D4 Deserves More Than Tonya McKenzie

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D4 Deserves More Than Tonya McKenzie Receipts of Tonya McKenzie Unhinged and Exposed. Bought and Paid for by a Long Beach Pot Dealer.

Holla!  It's your girl T here with an update of what I've been doing since yes on the recall went down in a landslide lo...

Holla! It's your girl T here with an update of what I've been doing since yes on the recall went down in a landslide loss that I refuse to acknowledge.

I been busy with non-paid speaking gigs all over Los Angeles at clubs and organizations you never heard of, taking photos and posting videos with short spurts that don't show the empty rooms and non crowds in attendance. I'm good at that kind of PR duplicity.

Got my Crony Clubbers workin' overtime on social media blaming my loss on Brand's Army full of racists and the uneducated, un-enlightened (according to the 20% in Redondo who lost to them back in 2021 by huge margins too) residents. Slap me five for calling all y'all dumbsters and racists as if voters couldn't see right through that propaganda spin we're trying to sell. Yah me! That'll for sure get me a win next time! When the election isn't rigged, when it's not a fraud, when there's more voter turnout than normal, like this one, but we're not going to talk about that.

And while we're at it, we're blaming people not from the district 4, people from SOUTH Redondo (who we said we're at WAR with) who helped No Recall win, with nowhere near the money my Chad-man Elliot spent, over $400,000 on me and my HISTORY MAKING SMEAR CAMPAIGN. Pay no attention that my biggest supporters are from the Crony Cult, and not from the district 4.

Pay no attention that they're also Asphel's biggest cheerleaders still trying to claw and scratch our way back to Crony Cult power on the city council that the majority voted out and won't let back in. Laura's busy recruiting the next big money benefactor for my next campaign in two years, and for her mayor campaign, since Leo's got a financial problem with his power plant property, bigger than my $63,000 IRS tax lien that I need to find someone to help with to keep me out of income tax evasion jail for the criminally insane.

Had a little party for my supporters before the city clerk certifies the NO Recall election victory. Was hard pressed to get anyone there from district 4 and the lot of us were so small we had the party in the kitchen! Asphel's former social chairman and still suck-up minion Joanie was there, along with the Healys from the district 1. Shout out to the Rodriguez's from the district 2, Vicky from district 3, Arnette, her daughter and Gary from the district 5. It was the Who's Who of Laura's allies who came to toast my non-victory in the kitchen where all we cook are conspiracy theories.

Holla girl for sharing your sycophants with me but dang, we need a better script because you're on a losing streak. Couldn't be due to my REFORM RACIST REDONDO SMEAR CAMPAIGN, my personality, my lack of a platform or my vicious shade I threw out at people I hate. Need some different recruits because this lot I just gave shout-outs to hasn't been on the winning side of elections since all the measures to rezone the power plant land lost, and Asphel got thrown out, and are part of the 20% minority of voters in the whole city, way to full of themselves to see that the Crony Cult is despised by the majority.

Too stupid to check me boo, that I voted FOR all that housing to be in the North, even though I forgot to tell everyone it's a zoning plan required by the State with rigid requirements, not a command to build, but we're not going to talk about that.

I'll be trying to make myself relevant for the next 2 years by staying true to the Crony Cult. Staying true to the lies we told during my smear campaign.

Staying true to the old Chamber stalwarts to get our funding back from your tax dollars so we can get our council candidate recruitment farm going again. Staying true to the big money outsider developers who want to pave over every inch of our town making profits at our expense.

Staying true to backroom deals any way we can - true to Asphel's major help in that department. Staying true to the power hungry greed of the Crony Cult and our HATERS OF THE PEOPLE who manufactured a false north vs south war in town because it really got us somewhere. Except it didn't, and it won't, and we're not going to talk about that either.


So let me share a few thoughts with you with about today's final but not yet certified recall election results and why I...

So let me share a few thoughts with you with about today's final but not yet certified recall election results and why I won't be a gracious loser or concede I got the shizz kicked outta me.

IGNORE THE 33% HIGH TURNOUT - IGNORE THE FINAL COUNT OF 2,222 for NO on the Recall. It was small, mediocre, male supremacist, sexist, chauvinistic, racist men who kept the women from voting which is why the Yes on the Recall was 875 votes and I couldn't get even 30% of the votes with $400,000 spent on me.

