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The Bushnell Report Your go to source! North Idaho News from a liberty and freedom point of view.

Contributions for all campaign accounts in District 2 for Idaho State Senator and Representative. District 2 is a tad bi...

Contributions for all campaign accounts in District 2 for Idaho State Senator and Representative.
District 2 is a tad bit of Bonner County, a part of Kootenai County, Shoshone County, Benewah County, and Clearwater County.

Graphic is from the Idaho Secretary of State's webpage.

Contributions for all campaigns in District 1 for Idaho State Senator and Representative. District 1 is mostly Bonner Co...

Contributions for all campaigns in District 1 for Idaho State Senator and Representative.
District 1 is mostly Bonner County and Boundary County.

Graphic is from the Idaho Secretary of State's webpage.

Contributions to Mark Sauter's campaign for Idaho State Representative. Jim Woodward for Senate and Blue Cross of Idaho ...

Contributions to Mark Sauter's campaign for Idaho State Representative.
Jim Woodward for Senate and Blue Cross of Idaho have contributed to his campaign.

Graphic is from the Idaho Secretary of State's webpage.

Contributions to Jim Woodward's campaign for Idaho State Senator.Bayer, an insurance PAC, and Anheuser-Busch have contri...

Contributions to Jim Woodward's campaign for Idaho State Senator.
Bayer, an insurance PAC, and Anheuser-Busch have contributed to his campaign.

(Graphics from the Idaho Secretary of State's webpage.)

Top money contributions to campaigns in Bonner County. Why is the Bonner County Republican Central Committee not at the ...

Top money contributions to campaigns in Bonner County.
Why is the Bonner County Republican Central Committee not at the top of this list?

(Graphic from the Idaho Secretary of State's webpage.)


With the 2024 legislative session coming to a close on Wednesday, Freedom Index scores for lawmakers are essentially finalized. Staff at the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) will double check the…


They got a $25 million levy but they are $6 million in the hole? Where did the money go?
Lower enrollment doesn’t explain all of the $6 million.
Wasn’t the levy supposed to keep teachers and staff from loosing their jobs? Yet here we are. How many district level administrators are loosing their jobs?

Mrs. Kramer comments that she is suspicious of Commissioner Omodt's motives this meeting due to the primary election com...

Mrs. Kramer comments that she is suspicious of Commissioner Omodt's motives this meeting due to the primary election coming up in May.

Mrs. Kramer comments that she is suspicious of Commissioner Omodt's motives this meeting due to the primary election coming up in

Joanna asked ,"...since the trespass case against Bowman was dismissed with prejudice, why is he still not allowed on co...

Joanna asked ,"...since the trespass case against Bowman was dismissed with prejudice, why is he still not allowed on county property?" She also asked why Bradshaw is allowed to comment but Williams is not.

She expresses that she is concerned about why it appears that Omodt and Bradshaw have hated Williams from the start. Omodt has to temporarily recess the meeting due to a lack of quorum.

Joanna asked ,"...since the trespass case against Bowman was dismissed with prejudice, why is he still not allowed on county property?" She also asked why B...

Fred asked about an easement that he had inquired about before. He said he is getting no response.

Fred asked about an easement that he had inquired about before. He said he is getting no response.

Fred asked about an easement that he had inquired about before. He said he is getting no response.

Susan continues her public comment after the recess.  Commissioner Bradshaw is not present  at the meeting at this point...

Susan continues her public comment after the recess. Commissioner Bradshaw is not present at the meeting at this point.

She asks about how to find out what lawsuits the county currently has against it. Commissioner Williams said she will provide an update at next week's meeting.

Susan reminds the commissioners that the law allows her to say things they don't want to hear during public comment.

Susan continues her public comment after the recess. Commissioner Bradshaw is not present at the meeting at this point. She asks about how to find out what...

Susan gives comment on how she is not a fan of how Commissioner Bradshaw keeps spending county money by inviting lawsuit...

Susan gives comment on how she is not a fan of how Commissioner Bradshaw keeps spending county money by inviting lawsuits.

Commissioner Bradshaw interrupts and disagrees with Susan. Susan asks to not be interrupted. Then Commissioner Omodt interrupts Susan. Omodt then calls for a recess.

Susan gives comment on how she is not a fan of how Commissioner Bradshaw keeps spending county money by inviting lawsuits. Commissioner Bradshaw interrupts a...


Great news!! No more p**n for kids at public libraries!
The groomers are big mad! Thank you to every single one of you who took the time to email/call the Governor to ask him to sign the bill!!!

Commissioner Williams brings up the Bonner County Ordinance regarding public comment.She has been asking to be able to g...

Commissioner Williams brings up the Bonner County Ordinance regarding public comment.
She has been asking to be able to give public comment due to Omodt and Bradshaw not allowing her to have items on the agenda.
A vote was taken. Williams and Omodt voted to allow Williams items to be on the agenda, not in public comment. Bradshaw voted no.

Commissioner Williams brings up the Bonner County Ordinance regarding public comment.She has been asking to be able to give public comment due to Omodt and B...

Commissioner Omodt had just finished reading how public comment should not disparage staff, etc, when Commissioner Brads...

