The Wisdom of Solomon- E.Joshua.

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The Wisdom of Solomon- E.Joshua. 1. To teach men and women wisdom.
2. To let know it is necessary to apply wisdom in everything u do



Wisdom is like a parcel. Until u open it, u may not no what it is. Above all, wisdom is principal thing.
Dream without wisdom and action cannot be fulfilled. Wisdom is an administrator to every good business man or woman. Wisdom will plan efficienly, organize, coordinate, report, design how u want things to be in ur life. And at the end it will gives u good and effective result. Stay with wisdom and wisdom will bless u.

I don't need to remind u about "Biblical Solomon" who asked God only for wisdom, understanding & knowledge. He became the only richest, wealthiest man God ever produced on earth even after him no man on earth has ever become so rich like him.
If u doubt, carry out research about this theological academic fact. U will see things urself at the end proven to that non like king Solomon in terms of wealth, Silver and Gold.

Thank u so much.
God bless u immensely.
Pastor M. A. Joshua.



Some men are real good while some are beast
Some women are good while some are worst than the devil. U need wisdom to dwell with any man if u are woman. Men hate control. Men hate challenge. U don't share authority with a man if u are woman and want to stay with that man. I can only make a suggestion but in a wise way. Men love women that respect them. The day u challenge a man as a woman u are looking for trouble. Take this little advice it'll help u, ok. Here l call it a day.

God bless u
Thanks a million.

Chinua Achebe,Chinua Achebe is one of Africa's most acclaimed authors and considered by some to be the father of modern ...

Chinua Achebe,

Chinua Achebe is one of Africa's most acclaimed authors and considered by some to be the father of modern African literature.

His early novels, including the groundbreaking Things Fall Apart (1958) and No Longer at Ease (1960), describe poignantly the effects of European colonialism on Igbo society, Nigeria, and newly independent African nations.

He taught at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1976-81), and was founding editor (1971) of the influential journal Okike. Achebe returned to the novel form with Anthills of the Savannah (1987).

He has also written numerous short stories, children's books, and a book of essays, Home and Exile (2000), reflecting on his and his nation's coming of age.

Thank u so much.
God bless u.



Believe in that one man who is broke today but who has JESUS CHRIST, who fear God so much. Also who works hard.

When you see his vision, it means he will definitely breakthrough with CHRIST First by his side, then hard work and perseverance.

Just support him dear ladies and don’t go for the rich man chasing because time do really change - God bless you.

Thank u.

SHOW ME UR FRIEND I WILL TELL U WHO U ARE.-------> BY Van Vicker(Actor).You can become successful by associating yoursel...

SHOW ME UR FRIEND I WILL TELL U WHO U ARE.-------> BY Van Vicker(Actor).

You can become successful by associating yourself with successful people.

Break away from some friends who only talk about women, men, slaying, drugs, clubs and other non-progressive acts.

Thank u.
God bless u.

LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO WASTE VALUABLE TIME.------>BY Van Vicker (Actor)Life’s too short to waste valuable time with the wro...

Life’s too short to waste valuable time with the wrong company.

Surround yourself with those who will draw you closer to the Almighty.

Those who will challenge you to greater heights and to be better human beings.

Thank u so much.
God bless u.
E. Joshua




Stop seeing guys that gives up everything to be with you as a weak guys.

I woke up to a breakup call from this guy that happened to be a fiance to my friend and it was a painful one.

I know some of you will still come under this post to defend the lady or think the guy has done something to deserve it but I'm gonna tell you something, it's either you take it or argue about it.

Just in your private time, think about it.

Men are human and we want to be happy too, and blames shouldn't be placed on us everytime. We didn't chose to be a man when coming to the world it just happened.

And it's unfair to judge all men based on your experience with others which you might be a major contributor to the backside but this is not the main reason for this post.

They had been dating for almost a year now and my friend which is the lady told me she likes the guy because he is nice and so on. I was happy for her.

