation. It's not who you are that determine your safety but where you are. The strongest outside the Ark was destroyed but the weakest inside the Ark was saved. The wisest out side the Ark got drown, the Rich outside the Ark perished but the poor inside the Ark got saved.

After they entered the Ark God used His hand to close the Ark that no external force could have influence over the Ark. Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your life? Today, He is the Ark of our salvation.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: You will not be found outside the Ark. This 2023, God will use His hand to shut His door of protection against your enemy.

PRAYERS FOR TODAY: Lord, help me to always be obedient and willing to follow your instructions. Amen!

PRAYER LINE: 08077506617.


*DATE* : Wednesday, 4th January 2023
*TOPIC* : *Taking Right Action (2)*
*TEXT* : *2King 13:14-19.*

Joash King of Israel confronted difficult situation and cried to the man of God (Elisha) He was weeping before Elisha like a baby. He praised the man of God. He was expecting a word of encouragement from Elisha, but he said to the King take your bow and arrows. When the King put his hand on the bow Elisha placed his own hand on the hand of the King. Let your hands not be idle, God's hand comes upon your hands immediately you lay it on something. Elisha asked him to open the window Eastward. Open your heart for learning, for good instructions. Don't go from one place to another seeking people that will pity you. Take action! Start something, tell yourself that you don't need pity but action.
Elisha asked him to take the arrows. He took them. And he asked him to smite the ground and he smite it Three times only. The man of God became angry with him and placed limitation on him.
Don't give up in life, don't accept defeat, don't feel that your time has gone, don't say you can't make it again, don't place limitation on your self.

*PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY* : Any limitation placed by the living or the dead over you is cancelled now in Jesus Name. Amen!
*PRAYER FOR TODAY* : Lord direct me on the right action that will bring change in my life.
*PRAYER LINE:* 08077506617.


Tuesday 3rd, 2023.
TEXT: 1 Samuel 30:1-8

It's very easy to know what to do when difficult situations are yet to confront us than when we are confronted with it. One can tell you to have Faith when you are facing difficult situations and when such situation confronts the same
person he may abandon God to other gods. Our reactions when in difficult situations is very very important as children of God.
That is why the book of Hebrew chapter eleven was dedicated to reactions of different men in difficult situations. Some believer's faith in God ends the moment they are confronted with hard situations.

Christianity is not challenges free life as some people think. A lot have the notion that once one come to the knowledge of Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour, one will not encounter difficulties in life again. Others believe that Christianity is a synonym of surplus-money. Soldiers with David thought that moving with David is a guarantee to secure their lives and their families. But a different thing played their thought to stoning David to death.

When David encountered this difficult situation he enquired of the Lord on what to do. Trying times are times to go to God and ask him of what to do, He has solution to every situation. Trying times are not times to cry, complain, murmur or play blame game, but a time to pray, a time to stand on your ground like David and enquire from the Lord.
Nobody has immune for trying time but we have God's word on every difficult situations.

No situation will defile your faith again in Jesus Name.
You will know what to do when in trying times from today IJN.

Father, help me to always rely on you.
Give me grace to always act like a believer of God's words when in trying times.
From today I will not complain in trying times but pray an nod praise you IJN.



DATE: Monday, 2nd January 2023
Topic: power of His presence.
TEXT: EXODUS 33:14-16
14 And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
15 And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.
16 For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.
In our text we saw Moses a leader of the nation of Israel conversing with God and demanding for the assurance of His presence. He told God that the only difference between them and other people is not their colour, skill, multitude, financial status, military power etc, but God's presence. He believes that to move without God's presence is to exacerbate problem on the nation of Israel. He told God unless His presence go with them that He should not send them.
In a journey of life what distinguishes people out is God's presence. When darkness was in Egypt there was light in Goshen, because God's presence was in Goshen. In this year, if there is anything one should seek, that should be God's presence. We should work very hard to be a carrier of God's presence.
In old testament the Ark was a symbol of of His presence. In the new Testament Holy Spirit is His presence dwelling in us. God's presence in a man is more than silver and gold.
PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: Today, God's presence will distinguishe you from other people. His presence will grant you speed, access to places that matters. You will never know lack.
PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord, grant me access to your presence, make me a carrier of your presence. From today, I move from glory to glory. Amen.
PRAYER LINE: O8077506617.

Jesus is thinking of you! Me!

Jesus is thinking of you! Me!

That's the prophetic declaration of the year 2022! Claim it, believe it and receive it!

That's the prophetic declaration of the year 2022! Claim it, believe it and receive it!


