Kuch bby JOy

Kuch bby JOy Inspirational poems and others


The story of these two personalities is going smoothly day by day as their friendship continues to grow wider always and enjoy each others company without any problem and both seems happy with one another.but wait a quick funny question,Do you think these two personalities are in love with each Other? The question doesn't need an answer only time can tell.
John is a funny guy and he always make sure that Jane is happy and comfortable,pointing her to so many opportunities of life that he would want her to explore and achieve her dreams that is covered by the background which she found herself which did not give her room to be social.
What can Jane do to show how lucky she is to have met John in this period and season of her life journey? Jane always sit in her room and asked God "what has she done to have received an angel like John in her life.
The best thing now in Jane's life is how to show John that she is grateful for all that he have done to her and continue to pray for him that God bless and keep him,grant him his heart desires .


When things don't go the way u want,just look up and say Thank U Jesus I will wait patiently in ur waiting room with no noise and dismay................................ My life is Yours Lord..


The people around Jane happens to say that she is a luck girl to have met a wonderful soul like John as a friend who do not just want to see Jane happy but also want her to be the best that God have destined her to be in this life.
Things still going okay until some friends of Jane thinks that John is a flirt who actually knew that he has a friend somewhere and is not telling Jane about it,which is unknown to them Jane is fully aware of everything and their plan is to actually create raft between them but claimed to be concerned about her .
The friendship between John and Jane continued to grow stronger day by day as they no longer care about what people say about them and all the gossips that is flying on the air about them being in a relationship affairs.
And everything about them now is a plan goal of how they can achieve all the set up goals they have written down and make it a productive one and acceptable to the society. These two unique souls can not just stay away from each other as each of their outing schedule means a lot to them and one have to see the energy involved in it .
The story of this two can not be end because new thing continue to surface everyday and time.
To Be Continued.................
Watch for the finale............


The birthday surprise from John to Jane on the 24th August,left Jane speechless as she was not expecting it at all.Jane's birthday was colorful because of him and even with the outing plan to celebrate her day was fantastic that she was lost in thought of how this amazing angel came into her life and change things around for her without struggle and the showers of care he extends towards her.
The source of Jane's happiness is always there for her always ready to do anything to see her happy which makes many people refused to believe that these two souls are just mere friends with no other alternative in between them.but some say John is trying to transform Jane to what he want and is ready to change things in the life of Jane in other that she can suite his test and what he desire for his woman to be and look like but Jane is lost in the moments that she don't even think of what John really want from her.
Jane continued to ignore what her friends said to her about John and decided that whatsoever this friendship turns to be,she is ever ready for it and without any hesitation to take it to the next level of friendship but only when John says so ,she will not say anything but continue to enjoy their pure friendship and forgetting all the bad bell people around them and their eyes on her friendship with John.
With John,Jane is able to do things she was never able to do because he is a person who is after her progress and to bring out all the hidden talents in her that nobody have ever thought of helping or encouraging her to go for it and be successful one day in the journey of her life.John is just the best thing that have happened to Jane in her entire life and she is grateful to God for brought such epitome of human in her in this period of her to soar above like the eagle wings to the land of achievements and fulfillment of destines.
To be continued................


Hmmmmm, what can one say when it comes to John? He is good and perfect to every lady that lay hands or come across him because he is a unique guy of its kind.John is handsome,ah,one can't describe him with his glamouring eyes,smiles,nose,complexion,height and unique structure so to say but here is Jane just lucky among the luckiest to meet him and behold his personality ,company,smiles,care, and friendship without a price to be paid to get him on her side.
Jane now is a princess and queen because of John's friendship with her that so many people envy her and wish they can take her out of the way to get John on their side but it can never be possible even though Jane and John are just mere friends who understand each others dreams and share almost the same mindset and goals that they wish to achieve in the future.One can call John the great "Researcher of matters and things above and beneath the earth also"he loves book like what one can't even say.
John try all his possible best to bring out the best out of Jane because he is always exposing her to how she can achieve her set up goal by taking his time to educate ,guide and put her through all the steps she needs to take and accomplish that goal.
This is what makes Jane's friends to hate and envy her because she no longer waste her time do nothing again and she is always with him doing one thing or the other studying how to be exceptional among ones peer.he never want Jane to be sad or lack anything because he is there providing anything she want and even before she asks he surprise her always and put smiles on her face daily.
Jane's first birthday gift in life surprise and unaware of it.
To be continued...........


