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Chapter 1,042: “"Winners" need no excuse”.

Germa 66's Ahh… Emotionless Excursion, Vol. 6: “Niji and Yonji to Whole Cake Island”. In the cover, Oven is carrying the Vinsmoke's book on his shoulders. He's going to leave Cocoa Island towards Whole Cake Island through a mirror (Brûlée is next to it). As he leaves, Oven looks confused at Pudding (who is still in Chocolate Town).

Chapter starts on the 1st floor of Onigashima castle's basement. X Drake (in hybrid form) has stabed CP0 boss from the back with his sword. CP0 boss spits blood out of his mouth.

CP0 boss: "Tell me why you did it... Drake...!!"

X Drake: "Hah. Hah...
This is... my justice...!!"

CP0 boss: "I envy you..."

Suddenly, CP0 boss moves at high speed and disentangles himself from X Drake's sword. He then attacks X Drake using “Shigan”, stabing his finger into X Drake's throat.

Cut to the “Flower Capital”, people are finishing the preparations for the sky boats. Toko already has ready her ship.

Toco: "Oh!
Fly~~!! I hope my wish reachs heavens!!"

Cut to Onigashima castle's roof. Luffy keeps hitting Kaidou with high-speed punches. Kaidou manages to stop one of them with his kanabo, but immediately after that he receives 3 more punches without being able to stop them.

Luffy: "Zeh.

Kaidou: "The trajectory of this attack is curved...!?
It hurts...!!!
Considering the nature of gum, this kind of move should be impossible...!!"

Despite Luffy's attacks, Kaidou looks at him confidently.

Luffy: "Ohhhhhhh!!!"

Kaidou: "Stop!! Hey~!! It hurts~~...

Kaidou enters in “Amae Jougo” mode (Craving Love Drunk mode). As Luffy punches him in the face, Kaidou winks at him and touches his lip making a “sexy face”. Luffy gets very angry.

Luffy: "He's still drunk!!!"

Kaidou: "Wi~~~~
Don't you think you're the only one
who can see the “future”!!!"

Suddenly, Kaidou moves at high speed and manages to escape from Luffy's punches.

- Kaidou: "Heh...
Let me imitate you...!!

We see Kaidou has changed to dragon form and he's moving his body just like Luffy moves his arms when he uses Gear 4 (he can change his direction at will and very quickly). Kaidou enters in “Nusubito Jougo” mode (Stealing Drunk mode). Then he bites Luffy very hard.

Luffy: "Ah!
It huuuuurts!!!"

Kaidou puts Luffy into his mouth and flies up, away from Onigashima.

Luffy: "Uohhhh"

Kaidou: "Wi~~~~!!!"

Luffy punches Kaidou inside of his mouth to try Kaidou releases him.

Luffy: "He ate me!!!
Let me go!!!"

After flying up a bit, Kaidou stops and looks down at Onigashima. He then opens his mouth and shoots a “Bolo Breath” point-blank to Luffy, who can't dodge it. The attack hits Onigashima and pierces through the entire island and the castle. We see how “Bolo Breath” goes through the Live Floor and goes between Yamato and Momonosuke at the bottom of the island.

“Bolo Breath” swept along Luffy through the entire Onigashima but he finally escapes from it when Kaidou's beam pierces all the island. Luffy changes into “Boundman” form and flies back where Kaidou is.

Luffy: "Damn you!!"

Kaidou: "Wororo...
You've come back."

- Luffy: "How many minutes I have left...!?
This is the last “Gear Fourth”!!
And I won't have any more time!!
I cannot lose!!"

Kaidou tries to bite Luffy again, but he dodges him and flies over Kaidou.

Kaidou: "Wi~~~ Your condition is more severe than expected."

Luffy talks to Kaidou as he prepares the next attack.

Luffy: "As long as you're here, people of “Wanokuni” won't be able to drink even water!!
Hah, hah…
“Gomu Gomu no”!!"

Kaidou: "Wororo!!
I don't care whose side you are on...!!
People of “Wanokuni” are comfortable with losing.
This country is full of “peace-loving weaklings”!! And “honorable deaths”!!
But all of them are just “losers” trying to find excuses for their failure!!!"

