*Afrika Europe People to Peoples Planet Repairs Action Dialogue Internationationalist Forum (AEPPPRADIF)*
22nd - 24th November 2024
Berlin, Germany, Europe
Stopping the harms, confronting the legacy of the Berlin Conference, indigenous communities are leading a platform for dialogue on challenging neocolonialism and building programmes for Planet Repairs Action.
Be part of a Peoples' taking back of Ourstory, challenging and undoing the legacies of colonial crimes against humanity, ecocide, and genocide. 140 years after the Berlin Conference which saw colonial ruling elites carve up Afrika and her indigenous communities for plunder, and extractivism, indigenous communities working with peoples of conscience are building a reparatory platform for dialogue and solidarity programmes.
International delegates should RSVP via the contact on the event page and organisers contact below.
For access enquiries, contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]
+44 7737 602 484
*GLOCAL: Decolonial Open Communiversity 2024*
“When we step into these institutions we have already been conscripted into the colonial Establishment” - Kobina, International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR) - Glocal Academy Posuban Network (GAP), Oxford
⭕ As the war-mongering and escalation of war accelerates across the Middle East, the Sahel, and the streets we walk through every day, we cannot lose the clear direction laid out by our ancestors, freedom-fighters and Elders: it's time to take back intercultural and intercomunal education, to strengthen our Internationalist efforts to defend our human, peoples' and Mother Earth rights.
⭕️ Hundreds of people are coming together for the Decolonial Open Communiversity because they hear the call of history to be in open defiance to Empire and the Establishment that miseducates and mistreats our communities and our young people.
⭕️ From 28 October to 19 November 2024 in England, we're coming together, learning collectively through transforming the world. We will be bringing together our peoples' knowledges to advance our collective efforts of co-liberation for decolonisation.
➡️ *Do you have £3 to spare to help make it happen?*: https://chuffed.org/project/113863-decolonial-open-communiversity
➡️ SIGN UP: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-the-decolonial-open-communiversity
➡️ MORE INFO: https://www.praler.net/what-we-do
➡️ JOIN THE BROADCAST: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BYGTUYwiAOO3eO7MM1rIvY
*GLOCAL: A Fund for our peoples’ struggle: the PRALER Fund*
🔸 The International Defence and Aid Fund raised over *£250’000 to defend anti-apartheid organisers facing repression* by the South African states during the Treason Trials in 1956, successfully managing to get many leaders acquitted, including Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu. What can we learn from these historical examples of internationalist solidarity?
🔸But the International Defence and Aid Fund did not stop there. The legal support *continued into the African National Congress’ decades of armed struggle*, raising funds through faith and pacifist communities which maintained the principled stance that the South African movements themselves needed to determine the best course of action.
🔸 The vast majority of wealth and resources in the Global North have ended up here through crimes against humanity which we need to repair. However, the *question of reparations has been seriously co-opted* by elite institutions and neo-colonial governments to only be about financial compensation for crimes committed without addressing underlying systemic issues.
🔸The PRALER Fund’s *emphasis is on movement-building work* and the development a Glocal Planet Repairs economy.
link in bio @praler_news
➡️ Have £1 or £20 to spare? Put it where it matters: https://chuffed.org/project/praler
➡️ More info: https://www.praler.net/praler-fund
GLOCAL: Decolonial Open Communiversity Launch at SOAS’ Liberated Zone for Gaza @soasliberatedzone
Somos Semillas Popular Education Institution @somossemillas_ presents evidence on the violation of people's rights to self-determination at the hands of the criminal institution SOAS
⭕”We present ourselves here 531 years after the arrival of genocidal violence to our lands. 531 years of ancestral resistance and defiance against the machine of capitalist imperialism that continues destroying our lands, cosmovisions and peoplehood.”
⭕ The cognitive violence of the name "Latino" for example, is being challenged by the Abya Yalan community readily, as an important step in the self-determination necessary for migrant communities to be part of the global struggle against Empire
⭕Community institutions are vehicles for diaspora communities to organise themselves around their educational needs, clearly challenging the legitimacy of sites of miseducation like SOAS
⭕ The Decolonial Open Communiversity is a space to bring together our educational experiences through danc,e song, culture, analysis, dialogue and more, learning collectively through transforming the world. We will come together because the times say we have to.
In England: from 28 October to 19 November 2024.
