Sharyce Helyar

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Sharyce Helyar DM for more info 🤍

Virtual Assistant and Social Media Manager

✨Assisting small business owners by taking care of tedious social media and admin tasks
✨ Allowing you to save time and gain freedom!

✨HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TIME TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR BUSINESS✨As a business owner, time is your most valuable asset. So ...


As a business owner, time is your most valuable asset.

So I have put together some of my top tips to help you make the most of your precious time and take your business to the next level!

✨Write a to do list & keep it up to date✨

This is something I honestly cannot live without!

I find that writing everything down helps me remember it, and I also love the feeling of crossing something off of my list. Nothing beats that feeling of productivity!

✨Block out times in your calendar for work and for life✨

Everyone talks about maintaining work-life balance, but that seems impossible when you run your own business.

That’s why it is so important to schedule work time and life time. If you work 24/7 you will eventually burn out, and that is definitely not good for productivity!

✨Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance or advice if you need it✨

Running a business is hard, I think we can all agree on that! And we can’t be an expert at everything..

So it’s okay if you don’t know something, or if it all gets a bit too much! Just ask for advice or assistance, it’s okay.

That’s what I’m here for. Ask me for advice or assistance with anything business and I’ll do my best to help!

Let's work together to achieve your business goals!

SAVE this post to try these tips 🤍

✨Continue reading to see how my client achieved their best month yet!✨This client and I have been working together for 6...

✨Continue reading to see how my client achieved their best month yet!✨

This client and I have been working together for 6 months already! Wow, time flies when you work so well together.

I post 1-2 times per week for this client (depending on the events they have coming up), and I create the graphics and captions based on the information the client gives me.

They have had consistent engagement and reach on their posts over the past few months.

But last month we tried something new to help boost engagement and get their posts seen by more people.

And guess what? IT WORKED!

Last month the client saw a significant increase in…

✨ Total page Reach
✨ Average Facebook Post Reach
✨ Average Facebook Post Impressions
✨ page Likes and Follows

How amazing is this 🤩

Want to know how?

We thought about where the clients target audience hangs out on Facebook, such as Facebook groups.

And shared the clients relevant posts to these Facebook Groups!

That’s how the magic happened 🪄

We are continuing this strategy this month, and we are seeing even better results!

Want to see a boost in your business social media? DM me to find out how I can help 🤍

SAVE this post if you want to try this strategy

✨LET’S GET TO KNOW SOME NOT SO FUN FACTS ABOUT EACH OTHER✨I don’t show my face on here very often.So.. Hi, this is me 👋🏻...


I don’t show my face on here very often.

So.. Hi, this is me 👋🏻

I thought that I would show my face to all of you lovely people and share some facts about myself, so we can all get to know each other a little bit better.

So here are some not so fun facts about me..

✨ I was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) when I was just 4 years old, so I have been living the chronic illness life for 20 years now. Wow..

✨ So far I have had 8 surgeries in total, and I assume that there will be many more in my future.

✨ I have been on injectable medications during multiple periods of my life, and I spent pretty much all of my teenage years doing weekly injections.

✨ For the past 8 or more months I have been experiencing more pain and inflammation than I have for many years, so it has been a pretty rough time for me lately.

✨ JIA is a lifelong condition, so I will live with this for the rest of my life. And I’m sure that I will continue to have many tough times in this journey.

Well now you know some real and not so fun stuff about me. And you can learn more about my life with chronic illness by clicking the link in my bio.

Comment a not so fun fact about yourself below, so we get to know each other on a real level.

And as always, sending positive vibes to you all 🤍

✨NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT✨I have been working hard behind the scenes to launch a new product that I know we all need to ...


I have been working hard behind the scenes to launch a new product that I know we all need to help keep us organised.

Can you guess what it is?

Well you don’t have to wait because I’m about to tell you.


I have created and designed 10 different weekly planner versions that can easily be downloaded and printed at home, or filled in on your device.

These planners come in PDF or Fillable PDF format, and with 10 different versions, there is definitely a planner for everyone.

Plus there is a ✨FREE✨ bonus page included!

These planners can be purchased on my PrintablesBySharyce Etsy store, and the link can be found in my bio.

I am so excited about this new path I am taking with my business and I will definitely be releasing new products in the future, so make sure you are following me to keep up to date 🤍

What printables should I create in the future? Comment your ideas below ⬇️

✨MY SECRET TO CREATING ENGAGING BUSINESS CONTENT✨Sometimes it can be so hard to work out what to post on social media to...


Sometimes it can be so hard to work out what to post on social media to continue growing your business and building your online community.

So here is what I do to brainstorm and plan my content ⬇️

✨ Firstly, I think about who my target audience is.

Who are they?
What do they like and dislike?
What content would they like to see?

I try to be as specific as possible.

✨ Next, I think about myself.

What type of content do I enjoy creating?
How much time do I have to create content?
Which previous content had high engagement?

It’s important to remember that if you’re not enjoying the process, then you will be less motivated and inspired to create the content.

✨ And finally, I get inspiration from other businesses in my niche.

I look at the content that they are creating, and look at the engagement that they get on their posts.