I met the guy once and she introduced me to him and her friend, we exchanged contact and chat once in a while. He is a very cool and gentle guy. He speaks softly and it was obvious that he really loves my friend because of how they related.

We had not spoken for a while, I saw the guy's call as early as 5:30am this morning and I was scared, I wondered what could have happened, i picked it and the guy was crying and talking.

I jumped out of my bed thinking something bad had happened to my friend. He couldn't say a complete word without crying. I told him to calm down and tell me what happened.

He said my friend broke up with him last night and he didnt know what he did to her, she didn't tell him anything. Then I got confused. She just told him that she can't continue with the relationship due to a reason best known to her.

He told me to help talk to her. I told him I would call him back so I dropped the call.

I dialed her number but she wasn't picking so I dropped a message for her to call me as soon as she gets the message. Few minutes later, she sent me a message to call her.

When I called her, what she was saying was disgusting to my hearing that I yelled at her over the phone. I was dead angry.

Like seriously?

She said the guy is too soft for her liking, he apologises at little things and also makes her feel she is always right.

Even if she offends him, he would still apologise and he avoids all forms of fight. She said she is scared maybe he was a pretender or postponing his beast mode till they get married. She wanted a tough guy that could scold her, someone that she will be scared of offending and blah blah blah...

No basic reason I could hold on to.

So I asked...

"Are you saying you didn't break up with him because he cheats, flirts, smoke, drinks, didn't have money, abuse you, bully you, didn't love him?

You are breaking up with a guy because he simply brings peace into your life and also wanted peace for himself.

I was bemused.

Even if you don't want that, can't you find your way around peace too?

Must all men be a beast?

Or do you women low-key want a man to be crazy and be beasts you will always be scared of?

She couldn't say a word as I poured out on her. I got angry and dropped the call.

I called the guy back and told him to stop crying, I told him that if he talks to her and she insisted, he should be a man and move on. He shouldn't let someone turn him into a beast he didnt want to be.

I was that blunt.

He deserves the best.

Anyone that want to be with a beast should go for a beast and stop turning innocent lovely men into beasts.

I am still very much angry. She want to ruin my day but I won't allow that to happen.

Thanks so much.
God bless u.
S/Ps M. A. Joshua.


----------------> Read down the lines.

1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to;

2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it. It shows your integrity and character. Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.

3. Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.

4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ Or why don't you buy a car? For God’s sake it isn’t your problem;

5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior. You don’t grow small by treating someone well in public;

6. If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time;

7. Respect different shades of opinions. Remember what's 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative;

8. Never interrupt people talking. Allow them to pour it out. As they say, hear them all and filter them all;

9. If you tease someone, and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again. It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you're;

10. Say “thank you” when someone is helping you.

11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately;

12. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic.” If they want to talk about losing weight, they will;

13. When someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next;

14. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say "I hope you’re okay". Don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they'll do so without your inquisitiveness;

15. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect;

16. If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude;

17. Never give advice until you’re asked;

18. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary;

19. Mind your business unless anything involves you directly - just stay out of it;

20. Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street. It is a sign of respect. Moreso, eye contact is as important as your speech; and

21. Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor. Similarly, don't talk about your children in the midst of the barren.

22.After reading a good message try to say "Thanks for the message".

APPRECIATION remains the easiest way of getting what you don't have.

Thank u so much.
God bless u friend.


It is well. What must be must be. No man change it




Three University students dodged exam because they did not study They came up with a plan, got themselves dirty using grease, then went to see the Lecturer” Sir we are sorry we couldn't make it to the exam.

We attended a wedding and on our way back the car broke down and we became so dirty as you can see".

The Lecturer understood and gave them three days
to prepare. After three days, they went to the Lecturer very ready for the exam because they had studied.
The Lecturer decided to put them in three separate classes with only four questions in the exam paper as follows:
1. Who got married? (25 marks)
2. Where was the reception held? (25mks)
3. Where exactly did the car break down?
4.What type of car broke down? (25mks)

Marking scheme: your answers must be the same.
As we speak, they are still in the exam hall writing.

