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5 Lessons From The Life of Jack Ma from the book Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built by Duncan Clark


Alibaba started in Jack Ma's sitting room with just a few friends. But even on that day, in that cramped room, Jack Ma told his co-founders that Alibaba would become the biggest company in China. Start small but dream big. Alibaba is currently one of the companies with the largest valuation worldwide. It has a market cap of more than $200 billion. It started in a sitting room.


At the age of 12, Jack Ma was obsessed with learning English. He hung around foreign visitors to pick up English as they spoke to each other. One of them noticed his determination and took him under his wing. This was a small decision, but it would have a monumental on his career. With his English, he could relate to people from the western world. In the ensuing years, his knowledge of English enabled him to understand the internet even when others in China could not understand it. Small advantages accumulate.


Jack Ma failed at several things. By the time he started Alibaba, he was a confirmed failure. Harvard rejected his application ten times, he failed a primary school exam twice; in high school, he had to write an exam more than once, and when he applied for jobs, he was rejected often. He applied for the police; five people applied, four were selected, and one person was rejected. He was that one person. He applied for a KFC job; 25 people applied, 24 were selected, and one was rejected. He was the one person rejected. When asked about this, he said he got used to failure and was no longer afraid to fail therefore allowing him to try big things.


In the early years of Alibaba, Jack Ma focused on surviving, not making a profit. He just wanted to create a business that people could trust, use and recommend to others. He was not focused on making a profit. When the Dot Com bubble came, so many companies went bankrupt, but because Jack Ma was focused on surviving, Alibaba survived. He once said, "Today is brutal, tomorrow is more brutal, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful. However, the majority of people will die tomorrow night.” If you survive long enough for your competitors to run out of business, you will be the last man standing, the winner.


Opportunities come to everyone. However, many people waste their time thinking about what would happen if they fail at that opportunity. Not Jack Ma. Jack Ma always told himself that every missed opportunity was regrettable. He would take every opportunity until he got it right. That's how he took the opportunity when the internet came to China. He set up Alibaba in a market that was just new, and the government was known for muzzling businesses. But Jack Ma could not watch the opportunity pass by. Seize opportunities. Try. If you fail, you learn. If you succeed, you will be happy.

Every entrepreneur should read this book.

تعلم الربح من النت

تعلم الربح من النت

اذاي انا بعت اول خدمة لي علي موقع خمسات ؟واذاي انت تقدر تعمل كدا وتبدا في الربح من الانترنت !الربح من النت,الربح من النت في سوريا,الربح من الانترنت,ال


13 lesson learned from book-Money: Master the Game

1. Money is neutral

Money is simply a tool, it is our intentions and means that make it evil or good. Money amplifies what a person already is. It will make the greedy more greedy and it will make the generous more generous.

Money can fund a dream or start a war. — Tony Robbins

2. Be honest about your financial situation

Being too negative or too positive is dangerous.

You have to be real when it comes to managing your money.

Be honest with yourself about where you are and identity what you’re lacking so you can begin to make changes.

3. Be humble

Being overconfident with what you know is a recipe for disaster anywhere, especially with finances.

The best investors know they’re going to be wrong, no matter how smart they are. — Ray Dalio

4. Give

According to Robbins, giving is the ultimate secret to wealth.

It might be counterintuitive that giving allows you to have more. But maybe that’s just how life works, it gives to the givers.

5. Prepare

It wasn’t raining when Noah built the arc.

Build an umbrella fund while the weather is nice.
Set up health funds while you’re still healthy.
Save for retirement while you’re still young.

Losers react; leaders anticipate - Tony Robbins

6. Contribute greatly

If you want to build great wealth, you have to create a product or service that helps as many people as possible.

It’s not just about the hours you have worked, it’s more about the value of your work.

7. Simplify

One reason people don’t actively manage their finances is they think it’s too complicated.

But money management doesn’t have to be complicated. Find apps that simplify or automate your savings.

