Green Thru

Green Thru What does sustainability entail in today's society? Everything and nothing.

Avoid greenwashing and learn with me as I speak to professionals, philanthropists and entrepreneurs who are trying to shape a greener tomorrow.


Is it possible to implement a ‘breathing’ concrete that is both safe and capable of sequestering CO2? 💭 is the Founder of an innovative startup called , which aims to decarbonise the highly polluting construction industry, and more specifically its concrete production phase, through their proprietary carbon capture nanotechnology.

The conversation also explores the added benefits of implementing their proprietary nanotechnology, which not only aims to make concrete production carbon-negative but also renders the concrete sturdier and more reliable.

Tune in to find out more about the exciting and important work that this company is carrying forward and much more, enjoy! 🎤🎙

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


How much CO2 can be recycled within a given closed environment?

How can we optimise our working and living conditions within closed-doors environments? 💭

After a break from the holidays, this week's podcast on Green Thru features Daniel Fucich and Kelsey Abernathy who are the Co-Founders of an innovative start-up called , which provides the first natural air purifier that reduces CO2 using an algae subscription service.

The conversation explores the peculiarities of AlgenAir’s Aerium and highlights some of the key added benefits associated with its use.
Tune in to find out more about effects of high CO2 levels within our living and working environments, but also to hear about a simple yet effective solution, that can holistically tackle such a pressing issue. Enjoy! 🎤🎙

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


🇬🇧 - Are the C02 sequestration properties of plants homogenous? 💭 🎋

This week's podcast on Green Thru features Emanuele Rissone who is the President of an innovative company called , which strives to find abandoned pieces of land in Italy, understand the ecological characteristics of such lands and restore vegetation within these through the planting of giant bamboo.

The conversation explores some of the characteristics of giant bamboo and some of the key applications and uses associated with this versatile plant. Tune in to find out more about the exciting and important work that this company is carrying forward and much more, enjoy! 🎤🎙

🇮🇹 - Le proprietà di sequestro di CO2 sono omogenee fra tutte le piante? 💭🎋

Emanuele Risssone è il Presidente di una società chiamata Forever Bambù, la quale si è prefissa come obbiettivo quello di bonificare terreni abbandonati e inutilizzati sul suolo italiano tramite la piantagione del bambù gigante.

La conversazione affronta alcune delle caratteristiche del bambù gigante e gli usi principali associati con questa pianta unica nel suo genere. Sintonizzatevi per scoprire di più su alcuni dei progetti su cui sta lavorando al momento Forever Bambù e molto di più, buon ascolto! 🎙🎤

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


Le alternative di green mobility, quali monopattini e biciclette elettriche, sono state sviluppate prima in Asia o in Europa? 💭🚲🛴


🇬🇧 - How will the future of green mobility look like in our cities? 💭🚲

This week's podcast features Riccardo Campanile who is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of an innovative start-up called Social Green Mobility, which strives to design, develop and deploy innovative mobility services. More speficially, the company aims to provide a closed-loop bike renting strategy, thereby tackling the issue of mopeds and bikes left unattended in urban centres.

The conversation also explores the company's current and future plans for a successful rollout of its bikes in Italy and much more, enjoy! 🎙🎤


🇮🇹 - Quale sarà il futuro della mobilità green nelle nostre città? 💭🚲

Riccardo Campanile è il Co-Fondatore e Direttore Esecutivo di una start-up innovativa chiamata Social Green Mobility, la quale ha come obbiettivo quello di sviluppare e fornire servizi di mobilità innovativi e sostenibili. In aggiunta, l'azienda intende fornire una strategia per affitto di biciclette a circolo chiuso, in modo da sopperire al problema dei monopattini e biciclette elettriche lasciate incustodite nei centri urbani.

La conversazione affronta anche i piani attuali e futuri dell'azienda per il rilascio delle loro biciclette in Italia e tanto altro, buon ascolto! 🎤🎙

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


How can small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) embark on a decarbonisation journey? 💭♻️🌎

This week's podcast features Sam Zindel who is the Managing Director of a digital marketing agency in the UK, called Propellernet, and has recently founded an initiative, called Low Carbon Leaders, which helps SMEs go beyond net zero. Also, another initiative falling under the Low Carbon Leaders' umbrella is the Million Tree Pledge and to date pledgers have committed to planting over 24 million trees.