God bless u.


Life is a choice. Choice to make mistake choice to correct it. Be wise.



Death is a debt. Everyone should know about this.



Great Place of Britain and The Great palace of Queens and kings cannot be described. Esther was one to be measure. I mean Queen Biblical Esther.



Wow, u were exclusive, charming and outstanding.



Wow, greatness sometimes run through blood. It means greatness can be inherited. But success can not be inherited. Success depend on ur work and how u lay ur bed.


Great and awesome.E.Joshua.

Great and awesome.


British Mother, u were full of life l must say.E.Joshua.

British Mother, u were full of life l must say.


Death is certain. No one can run away from it even if one fly. Can ready to meet with Jesus soonest. Ur own turn may be ...

Death is certain. No one can run away from it even if one fly. Can ready to meet with Jesus soonest. Ur own turn may be now.



Well, she has gone forever. Only JESUS can saved. No religion in any part of the world can save.



Life is nothing in this world without JESUS. Because all is vanity at the end.



This QUEEN was indeed a very powerful queen full of love, care and wisdom.


QUEEN ELIZABETH’S VISIT TO NIGERIA: HISTORY & DETAILSAn important part of the history of Nigeria is her colonial story. ...


An important part of the history of Nigeria is her colonial story. Under colonialism and under the administration of Britain, the Queen (Queen Elizabeth) was the highest monarchical authority who was in control of government affairs. She carried out ceremonial functions in her position as head of state in the colonised Nigeria. She was also the monarch of the other common wealth realms, including the United Kingdom.

Even when Nigeria gained her independence in 1960, the Queen still held a high and important status in Nigeria. Queen Elizabeth was Queen of Nigeria from 1960-1963, the time between the nation’s independence and when she became a republic. You can see now the reasons her visits to Nigeria were always with such great fuss.

During her reign as head of state and Queen of Nigeria, Queen Elizabeth visited Nigeria twice.

The first time was in 1956, from the 28th of January to the 16th of February, 1956. At the airport, she was welcomed by federal dignitaries which included the Minister for Labour and Welfare at the time, Festus Okotie-Eboh and Governor-General Sir James Robertson. She was driven around in a Rolls Royce in the country’s capital, Lagos with lots of fun fare and royal services. She spent time in the Northern part of the country with the Sultan where she visited Kano and Kaduna. She also visited Jos and Enugu. The second time was when she attended the Common wealth Heads of Government meeting which was held between the 3rd to the 6th of December, 2003.

The 2003 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was the eighteenth meeting of the Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Nations. It was held in Abuja, Nigeria and hosted by the then President, Olusegun Obasanjo.

During the meeting, the Zimbabwean issue was dominant. This was the dispute over Zimbabwe’s suspension which led to another dispute over the re-election of Secretary-General Don McKinnon. Before the end of the meeting, Robert Mugabe’s announced that Zimbabwe was withdrawing from the Commonwealth.

This best explains the need for the presence of the Queen at the meeting. In a letter addressed towards the Nigerian President at the time, the Queen explained that her visit was a demonstration of the value Britain attached to its relations with Nigeria and recognition of the country’s role on the international stage. Queen Elizabeth opened the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Abuja on Friday, 5th December. Herself and the Duke of Edinburgh (often referred to as Her Majesty and His Royal Highness respectively) also attended other events during the Meeting.

During the Queen’s first visit in 1956, she went on a tour, known as the Queen’s 1956 Tour of Nigeria and the following incidents took place:

- Queen Arrives In Lagos (1956)

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip received welcome in the Nigerian capital, Lagos at the very start of the Royal tour

- Inauguration Of New Federal Courts (1956)

The Queen attended the inauguration of the new federal courts in Nigeria.