Friday 06/09/2019

TEXT: Ezekiel 22
30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

Intercession is an act of mediating between God and man. God expects people to stand between him and a nation, man, kingdom, generation in order to avert evil against such nation, man, kingdom, generation. etc. Those mediators are called intercessors, if there is anything our generation is lacking today it is intercessors, men that can stand between God and the land.
We have preachers, teachers, healers, prophets etc but we are in lack of intercessors. Intercessors are like pillars in the house, you don't see the pillars but they hold the house. They may not be recognised, celebrated but their works are too important.

They are men and women that change the course of their generation through their intercession. Let's start with Abigail; she averted the evil that was determined against her husband and her entire household through her intercession.
1Sam 25 :17-34
17 Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him.
18 Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
19 And she said unto her servants, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal.
20 And it was so, as she rode on the ass, that she came down by the covert of the hill, and, behold, David and his men came down against her; and she met them.
21 Now David had said, Surely in vain have I kept all that this fellow hath in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requited me evil for good.
22 So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.
23 And when Abigail saw David, she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground,
24 And fell at his feet, and said, Upon me, my lord, upon me let this iniquity be: and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak in thine audience, and hear the words of thine handmaid.
25 Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard this man of Belial, even Nabal: for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him: but I thine handmaid saw not the young men of my lord, whom thou didst send.
26 Now therefore, my lord, as the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, seeing the LORD hath withholden thee from coming to shed blood, and from avenging thyself with thine own hand, now let thine enemies, and they that seek evil to my lord, be as Nabal.
27 And now this blessing which thine handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let it even be given unto the young men that follow my lord.
28 I pray thee, forgive the trespass of thine handmaid: for the LORD will certainly make my lord a sure house; because my lord fighteth the battles of the LORD, and evil hath not been found in thee all thy days.
29 Yet a man is risen to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the LORD thy God; and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, as out of the middle of a sling.
30 And it shall come to pass, when the LORD shall have done to my lord according to all the good that he hath spoken concerning thee, and shall have appointed thee ruler over Israel;
31 That this shall be no grief unto thee, nor offence of heart unto my lord, either that thou hast shed blood causeless, or that my lord hath avenged himself: but when the LORD shall have dealt well with my lord, then remember thine handmaid
32 And David said to Abigail, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me:
33 And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging myself with mine own hand.
34 For in very deed, as the LORD God of Israel liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadst hasted and come to meet me, surely there had not been left unto Nabal by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.

To intercede for a man, Nation, kingdom etc you must have passion for the people. You must put yourself in their shoes. You must assume you are the one in that need, that will enable you to take their needs to God as an intercessor. Jesus Christ became our sin in order to deliver us from sin and gave us His righteousness.
One of the things we must learn from Abigail is her choice of words. An intercessor must know how to chose words when interceding for a nation, kingdom.etc.
She was able to convince David not to destroy her husband and her entire household.
For you to intercede for a man, nation, kingdom you must convince God why such evil should not come upon the people you are interceding for or why He should deliver them.

I see you taking responsibility of an intercessor today; you are the man God is looking for!

Lord, today I receive grace to intercede for my generation.

Leviticus 19-21.

PRAYER LINE: +2348030502380


Wednesday 28/8/2019

TEXT: 1Cor. 15:10
10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

Every child of God is endowed with grace of God to work and achieve much for God and humanity; some are already affecting their generation with that grace while others are yet to discover such divine treasure given to them. In our text, Paul affirmed that God's grace in his life was not futile, that he utilized it to the glory of God.

God has given us all it takes to do exploit in the areas of our calling and until we come to that consciousness we can't do much. Brother, sister there is a deposit of God in you called 'Grace', put it to work. Stop the blame game, put the grace to work, let it not be in vain, God is counting on you.

2Co 6:1 We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.

God is expecting much from us, He wants you to do more than what you are doing now. He wants you to go far in life, don't end a mediocre, you have the grace, let it work through you.

God is not happy when we don't do much.
2kg13: 18-19 ISV
18 After this Elisha said, “Pick up the arrows.” So the king picked them up. Then Elisha told the king of Israel, “Strike the ground!” So he struck it three times and then stood still.
19 At this, the man of God became angry at him and told him, “You should have struck five or six times! Then you would have attacked Aram until you would have destroyed it! But as it is now, you’ll defeat Aram only three times!”.

When the king of Israel could not smite more than three times the spirit of God through the prophet was angry with him. The prophet expected him to smite many times but he stopped at the third time, the prophet was wroth with him for not doing much and for placing limitation on himself.
Stop limiting yourself, the problem is not money, it is not connection nor what you think but you underrating the Grace of God deposited in your life.

You are doing much from today by the grace of God in your life.

Father, help me to realize the effect of your grace in my life.
Stair your grace in my life into action O lord, and help me understand that is not by my power but by your grace.Amen.

Exodus 33-35

Prayer Line: +2348030502380




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