Luffy: "Shut your mouth!!!
Samurais are strong!!!"

Kaidou: "Strong!? Or just pretending to be strong!? “Winners” need no excuse!!
Which one are you!!?"

- While they talk, Kaidou prepares another “Bolo Breath”, but Luffy attacks first.

Luffy: "“Over Kong Gun” (Supreme Monkey King Gun - 覇猿王銃 (オーバー コング ガ ン))!!!!"

Luffy hits Kaidou's jaw with a powerful punch. Kaidou's “Bolo Breath” explodes in his own mouth. After the attack Kaidou falls to the ground, Luffy runs towards Kaidou to attack him again.

Luffy: "Not yet!! Hah...
I must continue as long as I can use “Gear Fourth”!!"

Suddenly, while Luffy prepares his next attack, Kaidou (in hybrid form) attacks him at full speed. Luffy is surprised.

Kaidou : "“Hourai Hakke” (Thunder Cannon Bagua - 咆雷八卦 (ほうらい はっけ))!!!!"

Kaidou blows Luffy with an upgraded version of “Raimei Hakke”. Luffy falls to the ground with his eyes blank and begins to expel steam from his mouth. However, Luffy covers his mouth preventing “Gear Fourth” is disabled.

Kaidou looks at Luffy, his eyes are spiral shaped. Kaidou enters in “Satsuriku Jougo” mode (Killing Spree Drunk mode). Luffy gets up and prepares to attack again, Kaidou also prepares to face him.

Luffy: "...!!
One more attack...!!
If he isn't down with this one, then I will be the one who lose...!!!
“Gomu Gomu no~~~”!!"

Kaidou: "Huh, huh...
Come here, brat!!!

- Suddenly, we see that CP0 boss is running to the area where they are fighting. CP0 boss jumps and grabs the shoulder of Luffy's arm with which he is about to attack Kaidou.

Luffy: "“Over”...!!

CP0 boss: "“Tekkai”"

Kaidou: "“CP0”!!?"

Kaidou is shocked and upset for CP0 boss' appearance, but he can't stop. In that moment, Kaidou remembers when he hit Oden 20 years ago (these memories are from Kaidou's point of view). Oden and Luffy faces are practically the same.

In an AMAZING final double page (for me, one of the best in all One Piece) Kaidou brutally hits Luffy with his kanabo using Color of the Supreme King Haki. “Hourai Hakke” hits Luffy's body directly (Kaidou's kanabo hits Luffy's body like a mallet). Luffy can't defend himself thanks to CP0 boss distraction. CP0 boss manages to move away just in time, so the blow did not hit him.

Kaidou's expression after hitting Luffy is heartbreaking, he is completely shocked. Luffy is badly injured and bleeding a lot. Chapter ends with this sentence from series' editor.

“Emotions are mixed...”

End of the chapter.


[SPOILERS] ONE PIECE MANGAFULL SUMMARY!! Chapter 1,039: “Key Performer”In the cover Color Spread, Straw Hat crew is walk...



Chapter 1,039: “Key Performer”

In the cover Color Spread, Straw Hat crew is walking through a dense forest looking for adventures.

Chapter starts in the sky over Wanokuni. Momonosuke is grabbing the “Flame Clouds” surrounding Onigashima island and is pulling them. Little by little, Momonosuke is moving Onigashima away from the “Flower Capital”.

Momonosuke: "I'm doing it...!!
I'm moving the island.
Little by little I'm moving it away from the city...!!
I won't let something like this...
falls on the capital~~!!!"

Suddenly, Momonosuke hears something.

Momonosuke: "Huh? Has someone called me?"

Cut to the Live Floor, right after Kid's attack on Big Mom from last chapter. Kaidou's subordinates can't believe they managed to attack Big Mom like that. Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates are euphoric for Kid and Law attacks. Big Mom wakes up in pain.

Big Mom: "... Ueeh!!"

Kid: "Hah, hah.
It worked, damn old hag...!!"

Law teleports to the metal bull created by Kid and talks to him.

Law: "Hey... Eustass-ya...!! That's the second time you've done it!!
After my big attack... You go and do a flashier one that seems the winning attack...!!
I'm not your fu***ng support artist!!"

