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Twisted Thinking Life is hard. Staying sane is harder. Twisted Thinking is here to help. Tune in weekly!

Hello! This will be one of the last posts on this page for... well the foreseeable future. Here's the season 2 trailer a...

Hello! This will be one of the last posts on this page for... well the foreseeable future. Here's the season 2 trailer and it includes some announcements so have a listen. When you're done, head to the show notes and join the discord to stay up to date on all the things. Love all of you and until next time,

Be blessed and stay twisted.

The one where Kristin tells you waht's been happening and what's going to happen! SEASON 2, woooooow!Leave me a Voicemail!For more information, check ou...


I'm finally sitting down to start drafting the post for Anja's page which will be the equivalent of her obituary I guess and I can't quite get past the first paragraph. Nothing is working yet and while it's frustrating it's not unusal (for my writing process anyway). The real problem is I keep wanting to get her feedback and, well obviously that's not possible. Anyway, I thought if I halfway vented about it, it might help a little. 💜💙


Anja Fröhlich - mein Sonnenschein - came into this world on the longest and brightest day of the year June 21, 1975. Today December 21, 2023 - on the longest and darkest day of the year - we say goodbye. My wonderful wife has passed from this life and my heart is beyond broken as are the hearts of literally anyone who knew her well. I will be sharing more in the coming days (also on her page) but for today, I just want to say that we were beyond blessed by God - especially this last year - and though I feel like I’m broken inside I still carry the hope, joy, peace, and love of Jesus deep in my soul and I have all faith that we will get through this. Life will never be the same, but life isn’t meant to be lived standing still. Anja believed that as well. Please, if anyone has any questions, my DM’s are open but keep in mind I’m juggling a lot of different things all at once in addition to my grief so if I don’t respond right away don’t be offended. My love to all of you

Anja Fröhlich - mein Sonnenschein - kam am lĂ€ngsten und hellsten Tag des Jahres, dem 21. Juni 1975, auf diese Welt. Heute, am 21. Dezember 2023 - am lĂ€ngsten und dunkelsten Tag des Jahres - nehmen wir Abschied. Meine wunderbare Frau ist aus dem Leben geschieden, und mein Herz ist mehr als gebrochen, ebenso wie die Herzen all derer, die sie gut kannten. Ich werde in den nĂ€chsten Tagen mehr darĂŒber berichten (auch auf ihrer Seite), aber fĂŒr heute möchte ich nur sagen, dass wir von Gott ĂŒber alle Maßen gesegnet waren - vor allem in diesem letzten Jahr - und obwohl ich mich innerlich zerbrochen fĂŒhle, trage ich immer noch die Hoffnung, die Freude, den Frieden und die Liebe Jesu tief in meiner Seele, und ich habe den festen Glauben, dass wir das durchstehen werden. Das Leben wird nie mehr so sein wie frĂŒher, aber das Leben ist nicht dazu da, still zu stehen. Anja hat das auch geglaubt. Bitte, wenn jemand Fragen hat, meine DM's sind offen, aber denkt daran, dass ich mit vielen verschiedenen Dingen gleichzeitig jongliere, zusĂ€tzlich zu meinem Ku**er, also wenn ich nicht sofort antworte, seid nicht beleidigt. Meine Liebe an euch alle


Long time no talk everyone! The last 3 months have been full of ups and downs. I was able to get a bit of season 2 work done, my dad booked a trip to visit us, I was getting some long needed medical attention for a few of my own issues, Anja was slowly but surely getting well enough to get out and do a few things again and well... life happened. August 31st my dad arrived and we had a lot of plans, including doing some recording and work on Twisted Thinking podcast, and then 2 days after he showed up Anja had a life threatening emergency and was placed in ICU for a few days.

She was home not too long afterwards, but as you can imagine the plans we had shifted and we've spent the last few weeks adjusting and recovering. She's doing well now, I'm pleased to say, and though the way forward is a little murky we do have some guidance. She'll undergo another -PLANNED- procedure at the end of the month and we're hopeful this will help things move ahead. Life is tough but man, am I blessed! I'm so thankful that as bad as it was, things happened as they did because it worked out perfectly.

In the meantime I've had no time to spare and work things are still lagging behind. I have a schedule for season 2 and the first episode is slated to come out October 1 but it remains to be seen if I'll be able to meet that deadline. If it happens, fantastic, if it doesn't I'll rework things because God has this under his control as well. I'm going where I'm needed right now and as much as I want to start working right now, if that's not where I can be, it's not where I can be. I miss it terribly but one day it's going to get sorted and that will be a wonderful day.