Commissioner Omodt had just finished reading how public comment should not disparage staff, etc, when Commissioner Bradshaw started talking and disparaging Commissioner Williams and a county employee named Joslen (Not sure I spelled that right).

Bradshaw brings up the restraining order issue between himself and Williams, which he recently lost his attempt to have the retraining order dismissed. Bradshaw claims that he didn't threaten Williams. He said that her lie is out of the pits of hell. Bradshaw also claims that the county employee Joslen(?) lied under oath and may have been financial motivated.

Commissioner Omodt had just finished reading how public comment should not disparage staff, etc, when Commissioner Bradshaw started talking and disparaging C...


Regarding Lakeland School Board:
"Special Board Meeting Wednesday at 6:00 pm at the District Office. Located right next to John Brown elementary school in Rathdrum.

I'm sure sure by now many people have heard about the controversy that was created at the middle school because a teacher who might have "TRULY" made mistake and introduced a book without the parents knowing. We are all human!! There's been such a rush to judgment here that nobody really knows all of the facts regarding how this happened.

There should be grace for both the teacher, parents and the school board and not this rush to judgment. This came to the attention of the school board by parents who felt like they were not being listened to regarding this book. It was pulled from the system and sent to the curriculum review board. No harm, no foul, just messy human interaction.

Undoubtedly, there are some who believe this is their opportunity to use this to attack the School Board and accuse them of "burning books" or "banning books." We have seen these kind of tactics before as most of us have fled from other School Districts when these type of activist took over the school system there using these same sort of tactics. I encourage all parents who believe in parental control over what their children learn and believe that the School Board should enforce all of the policies that are currently on the books.

Those they want to use this as a wedge issue to bring their agenenda into our schools are going to turn this into a Broadway production at this meeting.. Please, all parents who have moved here with children in the Lakeland school district try and attend this board meeting and show support for this administration. and this school board. We need to push back against those with their own agenda and would use this to divide the community.

Whatever happened here is not the end of the world and I would only hope those that use this to their benefit, would show the same passion when it comes to our school test scores and our children's ability to simply read books proficiently without trying to divide this community to gain control over the School Board. I believe, those same individuals have already invited the Coeur d'alene, press to be there to shine a negative light on our School Board and administration. This is a deliberate attempt to divide the Teachers, Parents and the Administration for the benefit of a very few, in my opinion. Please show up."

Shared from DW's 4+ pages of notes regarding the Bradshaw modification hearing this morning:"In March, Commissioner Stev...

Shared from DW's 4+ pages of notes regarding the Bradshaw modification hearing this morning:

"In March, Commissioner Steven Bradshaw requested a modification hearing regarding the protection order that was issued in favor of Asia Williams in 2023.

At 9am today, Judge Julian heard arguments from Cardona to request “modifications”.

Many of the usual commissioner meeting attendees were present, including Commissioner Omodt.

Commissioner Williams made some “housekeeping” requests prior to the proceeding being heard, one of which was to disallow any witnesses to be called from being in the courtroom. That request was denied, as Judge Julian stated he would be taking witness statements.

Bradshaw (through his attorney, Mauricio Cardona) argued that this was a political issue, and that the order was being practiced under “Domestic-Violence of Protection Order” with Deputies and the Sheriff involved. He argued that this has resulted in an impact on his political running for office, his ongoing and personal relationship with staff, stating those were being infringed upon. He requested that the order be stopped.

The Judge stated that the Respondent (Bradshaw) was a commissioner at the time the order was mandated and was drafted in such a manner as to allow for his function as a commissioner with modifications for the well-being of the petitioner in mind.

Cardona argued that Bradshaw feels this has limited him in his duties and feels that it is “too much”.

The judge then stated that the “chips will fall where they may.”

Cardona had a two-prong argument, 1) that nothing has happened since the incident that caused the order, and 2) the domestic abuse piece makes the interests not balanced with respect to Bradshaw’s oath and duties. Cardona argued that the case was being treated like a domestic violence offense.

The judge stated that he has no interest in politics, and that even police officers are subject to no contact orders with firearm removal, and that a loss of jobs happen with firearm removals or carrying limitations.

Cardona stated, “we no longer feel she is in danger’ with the judge responding, “because the protective order is in place!” The judge stated again that he did not want this to be political in any way.

Cardona for Bradshaw summed up that they want the cancelling of the order, access to his office, and access to the employees. They believe the proper channel is through criminal law.

Judge Julian stated that this is NOT a domestic but was/is based under stalking and violence.

Cardona attempted to persuade the judge that this is a law enforcement issue, and that there was no way around it that the real world is not in line with the interpretation of the order, and that Bradshaw wishes the order to be not crafted under the domestic violence act. He further stated that the respondent (Bradshaw) wishes to have his freedom of speech, and that he has been forced to abandon his duties. He stated that it resulted in immediate action from law enforcement. He argued that the candidacy of Bradshaw is now an issue, and that Williams will now enforce the order to prevent Bradshaw in an attempt to limit his campaign. As an example, she is holding a meeting in a place that disallows him attending, and Bradshaw wishes to attend her political meeting. He stated that it was limiting Bradshaw’s association with the public. He argued that they have no personal interaction with each other, and that their only triggers for interpersonal action are political and work related. They wish the judge to terminate the order.

