Rick and Morty S05E07
Neeti Palta: Almost Sanskari
Come and laugh at the complicated inner workings of a comedian's mind as she shares a very personal journey from childhood to never growing up. From her not-strictly-traditional upbringing by her mom and army dad to buying condoms for her older brother, being an awkward teenager to being an equally awkward adult, arranged marriages to society's expectations from her that she gleefully fails to meet. - it's all part and parcel of what makes Neeti "Almost Sankari". It's a show that raises some pertinent questions about accepted norms of society through hilarious observations and gentle leg-pulling. Her tongue-in-cheek-humour, keen observations and biting sarcasm cuts across all age groups and genders. It's a show you can watch with your parents, spouse, friends, neighbor, distant relatives or even your in-laws. Heads up: This show is for those who are a little bit nice. But also definitely a little bit naughty. Now you understand the "almost" in the title?
Neeti Palta: Almost Sanskari
Come and laugh at the complicated inner workings of a comedian's mind as she shares a very personal journey from childhood to never growing up. From her not-strictly-traditional upbringing by her mom and army dad to buying condoms for her older brother, being an awkward teenager to being an equally awkward adult, arranged marriages to society's expectations from her that she gleefully fails to meet. - it's all part and parcel of what makes Neeti "Almost Sankari". It's a show that raises some pertinent questions about accepted norms of society through hilarious observations and gentle leg-pulling. Her tongue-in-cheek-humour, keen observations and biting sarcasm cuts across all age groups and genders. It's a show you can watch with your parents, spouse, friends, neighbor, distant relatives or even your in-laws. Heads up: This show is for those who are a little bit nice. But also definitely a little bit naughty. Now you understand the "almost" in the title?
Unlocking The Secrets of Mars and Venus with John
Find out everything about modern relationships from the exclusive interview with the author of the Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus bestseller
Simon Rycraft, the Negotiation Hacks author, on how to become the master-negotiator Find out more about the story of negotiation guru
From financial consultant to negotiation guru
After being asked about his professional path, Simon Rycraft smiles. He confesses that his memory usually blocks the first 18 years of his life. That’s why normally, he starts his story right from becoming an adult. The Negotiation Hacks author has quite an experience working with big financial companies both in Europe and America. “I was actually working for financial client service in London for a quite big company in New York. So that took me across the pond to New York for a year. They spun off the wealth management arm to another investment banking group…in San Francisco. For eight years in San Francisco on and off consulting, and then moved into tech, ran the operations for a technology company.”
And when you talk to Mr Rycraft about his most outstanding achievements, he answers in the most British way one can imagine. “I’ve got a typical, less confident view of achievements, which apparently comes from a British background. You know, there’s been M&A activity. Growing up where I did, I’d never really thought that I’d be involved in large corporate deals for clients as well as companies I’ve worked for in the past. So those are achievements made, 100 million-plus deals.”
Besides that, our conversation unfolded that what Simon Rycraft cherishes the most is life-long learning, especially when it comes to the professional field. ‘I tended to focus on doing things that filled gaps in my strengths rather than gaps about the areas that I had weaknesses in; rather than just, you know, learning additional areas that I believe I already were really strong in.’
What about the book?
As we continued talking about personal achievements, it would be surprising not to mention the publication of Mr Rycraft’s book Negotiation Hacks. He himself admits that he is proud of turning his dream of several years into reality. ‘Everyone has a book idea in their head. You know, anyone has the opportunity to g