Let's put comedian Johnzskid in prayers. 😭
The prominent Cameroonian comedian is in a depressive state and needs urgent help.
For the past days, he has been going live looking scruffy and uttering cryptic messages.
He has been begging for help and divulging that he is under a spiritual and physical threat.
He mentioned that his friends tried to introduce him to drugs, feels abandoned, betrayed by the people he trusted and his life being threatened.
He has denied allegations of Dr*g addiction, alluding to Fhish, who went through the same tribulations and finally passed on.
This morning, Johnskid went live on Facebook in a hotel room and continued accusing his friends for hunting him everywhere.
US-based Event promoter Yanze Ebonkie has been making frantic efforts to help him out.
For fear of him developing a su!cide ideation, Alenne Menget Official alerted the Gendarmes in Bonaberi to come to his rescue. He was taken by the Gendarmes while on live video.
Johnzskid is presently at the Laquintinie Hospital, where they aim at detoxing him, if his behavior is influenced by Dr*g intake.
Johnzskid has over 300,000 Facebook followers and millions of views on Facebook.
Joyce Wendzike