➡️ Help make it happen: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-the-decolonial-open-communiversity
➡️ Watch the launch: https://youtu.be/QLTu2L-R-yc?si=Nq1klc2IVtF8-Dba
➡️ Read on: https://www.praler.net/post/soas-on-trial-launch-of-the-decolonial-open-communiversity
GLOCAL: Decolonial Open Communiversity Launch at SOAS’ Liberated Zone for Gaza ��Nils, XR-Being The Change Affinity Network, on the violence of miseducation
⭕”I’m from Sweden and we never learn that half of Swedish territory is occupied from the dispossession of the Sami people”
⭕ The miseducation imposed by Empire is a violation of our people’s rights and Mother Earth rights: a miseducation for the sake of the few being able to continue satisfying their greed, brutality and cruelty, always at the expense of the many.
⭕This miseducation seeks to hide the links between past colonial violence and present imperialist brutality, and it seeks to colonise our brains so that we cannot imagine a different future. But the truth always comes to light, and the truth is: we have a chance to win.
⭕ The Decolonial Open Communiversity is one of the necessary structures for us to win, gathering knowledge and wisdom of resistance, learning collectively through transforming the world. We will come together to share our diverse cultures, wisdoms, knowledges, skills, understandings and contexts: all for liberation.
In England: from 28 October to 19 November 2024.
link in bio @praler_news
➡️ Make it happen: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-the-decolonial-open-communiversity�
➡️ Watch the launch: https://youtu.be/QLTu2L-R-yc?si=Nq1klc2IVtF8-Dba
➡️ Read on: https://www.praler.net/post/soas-on-trial-launch-of-the-decolonial-open-communiversity
*UK: Crackdown on Student Protesters for Solidarity Organising with Colonised Communities*
🔻Today the School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS University of London, *attempts to EXPEL the Student Union's Democracy and Education Co-President*, Abel, as a targeted attack on student solidarity organising
🔻This comes after the unlawful *arrest of 7 members* of the Liberated Zone for Gaza in SOAS, University of London, following a Zionist attack, as SOAS management refuses to dialogue with the demands of anti-genocide students at the Liberated Zone for Gaza
🔻The *political persecution on Abel is being spearheaded by Adam Habib,* the Vice Chancellor at SOAS, who was Vice-Chancellor of Wits University in South Africa during the student uprisings of Fees Must Fall (FMF). By many, Habib is held personally responsible for the torture, disappearance and killings of student protesters in South Africa
Sign the petition to revoke the expulsion: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNjCqfPk-SmpqJhx5-06wxRt0NC9lDVKwMAfe438zWI72sog/viewform
*GLOCAL: Decolonial Open Communiversity Launch at SOAS' Liberated Zone for Gaza*��
Azza, 25th Jan Egyptians UK & parent of a SOAS student, on the turning point in history that youth face
⭕"We should support them. Alone they ignited this change. But alone they cannot continue. We should keep supporting them. We should be at their backs because we are the masses."
⭕ Azza, parent of a SOAS student, shows that the violence of university walls cannot sever the links to communities that students and staff have. As you read this, communities are taking back spaces open by students, for true education by and from the masses. Communities should be represented in all education as indigenous and community co-educators
⭕ The Decolonial Open Communiversity is an open challenge to show what we can build when communities are at the heart of education. We will bringing our contexts, analysis and cultures together in dozens of events across England and Ireland, from 28 October to 19 November 2024.
➡️ Make it happen: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-the-decolonial-open-communiversity�
➡️ Watch the launch: https://youtu.be/QLTu2L-R-yc?si=Nq1klc2IVtF8-Dba
➡️ Read on: https://www.praler.net/post/soas-on-trial-launch-of-the-decolonial-open-communiversity
*SOAS: Liberated Zone for Gaza Students’ Message to Communities of Resistance*
🔻 Capitalist media coverage of the student uprisings across the world have denied the possibility of true *peoples to peoples dialogue*
🔻This generation faces an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. *Sharing analysis* is key now more than ever, as Imperialism falters all around us
🔻 The masses across the world must see the *liberation struggles of all peoples as necessary vehicles of transformation* towards a just peace in all our territories
🔻Students across the world must know the names of the *freedom fighters and guerilla intellectuals that in their corner of the world are putting their bodies on the line* to transform their conditions
*Peace Lotus Internationalist Solidarity Day of Anti-War Resistance 30th April 2024*
🔸This Peace Lotus Day we honour all those across the world that are in resistance and struggling for a Just Peace in their territories.
🔸 In all corners of the world our peoples are rising, awakening to Planet Repairs. This is why we are certain: we will see victory in our lifetime!
*Peace Lotus Internationalist Solidarity Day of Anti-War Resistance 30th April 2024*
🔸This Peace Lotus Day we honour all those across the world that are in resistance and struggling for a Just Peace in their territories.
🔸 In all corners of the world our peoples are rising, awakening to Planet Repairs. This is why we are certain: we will see victory in our lifetime!