Moreover, the conversation explores the ins and outs faced by Sam on his decarbonisation efforts within his business and much more, enjoy! 🎙🎤

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻

Hello everybody, I just wanted to share with you these moving photographs capturing the staff from Upstream Ecology plan...

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to share with you these moving photographs capturing the staff from Upstream Ecology planting 52 plants of the Elaeocarpus Tectorius species, a native species of the Nilgiris region in India, as a result of the commitment that Jade Shola made to Green Thru following Gadhu Sundaram's episode on the platform.

I wanted to thank you all for tuning in and for learning about the amazing work that the staff at Upstream Ecology is doing with Jade Shola and in the overall Nilgiris region.

This beautiful area of India, much like the rest of the country, was heavily hit by Covid and I believe that initiatives such as Jade Shola's represent the ideal solution to heal the communities impacted by the pandemic and to provide an opportunity for such communities to come together 🌎🙏🏻🍀💭


🇬🇧 - Can bioplastics truly substitute conventional plastics in the long-term and, if so, how do they perform in comparison? 💭

This week's podcast on Green Thru features Gianni Tagliapietra who is the Co-Founder and CEO of a start-up called MIxcyclingSrl], which was founded with the specific goal of re-purposing organic scraps from the systems of production. In fact, Mixcycling aims to become a landmark in the world of material sustainability, giving nature back its protagonist role and limiting the use of resources.

The conversation also touches upon some of the unique blends that Mixcycling is currently working on with some of its partners and much more, enjoy! 🎤🎙

🇮🇹 - Potranno le bioplastiche a lungo termine andare a sostituire le plastiche convenzionali e, se si, come si rapportano in confronto a quest'ultime? 💭

L'ospite di questa settimana sul podcast di Green Thru è Gianni Tagliapietra, il quale è il Co-Founder e CEO di una start-up innovativa chiamata MIxcyclingSrl], la quale è stata fondata con con l’obiettivo specifico di nobilitare gli scarti organici dei sistemi di produzione. Difatti, Mixcycling vuole diventare un punto di riferimento nel mondo della sostenibilità dei materiali, ridando alla natura il suo ruolo da protagonista e limitando l’uso di risorse.

La conversazione esplora anche alcuni dei blend unici a cui sta lavorando al momento Mixcyling con i suoi partner e molto altro, buon ascolto! 🎤🎙

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bion👆🏻


Aaaaaaaand we are back, after a short break we are back with the 26th episode of the podcast, which marks half a year into this amazing journey and the guest for this week could not be more fitting to celebrate this incredible milestone 🙏🏻

As a result, how would someone be able to help to collect data to tackle some of the most significant environmental and human challenges that our planet is currently facing? 💭🍀🌎

This week's podcast features who is is the Founder and Executive Director of a non-profit organisation called Adventure Scientists] , which strives to equip researchers and other partners with data collected from outdoors that is crucial to addressing environmental and human health challenges.

The conversation also explores some of the most significant research milestones that Adventure Scientists] has helped contribute to over the last decade and and much more, enjoy! 🎙🎤

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


How would it be possible to ensure that less food is wasted along the food supply chain? ♻️ 🌾 💭

This week's podcast on Green Thru features Lorenzo Conti who is the Founder and Managing Director of , an agri-tech start-up, which aims to reduce waste in the long-term storage of grains by mapping conditions within grain bulks and this is achieved through the deployment of the world’s first technology for locomotion in bulk solids.

Tune in to find out more about some of the main inefficiencies found along the food supply chain and how technology can contribute to tackling some of these deficiencies, enjoy! 🎤🎙

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻

Did you know that: - Around 931 million tonnes of food goes to waste each year.- 61% comes from households, 26% from foo...

Did you know that:

- Around 931 million tonnes of food goes to waste each year.
- 61% comes from households, 26% from food service and 13% from retail.
- Reducing waste could have social, economic and environmental benefits.
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to halve food waste by 2030.

Reducing food waste in our society is a fundamental challenge ahead of our journey towards decarbonisation and you can learn more on the subject here -

On the matter, this week's guest on the podcast will be Lorenzo Conti who is the CEO and founder of an agri-tech start-up called Crover]. Simply put, Crover] aims to reduce waste in the long-term storage of grains by mapping conditions within grain bulks and this is achieved through the deployment of the world’s first technology for locomotion in bulk solids.