The friends of Jane continued to show signs of jealous towards her and mock her at a slightest opportunity they get,by calling her names that she don't even know about but all that did not interrupt her friendship with John,thing continued and they enjoy every moment they get to spend together despite of the people talks against them.
John is a caring person and a rare soul that every lady that come across him would desire to have him and protect him with the whole of herself. One day Jane was to make decision of something and she quickly called John to help her in making decision of the hostel room she got,which one of the block is close to the tap,while the other has single locker but the block is far from the tap where the girls fetch water and so John came and made the decision final and u can't imagine what his reason for choosing the block that is close to the tap"Jane is fat and can't go a far distance to get water" which for his mind he did save Jane from stress.
Jane's friends continued to get angry at her and saying that if Jane don't love John why is she going out to read with him and even sharing things with him always and neglecting friends at if they mean nothing to her again.
TO BE CONTINUED............


After the incident that took place between Jane and John about the money he gave her,she got upset and refused to answered John's call even though she wanted to.And later that evening Jane finally told him that what he did she was not happy with him and it shouldn't repeat itself again in which John apologize and they got back to being the way they were before that short fiction.
John and Jane continue to enjoy each others company and are fun of each other ,now their friendship continues to grow stronger day by day that they no longer hide anything between them and the other sweetest part of these two souls is that both have come to understand each others likes and dislikes and anything that will affect their friendship ,they abstain from it and share things that
will help them both.
Months after months they get closer to each other that Jane is now more free and secure around him that they grew up to enjoy each others company and are fun of each other .and the sweetest part of these two souls friendship continues that people think that these two are dating or are into something but the other sweetest part is that John's friends begin to call him "mijin hajiya " and this is because Jane grew up in the north that everything about her show that typical northern lady and even to her attire she wears.
John is a caring ,gentle,loving and humble person who respect everyone around him,he so know how to treat a lady with respect and he doesn't look down on anyone even with his high qualifications and that is what Jane loves about him more.
Peoples jealous Jane because of her gentle and unique friend who is always showing her care and making her happy.
To be continued....................


The meeting day came and Jane and John were at the campus that very day.Jane was in one of the classes when she saw an incoming from John,then she picked,say "hello john,how are you na?hope u re doing good this afternoon?"and John answered I am good and you?.salutations between the two ended.
John went ahead and asked Jane where she is and she told him that she is in the at SLT class and he told her that he is also around there and she should come outside,she will see him standing,putting on blue t-shirts and a black jeans.immediately Jane stepped out of the class she sees this handsome guy with small eyes,open teeth and a dimples on his fine looking cheek and she walk straight to him .And she also was putting on blue gown with a black veil,what a day to meet both putting on same close of dress and looking like a perfect couple of the years.
Something happened that is funny ooh,John was a bit shy of Jane even thou Jane feel as if the ground should open for her to enter because she is not use to talking to strangers,talk more of a guy and for that matter in an open space where people moves and glance at them.then the two were having their conversation when John's lecturer interrupted them and John had to rush to his lecture hall .
John going to the class told Jane that he is sorry he had to go now and he offered Jane a naira note which she refused but he is a stubborn soul so he dropped the money for her and went away ,so therefore Jane has no option than to pick the money and returned also back to her class.
What out for how things continue to go between the two souls...........
To Be Continued............