Kid: "What's that got to do with me!!!
Stop saying stupid things!!"

Law: "If you think that, then next time you should attack first.
Then I can finish her off myself."

Kid: "Don't give me instructions!!!
It will be my special attack the one that will finish off that old hag!!"

Law: "Um... After a bull... A hippopotamus? Or an elephant?"

Kid: "Shut up!! Do you really think I'm going to reveal the trump card that I have in my sleeve!!"

As Kid and Law argue, Big Mom stands up. We see that something has happened to Big Mom's right arm.

Kaidou's subordinates: "Look at Big Mom's bones!!"

Big Mom's radius and ulna have been broken and she can't move her hand.

Big Mom: "A shockwave attack from the inside...
My ribs are wrecked too...!!!
Trafalgar's techniques are pretty dangerous...!!"

Big Mom creates a sphere with Soru Soru no Mi powers and brings it close to her broken arm.

Big Mom: "I give you life!! Revive, my bones~!!
Ma~mamama, hahaha!!!"

Big Mom heals her own arm, she is overflowing with energy, black lightning comes out of her body. Kid and Law keep talking.

Law: "This is not a joke... Hah... Hah...
After the next round, I will run out of energy...!!!
My next attack will be my last...!!
I definitely won't miss...!!
So you have to do..."

Kid: "Don't give me orders!"

Big Mom prepares to attack.

Big Mom: "Prometheus!! Napoleon!!
Hera!! Let's go!!!"

Prometheus/Napoleon/Hera: "Yes Mama!!!"

Big Mom: "“Maser Saber” (Roaring Light Sword - 鳴光剣 (メーザー サーベル))!!!"

Kid: "Uohh!!!"

Big Mom combines her 3 Homies into one sword (just like the one she used against Ulti) and cuts the metal bull created by Kid in one blow.

Kid: "...!!
It's useless!! They're just pieces of metal!!"

Big Mom: "Hah, hah.
Mamamama, you are wasting your time.
Your dream is coming to an end
little brats!!!
We have sent hundreds of young pirates like you to the bottom of the sea.
We have “ruled” this ocean for decades!!!"

As Big Mom says this, Kid jumps off his metal bull and attacks her. Big Mom tries to attack Kid too with her fused sword. But Kid is faster.

Kid: "“Assign”!!

Big Mom: "Ehhh!!?"

Kid puts an “S” on Big Mom's forehead and an “N” on a half-destroyed tower from Live Floor. Then Big Mom sticks to the tower like the 2 opposite poles of a magnet. Kid returns to his metal bull and prepares to charge at Big Mom again.

Homies: "Dodge it, Mama~!!"

Kid: "Take this~~~~!!!"

Big Mom manages to flip her body with the tower stucked to her back. This way, Kid's bull hits the tower instead of Big Mom. Kid can't belive Big Mom's strength. She then uses a new attack on Kid.

Big Mom: "“Bahouhou” (Visiting Mother Cannon - 母訪砲 (バホウほう))!!!
“Misery” (3000 Leagues - 三千里 (ミザリ))!!!"

Translator's note: Big Mom's attack is based on the Anime “3000 Leagues in Search of Mother” (Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri).

In an amazing double page, Big Mom uses her fused saber to create a giant woman of fire and thunder that attacks Kid. As Big Mom laughs and wonders if Kid is alive, a piece of a tower appears above Big Mom's head.

Big Mom: "Eh?"

Law: "Takt."

The tower crushes Big Mom as Kaidou's subordinates run away from the rubble. Law jumps at Big Mom, he coats his sword with a “K Room”. Kid is still standing, but he has many injuries.

When she's getting up, Law stabs Big Mom's chest.

Big Mom: "Damn you

Cut to the basement armory, we see Law's sword has also passed through this floor of the castle.

Yamato: "What is that!!!"

Cut to Wanokuni, we see Law's sword stabs the land of Wanokuni below Onigashima island.

Back to the Live Floor. Big Mom coated her fists with Haki and is hitting Law until he's near dead. But Law doesn't let go of the sword becouse he's making it go deeper and deeper.

Big Mom: "Release me now!!

