It’s Election Day! If you haven’t voted, please make the time to get to the polls today! Your voice needs to be heard. It holds SIGNIFICANCE!
This is an IMPORTANT decision and opportunity. Continue to think vital qualities and traits through:
🌟The ability to educate and enlighten the country.
🌟Has the mental capacity to connect all dots to make educated decisions.
🌟Expresses and shows love for all.
🌟Works well with others.
🌟Speaks life.
🌟Values our rights as citizens and will fight to protect them.
🌟Has a clearly defined plan for the direction of this country.
🌟Listens to understand and not just respond.
🌟Has the ability, forward thinking, and poise to change the trajectory of our country.
🌟Exhibits behaviors you would want to lead and guide a country you, your kids, and their kids will live in and be citizens of.
🌟Is proactive, not reactive.