Judge Julian then requested to hear from Commissioner Williams.

Cordona objected that documents from Williams were late and should not be allowed. Asia noted to the judge that her father had passed, and documents from Bradshaw’s records were also late, related to improper delivery. The respondent attorney objected to the Williams record from Prosecutor Marshall’s written opinion on how the county is dealing with the order.

The judge allowed the records from both Williams and Bradshaw.

Commissioner Williams recapped some issues since the protection order was put in place. She related that after the order was drafted last August when, after hearing testimony and evidence, the court ruled that it was necessary and appropriate to issue an order of protection. She relayed that she was notified that Bradshaw immediately went to the county offices from that hearing, in violation of the order. She stated she was not in the administration building at that time and would not return that day. She argued that Mr. Bradshaw was an elected person when the court considered its original order. She stated that she, as the victim, is required to sit in a room with a man who threatened her life. She noted that Bradshaw stated he was not attending the Idaho Association of Counties meeting in January, then went. She attended and was confronted with his presence. She did not call the Sheriff’s as was reported, she contacted Prosecutor Marshall to inquire if his presence with her in attendance was a violation of the protection order. Marshall’s opinion was that he believed this was likely a violation of the order. Marshall called Sheriff Wheeler, who contacted the Kootenai Sheriff’s office.

With respect to his inability to attend a function because of the order, Commissioner Williams stated that she is holding a event for elected officials and those running for office, and that she provided an opportunity for Mr. Bradshaw to be included via text informed Mr. Bradshaw that she would accommodate him by having him appear via zoom, video or telephonically. Further, in April of this year, the Bonner County Central Committee had a meeting. She reached out to Prosecutor Marshall to ask what his interpretation was with this type of meeting. She was prepared to have a proxy vote for her if Prosecutor Marshall stated that Bradshaw would have been ok to attend. She she has tried to accommodate him in a reasonable manner.

Williams noted that Bradshaw has had no change in his demeanor with her since the initial threats, and that he did not deny the threats in the initial hearing. Mr. Bradshaw on more than one occasion skirted the court order to submit to weapons searches. She argued that he *should* feel that he is limited after threatening to shoot a person, and that he believes that he should be able to continue as normal, regardless. She emphatically stated, “I should not be victimized repeatedly”, nor suffer stress and anxiety related to the death threat. She requested that the order remain in place, and that in fact she wishes it to be extended to the end of Bradshaw’s term.

Cardona stated there was no interaction of a personal nature, only interaction in the scope of their work. He stated he does now deny he made the threats. He further stated that he only attends functions in his official capacity where they are both present. He argued again that he is hampered in the election and must pay for a private attorney. He wants his “constitutionally guaranteed right” to campaign for office.

Judge Julian stated that he has no doubt that Bradshaw is being limited. “When you misbehave criminally and civilly, you ARE impacted!” “Let the chips fall where they may.” Judge Julian further stated that he made threats TWICE to shoot her, and that “it was coming back to bite him.” He stated that the protection order remains in place without change. He stated that as to where Bradshaw can rightly go with respect to the protection order, when in doubt consider and to error on the side of caution, and if he cannot attend, that’s “just too bad.”

Judge Julian denied Williams’ request to extend the order, and that it would stand as issued."


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked what they think about moving or not moving the Kootenai County Fairgrounds. From left t...


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked what their guiding principle is when making decisions. From left to right: MC - Ed Beja...


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked why they think they are the best candidate for commissioner. From left to right: MC - E...


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked about their stance on the recent attempt to change the county form of government to hav...


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked about what they see is wasteful in terms of county government. From left to right: MC -...


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked about how they would deal with squatters as a county commissioner. From left to right: ...


The two candidates for Kootenai County Commissioner zone 3 were asked which county departments would be easy for them due to their strength and/or expertise....

There was a strange interaction between a member of the public and the legal counsel for the City of Hayden, at the 4/1 ...

There was a strange interaction between a member of the public and the legal counsel for the City of Hayden, at the 4/1 meeting of Hayden Planning and Zoning. . Legal counsel came across as quite rude. This type of behavior will end up affecting people feeling comfortable making public comment or giving the city input.

There was a strange interaction between a member of the public and the legal counsel for the City of Hayden, at the 4/1 meeting of Hayden Planning and Zoning...


If you’re a political nerd, today was a great day. The final full day of the 2024 had more surprises than the rest of the session combined. Just as the House and Senate convened at 9am, Rep.

Lost track of $5 million of taxpayer money?  Sounds like some people that work for the IDVR need to be fired over this.

Lost track of $5 million of taxpayer money?
Sounds like some people that work for the IDVR need to be fired over this.

The Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee (JFAC) held a surprise meeting this morning to discuss an urgent request from the Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (IDVR) for a $2.7…


Contact Governor Little to ask that this bill be signed into law. I am not sure if it has a veto proof majority or not.

Phone: 208-334-2100
Here is the link to email him:



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