Law: "...!!"

Heart Pirates: "Captain!!"

Law: "Must go...!!

Big Mom: "What happened!?
Weren't you already out of strength!?"

Heart Pirates: "What are you doing!? Captain.
Get away!! She's going to kill you!!"

Law finally completes his attack.

Big Mom: "Huh!?

Law: "“Puncture Ville” (Puncture Shockwave - 穿刺波動 (パンクチャー ヴィレ))!!!!"

Big Mom: "Uehhhh~~!!!

The shockwave from Law's attack goes through the entire Onigashima castle and produces a powerful explosion in Wanokuni. The explosion creates massive hole in the ground of Wanokuni below Onigashima island.

Big Mom screams in pain and spits blood out of her mouth again. Momonosuke looks from the sky the big hole that has been created in Wanokuni. Yamato looks at the roof of the armory and wonders what created that hole.

Despite Law's attack, Big Mom is still standing and attacks Law with the giant woman of fire and thunder

Big Mom: "Burn him until he dies, “Misery”!!"

Misery: "Yes, Mama!!!"

Law: "Hah.
Do it now!!
Hah, hah.

Big Mom: "What!? What the hell is that!!!"

Kid: "How many times do I have to repeat it!!
Don't give me order!!!"

In another fantastic double page, we can finally see Kid's trump card. He has created a huge electromagnetic cannon with which he's aiming at Big Mom from the air. Kid prepares the cannon while Law laughs confidently.

Big Mom: "Damn!!!"

Big Mom turns to Kid defiantly, ready to face his attack.

Big Mom: "Come on!!! Go ahead!!!
Do you think you can defeat me!!?
I am “Big Mom”!!!!"

Kid: "I'm going to finish you off...!!!
“Damned Punk” (Magnetic Cannon - 電磁砲 (ダムド パンク))!!!!"

Big Mom: "Oooooooh!!!"

In an epic final double page, Kid fires a powerful beam that hits Big Mom's body, who falls to the ground spitting blood from her mouth. In the last panel of the chapter we see Law.

Law: "Your era ends here!!!"

End of the chapter.





Chapter 1,038: “Kid & Law vs. Big Mom”.

Germa 66's Ahh… Emotionless Excursion, Vol. 3: “Niji and Yonji captured in Cocoa Island's Chocolat Town”. In the cover we see that Niji and Yonji are captured in one of Mont d'Or books (one of those books where Big Mom keeps her strange creatures). The book is in Chocolat Town's square, Oven is sitting in front of the book while people are looking at it. We also see that Pudding is looking at the book, she looks worried.

Chapter starts on the 3rd floor of Onigashima's castle that is completely on fire. Fukurokuju has started to burn but Raizou is covered in flames. However, both of them refused to release the other from their Jutsu. Fukurokuju tells Raizou again to release the Jutsu or they will both die, but Raizou doesn't answer him and puts up with the pain of the burns without losing concentration.

Cut to the 2nd floor of Onigashima's castle, samurai are trapped by fire and cannot escape. Suddenly, the rooftop collapses and nearly crushes the samurai, but Jinbe appears and manages to hold it up.

Jinbe: "Run away as soon as possible!!!
Hah... Hah...!! How the fire have spread so quickly!?
You must help you unconscious companions to escape!!
If you don't do it, a lot of them will die!!!"

Cut to the Live Floor, samurai run away from the explosions that take place in the area where Big Mom is fighting. Chopper, who is watching what's happening with Miyagi and Tristan, feels that something strange is happening to his body. Then his body returns to its normal form.

Chopper: "Hah... Hah...
I'm finally back to my normal form!!
But now there is something more important...!!
Miyagi!! I'm worried about Zoro!!"

Miyagi: "Yes... For the “medicine”."

Chopper: "The medicine gave Zoro “super recovery”...!!
But he will also sustain “twice” the damage in exchange right...!?
Zoro was already so injured he couldn't move.
If “twice” the damage is added to that...!!!

Cut now to outside of the castle. Zoro is conscious but someone has appeared in front of him.

Zoro: "Hah, hah...
Who are you...!! What is this.
I can't move...!!
Stop, stop!!!"