For now I just want to let everyone know I'm still here, I'm still fighting my way towards producing some quality stuff for everyone, it's just taking longer than anticipated. Remember what I said about plans and God? Yeah, that still holds true LOL.

Until next time, be blessed and stay twisted.



Hello everyone, I know it’s been a terribly long time since you’ve heard from me, and I apologize for the silence. This is just a brief announcement to give you an idea of what’s happening with Twisted Thinking, the as of yet unreleased GameBooks LP, and life in general.

First, thank you to everyone who has asked about the show. It makes me feel good that people are invested enough to reach out. Second to get it out of the way up front, Twisted Thinking IS coming back. Season 2 will be produced. Gamebooks LP will also be produced and released, however there is no date for this as of yet. The original schedule for TT was to have the first episode of season 2 release on April 30th. However, that will not happen.
The reason is simple. As most of you know, my wife is living with Stage 4 breast cancer and aside from her medical team, I am her full-time caretaker. After being stable for about 2 years, in June 2022 the cancer evolved, and she underwent about 6 months of additional chemo in the hopes that it would stop further spread and stabilize her once again.

Unfortunately, that was not to be, and we found out that things had gotten worse all the way around. She has started another treatment that we and the doctors are very hopeful will slow the progression but it’s really up to God. The good news is that even though there have been some major bumps since she started, she still seems to be responding well with these first two rounds and if things keep going this way, we may be able to see some improvement sooner rather than later.

Originally the time off between seasons was meant to be a recharge and refresh time for me to get some more perspective and solidify my plans for the coming season, but instead these last few months have been full of hospital stays, grief, joy, laughter, and spending as much quality time together as we can. It’s been a roller coaster ride both physically and emotionally and I haven’t been able to take the time to write, record, or edit for either show. And at this time, I still can’t tell you when I will be able to dedicate any time to it.

There is a saying, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”. The accuracy hurts.

Again, I want to reiterate that TT is not going away (nor is GBLP), no matter what gets thrown my way. I have a hunch as to when I’ll be able to start again, but I’m hesitant to put it out there right now so please stay patient.

In the meantime, I am still active in my Discord server, and am available to speak to there (as well as FB messenger but that isn’t as reliable). I encourage you to send any ideas or suggestions for episodes you might have, or if you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out. You can do that directly in discord ( or email me at Kristin twistedthinking net.

Also, if you are a patron please check the Patreon page (in the coming days) for an explanation on what to expect from me in the coming months. If you have additional questions, please contact me directly via or WhatsApp/Discord PM.

Thank you everyone for your continued support, interest, and patience. Next season is going to be even better.

Until next time, be blessed and stay twisted.


Hey Everyone! Wondering what's happening or where I've been? You can listen to the audio announcement here (for free):// or read the transcript below...

Hi everyone! Welcome to Twisted Thinking, the podcast that helps you keep your thoughts flexible. My name is Kristin and this episode is all about announcements. Don’t worry, there is a regular episode coming out just an hour or so after this one. There are some changes coming, and I wanted to take a moment or 5 to let you know what’s happening.

First, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I haven’t released any new episodes for the last 2 weeks. I also haven’t posted any updates about what’s going on and that’s because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or say.

My original vision for Twisted Thinking was a long line of weekly episodes with minimal breaks because seasons just didn’t seem logical. No clear start and end point and no arc to follow. Just me talking about things I felt led to talk about. I still feel like could work for someone else, but for me I’ve discovered a problem Teh problem with no seasons is that it means I have no scheduled breaks. I have no light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to in order to rest, recuperate, and take care of the backend stuff that keeps the show running - like writing scripts.

The worst thing about this is that you end up getting subpar content. I can’t get my material together well enough to say what’s important and connect with you. Since that connection is the most important part of the show, missing it adds to the stress pile and that’s not ideal.

Of course I have a large backlog of partially fleshed out scripts that are ready for final touches then recording, but I can’t keep up. The reality is I am a full-time caretaker and my wife is currently very unwell. We definitely have high hopes that this will change in the future but until her current treatment is over, it doesn't seem like it will. I’m blessed to be able to show my love for her in this way, but it’s hard. Not so much physically, although sometimes, but emotionally.

And that’s the problem. The emotional drain that I’m feeling is ... I’m to the point of emotional exhaustion where I’m practically numb and in order to write the scripts for TT, I have to be able to emotionally connect, and to let that flow through to the page and I am not in a place to be able to do that right now.

