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Dobbins Creative Exploring the world, cherishing humanity, and producing content.


Friendship is far more valuable than an iPhone, yet most people treat friendships like someone would treat a refurbished Android burner.

I try never to waste food, and I was on a quest to use some polenta in the fridge before it was too late. The perfect co...

I try never to waste food, and I was on a quest to use some polenta in the fridge before it was too late. The perfect combination was born: the rich, earthy flavors of the polenta would complement the savoriness of balsamic and the flavors of summer tomatoes. This is a must-serve appetizer if you’re having friends or family over for dinner, just like I did! Try it out and let me know what you think!

Crispy Polenta Medallions with Ricotta and Marinated Tomatoes

1 tube (18 oz) of pre-cooked polenta
1/2 cup fresh ricotta cheese
10 cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced
¼ cup fresh basil, chopped
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp sea salt, divided
4 tbsp lard or Crisco for frying (or olive oil if preferred, but lard or Crisco will make the polenta crispy)

Marinate the Tomatoes:
In a medium bowl, combine the sliced tomatoes, chopped basil, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and ¼ tsp of sea salt. Toss gently to coat the tomatoes evenly. Cover the bowl and let the mixture marinate for about an hour at room temperature.

Prepare the Polenta Medallions:
Slice the polenta log into ½-inch thick rounds. Heat the lard in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, carefully place the polenta rounds into the pan. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, until golden and crispy. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.

Place the crispy polenta medallions on a serving platter. Spoon a dollop of fresh ricotta onto each medallion. Top each with a spoonful of the marinated tomatoes, allowing some of the delicious balsamic marinade to drip onto the ricotta & medallions.

Garnish with extra fresh basil and a light drizzle of olive oil if desired. Serve immediately as an appetizer or light snack.

Today's breakfast! I'm obsessed with "whole food utilization" like when you make a roast, and it later becomes stew, tac...

Today's breakfast! I'm obsessed with "whole food utilization" like when you make a roast, and it later becomes stew, tacos, or some other amazing dish made from the leftovers. When people tell me they don't like leftovers, I always think, "You're missing out!" This meal went from turkey burgers to lettuce wraps to amazing egg scramble sandwiches.


Democracy will always have the last words within her domain even if those words are whispered in her dying breath, as her beautiful sirens—liberty, justice, victory, and freedom—watch on and await their turn to be executed.

Big shout out to a huge gem of a person💎Mr Allen Nichols! He inspires me with his kindness all the time. I don’t say tha...

Big shout out to a huge gem of a person💎

Mr Allen Nichols!

He inspires me with his kindness all the time. I don’t say thank you enough to the beautiful people that follow my journey and inspire me along the way. Happy Pride Allen! 🏳️‍🌈

I have never truly celebrated my birthday until this week. Not only am I making up for lost time, I am realizing this is...

I have never truly celebrated my birthday until this week. Not only am I making up for lost time, I am realizing this is my time to personally include and express gratitude to the beautiful humans who have actually seen me and helped me grow in my journey. Thank you for seeing me and for being there when I couldn’t or didn’t feel like celebrating anything. I love you for being champions!


Each year, I’m asked multiple times the frustrating question of what I’m doing for Father’s Day. In my opinion, fatherhood is demonstrated through consistent love, presence, and responsibility.

Today, not by my choice, I will be acknowledging another passing ‘sperm donor day’ and be reminded many times of the failures and decisions of someone who never acted as a father but chose to be a coward. This person chose his cult ideology 🛐 and personal ‘salvation’ over the simple gesture of talking to and acknowledging his own gay son 🏳️‍🌈.

For those of you who are in my shoes and understand, I’m sorry you experienced what you have experienced. There are those of us who understand. What we can do from here is make sure we stay on the correct course by never rejecting someone for who they are and trying to show understanding and compassion wherever we go and to whomever we meet. While the example I had growing up was a poor one, at least I did learn something from the course of action and how to be better to others.

This will be the last donor day I spend in reflection. Next year, I plan on dedicating time to chosen family and friends and celebrating them. After all, our chosen family are often those that find and choose us. 💜 To all of you who understand, try to have a good ‘sperm donor day’.

Hi Everyone! please join me on my entertaining neurodivergent journey as I explore this world we live in 🌎, seek love 💜,...

Hi Everyone! please join me on my entertaining neurodivergent journey as I explore this world we live in 🌎, seek love 💜, establish my understanding 📚, and find fulfillment🕵️‍♂️= 😁
Subscribe at this link ⬇️
Your support means everything to me as I navigate this adventure and share my experiences in very fun and at times very raw and emotional ways. Even if you can't subscribe, please follow along and say hello! I know we will love meeting each other! If you are a fellow 'Neuron' (neurodivergent or an ally) I would especially love to connect!