As a result, would you like to know more about how innovation and technology could contribute to a decrease in the amount of grains going to waste during their long-term storage?

Don't forget to tune in to this week's upcoming podcast to learn more on the matter 💭♻️🎙🎤


How can renewable energy projects in developing economies be sponsored by retail investors and how are such projects ensured to succeed? ⚡️💭🌎

This week's podcast on Green Thru features Thomas Frank, EMBA, MSc who is the CEO and Founder of] , which happens to be one of the first blockchain-based independent power producers (IPPs) which invests in People, Planet and Profit and which also connects investors around the world with profitable projects in emerging markets.

The conversation also explores the logistical, economic and social intricacies associated with ensuring that such projects are run successfully in developing economies.

Tune in to find out more about]’s latest successful project in Uganda through the installation of solar panels at a 5-star eco-tourism hotel near Kampala and much more, enjoy! 🎙🎤💭

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


How can the swapping of pre-loved clothes contribute to a more sustainable world? 👖👚♻️🌎

This week's podcast on Green Thru features who is the Founder and CEO of a soon to be launched start-up called .app, which aims to enable people to gift pre-loved clothes to friends, family and neighbours in an attempt to tackle fast fashion and promote circularity within the fashion industry as a whole.

Tune in to find out about the importance of community behind the swapping of pre-loved clothes and how the GIFTD economy will be able to contribute to a more sustainable world in the long-term, enjoy! 🎙🎤💭

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻

How can the swapping of pre-loved clothes contribute to a more sustainable world? 👚👖♻️🌎This week's podcast will feature ...

How can the swapping of pre-loved clothes contribute to a more sustainable world? 👚👖♻️🌎

This week's podcast will feature , founder of .app, which is an app that will launch soon and will enable users to gift pre-loved clothes to friends, family and neighbours.

Tune in to this week's podcast to learn more about how the market of pre-loved clothes can contribute to tackling fast fashion and much more 💭🎤🎙


🇬🇧 - Is it be possible to develop innovative solutions to tackle polluting issues in our society using sustainable materials? 💭♻️🌎

This week's podcast on Green Thru features Alfonso Coppola who is the CEO and founder at Rithema, a start-up founded in 2015, which specialises in the development of technological and ecologically sound solutions to optimise and decarbonise our everyday life.

The conversation also explores some of the projects and solutions that Rithema has developed recently and much more, enjoy! 🎤🎙

🇮🇹 - È possibile sviluppare soluzioni innovative ed ecologiche che vadano a risolvere problematiche inerenti all’inquinamento nella nostra società? 💭♻️🌎

L'ospite di questa settimana su Green Thru è Alfonso Coppola, il quale è il CEO e Fondatore di Rithema, una start-up innovativa fondata nel 2015, nata con lo scopo di sviluppare progetti ecosostenibili ed energicamente autonomi.

La conversazione esplora anche alcuni dei progetti e delle soluzioni che Rithema ha sviluppato recentemente e molto altro, buon ascolto! 🎤🎙


What is sacred geometry and how can it inspire the creation of architectural structures through the use of natural materials? 🌳🎋🌎
arquitecturamixta is the Creative Director at , which happens to be a multidisciplinary group focused on bio-architecture and the use of natural materials for the creation of habitats in universal harmony.

The conversation touches upon the main characteristics of bio-architecture and also explores the role that sacred geometry can play in ensuring that people are more in tune with their natural surroundings.

Tune in to learn more about the basics of sacred geometry and how natural materials can be deployed to put together amazing architectural structures, enjoy! 🎤🎙💭

Link to Podcast in the Bio 👆🏻


How are Indigenous communities central in the successful guardianship of key endangered ecosystems on a worldwide scale? 🌳🌎💭

is the Associate Producer at and the Producer for Nia Tero's Seedcast podcast. Nia Tero strives to ensure that Indigenous peoples have the economic power and cultural independence to steward, support, and protect their livelihoods and territories they call home.

The conversation also explores the key role that Storytelling can play in ensuring that the voices and views of Indigenous communities are broadcasted to as wide an audience as possible.