Seeing what is working for other businesses is a great way to gain inspiration, but its important to never directly copy the content that someone else has created.

✨ Always put your own spin on things to make sure it fits your brand ✨

I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with content ideas at the moment!

SAVE this post if you found my brainstorming process helpful 🤍

✨Comment your goals for 2023 below ✨The start of a new year is the perfect time to re-evaluate your personal and busines...

✨Comment your goals for 2023 below ✨

The start of a new year is the perfect time to re-evaluate your personal and business life, and set new, attainable goals for the year ahead.

I find it so much easier to keep working towards my goals if other people know about them.

So let’s all keep each other accountable this year by sharing our business or personal goals with each other.

I’ll go first. My goals for this year are to…

✨ Get my health and chronic illness back on track so I feel good again and can live my life

✨ Be more consistent with my business and social media so I can grow my business and get more clients

✨ Use my personal Instagram account to be more open about chronic illness life and raise awareness for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

✨ Live my life the way I want to and be happy!

Comment your 2023 goals below and let’s keep each other accountable this year! 🤍

✨ HELLO 2023 ✨It’s so crazy to think that it has been 2023 for over a week now, where did that week go? I’m sure you all...

✨ HELLO 2023 ✨

It’s so crazy to think that it has been 2023 for over a week now, where did that week go?

I’m sure you all noticed, but I took a break from this social media account over the Christmas and New Year period. It was just what I needed to reset and regain motivation to keep pushing towards my goals.

Showing up on social media consistently can be tough. I know it, you know it, we all know it.

That’s why we all need a break sometimes.

But you don’t want to stop posting for a period of time and risk your followers becoming disinterested or decide to stop engaging with your posts? I hear you!

So what’s the solution?


Hire me, a virtual assistant and social media manager, to post content and engage with your community while you take a well deserved break from social media.

If you want to know more, DM me or comment 🙋🏼‍♀️ below and I’ll send you more information on how I can help you 🤍

✨CLIENT RESULTS✨I am so excited to share these results with you. I have been working with this client since September 13...


I am so excited to share these results with you.

I have been working with this client since September 13th and have been assisting them to be more consistent with their social media.

I have worked with them to come up with content ideas, write captions, engage with their community, and promote their events on the page.

In just ONE MONTH, we have seen a significant increase in all engagement on their page!

✨ Average Facebook post reach has increased

✨ Average Facebook post likes and reactions have increased

✨ Total page visits have increased

✨ Number of page followers has increased

Just from posting consistently and creating engaging content!

I’m so excited to keep working with this client and see how we can keep improving their social media.

So if you feel like I could help you and your business and you want to see results like this, contact me and we can get started! 🤍

✨HOW ARE YOU FEELING LEADING INTO THE LAST MONTH OF 2022?✨This year has gone way too quickly and the end of the year is ...


This year has gone way too quickly and the end of the year is always the busiest period.

Are you like me and still have so many things that need to be done prior to Christmas? Such as…

✨ Buying Christmas presents

✨ Planning and scheduling content for your business page

✨ Cleaning and decorating the house for Christmas celebrations

✨ Engaging with your social media community

✨ Spending time with friends and family

✨ Creating content for your business

Does reading that list make you feel stressed about everything that you need to do?

It’s okay, I can help!

Take a bit of a break and let a Virtual Assistant handle some of the stress of the holiday period!

Outsource these business tasks, and you will gain more time to focus on the non-business related tasks in your life!

It really is that simple!

I am here to help you and your business thrive this holiday season. So get in contact with me and we can start making your life that little bit easier! 🤍

Comment below if you’re feeling stressed this holiday season ⬇️

✨KEEP READING TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN SAVE 20% OFF OF MY PACKAGES✨ Happy Black Friday! I thought I would join in on the ...


Happy Black Friday! I thought I would join in on the fun and offer a special discount to all of you small business owners.

You can save a huge 20% off of any of my packages

Want to know how? Well keep reading ⬇️

I have been working with a client to increase their social media presence, and the results so far have been amazing.

We have achieved an increase in their post engagement, number of followers, and their social media page visits, all in one month!

I have also received so much positive feedback from this client, and I can’t wait to share their results and feedback with you in a future post.

So do you want to boost your social media presence, engagement, and followers?

All you need to do is be one of the first 5 small business owners to comment the word ‘SALE’ below, and you will win this special discount!

I will message all of the winners, and we can start working towards your social media goals! 🤍

✨STRUGGLING TO COME UP WITH CONTENT IDEAS FOR YOUR SMALL BUSINESS?✨I got you girl! Here are 5 content ideas that you can...


I got you girl! Here are 5 content ideas that you can use to maintain your consistency on social media and increase engagement (which will lead to more sales)

✨ Customer Love or Review Post

✨ Popular Product Post

✨ Day in the Life Reel

✨ Packing Customers Orders Reel

✨ Thank You to Customers Post

Still struggling to find inspiration?

A great way to get new content ideas is to look at what other businesses in your niche are posting. This will give you new ideas that you can transform to suit your brand.