- The Queen was at the Durbar also known as the Royal Durbar (1956)

At Kaduna, the then capital of Northern Nigeria, Queen attended a Royal Durbar

- Queen Elizabeth And Duke Philip Visited Jos – Tin Mines (1956)

Nigerian tribal canoes held a regatta for the Queen at Port Harcourt on the Ronny River after which she visited a L***r colony

- Queen went on a tour in Enugu, Nigeria (1956)

When on the Royal tour, The Queen went on a visit to children’s rally and a tribal dancing at Enugu, Nigeria.

In Lagos, Queen Elizabeth attended a garden party and a formal session of the Federation Parliament.

- The life of Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth became queen following her father’s death in 1952. She was 25 years old at the time and became the queen regent of seven independent Commonwealth countries which were the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon (later renamed Sri Lanka). Many of the colonial realms, to include Nigeria gained independence during the course of her reign. As of the year, 2018, Queen Elizabeth II has been ruling England for 66years and is currently the longest-reigning British monarch in history

- The role of Queen Elizabeth in colonial Nigeria

British influence in Nigeria began with the prohibition of the slave trade to British subjects in 1807. In 1861, Britain incorporated Lagos and in 1884, the Oil River Protectorate was established. It was at the Berlin’s conference of 1885 that other European powers acknowledged Britain’s dominance over the Niger area.

From 1886 to 1899, much of the Niger area was ruled by the Royal Niger Company, authorized by charter, and governed by George Taubman Goldie. On 1 January 1900, the Royal Niger Company transferred its territories to the British government for the sum of £865,000; the Southern Nigeria Protectorate and Northern Nigeria Protectorate were then passed from the Royal Niger Company to the Crown. The constitutions after the world war were progressive and allowed for increased representation and electoral government by Nigerians. The colonial period in Nigeria was precisely from 1900 to 1960, after which Nigeria gained its independence.

Queen Elizabeth II was Queen of Nigeria forms 1960- 1963: Nigeria was an independent constitutional monarchy. She was also the monarch of the other commonwealth nations such as the United Kingdom.

Nigeria became independent on 1 October 1960 by a British Act of Parliament. Nnamdi Azikiwe was installed as Governor-General of the federation and Tafawa Balewa continued to serve as head of a democratically elected parliamentary. The Queen was head of state in Nigeria, though her constitutional roles were mostly delegated to the Governor-General of Nigeria. The Governor-General represented the British monarch as head of state and was appointed by the Crown on the advice of the Nigerian prime minister in consultation with the premiers of the regions. The Governor-General was also responsible for appointing the prime minister and for choosing a candidate when there was no parliamentary majority. Other than this, the Governor-General’s office was essentially ceremonial.

The retention of the monarchy was not accepted by all and the political parties in Nigeria at the time agreed that the country should be a republic.

Nigeria adopted the President of Nigeria as head of state, on 1 October 1963 and hence, severed its relationship with the British monarchy.

God bless u.


Great and amazing. Lets keep our fingers across. Tomorrow is better than today.


Marriage is sacred. It shouldn't be treated with levity. Ask God before u ask the woman. Ask God before u ask the man. Meaning God must be First in every steps u take hence " Things Fall Apart" (Achebe) become ur new song of sorrow. Be wise as man as woman. Carry JESUS as number one in ur scale of preference.

God bless u real good


Proverbs 22:6, 23:13, Ephesians 6:4-7.
----------> By Apostle Joshua Suleiman.

Operate in Silent let ur success make a noise. Each time u abuse a brother or a sister u have taken the ministry of Satan. Any time u tell the right thing to the wrong people, u have initiate a war. There is no dream without confrontation. The confrontation is not to divert ur attention but to test u and see if u no ur destination.
The problem of Joseph was that he was talking to much. Don't share ur dreams or testimony until it's fulfill. Takes people by surprise. There is no in surprise. When Jacob had that Joseph was a Governor in Egypt, what happened? The Bible said, Jacob was revived. Close ur mouth until ur miracles take place.