Jane and John continued to chat with each other even thou Jane did not accept the request because John sent her the message through what is called DM ( Direct message).This is because he was doubting the picture on Jane's profile was a bit different from the person he saw at Mrs.Ngozi's house but the face looks familiar.
Jane and John continue chatting and exchanging pleasantries,asking each other questions and also sharing details about their backgrounds,John then asked Jane where she is schooling and she told him UJ(University of Jos ),which is also where John got admission to study Computer science even thou he is a graduate already from the field of electrical and electronic engineering but he is a book holic kind of person one can say. And from one chat of a question to another between the two souls,day by day they continued to chat and enjoy each others company and exchange their contacts because John say he don't really chat on Facebook all the time but is always online on WhatsApp she should give him her phone number and Jane did agreed and shared her number with him and their conversation continued on WhatsApp .
John asked if they can see any time she goes to the and Jane said "okay" ..........Watch out for their meeting one in one at the campus ....
To be continue............


Once a upon time,there was a girl called Jane, who live with her parents in a remote village Kuzin in plateau state.She is a hardworking lady, who always helps people around her that are mostly aged in her place dwelling.
In her course of her helping nature, one day was at a woman's house called Mrs.Ngozi,helping her to clean and do cook for her because of her old age. Mrs. Ngozi was expecting someone that will be coming to help check what the problem was with her over-head tank and so therefore a young came in and meet Jane in the kitchen and asked her of Mrs. Ngozi's where about,which the old woman heard voices and came out of her room to see the people talking and she meet the young guy ,took him to the back yard to check the tank.
One faithful day,Jane was on social media (Facebook)when she got a friend request from someone named John whom face looks familiar but don't know him by name and she accepted the request and begin to chat with the person.
To be continue..........
Watch out for the 2


Continuation of the final: The guy came in nd on seeing Love's lifeless body could not bring down himself to do anything with her,so he just sit there for sometime and went out to meet the girls and told them "girls job done.my money?" . The girls came in and snapped her and post it on the social media in order to tarnish her image and make her look bad in the eyes of anyone that knows her.
Love woke up and ask wat have happened but none of the girls answered her ,so she managed to get up and went to her hostel and she observed that some of her hostel girl were looking at something and talking about something and looking at her directions,pointing at her.
The next day,she got to class and see the students laughing and chatting among themselves and looking at her and she asked one of her friend what happened that everyone is jst looking at her and laughing,the friend show her and she remembered going to those girls house and nothing more.And from there everyone starts to avoid her and ignoring her in the class and back to that comfort zone but of depression now cuz she can't explain what had happened to anyone.
Love pray and ask God to have mercy,come to her rescue and help expose those that did such evil to her. One day she was in a class reading when a guy walked up to her and greeted her and knelt before her asking for her forgiveness and telling her all that had happened and told her that when he saw her he could nt touch her and he lied to the girls that he had done what they asked him to do.
Love was surprised and ask why he is telling her all these now,he only asked for forgiveness and nothing else.The girls were reported to the school authority and were expelled from school which leads to them not graduating together with their set mates.And finally,Love recover herself from the dungeon of depression and is happy now that everything turns at good to her and her enemies put to shame.END:The comfort zone can build or either destroy u .

THE COMFORT ZONE: Finale Love ,she is a very beautiful and brilliant girl with lots of inspiration and potentials who lo...