8. Apply what you learn

How many books and articles about money have you read?

How many of the principles that you learned about have you actually put to the test?

Knowledge is powerful when you apply it with action, but useless if it only lives in your head.

9. Achieving Financial Freedom Takes Great Effort

If it was easy, everybody would do it.

Quite simply, if you want what the top 1% has, you need to be willing to do what the other 99% are not willing to do

10. Things are always changing

Don’t think that it will go on forever when things are going well nor when things are going bad.

Do not be complacent in times of abundance.

Do not lose hope in times of adversity.

11. You get what you tolerate

If you allow people to treat you badly, they will.

If you accept that life is working against you and there’s nothing you can do about it, then guess what? That’s exactly how it will be.

If you want things to improve, raise your standards

12. The stories we tell ourselves matter

“I’m not good with numbers.”

“I can never be rich.”

“I don’t understand money.”

These limiting beliefs stop you from achieving what you are capable of.

Get rid of them, IMMEDIATELY!

13. You CAN win!

You can win the financial game no matter how far you may seem from the finish line.

There are resources and people who can aid in your victory. But ultimately, the choice in winning lies in you.

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10 Important Lessons from book -"RULES for MY UNBORN SON"

Knowing how to work hard is just as important as working hard. Keeping yourself motivated when things are easy is one thing, but keeping yourself motivated when things are bad is another beast. Regardless of the situation, you must have the willpower to push through. Showing that you can do this will not only motivate those around you, it will make you a stronger man.

2)Take responsibility
In short step-up. Men take responsibility for their actions and don’t need others to tell them when or how to do so. Being responsible for one’s choices and actions isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. However, true manhood is being able to admit when they are wrong.

3)Choose your battles wisely.
It’s important to know which ones are worth fighting and which ones are better left as is. It’s okay to be quiet and walk away. It doesn’t make you less of a man.

4)Be a gentleman
Having old school values is okay. Treating women with respect is even more than okay.

-Hold the door

-Offer your seat.

-Push her chair up to the table.

-Watch your language

5)Be honest with yourself and everyone else.
Men who are honest are comfortable in themselves. “An honest man has an honorable manhood, which is something that every man should consider to succeed in life.”

Confidence is important but so is being humble. Men have to learn how to balance the two. Being able to do creates a strong and effective leader, which should be the goal for every man.

7)Giving to others rather than receiving.
Men who exemplify manhood see a need, and take the necessary steps to remedy that need. Filling a void and helping others, gives you a greater sense of joy than seeing what others can do for you.

Men (especially fathers) are portrayed as disgusting pigs (ala Al Bundy), but that’s not all men. Manners are important every second of the day, in every situation. Whether you are at home eating at your dinner table or eating in a five-star restaurant. Manners define people, and it separates us in terms of class and sophistication. Having manners and using them, also means that you are showing others around you respect.

9)Be open.
It’s okay to show feelings and to be sensitive. Toxic masculinity is a thing. To deny it exists is foolish. It’s not hard to find, and I could list several examples. In order to combat it, we have to teach our sons that it’s okay be vulnerable. It’s okay to show compassion to others. It’s a wonderful quality that all leaders have, which is why they are loved and respected by others.

10)The first shall be last.
This is a quote I read on Facebook a year ago and typed into my phone as a reminder.

True manhood puts others first. If you want to be a leader, then the place to be is on your knees, with a towel in your hand, washing someone’s feet.

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5 step lesson from book -Your Next Five Moves

Move #1 — Master knowing yourself.
Knowing yourself is rarely talked about in business circles, but it's impossible to think ahead without self-awareness. Once you definitively decide who you want to be, which direction to take will become much more clear, as well as why it matters.

Move #2 — Master the ability to reason.
How to process issues, and having a methodology for making decisions are important. No decision is ever black-and-white, and if you can learn to see all the shades of gray, that will help you move forward decisively, even in the face of uncertainty.