Someone dressed with a hood and carrying a huge scythe appeared in front of Zoro. That creature is surrounded by a very strange aura. In a closer shot, we can see that the creature is a skeleton that is about to attack Zoro with the scythe.

Cut to the right tower of Onigashima's Dome (in an area very close to where Zoro is). Franky is defeating the enemies that he finds in his path while he looks for Zoro. Franky wonders how far King sent Zoro with his attack.

Cut to the crawlspace of the 1st floor, where all Kaidou's subordinates who faced Izou have been defeated. Cut now to the 1st floor of castle's basement, where Izou lands (he jumped from the upper floors). We see Izou has a wound on his abdomen that is bleeding.

Suddenly, Izou turns around and points his gun at someone. We see that they are the two CP0 agents.

Izou: "Cipher Pol...!!"

CP0's boss: "... Well, it's actually Aigis “0”.
Izou... I am going to pretend I didn't see you.
From a certain point of view...
I would commit a great mistake if I let that the remnants of Shirohige Pirates escape...

Izu: "..."

CP0 boss: "But now we have to focus on the Straw Hat Pirates..... I'll see you later..."

Izou is in silent for a few seconds, but finally raises one of his guns.

Izou: "No... Wait...

Cut to the basement armory, Yamato is going down the last stairs.

Yamato: "I will arrive on time!!
I will arrive on time!!

However, when Yamato reaches the area where the giant explosives are, he sees Kazenbou has also arrived and that it's about to touch the bombs. Yamato acts quickly.

Yamato: "No, no!!!
Stop please!!
“Namuji Hyouga” (Namuji Glacier Fang)!!!"

Yamato freezes the bombs, becouse if such an amount of gunpowder explodes, everything will be over. However, Kazenbou touches the bombs and begins to thaw the ice. Yamato attacks Kazenbou.

Yamato: "Don't touch the gunpowder!!!
“Mahoroba” (Horse Illusion Blade - 馬幻刃 (まほろば))!!!"

Yamato hits Kazenbou with his kanabo and manages to attract its attention. Kazenbou takes out a hand from its body and attacks Yamato with a flame.

Kazenbou: "Ooooooh.

Yamato: "A hand!?

Back to the Live Floor, we see Big Mom is attacking Law and Kid over and over again. Law and Kid's subordinates ask Big Mom to stop. Big Mom finally stops and stands in front of Law and Kid, who are heavily injured lying on the ground.

Big Mom: "Hah... Hah...
Hmm!! I feel sympathy for your subordinates..."

Heart Pirates: "Captain!!"

Big Mom: "Don't get up again!!
Ma~~~mamamama, haha...!!"

Law and Kid are completely defeated, Kid even has his eyes rolled back. Big Mom looks tired but without any major injuries. Law and Kid crews try to help their captains.

Kid Pirates: "Boss!!!
Be careful!! Is he still breathing!?"

Heart Pirates: "Medical team!!
We have to help captain!!!"

Big Mom attacks both crews before they can reach their captains.

Big Mom: "Sorry~!!
The battlefield cannot be filled with garbage!!!
“Tenman Daijizai Tenjin” (God of Lightning Tenjin)!!!"

Kid Pirates/Heart Pirates: "Uwaaaa!!!"

Big Mom looks up at the rooftop and says that looks like Kaidou's battle with the Straw Hat is not over yet.

Big Mom: "Hera!! Let's go to the rooftop!!
I'm a little tired.
So let's end this once and for all!!!"

Suddenly, Law gets up and prepares to attack Big Mom again.

Law: "“K ROOM”
Hah... Hah...

Law pierces Big Mom's right arm and part of her face with the sword (sword goes in under Big Mom's mouth and goes out through Big Mom's left cheek). Everyone who sees the attack is shocked.

Kaidou's subordinates: "Uooh!!!
Big Mom is dead~!!!"

Homies: "Mamaaaa!!"

Chopper: "Torao!!
What is that sword!!"

Law: "Hah... Hah... LAST attack should have worked.
There's no damage when I pierce you... but..."

Big Mom: "Stop...!!!"

Law: "“Shock Wille”!!!"

Big Mom: "Bueh~!!!"