So here is the solution. Twisted Thinking will become a seasonal show starting now. The episode that will follow this one is the last of the season and season two is tentatively scheduled to start up in April. I do hope you’ll stick around because I have some really good stuff coming up. I just need to have the room to do the subjects justice.

Going along with that is the announcement that the Patreon page for Twisted thinking is officially closed, I have made the move over to supercast but, because of the hiatus I won’t be opening that until Season two begins. There are no changes that my current patrons need to worry about and anything else will be communicated via the Patreon page.

So, how will I be spending the next several months? A few things actually. We’re hoping that my wife will be well enough to take a small two or three day vacation out of the city during that time which is much needed for both of us. As lovely and green as Berlin is, it’s still a city and I am a country girl at heart and Anja is an honorary country gal. I will also be writing and refining the new episodes for the next season And I will be recording and releasing season one of the previously announced new podcast GameBooksLP!

Now I’m sure you’re scratching your head saying, well if you can do that one then why can’t you do this one too! And I suppose that is a valid question. The answer is pretty simple.

The new show is a let’s play. What that means is it’s me, playing a game. That’s it in a nutshell. I don’t have to write a big script. I don’t have to dig deep into my past and examine painful events from a mature place of growth or bare my emotional soul. Nope, none of that. I choose an interactive fiction game to play and record myself playing it. The hardest thing about creating the new show is the editing because it’s a lot different than what I’m used to which is honestly a bonus because distraction can often help me process and heal and that’s what I need right now.

GamebooksLP will come out this month, but I don’t have a firm date. I have begun recording season one which is the interactive fiction novel Heroes Rise: Prodigy by Zachery Sergi and it’s sort of a superhero story. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. If you’re interested in following along with that, the link to that discord is in the show notes - the website will be up as soon as the first episode is released. If you don’t want to deal with discord, no problem just send me a message or leave me a voicemail via the links at the BOTTOM of this text.

There’s a lot of information here today and all of it - including links - will be at the BOTTOM of this text.

That's all for today. I want to thank all of you for coming along on this journey with me. Big thanks to my patrons. Without them none of this would be possible. I hope it’s been as great for all of you as it has for me and I’ll see you back here in April. Thanks for listening! Until next time be blessed and stay twisted.

LINKS (have to copy and paste for some reason):

GameBooks LP Discord:

COG Heroes Rise: Prodigy Direct Link:


Hey everyone! It’s been quiet around here, minus the weekly episodes of course. I didn’t make an announcement in November because 
 well, I forgot until right before Thanksgiving and at that point I thought it would probably be a little strange so I waited.

First things first, I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a brilliant one. Ours was, by necessity, very low key but it was still lovely being able to spend it with my wonderful wife. This was the first year I didn’t do a traditional American Thanksgiving, but it was still delicious. Also, this month will see our 6th year wedding anniversary, as well as our 8th Christmas spent together (she’s going to disagree with the 8 years because we weren't technically seeing each other but I stand by it).

Second, the most important news regarding Twisted Thinking is that there will be NO new public episodes released until the 1st of January 2023! I AM hoping to have a special episode done for my patrons, but I’m still working on the structure and production of that (if you’re interested in that and other perks, check out the Patron page I need a little time to get more of my sketches turned into full episodes as well as some other material ready for recording.

Regarding Patreon, there will be some changes soon! The tiers, pricing and perks will all be revamped. You'll probably see that happening in early February at the latest. My current patrons will see no change regarding pricing but I will be freezing new sign ups in January and transitioning to Supercast ( The reason for this is because Supercast is specifically tailored for podcasts and because of that it has a full range of additional tools which Patreon doesn’t offer. I want to be able to take advantage of those and add value for my subscribers. More information on that as we near the transition time.

I also have a HUGE new project in the works that will allow me to take advantage of my love of reading, gaming, and podcasting all at one time. No real news yet because things are still in the construction phase and then will need to get fine tuned but, you can also expect that announcement in January 2023.

I’ve also FINALLY changed office spaces! I’m no longer in the middle of our living room (instead in the bedroom which I understand doesn’t sound much better, but it is!), and because of that my ability to record and work is greatly boosted. This is a huge deal but has also taken a lot of getting used to. I never realized how used to ‘having company’ during my workday I’ve gotten. I’m having to retrain myself to really sit and work and not keep randomly getting up to check on my wife 30 times an hour.

And on that note Anja’s health is a big reason I’ve recently dropped the social media marketing and reduced my presence. With the problems she’s having with treatment right now, the struggle of getting her well again has become all consuming. Even though there are often long stretches of day where we don’t actively ‘do’ anything and I should technically be able to get plenty of work done - I struggle. My mental health has taken a huge hit and, though I’m actively working on getting it under control (and even winning sometimes!) it’s a lot harder than you might think. Each day is a new adventure in survival and it’s often hard to think about anything else.