Move #3 — Master building the right team.
To build the right team around you, it's vital that you get to understand others. If you help people find the best in themselves, you can build a team that will help you grow. Ask questions, challenge your people to understand themselves, and build trust in your team.

Move #4 — Master strategy to scale.
Ideally, you want to spark exponential growth. Learn how to raise capital, invest in rapid growth, and create systems which will allow you to gain and maintain momentum. Tracking and constantly measuring the key parts of your business model is required.

Move #5 — Master making power plays. Everyone wants to beat the Goliath in your industry, and if you do that it will be great for your reputation and future operations. Learn how to control your narrative and leverage social media productively to frame your story. Always keep thinking five moves ahead.

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1. Manage your money:

Many people are able to make money, but not everyone learns how to manage it properly.

Financial intelligence starts with learning the difference between assets and liabilities.
ensure that you have more money coming in than going out, which is what will make you richer.

2. Pay Yourself First:

Most people earn and spend their salary paying bills.

A rich person always pays himself.

Invest in
- Courses
- Books
- Experiences

3. Saving and investing are different:

Saving is considered a must and a good habit.

You need to invest your money instead where it grows at a higher rate than inflation.

Saving weaken the purchasing power while investment will increase the value of your money.

4. Learn taxes:

If you are rich and lack financial literacy, you will end up paying a lot of taxes.

The rich have their investments often in learning, so they have to pay fewer taxes.

You need to have financial IQ in different areas like accounting, investing, market forces, and the law.

5. Do not rely on a single source of income:

Most people rely on a single source of income.

You can never become rich and financially secure if you are one of those.

You should have 2 to 3 streams from where you earn money.

You will be in better position even if you face some financial crisis if you multiple income streams.

6. you become smarter by taking risk:

Unless you take a risk, you cannot grow, grow as in grow really big.

You should take a risk because some opportunities in life have the potential to change the course of your life.

7. Everyone needs to be a financially literate:

Intelligence solves problems and produces money.

Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.

The sad part about the education system around the world is that it teaches to work for money.

The system never teaches how to make, manage, and keep the money.

You should learn how to create wealth and make a plan to achieve financial freedom.

8. Mindset is everything:

Poor dad always used to say” we can’t afford this “whereas rich dad teaches him to replace it with “how you can afford it?”.

In This way, replace your negative attitude into positive and you will definitely find ways to do achieve that target.

Your attitude and mindset matters the most.

The first and foremost thing to do anything is that you must believe in yourself.

9. Surround yourself with people smarter than you:

There is a very popular saying ‘If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.’

If you want to be smart, surround yourself with people smarter than you.

10. Control emotions:

The situation only gets worse for you when you are not able to control your emotions.

The statement holds good for both personal and professional life situations.

You should learn to control your emotional balance and be focused on accomplishing your financial goals.

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Top 10 Lessons learned From the Book “Mind Over Money”

1. Rationality

🟢Even if you think you’re generally good at thinking and choosing rationally, that all falls apart when it comes to budgeting and spending.

2. Be patient

Don’t get discouraged though, because these beliefs and habits have taken you years to develop,

👉which means that it will take some time to fix them.

3. Childhood

As a child, you were financially socialized just by the adults around you,

🔴which built the complicated connections you have with money today.

4. Strong Beliefs

💯Your beliefs about money are strong because you began developing them when you were really young.

Research shows that children at least as young as six already know about the importance of money!

5. Social Status

👉Research confirms that young people also understand how money affects social status.

6. You struggle NOT because you’re a terrible person.

🟢It’s hard because nobody’s taught you the right way to manage your finances.

7. Your motivation at work can actually suffer because of money.

It’s been shown that extra money, when received as a surprise, increases motivation.

❌But don’t overdo it and make it the norm or the effects will wear off!

8. More Money?

More money might make you happier, but after a certain amount the extra income doesn’t make any difference.