My Chad-man Elliot taught me about how to add VOTER SUPPRESSION as a false talking point along with labeling the majority of Redondo voters RACIST misogynists and other foul "N" words. I didn't have time to merge that into my CROCK of a smear campaign platform that I didn't show up for. D4 turned out the highest ballot count in decades, 6 percentage points higher than when Obagi won my councilman seat in 2021, but we're not going to talk about that.

Instead, we're going to blame Brand's RACIST Army and the voters being dumber than my D4 Dumbsters who couldn't get a recall done on their own. We couldn't deliver even with my girl Laura running the show and serving it up with $300,000 from Elliot and then another $100,000 he pumped into the smear campaign that sullied the town.

We're going to blame Peter and Miriam and the flood of paid for by Elliot door knockers for turning off people at their doorsteps with too many lies for them to concentrate on. We're going to blame my crony crew who didn't stomp the yard on social media hard enough with lying on Obagi and lying on the council majority we hate because they're not Stevo's picks.

We're going to blame Leo for not getting that paid for hit piece out there sooner on Tod and lies about how Leo can't legally put 3,000 condos on his power plant property. We'd blame Asphel but need him to do more smearing and weaponizing with years old Centercal propaganda (almost as old as my outstanding $63,000 IRS tax lien) against the mayor and residents who support him. We need Stevo's targeted attacks he's been doing for years to get our power back, even though it's not working and turning more people off.

We're going to blame the anonymous HATEBOOK pages that nobody knows about except my social media crew who finds them and shares them - even though it seems it might be one of our cronies did them to give us false targets - they've done it before.

We're going to blame my glam squad for not getting the lighter lighting done right on my videos and photos for the smear mailers we littered the D4 with. We're going to blame Laura for writing the wrong scripts for us to binge and purge on. We're going to blame the Redondo firefighters who door-knocked because they want raises. We're going to blame the Redondo police who sent mailers because they want raises. We're going to blame my regularly girlfriends Holly and Maxine for not giving me an endorsement. We're going to blame the special election date for low voter turnout, except it wasn't, it was highest in 15 years, but we're not going to talk about that.

I'll be throwing BIG TIME shade on politics fed to me by Stevo, Laura and Leo on a go forward basis to perpetuate the BIG REDONDO LIE so the Crony Club can have a fighting chance to BUY OUR POWER BACK in city hall. I'll be coming for the opposition with more lies than you can shake a tail feather at because I got nothing more to lose, already being one of the BIGGEST LOSERS IN REDONDO BEACH WHO MADE HISTORY RUNNING THE WORST SMEAR CAMPAIGN EVER TO HIT THIS TOWN.

I'll be running a campaign and getting my regularly girls Holly and Maxine to visit and make speeches about bringing MY kind of equity to Redondo which means low-income housing stuffed into every nook and cranny and the green line running through the backyards in the North part of town because THAT's what I voted for on GPAC and all y'all were too dumb to check me boo! And we be planning Laura's campaign for mayor now, lining up rich outside developers to fund it and sell out our town.

Concede? People like me don't concede, even when you don't want people like me on the council because of our "N" status of being "N"oxious, "N"asty, "N"eurotic. It's always about gender and race, MASTER Storytelling as I throw down the race card on everyone who disagrees with me. Crony Clubber through and through.

Holla! Slap me five for not giving two sh*ts about the Redondo majority or my LOSER election results. Learned me how to "yo, yo, yo - lie for my money like a w**d for the motha-F*ckn-people" follower in a hood rat knife-fight like an Elliot-gansta-Chad-man.

He be working with us to get my block of D4 and north into D5 to secede from Redondo forming Felony Flats, where we'll have our own laws and Catalyst pot shops, and where my high priestess throne will be welcome, except it won't as long as Laura wants to be queen bee, but we're not going to talk about that.


Yo, yo, you, it's T again doing some last minute MASTER Storytelling about the final ballot tally.  Almost 31% voter tur...

Yo, yo, you, it's T again doing some last minute MASTER Storytelling about the final ballot tally.

Almost 31% voter turnout, highest in the last 15 years. D4 with almost 3,100 ballots, and on election night, Obagi already had 49 more votes than he got in 2021. The truth doesn't fit the Crony Cult narrative that this election was undemocratic, a fraud election, full of voter suppression and voter confusion! So suppressed and confused, the D4 actually turned out 550 MORE returned ballots than a year and a half ago when Obagi won. But we're not going to talk about that.

Besides, all y'all haven't been listening to Cee-Cee who any day now is going to get the other 72% in Redondo to believe her mini-master-storytelling on the social media sites she spams on daily - hourly!! Where the cronies congregate. Fine propaganda work, Cee-Cee. Slap me five.