-----> By Kanayo O. Kanayo.

When a plate is full with delicious meals, everyone admires it. But once that food is eaten, we call the same plate ’dirty’. So be woke and be wise.

When you’re rich and looking all nice, know that you’ll attract a lot of people who are only interested in your money.

What they show you is not necessarily love. Once your money finishes, they’ll also be gone.

So in your good times, remember to empower your siblings, wife, parents, children and the necessary family members.

Because many a time, they’ll be there for you when all your friends forsake you.

Thank u so much



I had no single plot of landing the world.
I don't care what u packed ready for ur children, That is no equal to success.

• SUCCESS cannot be inherited .
• There is no lineage of success.
• Every body work his way to success.
• You can't succeed on somebody's else inheritance. That is not the principle of success

• This month shall be indeed your month of Marching Forward.
• You will never know stagnation again.
• You will never suffer frustration again.
• Redeemed for the topmost top: you have no business in the valley. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Raised up with Christ and made to sit with Him in heavenly places, far above. You have no business in the valley. Church Gist. All you need is to know how to get yourself out of the place. You have no business in the valley. Zero business in the valley.
Matthew 5:14, Ephesians 2:6
I knew there is a place for every believer on top and He showed me that 1984. I was 30 years old, I was very old. I saw it, I embraced it, I began to learn the way up. So you see, if you don’t understand Success Secrets, understand Success Strategies. If you don’t Success Strategies, understand Success Systems. I think I should write Success Codes.
No guesswork! When you have outstanding success, we say he is a highflyer. It is about flight.
“…in flying colours”: so he is flying.
No plane tows another in the air
To go up, you have to generate the relevant ground power to take off in the air. No air plane tows another in the air. Have you seen one before?
That since your plane is not working, just tie rope and then the plane took off. It is only trucks that can tow themselves.
No highflyer flies on another man’s empowerment. No. Success cannot be inherited. Wake up.
Abraham gave Isaac all that he had, but he never succeeded on it. He had to dig the ground, he had to plant the seed.
He dug: they filled it. He said, “no way, I am going to get through.”
His breakthrough was not on his inheritance – Genesis 25:5, Genesis 26:12-14
He dug and dug until he became the envy of the Philistines. You can’t succeed on somebody’s else inheritance. You can’t win a race running with another man’s legs. You better get up. Get up.
There is no lineage of success. Everybody works his way to succeed. No lineage of success. I don’t care what you packed ready for your children, that is not equal to success. No.
I told my old man, “when you die, whatever belongs to me, give it to the others.” I had an understanding of it. It is not guesswork. I was 25 years old when I said that. I had no single plot of land in the world. Can’t we close now, that is the summary of this subject. I have given you the summary before we started the lecture.
You have to make your way prosperous and command good success by your choice to take responsibility – Joshua 1:8
Pray for yourself: any prayer you want to pray. So I can do the teaching that I have to do.
Any prayer you feel you need to pray.
Abraham became successful after 75. He took responsibility.
David became a hero at 17. Anybody has his place if he chooses to. Everybody has his place if he chooses to
Pray for yourself any prayer you think you need to pray. It is a race, you must engage your own legs to win the race.

God bless u real good



Some lecturers are just wicked for no justifiable reason.

You can imagine what my experience was.

Mr Adams was a lecturer everyone knew to be very strict. I am only trying to be a little "soft" in my use of words, if not, I wouldn't have said he was strict; he was "wickedness walking on two legs".

Abi what do you call a lecturer whom no student has ever gotten an "A" in any of his courses?

What do you call a lecturer who goes around with his shoulders higher than his head, bragging that many students usually fail his courses?

The first thing he always did in his new classes was to tell you different stories of students whom he had failed in his previous classes.