Love ,she is a very beautiful and brilliant girl with lots of inspiration and potentials who loves to aspire,inspire herself and and the people around.Love the once caged damsel is now,a lady with the confidence,bold,with lots of vibes on campus bt have not forgotten her home training and she is really exploring her and doing exploits in her class.she is loved and desiredby almost half of her classmates who appreciate her kind of person,who those things with a pure loving kind heart ,treat people with love and consider all equal with her despite her high grade in class that did not make her look down on anyone but gives respect to all around her.But there are these set of girls who do not like Love because they see her as a competitor in the class to them because in the class,most of the students in that class depend on those set of girls for answers in the Exams which the students call those set of girls"The Big Girls Chain or Follow Who Know Road" .
Love coming to the campus,give liver to other students to be independent of themselves and therefore,those set of girls sort to do something to Love knowing she is still naive girl even thou she is nw bold and confident of who she is and can challenge without any fear or feeling timid .
The four set of Girls decides to go close to Love and make her their friend and she she fall woefully into their trap,they take her out buy things for her and introduce her to guys and knowing how naive she is,anything they say ,she will agree to it and do.
On one particular day, the girls invite Love to their house and drug her drink and after Love took the drink offered to her,she fell asleep and the girls have already arranged with a guy to use her in order to break her feathers of flying high and even challenging their personality and authority in the class just because she is brilliant and manage and know book.
The guy came in and saw the way Love was lying on the bed lifeless

THE COMFORT ZONE 3  Th incident in the class with the naive and shy damsel who could not find her class on time and she ...

Th incident in the class with the naive and shy damsel who could not find her class on time and she moves up and down the horizontal building of the campus in search for class,and then boom she stun into a well furnished class with a tall looking man lecturing French course that morning hour of the day for it was Monday.
The lecture greeted her with french "Bonjour mademoiselle, comoncava ?" And she replied cava bien merci, he asked her again "Comon tutapelle'(what is your name),she replied; jour mappelle Joyce peter that is I am called Joyce peter and he asked her to enter the class,she entering missed her steps and fall and everyone begins to laugh at her and she ran out of the class that day with her face buried in her hands,feeling bad,embarrassed, ashamed and loosing the little confidence she had.
The next day she woke up feeling a bit okay and dressing for the days lecture and on getting to the class,she got a sit on d fourth bench and sat all alone and not talking to anyone.The lecturer came in, introduced a topic ,asked the student if anyone have any idea on the topic he had written on the board but no one answered and he proceed to lecture,after which he asked if the topic is well informed and if anyone have any confusion or something to add to it.Love stood up to contribute but because of how she is not bold and confident she could not express herself well to be apprehended by anyone and she keeps steamering and shaking at the same time.
Days,weeks and months,Love begin to be free and make friends because she is a brilliant girl with lots of inspiration but her comfort zone locked all her potentials she would have achieve and showcase to the world before now.
Love's naive kind of personality almost leads her to a dungeon of no return .............watch out for Final journey of this lovely tale of the Comfort Zone.
Kuch bby Joy....😍

THE COMFORT ZONE 2      The young demselfeeling happy in  the new environment,trying to adjust to the new way of life of...

The young demselfeeling happy in the new environment,trying to adjust to the new way of life of the world society . She looks okay but timid at the same time,imagining the free bird she have become outside her comfort zone and experiencing life outside the cage .
On the 10th August,2020.There came a new step of her life,when she has to live home and go in to the higher institution of learning without any of her family members been around her and interaction freely with ,been secure each time she is around them because she knows that no harm can come to her and no one in her family will hurt her.
Now,in the school environment in her allocated hostel room,precisely room number 20 where she finds herself amist three girls in the room and she to top up to the complete four number of person's per room.
The young love is a shy and reserved can of person greeted and said nothing else to anyone even when she want to ask questions steamers and look scared,not free and having the confidence others exhibits .
Then something happened to the shy bird that is unimaginable on her first day to attend lecture for that day..
To be continue.................
Like,share and comment and made corrections where necessary.

Kuch baby Joy

THE COMFORT ZONE        There is this young damsel who is cage (house )in a hedege  all by her self  with no others with...