If you are interested in learning more about social media content and engagement, message me or comment ‘✨’ below and I will contact you 🤍

✨ EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! ✨I’m super excited to announce that I am having a sale on my services! I have created a survey ...


I’m super excited to announce that I am having a sale on my services!

I have created a survey to gain an insight into what business owners feel they struggle with and which tasks they don’t always enjoy doing.

I want to offer services that will really assist you as a business owner, and this is the perfect way to find out what you would consider outsourcing!

So I am offering a huge ✨20%✨ discount on my services to the first ✨5✨ business owners who complete my survey!

This is a special thank you gift for helping me with my business, so I want to assist you with yours too!

Get in quick! Only the first ✨5✨ responses will get this offer!

SHARE this with your business owner friends!

Thank you so much for sparing a few minutes to answer some questions to help me with my business! You can find me on Instagram - .helyar and Facebook - Sharyce Helyar if you would like more information about what I do as a Virtual Assistant and Social Media Manger, and how I can assist you a...

✨ HOW TO STAY CONSISTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA? ✨Consistency is key to being successful on social media. But there's no need t...


Consistency is key to being successful on social media. But there's no need to be stressed out about it. Here are three simple steps to get you started, and a bonus step if you read to the end!

✨ Set aside a day for content creation

Spending an entire day focussing purely on creating content for the week really is the best way to save time and maintain consistency! You won’t waste time switching between tasks, and you will get into the zone. This will make the process easy and more enjoyable!

And if you keep a list of content ideas, you won’t have to spend time thinking about what content to create!

✨ Use a scheduling tool

This is another big time saving tip! Once you have created your content for the week, schedule the posts using Planoly, Meta Business Suite, or any other scheduling tool. Doing this will again stop you from wasting time switching between tasks.

It will also ensure you don’t forget to publish a post when you’re working on a task and have completely lost track of time (I may have done this before 😂)

✨ Engage with your audience

Scheduling your posts is great for saving time, but interacting with your followers is super important in creating an engaged community and growing your business!

Spend some time before and after you post showing up on stories, responding to DMs, and engaging with your community!

✨ BONUS TIP ✨ Book a free discovery call with me!

Sometimes finding the time to do all of these tasks can be hard. And sometimes you want to focus all of your time and energy on growing your business.

So book a free call with me and we can chat about your social media and business goals, and I can show you how I can help you reach them!

Click the link in my bio or DM me the words ‘OUTSOURCE’ to book a free chat with me! 🤍

And SAVE this post for later if you found these social media tips helpful!

✨ HOW TO INCREASE THE PRODUCTIVITY OF YOUR BUSINESS? ✨Business owners, this post is for you! Are you constantly running ...


Business owners, this post is for you!

Are you constantly running out of hours in the day to get everything done?

Are you feeling a bit stuck on what to post on social media?

Do you wish that you had more free time to focus on yourself, your family, and your friends?

I have a solution!

✨Outsource ✨

Outsourcing tasks big or small to a virtual assistant (like me!) will free up more time and boost business productivity!

You can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Embrace outsourcing and gain more time to grow your business!

If you want to find out how I can assist you and your business, DM me the word ‘OUTSOURCE', or click the link in my bio to set up a free discovery call! 🤍

✨ HOW DO YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REMAINDER OF 2022? ✨It's so crazy that 2022 has only 2 months left! And that means that C...


It's so crazy that 2022 has only 2 months left! And that means that Christmas is fast approaching!

Do you have big business goals that you want to reach before the end of the year?

Do you want to finish the year strong by…
✨ Increasing sales?
✨ Growing your social media following?
✨ Increasing social media presence?
✨ Engaging more with current and potential customers?
✨ Launching new products or services?
✨ Introducing a Christmas Sale?
✨ Or any other business goal?

I can help!

As a Virtual Assistant and Social Media Manager I can…
✨ Manage and respond to emails
✨ Schedule social media posts
✨ Write captions
✨ Spend time engaging with customers
✨ Create content
✨ And do any other tasks!

Allowing you to focus solely on reaching your 2022 business goals!

So do you want to regain your freedom by outsourcing tasks? Message me or comment ✨ below to find out more about how I can help you reach your goals! 🤍

✨ WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS? ✨Firstly, what is a Virtual Assistant? A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an individ...


Firstly, what is a Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an individual who works remotely and provides administrative, technical, or creative assistance to businesses, whether it be an online or storefront business.

VA’s can perform many services for their clients, such as copywriting, design, editing, administration, and social media management and engagement.

So, what can I as a VA do for you and your business?

My services include:
General Administration
✨ Email Management
✨ Data Entry
✨ Calendar Management
✨ Editing/Proofreading Copy
✨ Customer Service
✨ Any addition tasks that you may have

Social Media Management
✨ Scheduling Social Media Posts
✨ Engagement
✨ Caption Writing
✨ Hashtag Research
✨ Content Creation
✨ Analytics Reports
And anything else that you may want to outsource!

I am very excited to gain experience in any and all of these services, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with any of these tasks and we can discuss how I can help you!

Or just pop ✨ in the comments below, and I’ll message you! 🤍



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