Why wouldn't you be afraid of such Pharaoh?

The first time we attended his class, he did something that really made us all believe that everything we had heard about him was true.

Who comes into the class for the very first time with "Printed questions" for students to answer?

"Good afternoon students"

We had barely responded to his greetings before he interrupted and continued dishing out instructions.

Maybe he wasn't really interested in our responses; I really wonder how his wife and children cope.

He continued, 'Pack away your books and get ready for a "three minutes" test'.

"Haaaa!" We all chorused as if we had rehearsed the response to be given.

"I have thirty (30) questions here and you have three minutes to answer everything. If you fail, you have just lost fifteen marks already and I wonder how you'd pass my course"

"My God, Thirty questions? How I wan take do am?"

Everyone was shocked and confused at the same time.

"Lest I forget, the moment I tell you to stop writing, you stop. Just pass your script to the front. If you fail to comply with my instructions, you have failed this course already."

The class became silent as everyone minded his business.

We were all trying very hard to beat the time; at least, answer more than half before three minutes expired.

No one has anytime for the other person.
Even if your grandma called you from her grave, you'd tell her to try again later, "For the number you have dailed is currently switched off."

I was still trying to figure out the correct answer for number four, when I suddenly heard, "Stop writing everybody".

"Ahhh! My village people have eventually gotten me," I spoke to myself out of pity.

We all had to submit. Isn't it better to submit without finishing the questions than to hold on to your script and fail the course?


After he had collected the scripts, he asked if anyone was able to answer all the questions.

Everyone just gave him a stern look.

"What do you mean "answer all the questions"? Can you also answer thirty questions in three minutes?" I wondered angrily.

He suddenly burst into laughter.

"Who does that? You're laughing that we didn't pass?"

He then continued, "These questions shouldn't even have taken up to three minutes if you had taken time to read the instructions".

"Abeg getat!" I muttered. Which time I wan take read instruction.

Yes! None of us did.

We were only carrying out the initial instructions he gave us orally; we were not too careful to have seen another instruction on the question paper.

What was the instruction?

"Answer question thirty alone."

Kai! I'm sure you are surprised.

That wasn't even all.

He gave us the scripts to check and we realized that, "question thirty" was very simple to answer.

What was it?

"Write your full name and submit".

Yeeeh! We all missed it.

We obeyed, but we didn't obey the last command.


This is just a fictional story, it isn't real.

But come to think of it, what would have happened to Abraham while God instructed him to kill his son?

What if Abraham never had God at the point of Killing Isaac?

What if he was so engrossed in the initial instruction that he had deafened his ears to any other instructions from God?

You see the caption above this write-up, "How I killed my son", would have been his anthem.

Maybe he would have be bragging about, claiming that he gave the best sacrifice to God.

Hear me:
If you don't learn to obey God's latest command, you'll foolishly kill your ISAAC and still praise the Lord...

It's no longer a sacrifice, it's called "murder".
It is not worship, it is disobedience.

What God says is superior to what He said.

Are you really updated with him?

He told you to wait, but are you sure He hasn't told you to move?

Yes, God does not change, because there's no possibility for Him to change into. One thing you should know is, God moves.

God moves.

If you don't move when God moves, you'll foolishly kill your Isaac and probably remain childless.

God bless u real good


------------> By Ijele Ijele.

We are precious matters among plain stones.
We are Iwerre, home of smiling hills and lofty palm trees.

We are the oven of raw cakes
and countless tons of green oil,
We are Iwerre, undried bowls of dinner
of wandering immigrants.

We are bounded in the north by grace,
bounded in the east by wealth,
We are bounded in the west by peace,
We are the southern host of endless love.

We are bounded on the left by strength,
We are bounded on the right by bravery,
We bear the ancestral mark of resilience and gallantry,
We are the history and future of countless victory,
We are Iwerre, a people described by the Bible as "PECULIAR"

God bless u
C/o E.Joshua.






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