Please find a below a snippet from the conversation with Felipe, briefly touching upon the importance of actualising a shift in mentality, neurologically and psychologically, for human kind to live in harmony with our natural surroundings in the future.

Tune in to learn more about why and how Indigenous peoples are so important for the successful guardianship of key habitats and much more, enjoy! 🎤🎙

Link to Podcast 👉🏻

How are Indigenous communities central in the successful guardianship of key endangered ecosystems on a worldwide scale?...

How are Indigenous communities central in the successful guardianship of key endangered ecosystems on a worldwide scale? 🌳🌎💭

Next week's podcast will feature from , which strives to ensure that Indigenous peoples have the economic power and cultural independence to steward, support, and protect their livelihoods and territories they call home.

The latter part of the conversation will be open to   from the audience, as a result what would you like to know regarding the unique knowledge systems that Indigenous communities have been able to develop over time to serve as guardians and safe-keepers of key ecosystems globally? 🌱🌴🎋

Leave a   down below with your question 👇🏻 and tune in to find out whether you question has been selected and what Felipe's answer may be! 💭🎙🎤

What can insects-based protein be used for and how can it be instrumental in a circular economy? Next week’s podcast wil...

What can insects-based protein be used for and how can it be instrumental in a circular economy?

Next week’s podcast will feature Laura Stanford who happens to be the CEO and Founder of the , which is a regenerative agriculture company, that is revolutionising the way people view insect-based protein to create a locally produced, competitively priced protein source that is environmentally sustainable to farm.

The latter part of the conversation will be open to from the audience, as a result what would you like to know regarding the applications of insects-based protein and how such a service can be complementary to an ever-changing climate? 🦟🦗🪰

Leave a down below 👇🏻with your question and tune in to find out whether your question has been selected and what Laura’s answer may be! 💭🎤🎙

How can sacred geometry and natural materials combine to create beautiful architectural structures that closely align wi...

How can sacred geometry and natural materials combine to create beautiful architectural structures that closely align with their natural surroundings? 🌳🎋🎍🛖

Soon there will be a podcast featuring .arquitecturamixta who happens to be the Creative Director at , which represents a multidisciplinary group focused on bio-architecture and use of natural materials for the creation of habitats in universal harmony.

The latter part of conversation will be open to from the audience, as a result what would you like to know regarding bio-architecture and the use of natural resources, such as bamboo, to create architectural structures in harmony with nature? 🤔💭

Leave a down below with your question 👇🏻 and tune in to find out whether your question has been selected and what Jaime’s answer may be! 🎤🎙

What would you like to know regarding biodiversity loss and how can habitat preservation and expansion help tackle this ...

What would you like to know regarding biodiversity loss and how can habitat preservation and expansion help tackle this pressing issue? 🌱🌳🐆🦓🦒🐘

Next week’s podcast will feature and .steward.165 who run and manage an NGO called , which provides under-supplied natural reserves with the necessary equipment to combat the anti-poaching epidemic in the African continent.

This amazing NGO also runs educational programs and organises public presentations to raise awareness surrounding the importance of biodiversity conversation.

The latter part of the Podcast will be open to Questions from the public, so tune in to find out whether your question has been selected and to discover what John and Wendy’s answer may be 🙋🏼‍♂️🤔💭

Drop a comment down below with you Question 👇🏻🎙🎤


How can fast fashion be halted and what can the next generation of consumers do to contribute to fighting this environmentally damaging phenomenon? 💭🤔👖👕

The conversation features who is the CEO and Founder of an eco-clothing exchange initiative called , which aims to provide students from secondary schools in the UK with the opportunity to exchange clothes for free.

Tune in to learn more about how students can help tackling fast fashion through the circulating and re-purposing of pre-loved clothiers and to hear Zaqiya’s answers to your questions, enjoy! 🎤🎙

Link to Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻


What renewable energy solutions are best suited for rural communities in the African continent? ⚡️🔌♻️

This week’s podcast features Norah Magero who is the co-founder of an NGO called , which stands to provide rural and off-grid communities with access to tailored renewable energy solutions.

The conversation also explores the role of gender inequality when it comes to equitable energy access for all members of a given household in a rural setting.

Tune in to find out more about the energy options available to off-grid communities in Kenya and much more, enjoy! 💭

Link to the Podcast can be found in the Bio 👆🏻



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