And I think that about wraps it up. I want to give a special thank you to those who have reached out and reconnected with me this last month. It has been amazing getting to know all of you all over again as adults. And for those who have made sure to check up on Anja and I, please know that it means so much that we are in your thoughts and I value the friendship, healing energy, prayers, chants, and rituals that have gone up on our behalf. I love each and every one of you and look forward to seeing you again in 2023.

Until next time, be blessed and stay twisted.



And only use the Bible as the vaccine not the propagator of hate.

 , in this week's   episode, I talk about the idea that   and why that's a load of bull. Get caught up now before the   ...

, in this week's episode, I talk about the idea that and why that's a load of bull. Get caught up now before the on Sunday.
Listen to the here:


of the is out!
The one where Kristin talks about and whether or not they can hurt you.
Listen to the here (or wherever you listen to podcasts):


Good morning everyone and Happy October!(Yes, I'm a week late but it's fine). I hope this post finds everyone in some re...

Good morning everyone and Happy October!

(Yes, I'm a week late but it's fine). I hope this post finds everyone in some reasonable autumn weather that they can enjoy. I know the temps are finally dropping here in beautiful Berlin and it's a wonderful relief to go for a walk and not have my blood boil.

September was an intense month. I scheduled two missed episodes so I could focus on home more and it was an excellent choice. I'm back now and ready to serve. While October is going to come with its own unique challenges, I don't foresee any gaps and my Patreons will get a real bonus episode on the 31st.

A brief update on what's happening in real life. We have finally gotten ALL the tests and all the results of what the cancer is doing to my wife. She is now preparing for another full round of radiation on yet another area of the body (this will be her 4th time) which we hope will ease the constant pain and allow for more daily activities. We're very optimistic about the outcome, as it has helped tremendously in the past. The side effects aren't great but they balance out.. kind of. The doctors have also adjusted medications and have a fully developed plan on where to go from here, as well as a backup for if this doesn't work as intended. Because of the excitement, I've had to delay my November trip to the States until early next year. While I'm upset about that, it also gives me a little more time to get some content in the bank so I can continue serving you weekly podcasts while also allowing me to be fully present with my friends and family when I do finally get to go.

As for the podcast itself, I have no plans for major changes this month. I'm working on continuously improving the sound quality, as well as my editing skills. I've recently switched to working on a Mac and so I'll be experimenting with GarageBand soon and see how that stacks up against Audacity. Any video plans I have are on the back burner since I'm still using my living room as my office.

As for swapping workspaces, I have also postponed that. Right now, leaving the house to work for several hours a day isn't something that I feel comfortable doing, so, while I have a space waiting for me, I won't be using it yet.

Regarding content, I'm hoping to find more opportunity to do some unscripted stuff - or at least lightly scripted - as I had so much fun with that the last time. If you come across anything you might want me to talk about in a future episode, send it my way! I'd love to take a look.

I believe that's all I have for you now, so until next time...

Be blessed and stay twisted,

 , in this week's   episode, I talk all about   and explain why focusing on the   might be harder for those who live wit...

, in this week's episode, I talk all about and explain why focusing on the might be harder for those who live with . Get caught up now before the airs on Sunday.
Listen to the here:


"By this they will know you are my disciples."


of the is out! In this episode I talk about something I had to beg my professionals to explain to me. Listen as I explain why isn’t always realistic. here (or wherever you listen to podcasts):


Good morning everyone! Just a quick message to let all of you know that I"m back at it! I got back to work yesterday and...

Good morning everyone! Just a quick message to let all of you know that I"m back at it! I got back to work yesterday and feel fantastic about it! The small break was excellent for me and, though there isn't a whole lot of change in real life, my head is feeling a lot healthier and able to take things on. Looking forward to producing more episodes for you and getting back into your ears this Sunday Thanks for hanging around!



, here:

In this week's episode, I decide to be thankful for my wife's pain, instead of bitter. Want the full story?

Physical   is so hard to deal with. How can it ever be seen as a   thing? Listen now:

Physical is so hard to deal with. How can it ever be seen as a thing? Listen now:


of the is out! I decide to be thankful for my wife's pain, instead of bitter. Want the full story? Listen to the here (or wherever you listen to podcasts):


, in this week's episode, I go and give my opinion on a list of and thoughts I found on . Spoiler: They're... different. Get caught up now before the on Sunday.
Listen to the here:



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