A powerful “shock wave” hits Big Mom inside her body, she bleeds from her mouth. Big Mom falls to the ground, iron Homies try to attack Law.

Homies: "What have you done to Mama~!!
Huh? What's happening!?
Something is pushing us...!!"

Kid attracts all metal objects in the area into his body, including the iron Homies.

Kid: "All metal objects,
follow my magnetic force!!!"

Big Mom looks at Kid with disbelief.

Big Mom: "Are you still standing...!!?

Big Mom approaches Kid very angry. Kid has created something massive with metal objects he collects.

Big Mom: "So you want my head that much..."

Kid: "...!!
Hahaha... I already feel like we're doing this for a different purpose...
Kaidou must be NEAR to be defeated already.
If you let a drop of water fall onto a rock everyday, it creates a hole in that rock.
Hah. Hah.
Zero damage? There's no way you take no damage from all this fighting!!
“Punk Corna Dio” (Big Magnetic Demon Bull - 磁気大魔牛 (パンク コルナ・ディオ))!!!"

Big Mom: "Gyaa~~~!!"

Kid's created a giant metal bull (bigger than Big Mom) that he rides. Then he crashes the bull into Big Mom. She falls to the ground as Law and Kid talk to her.

Kid: "Hey...!! Damn old hag...!!"

Law and Kid: "We won't let you go on the rooftop
even if we have to die!!!"

End of chapter.




CHAPTER 1,026: “Crucial Time" (“天王山” in japanese, it means too “watershed”).

In the cover, Nami and Leo are making a t-shirt for a lion cub who is next to his father (they are Minks). All of them are in a store called “Haute Couture Nami” and the t-shirt design is the lion-sunflower that Bell-mère made for Nami when she was a child (in the clothes she inherited from Nojiko).

Chapter starts in the “Flower Capital”, there people are enjoying the festival. Tenguyama asks Toko if she is having a good time, she says yes while she eats a candy. We see a little flashback of the moment when Tama leaves Wanokuni with Speed in a boat towards Onigashima. Tama tells Tenguyama that she has to go help, although she doesn't know if she will return. Speed says she will protect Tama. Back to the present, Tenguyama wonders if Tama is safe.

The sky in the “Flower Capital” is covered by clouds, so the people at the festival can't see that Onigashima is approaching to the capital.

Cut to Onigashima's rooftop, we see a Mary (a man from Kaidou's army) that is observing the battle and reporting the situation to the rest of his companions. His voice is amplified to be heard throughout the castle.

Mary: "Report about the mysterious dragon!!
Right now on the roof is the wounded young Yamato.
And in the sky there is something incredible... two dragons face to face!!
The blue dragon is Kaidou-sama!!
And pirate “Straw Hat Luffy” is riding a pink dragon!!!"
Yamato looks at Momonosuke as he remembers some words Momonosuke said to him when he was still a child.
Momonosuke: "If only I could turn into a monster like him...
it would be such a help to everyone!!"

The Mary keeps talking, saying that the identity of the pink dragon is unknown but there is no doubt that it is an enemy. We see Queen surprised at the Mary's report.

Queen: "Was Yamato the one who stopped Kaidou-san?"
Back to the battle between dragons. Kaidou opens his mouth and prepares to shoot his “Bolo Breath”. Luffy tells Momonosuke to shoot something from his mouth too but Momonosuke has no idea how to do it. Kaidou finally shoots his “Bolo Breath” and Momonosuke barely manages to dodge it.

Luffy says something to Momonosuke that shocks him (we don't know what) and then jumps towards Kaidou. Luffy blows up his left arm and attacks Kaidou with his “Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun” hitting Kaidou's head (that crashes into the ground). Momonosuke thinks about what Luffy told him.

Luffy: "Hey Momo!!
Bite Kaidou!!"
Momonosuke: "I can't, I can't...!!

Momonosuke remembers Kaidou's assault at Kuri's castle after Oden's death and how Kaidou attacked his mother. That's when Momonosuke musters up enough courage and gives a strong bite at Kaidou's body.

Kaidou: "Uwaaaa!!!"
Kaidou screams in pain, Momonosuke remembers the moment when Kaidou told him that his father was a fool of a lord and bites him harder. However, Kaidou turns around and looks very annoyed at him.

