7 Famous People Who Married Into New Money
When celebrities worth millions marry billionaires, who’s really marrying up?
10 False Facts About Earth and Space That Drive Experts Crazy
From black holes to deserts, let’s bust some popular myths.
The Billionaire Taylor Swift Gives Back
Taylor Swift has a long history of donating her earnings.
18 Foods That Are Often Mistaken for One Another
If you still can’t figure out the difference between macaroons and macarons, we’ve got your back.
13 Traditions from Different Countries That Seem Crazy to Everyone Else
Human behavior varies so widely, it’s hard to define what's truly “normal.”
11 Differences Between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals
We share 99.7% of our DNA with Neanderthals, but that 0.3% makes a world of difference.
9 Best Countries for Vegetarians
If you’re worried about vegetarian options while traveling, here are some destinations you’ll love.
14 Unspoken Rules of Etiquette That Every Southerner Follows
Southern etiquette often revolves around showing respect to others.
The Entire History of Our Planet in 4 Minutes
Let’s rewind to 4.5 billion years ago and take a look at some key events.
10 Parenting Trends That Boomers Don’t Approve Of
Boomers and Millennials agree on one thing: the other generation is doing it all wrong.
Kobe Bryant’s 21-Year-Old Daughter works for Beyoncé
Kobe’s daughter is proving there’s life after loss.
5 Dutch Inventions That Prove Their Ingenuity
The tiny nation of the Netherlands has always been very advanced in terms of engineering solutions.