I shared this a while ago, but felt like sharing it again . If you have ever had a loved one who suffered from dementia you might appreciate my poem. 💙

In shadows cast by dimlit walls, I dwell,
A patient, bound by silence's cruel spell.
Though deemed confused by eyes that meet my gaze, Inside this fragile frame, a fire still ablaze.

Words fail to dance upon my weary tongue,
Yet thoughts within, like echoes, still are sung.
The world around, a haze I can't dispel,
But hear my heart, for it shall speak, as well.

In white-coat whispers, they declare me lost,
A puzzle piece discarded, tempest-tossed.
But deep within, my spirit's flame persists,
Though trapped in limbs that refuse to coexist.

A prisoner, confined within these walls,
I yearn for freedom's call, beyond these halls.
Acceptance binds my will, like shackles tight,
Yet stubborn hope whispers, "Resist the night."

For though I'm broken, fragments scattered wide,
I refuse to yield, to let my spirit hide.
Within these silent depths, I'll find my voice,
To soar beyond the limits fate imposes, by choice.

Let them believe I'm lost in realms unknown,
Yet I'm the captain of this vessel, yet unshown.
Each breath, each heartbeat, speaks of strength of untamed, A battle fought within, unsung, unnamed.

So, nurses and doctors, hear my plea,
Look beyond these eyes, and truly see.
In this bewildered mind, resilience takes its shape, A symphony of courage, refusing to escape.

I'm here, an enigma in this sterile place,
A soul obscured, seeking a saving grace.
Let not their doubts become my broken fate,
For I shall persevere and fiercely navigate.

A example of strength, in silence I resound,
Where words may fail, perseverance is found.
In this hospital bed, dreams defy the night,
My spirit aflame, burning with resilient might.


Being witty can be extremely entertaining. However, living in a world filled with entertainment, what we truly lack is kindness and compassion. So, keep in mind, if you want to stand out and be appreciated, focus on bringing these qualities to the table. 💙

Would you describe yourself as more of a cool-minded person 🥶🧠 or a warm-hearted person? 🥵❤️

Would you describe yourself as more of a cool-minded person 🥶🧠 or a warm-hearted person?


18 days until Christmas. 🎄🎅🏼
Who’s ready? 🙂


Time for a podcast! This one gets a bit deep! Navigating one’s spiritual journey can often feel like traversing a winding path, with each turn presenting its own set of challenges and revelations. This was particularly true for me after leaving Bethel and for several years after. when I look back I see it was a period marked by intense personal reflection and a significant shift in my spiritual processing, especially concerning the deeply symbolic act of partaking during the Memorial of Christ’s death.

As my narrative unfolds, the focus shifts from the tender moments shared with Jonathan* to a broader introspection of my...

As my narrative unfolds, the focus shifts from the tender moments shared with Jonathan* to a broader introspection of my journey within the world of Jehovah's Witnesses and the institutional walls of Bethel. Jonathan, in a twist of fate, found himself reassigned, his chapter at Bethel closing as abruptly as mine had begun, sending him back to the lush landscapes of Hawaii....

As my narrative unfolds, the focus shifts from the tender moments shared with Jonathan* to a broader introspection of my journey within the world of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the institutional …

In my previous entry, I introduced you to Jonathan*, he was part of a chapter of my life that unfolded in the crazy worl...

In my previous entry, I introduced you to Jonathan*, he was part of a chapter of my life that unfolded in the crazy world of Bethel. Today, I pull back the curtain a bit more to reveal the depth of our bond, a connection that was as unexpected as it was intimate. Jonathan had this innate ability to make me feel free, a sensation that I clung to amid the structured rigidity of our shared world....

In my previous entry, I introduced you to Jonathan*, he was part of a chapter of my life that unfolded in the crazy world of Bethel. Today, I pull back the curtain a bit more to reveal the depth of…

Bethel was supposed to be a spiritual haven, the peak and highlight of my religious journey, where the most spiritual an...

Bethel was supposed to be a spiritual haven, the peak and highlight of my religious journey, where the most spiritual and dedicated lived a wonderful life of special full time service to Jehovah. It was in my mind a place shrouded in an aura of holiness and expectation. Yet, as I time there went on, I began to demystify Bethel and understand it for what it truly was—a complex blend of high spiritual aspirations and the stark realities of communal living that, for me, led to an unexpected descent into depression....