Don't take Stevo and Laura being quiet as a sign that we're in retreat. Certification doesn't happen until next week and we can't interfere with that, we got big plans for the next big money outsider attack on Redondo being worked on now to get Crony Club power back. Power to My People, My People, the

Shout out to my girl Sea-Sea, honorary D4 Dumbster and social media spammer extraordinaire!  Can't wait to kee-kee somet...

Shout out to my girl Sea-Sea, honorary D4 Dumbster and social media spammer extraordinaire!

Can't wait to kee-kee sometime girlfriend you been working hard to binge and purge the Crony Club propaganda! You're killin' it with your Toxic Tonya Tactic of going out to all the sites and pages, commenting on the 72%ers to show them the Crony way, and insist you're right on everything because you're an expert on everything.

Slap me five for the practice of deleting your comments when the 72%ers slam truth right back at you, then you take to the Crony Club friendly pages to whine, complain, call for unity, and blast them behind they're backs for the heat you couldn't take in the truth kitchen.

Nice touch calling them spies, along with Pat calling them members of the Obagi campaign, who's an attorney by the way, and an elected official, who didn't so much as utter my name out his mouth during my BIGGEST SMEAR CAMPAIGN IN THE HISTORY OF REDONDO BEACH like I did to him and the mayor and others. Lying on Zein and anyone who supports him without any proof is right up the Crony Club alley! Holla!

Girlfriend, call me. You're just the person to help me spam NextDoor, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat and Twitter when the ballot count is done, before it all gets certified.

Laura and Stevo are getting the script ready now, while Elliot is trying to make sure that about 83% of the ballots not yet counted do a dramatic turn and come in as yes for the recall!

A higher than normal turnout destroys all your arguments and your dissing the majority who don't agree with you or me, but we're not going to talk about that!


Personality disorder girl  #3 today comin' at you from my home office where we got no employees or followers for either ...

Personality disorder girl #3 today comin' at you from my home office where we got no employees or followers for either my PR con business or Ray's consulting con business.

Feeling not so inspired with the 28% shrinking by the day now. Women of Redondo Beach let your girl T down in a big way. Well, the mediocre women I hang with in Redondo Beach and turns out they're not inspiring to most people with our Crony Club binging and purging.

Didn't lie for me WHEN I said for them to lie or WHERE I said for them to lie and they got caught by the REAL men and women of Redondo Beach who know better, called them out then tuned them out in record numbers. McKenzie classes begin again next week to review The Art of the Con to Buy Back Better and it's ok if you're a right-winger (am a closet one myself) so long as you buy into my next smear campaign we're going to get Leo to fund.

I'm moving to district 5 and pulling papers to run for my girl Laura's councilman seat to "course correct" like I promised in my smear campaign that the majority said NO to, but we're not going to talk about that.

Holla! Slap me five for that stroke of mediocrity. Polishing my high priestess throne now to sit next to Zein on the council come April 1, 2023.

Toxic Team Tonya back on the Smear Campaign trail but I need BIG TIME MONEY to get the 75% on board with REFORM RACIST REDONDO. Contact me at www.RedondoBeachForTonya.org.


T here again spilling the T.  Kickin' it with my alter-ego T-girl and my other personality disorders this afternoon whil...

T here again spilling the T. Kickin' it with my alter-ego T-girl and my other personality disorders this afternoon while Elliot's doing final ballot harvesting to get me the big W.

Got to thinking about my next subject for my Leaders and Learners class on The Art of The Con. Did you know you can PURCHASE "likes" and "followers" on Facebook? I do it all the time with money I saved from not paying $63,000 worth of IRS income taxes I owe. Where's my ROI? (Just learned that term ROI since I'm not so good at math - Ruined Our Investment) I bought 5,800 FAKE Facebook Followers and not a ONE of them followed me back! No holla for THAT ROI!!

I do MASTER Storytelling to get them to bite and any day now, any day I say, they're all gonna flock to me in droves you just wait! Maybe today's MASTER story will work! My regularly girlfriend Maxine conversating with me to say she heard I was stirring up trouble even though she didn't contact me, doesn't remember my name, thinks I'm from Lawndale and didn't endorse me in my smear campaign to buy a council seat. But we're not going to talk about that.

Got my Crony Crew working overdrive on social media today trying to resurrect my tainted image declaring the 72%ers a small fraction of Racist Redondo voters not-in-the-know about what's going on and insisting we'll be setting them straight in no time to turn this sinking ship around. Yah, for sure they're going to be the ones to get 40,000 registered Redondo voters and 9,600 in the district 4 to to our Crony Club messaging because it's always worked so well.