Kaidou: "What do you think you are doing!!!"
Although Momonosuke looks at him with fear, he doesn't stop biting Kaidou.
Momonosuke: "You have destroyed Wanokuni!!
I have to stop you anyway.
My father was...!!
My mother was...!!"

Seeing the situation, Yamato runs off to help Momonosuke. But Luffy arrives first and punches Kaidou in the face.
Luffy: "Well done Momo~~~!!!"

Cut to the treasure room on the 2nd floor. The sky is covered with clouds, so Inuarashi has returned to his normal form and is exhausted.

Jack: "The dragon's called the “thundercloud”...!!
The moon has stopped shining tonight.
Huh... Huh..... If you had attacked me 1 more time
I wouldn't be able to stand again!!"
Inuarashi: "..."

Nekomamushi is in the same situation as Inuarashi, he has almost no strength. Perospero talks to him while holds a huge candy axe.

Perospero: "Don't you blame the moon...!?
You are out of luck!! Perorin ♪"
Nekomamushi: "..."
Perospero: "My luck is too strong for you, cat boss!!"
Carrot and Wanda watch helplessly.
Carrot: "Master Nekomamushi!!
The “Sulong” has disappeared."
Luffy's voice is heard throughout the castle.
Luffy: "Momo!!"
Samuari: "Uh!? Momonosuke-sama!?"
Luffy: "What you have just bitten is one of the “Yonkou” himself!!
Is there anything in this world that you still need to fear!!?"
Momonosuke: "...!!
Yamato: "..."
Momonosuke: "No!!!"
Luffy: "Go!! You can fly!!"
Momonosuke: "Yes!!"
Luffy: "Stop Onigashima!!"
We can see Zoro and Sanji fighting back to back while they discover the dragon was Momonosuke.
Luffy: "Leave Kaidou to me!!
I will definitely win!!!"

We have now a magnificent double page. In the right part we see a defiant Luffy and Kaidou in dragon form (he's very serious). In the center we see the joy of the samurai alliance at Luffy's words and the news about Momonosuke. We also see the reactions of some characters like Tama, Nami or Franky.

Big Mom: "Ma~~~mamamama!!
Did you hear it!? What a funny guy!!"
Kid: "Of course you have to!"
Law: "What on earth has he been doing?"
Kaidou transforms into his hybrid form and goes after Luffy.
Kaidou: "...
Do you think there still a possibility that you can beat me!?"
Luffy: "As long as I'm alive
the possibility is limitless!!"

Kaidou attacks with his kanabo and Luffy with his fist, both use Color of the Supreme King Haki. There is a massive shockwave of black lightning, but their attacks do not touch (the same that happened with Roger and Shirohige). The impact is so powerful that the clouds begin to separate and the sky splits in two.

The Mary that was observing the battle reports what happened to the entire castle before being knocked out by the Haki. After this, the sky is open and the full moon can be seen clearly again. Jack and Perospero look at the moon in amazement as Inuarashi and Nekomamushi transform into Sulong...

Inuarashi: "What were you saying...!?"
Nekomamushi: "Where is your luck now...?"
Inuarashi and Nekomamushi: "“Oden Ittoryu ”(Oden's One Sword Style)"
Nekomamushi: "“Nikoneko Bam” (Smiling Cat Strike - 猫笑衝突 (ネコニコバーン))"
Inuarashi: "“Inu-spire” (Dog Powerful Cutting Arrow - 犬斬威矢 (イヌスパ イヤー))"

Nekomamushi throws a powerful swipe at Perospero, shattering part of his hat and breaking his candy arm. Inuarashi attacks with his sword-leg like a spear, breaking Jack's belt and piercing his stomach.

Perospero, the eldest child of the Big Mom Pirates, has been defeated. “Jack the Drought”, the All-Star of the Beast Pirates, has been defeated.

A small door opens into the building near where Jack and Inuarashi were fighting. It's Orochi, who has been watching the entire battle in the shadows...
Orochi: "Jack is defeated!?
It has nothing to do with me tho...!!"
End of the chapter,





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