This 3-year-old girl posed for a photo with her dad and the Globetrotters...
This 3-year-old girl posed for a photo with her dad and the Globetrotters... when she looked at the picture she saw her mom, who was deployed in Kuwait for 7 months
Dogs reaction to walking again
Dogs reaction to walking again thanks to prosthetic legs.
An incredible accomplishment!
An incredible accomplishment!
Nothing more cute than kittens
Nothing more cute than kittens
Helping the father
Helping the father
Angry Cat, Angry Cat
Angry Cat, Angry Cat
Most content floof ever!
Most content floof ever!
Apparently my socks don't belong in there
Apparently my socks don't belong in there
Cats can fly.
I didn't know that cats could fly.
Hawaii from above
Hawaii from above
Grandma's reaction was priceless
Grandma always wanted to dye her hair, finally happened!
That was satisfying.
I do not even know what this process is called but it carves beautiful art into this piece of metal.
Encounter with a Magician.
Crackhead Magic. That was just...
The Laminar Flow
The laminar flow that is coming out of this machine
He likes swimming.
Its time for my swimming class.
Wait for the end.
Lighting a teabag. Wait for the end.
Are there any left?
I did not expect that many cats