But it didn't, never has, is turning off even more people, but we're not going to talk about that either.


My people My people, y'all got a thing or two to learn about MASTER manipulating and MASTER Storytellers.  Me and my mai...

My people My people, y'all got a thing or two to learn about MASTER manipulating and MASTER Storytellers.

Me and my main man Chad-Elliot are two peas in a pod, Ebony and Ivory, we're together in shyster harmony, side by side on the downlow, sh*tshow videos, Cra-Cra-Zeeeeeeeee! Holla! Slap me five probably got all y'all singing that new tune already!!

Been doing some kee-kee with Elliot, a white man I will tolerate but only when we're on a mission to smackdown and smack-talk our way into buying what we want when the majority doesn't support us.

I look the other way when Elliot disrespects a black woman like he did Kamala Harris in one of his latest videos, and had to write " " on his Instagram post to sellout powerful black women everywhere who aren't taking my calls to pose for glam photos with me to puff up my importance that I don't have - it's all a photo op crusade I spend a grip of time on.

If the mayor had said the same thing about Kamala that DeSantis and Trump have it all over her view of one-plant-pot-peddlers staying in jail (so they couldn't compete with Elliot - holla! - good one Elliot) I'd shout out to the world that he's a RACIST. But since it's Elliot, and I need that quid pro quo $63,000 to keep me out of IRS income tax evasion jail for the criminally insane, I'll be agreeing with him that Trump is right, helping him ice his balls until we pull out a yes on the recall and yes on measure E win or until my girl Laura sings!

Gotta give it up for Chad-Elliot who uses the shadier Brotha-man curse-word lingo and mannerisms (not acceptable in civilized society) to get his points across. We'll be using that same style to distract the city clerk during the final ballot count this week where we intend to do a little something-something to harvest our "paper" crop without water if you know what I mean.

Reaching new levels on the stupidity chart of non-Cult progress on the daily! Nobody reaches MY level of high priestess mastery of mental defectiveness. Queen of Crazy. Got a crown for every day of the week which is why we got large size, black-colored uniform hoods with the WFTP logo on the back for the Stop the Steal Crew on certification day. "N"oxiousAF. And why am I not getting any new PR clients outside of the Crony binge and purge propaganda circle? Who be telling on me?

Can't be because I've upped the ante on smearing and labeling everyone I hate as RACIST, or a misogynist, or a woman-hater, or a sexist, or a male supremacist, or a crooked attorney. Maybe I need to stay on Elliot's payroll.



Yo, yo, yo! Here for a hot mess quick minute to spill the tea.  For all you 28%ers out there aspiring to be a councilman...

Yo, yo, yo! Here for a hot mess quick minute to spill the tea. For all you 28%ers out there aspiring to be a councilman in Redondo with an even lower acceptance rating, gonna give a short version of the road map we in the Crony Cult follow:

1) Have a secret baptismal with Stevo and Laura

2) Pay $5,000 to sit through Leadership Redondo class

3) Consult failed Chamber treasurers Gran and Goldstein for finance tips

4) Join the crony cult social media pages and web sites - bash and trash the majority

5) Find a current overdevelopment project or one an outsider wants to bring to Redondo

6) Join 35 Chamber-sponsored clubs and collect participation trophies

7) Get appointed to director titles at random associations most haven't heard of

8) Rub elbows with local crony councilmen to get a county commission appointment

9) Get a meeting with an outside special interest group looking for a Redondo insider

10) Promise to sell-out Redondo to deliver the goods in exchange for a $400,000 smear campaign

11) Lose the recall or the election by 50 points

12) Insist the election was a fraud when you get your balls iced with a normal ballot count turnout

13) Smear the winner, the mayor, the council, their supporters and the majority of the voters in town

Lie, lie, lie during your campaign. Dang, almost left that one out. Got a prime example of it. Was on the L.A. vs. Hate commission and made it part of my online Crock Platform to say I am pro stamping out Asian hate.

Picked up my participation certificate for going to those meetings, doing "N"othing. Looked good online and never showed up to a meet and greet, or a debate, or a city council meeting, or a rally - "N"othing where I had to speak or answer questions or prove a word. Proved who I really am by liking anti-Asian comment. Who's gonna check me boo?

With $400,000 working for me for the BIGGEST SMEAR CAMPAIGN IN THE HISTORY OF REDONDO BEACH the W should have been mine, except it wasn't, but we're not going to talk about that. Got ballots to harvest and an election to overturn and Elliot's still my main Chad-man for that and we only have 1 day to alter those results.