There is this young damsel who is cage (house )in a hedege all by her self with no others with her in the place of silence and loneliness.One day young girl decided to live her place of harbor to meet with others of her kind to make friends with them.
The cage lower the young girls dream ,learnings,purpose,vision, knowledge,ambitions,goals and destroyed the only door way to her achievements and success of being an exceptional personality of her peers in the open world of interactions and fulfillment of DREAMS.
Years,gone by and everything was ever same in the life of the young remaining in her comfort zone,where things are always provided for her by parents and not knowing how the out world is rule .The young damsel is a naive,humble and obedient individual who is always at everyone's call in the house.
A day came and she decides to take a bold decision and a step to step out of her comfort zone explore and mingle with the outside world to find her purpose.

To be continue..............

Written by:joy kucheli Joseph


Life is good with the God nd with luv ones


Thank God for life


A life without the Savoir and Jesus Christ, is a Life without purpose, hope, salvation, directions, truth nd redemption. It is nigh beware and come back home wondering child, children. No longer roam come home He calls now for all before the day of trouble, sorrows, pains and tribulations come. Let's all come home.


For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Romans 3:23


When my love grows thin, yours is abundant for me, in me, and through me. And because your love is forbearing, I can likewise forbear:I can go on..... Patiently. You never said it would be easy, but you did say it would be possible dear God my helper and my all in all.


Thank you lord Jesus for the gift of life and thank you for opening our eyes to know the real meaning of love that is being celebrated today. Father bless us and continue to open our heart to love and know you more nd more.


Father help us make our ways right with you nd help us to walk with you nd not just working for you, without we knowing you nd what you have in store for us.


Nigeria, Nigeria, Nigeria.
A country with gold and sliver.
The country with great leaders of then and not anymore
A home for all but not anymore, the great leaders are drained fof m and way of honesty and selflessness
Oh the leadership, leadership, leadership.
The government not longer nigh to its people but rather to its wealth
The government sees every evil activities carried in the country but yet still choose to be mute.
Oh Nigeria when shall the hope, peace and justice be serve to thy people or would the hope of thy people be shattered in a twinkle of an eye?
Arise Nigeria and fight for what is to be yours
Leaders rise and fight for your country
Let not the hard work of thy previous heroes fade away, rise for the betterment of this wonderful nation.
Clear all the evil doers among yourself and stand for success of country Nigeria nd eliminate the disease affecting the development of the country.
Above all efforts, Nigeria allow God to take absolute control of all and fight for its people.


Slowly, slowly, slowly,
Have I fallen in love,
Your love will not fade,
Your love is timeless.
If I lose you, I feel l hopeless
When I close my eyes, I wish not to open again.
I wish we end together in the lovely sight of each other to our great pilot we lay our hope.
I wish our desires are acknowledged and long life we live to tell of it to our seeds of life story.
I hope and prayed that you always stay with me my king.
I thought you are not for me, but then everything come so fast that I could not think of who you really are to me.
In you I find happiness nd I never feel frustrated since you become part of me.
This is because u are always at my aiding epock.
King each time I remember our little time we hard it gives me joy.
We but forget our dialects nd way of life to make it In a way it wil suit us.
To Mr Joy


Too busy dx days but promise to inspire soon


Writer :Kucheli Joseph
Title :BIRDS
The birds sings for joy,
What manner of joy?
The love and joy that appears before all,
Men, women and children have long dream drawn The dream to love and be loved, the hope for everlasting love.
The people await patiently, the day drawn with much hope,
The hope to reach our dream land.
To open the door of success, love, joy to be bestowed on all.
Let love be the dwelling shield of my people.
Let the trees clap and bear for all joy
Let's rejoice in the manner of love,
Alas' rejoice my people for freedom nigh.


Poet:Joseph kucheli
Oh, the beauty that shines bright everyday,
Oh, the brightness of beauty that shines brighter
Oh, how my heart beats for the beauty of nature
Oh, the beauty, love bestowed on all
Oh my dream of fancy, of a home beautiful
Oh, my charming beauty alas'
Oh, beauty vanish not thee away, dwell thee right to my love.
There shall I live to see thee .
Oh, the beauty upon my human flesh alas.


New G. R. A




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