That’s not to say that money isn’t important to happiness, however.

9. Satisfaction

If you were to stay in a nice hotel just once, for example, you’d love it and savor the experience.

🔴But when you suddenly have enough cash to do so every weekend, it becomes normal and you need to constantly seek bigger pleasures to keep feeling satisfied.

10. Being financially stable is a critical component of staying physically and mentally healthy,

💯but once you have enough, more money won’t make you happier or healthier.

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Top 8 Most Powerful Lessons From The Book "Ego is the Enemy"

1. Your worst enemy lives in you.

"Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, your worst enemy already lives inside you: your ego."

Since pride is in us, it is either we feed it or starve it.

How you deal with your pride makes the big difference.

2. Manage your pride

"Your ego is not some power you’re forced to satiate at every turn. It can be managed. It can be directed."

As soon as you feel you are becoming egoistic, boastful, and proud – you can tell yourself to stop.

3. Pride tells you to talk, humility tells you to listen.

Ego encourages you to lift yourself and base your worth on nothing or false worth.

On the other hand, humility tells you how important it is to listen to people.

4. Become a student

Ego tells you not to listen to anyone.

As a result, you stop learning.

When you become a student, you lay aside your pride.

You admit to yourself that you don’t know everything.

So, if you want to keep on learning, learn to be humble first.

5. Help people become great

Ego focuses on self.

Humility focuses on others.

If you want to become great, you need to help other people become great.

That’s just how the universal law works.

6. Don’t be afraid to take the low position

Ego drives you to make certain decisions just to please others, causing a lot of problems along the way.

Do what other people refuse to do simply because they think they are too important to do it themselves.

7. Ego sways us from our ultimate goal.

"We’re never happy with what we have, we want what others have too.

We start out knowing what is important to us, but once we’ve achieved it, we lose sight of our priorities.

Ego sways us, & can ruin us."

8. Ego is the wicked sister of success & failure

When you succeed, don’t give in to the temptation of feeling important.

Don’t think that you are better than others just because you have succeeded.

When you fail, don’t feel like you have been cheated or u have been sabotaged.

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تعلم كيف الربح من الانترنت !!
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10 Powerful Lessons From The Book "Surrounded by Idiots"

1. Surrounded by idiots aims to help you get past the mentality of assuming you're surrounded by idiots.

2. You understand people better when you understand the language of behavior.

The author's method is the DISA model.

• Dominance
• Inducement
• Submission
• Analytical

Each explains a primary type of behavior.

3. When you communicate the listener filters it into a message they can understand.

Rarely, is this message what you meant to communicate.

4. Adapt your communication based on the behavior type of the listener.

Communicate on their terms, with language familiar to them.

5. The only times it's effective to communicate without adapting is when you're alone or in a room with people just like you.

Otherwise, consider the other person's behavior.

6. The best teams have a blend of every behavioral type. Which allows them to make the most of everyone's strengths while minimizing weaknesses.

7. Certain combinations of behavioral types collaborate more effectively.

For example, introverts prefer to work with one another.

8. If you're not sure what behavioral type you're working with, listen for a while.

Pay attention to what they like to talk about to figure their style out.

9. Each behavioral type gets stressed and responds to stress differently.

For example, dominant types get stressed when you take their authority away.

They respond by working harder or finding a scapegoat to blame.

10. Each behavioral type responds to feedback differently.

A submissive person doesn't take well to personal feedback, keep it to the facts to prevent defensiveness.
Work on your Mental Models:

- think better
- think in new ways
- master skills to breakthrough

Understand new skills to make wiser choices and take better actions.

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تعلم كيف تقوم بعمل شركة في برطنيا وعمل بوابة دفع استرايب!!

تعلم كيف تقوم بعمل بوابة دفع استرايب بلتفصيل كيف عمل بوابة الدفع ستحصل علي الخدمات...


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