Your hot mess girl T here spilling the tea about what I'm up against working with the Crony Club crew.  We don't get the...

Your hot mess girl T here spilling the tea about what I'm up against working with the Crony Club crew.

We don't get the brightest; we recruit from the Chamber's Leadership Redondo farm of wannabes and the cronies who tell them what to do. So when it comes to campaigning, this is why we need to have the BIG MONEY OUTSIDE SPONSORS looking to buy something in Redondo with the help of shady corruption we can give them if we're in city government. Dumsters to binge on our lies and purge them out to the public. See how it works?

OUTSIDE SPECIAL INTERESTS pay our way, run parallel, big bucks smear campaigns, we get into office and sell out Redondo to them. Was working for years until the Chamber got cut-off from the taxpayer giveaway program of $700,000 a year the cronies set up. But it kind of wasn't when Centercal got the boot. And when AES didn't get their land rezoned. But we're not going to talk about that.

We want that power back! Can't fund our recruitment farm without it. Can't run the NRBBA without the city giving us city funds and resources. That's why my girl Laura worked so hard with Stevo to get a BIG MONEY OUTSIDE SPONSOR to fund a recall.

We didn't count on voters being smarter than the cronies even though voters finally been voting the cronies and their OUTSIDE CARPETBAGGERS like Centercal out since they threw ole Stevo out in 2017. I was supposed to be the NEW face of REFORM RACIST REDONDO and did hella job with my lightening make-up and glam photos but didn't really show up or run a platform other than a CROCK.

Doesn't help when my Crony Crew was squirting and spamming all over social media the brilliant things like Pat saying Obagi caused and called his own recall. I blame MaggiePie for not putting Pat through reading comprehension courses and letting him use cartoon characters for a profile photo. He and his non-brilliance are a step below the Insane meter on the Crony Cult Stupidity Scale, two away from McKenzie, but we're not going to talk about that.

I got a $63,000 IRS tax lien to pay off so I don't go to income tax evasion jail for the criminally insane. Time is running out. Won't stop me from smearing, trashing and bashing the 72% of Redondo who knows me and sees right through me.

Slap me five for making history. It's not good history, but holla! Got me some "N"otoriety! Yah me! I'm famous!!!!




All the glam-squad touch-ups can't lighten the blackness in my soul.  Your girl T here ain't playin' anymore.Throwin' do...

All the glam-squad touch-ups can't lighten the blackness in my soul. Your girl T here ain't playin' anymore.

Throwin' down the shade most of My People My People know me for when I'm about to lose my sh*t for not getting what I want. Toxic Team Tonya was counting on all y'all but your words and reputations suck in this town. This "N"onsense you "N"oodle on the same old "N"extDoor and other "N"asty social media forums hasn't been winning anyone over. It's all your fault for making us all look like the "N" words we really are and you couldn't just lie like me for a bit or be "N"ice, an "N" word we couldn't stomach when trashing and bashing our way to a landslide loss.

"N"one of you could persuade the majority in Racist Redondo to believe our lying on Zein, or blame him for state overlay zoning that wasn't his fault. Yah, it was disgusting to say what we did, and to keep up the one major allegation against him that the court said wasn't true a year ago. I blame MaggiePie for that one.

We got several Leaders and Learners training classes for the Crony Crew starting next week to get ready to smear the next people we don't like who run in district 3 and district 5. Thing of it is, we don't ever learn from our costly mistakes that keep getting us bigger losses on top of bigger losses but we don't have to. We always find deep pockets to fund parallel propaganda campaigns.

And I'm coming for Candice straight out the gate how dare she even think she'll be the one to make history in Redondo being the first woman of color if she gets elected. That's MY throne to get bought and paid for, not HERS to get elected for. She's too stupid to make her campaign about nothing but race and gender like me - because that worked so well for me, but we're not going to talk about that.

I can call Candice a "N"a-feces all day because I'm, "N"oxious, "N"eurotic, black and you can't touch me. Slap me five. Who's gonna check me, boo? My Chad-man Elliot, and my new "N"otrious man Leo are talking about how to get the election overturned, steal me that council seat, and buy their way into the State changing their minds on the housing plan to build 5,000 condos on the power plant site while we get some more BIG MONEY OUTSIDE BACKER to fund another recall for district 1 or district 2, or maybe BOTH! Holla!

It ain't over because my girl Laura isn't singing yet.







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