Donald Trump indicted in hush money probe
Donald Trump indicted in hush money probeHERE'S A LOOK AT HOW TRUMP'S PREDECESSORS FAREDseveral years. (See Pg10)Bill Clinton spent more than half his presidency under scrutiny in invesAGENCIESfollowing his indictment onBidenin polls, according to RealClearin Georgia.According to one of hischarges will not be known tillthe indictment is made pubtigations that ranged from failed real estate deals to the Democraticcharges relating to a payoff toPolitics which aggregates surlawyers, Susan Necheles, Mrlic, he was facing allegationspresident's affair with a White House intern.He was acquitted by theNEW YORK, 31 MARCHbuy the silence of an adult filmvey results.Trump would turn himself inthat he falsified businessSenate, allowing him to remain in office until his term ended in JanuImpacting the 2024 US presstar who claimed to have hadHe is also ahead of histo authorities on 4 April.records about the $130,000ary 2001.idential elections, Donaldan affair with him in 2016.nearest rival, Florida GoverIn what would be anpaid to adult film star StormyBILL CLINTONTrump will become the firstManhattan prosecutornor Ron DeSantis, by 16.8unprecedented scene, as a forDaniels who claimed to haveformer American President toAlvin Bragg's office confirmedper cent for the Republicanmer president, Mr Trump ishad an affair with him, and thatRonald Reagan never faced impeachment or court charges for the biggest scango on trialthe indictment by a grand juryParty's nomination.under Secret Service proteche violated elections lawsdal of his presidency. But the arms-for-hostages scheme that became knownon Thursday evening andUnder the US constitution and the federal agencythrough the payoff to buyas the Iran-Contra affair dogged him long after he left the White House.said Mr Trump's lawyer hastion, his indictment or evenwould be coordinating theher silence.RONALD REAGANbeen contacted “to coordinatea conviction will not preventarrest with New City officialsThe affair, which he hashis surrender”, which wouldhim from running for Presiand protecting him. If thedenied, and the hush moneyWhile never personally charged with crimes or formally accused of wrongbe an unprecedented eventdent.But were he to win in spiteusual procedures are folpayment are not themselvesdoing, Ulysses S.Grant as president torpedoed a corruption case prosin the history of the US.of an indictment or even a conlowed, he would be fingerillegal, and the prosecutors willecuted by his own administration. The man on trial was Grant�s perWhile the indictmentviction, the US will be inprinted, photographed andhave to prove that the paysonal secretary in the White House.remained under seal, mediaunchartered territory.handcuffed and producedments shown as lawyer's feesreports quoting unnamedMr Trump said the indictbefore a judge who wouldpaid to his former lawyerULYSSES S. GRANTsources said that there werement "is political persecutiondecide whether to keep himMichael Cohen who in turnThe first American president to have his legacy tarnished by impeachment,about 30 separate charges.and election interference atin custody or release him.passed on the money to MsAndrew Johnson�s woes arose from his intense feuding with Congress overComplicating the scenario,the highest level in history.Often in a ritual known asDaniels violated laws on bookReconstruction following the Civil War.Mr Trump is a frontrunMr Trump is also facing two“perp walk”, the accusedkeeping.ner for the 2024 elecother probes ~ one for his role“perpetrator” would be paradWhile that would be a misANDREW JOHNSONtions, just 1 perin the 6 January 2016, riot byed in handcuffs before newsdemeanour or minor offence,Richard Nixon resigned from office in August 1974 rather than face impeachhis supporters who stormedcameras and Mr Trump mayconnecting the payments tocent