Bethel was supposed to be a spiritual haven, the peak and highlight of my religious journey, where the most spiritual and dedicated lived a wonderful life of special full time service to Jehovah. I…

In the heart of Bethel, where my devotion had turned to depression, I found an unexpected treasure—a connection that wou...

In the heart of Bethel, where my devotion had turned to depression, I found an unexpected treasure—a connection that would shape my heart for years to come. This is the story of Zech, my first love, whose memory is etched into my being as deeply as the scriptures were into our lives. Arriving at Bethel with the sheen of newness, I was eager to find my place among the cool guys and the well-known Bethelites....

In the heart of Bethel, where my devotion had turned to depression, I found an unexpected treasure—a connection that would shape my heart for years to come. This is the story of Zech, my first love…

Growing up in a fundamentalist, conservative Jehovah’s Witness household feels like revisiting a chapter of my life fill...

Growing up in a fundamentalist, conservative Jehovah’s Witness household feels like revisiting a chapter of my life filled with memories that are both surreal and thought-provoking. As I look back now, it’s incredible to think about the intensity of those beliefs and the impact they had on my upbringing.
The concept of Armageddon was not just a distant notion but a constant presence in our daily lives. We were repeatedly reminded to keep it at the forefront of our thoughts, as if the end of the world could arrive at any moment. I remember sitting through countless talks and meetings where Armageddon was discussed in vivid detail. The fear it instilled in me was palpable, and I often found myself lost in inner narrative dialogues, wondering if this apocalyptic event would come during my lifetime.

Preaching was a fundamental part of our existence as Jehovah’s Witnesses. It wasn’t just a duty; it was a calling. We would go door-to-door, engaging with strangers, distributing literature, and earnestly sharing our beliefs, all in the hope of potentially saving lives when Armageddon arrived. However, as I grew older, I couldn’t help but question the effectiveness of our efforts and the emotional toll it took on my own well-being.

One of the most haunting aspects of my teenage and young adult years was the nightmares that plagued me. These nightmares weren’t of fantastical creatures but were vivid replays of the graphic imagery from the publications we studied at the Kingdom Hall. Images of destruction, suffering, and chaos filled my dreams, leaving me in a perpetual state of anxiety. I would wake up in the middle of the night, my heart racing, trying to shake off the horrifying visions that felt so distressingly real.

We were also taught what to do if the police were to descend upon a gathering of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We were trained on how to handle potential arrests, how to stand firm in our beliefs, and how to protect our fellow believers. The idea that we might one day face persecution for our faith was deeply ingrained in us, and the thought of such a scenario was always in the back of my mind.

As I reflect on those years, I’m amazed at how deeply these beliefs and practices shaped my adolescence and early adulthood. The constant fear of Armageddon, the relentless preaching, the haunting nightmares, and the preparation for persecution were all threads in the fabric of my reality. It was a world marked by unwavering devotion and determination, but it was also a world fraught with fear and uncertainty.

Moving beyond that upbringing and embarking on my own journey of self-discovery has allowed me to see the profound impact it had on my psyche. It serves as a reminder of the powerful influence that religious beliefs can exert on individuals and the lasting effects they can leave behind. While I’ve chosen a different path in life, I can’t help but reflect on those formative years and how they have contributed to the person I am today.

Building a community means personal sacrifice.

Building a community means personal sacrifice.


What was most helpful to you when you began your religious deconstruction?


Hey there amazing people! I'm absolutely thrilled to be here today, marking the start of what I affectionately refer to as the "Season 2" of Resilient Humans. The past year has been quite a whirlwind, filled with profound moments of self-discovery, deep introspection, and an abundance of valuable lessons. Speaking up after leaving and being shunned by Jehovah's Witnesses and my loved ones has been life changing.

Over the last year, I found myself on a transformative journey of awakening, introspecting, and piecing together the puzzle of my own identity. It's a path that many of you might resonate with; life has this uncanny way of compelling us to pause, reflect, and truly understand ourselves.

But this year, I'm shifting my focus.... This year, it's all about nurturing connections within my communities—both online and in person. It's about honing in on the values and ideas that truly matter to us and, perhaps most importantly, acknowledging the mistakes we've already made along the winding road to becoming resilient individuals.

You know, it's all too easy to become ensnared in our personal struggles, losing sight of the vast world out there, where countless individuals are grappling with their own unique challenges, dreams, and aspirations. But I'm trying to remember, it's together that we find our true strength; together, we can genuinely make a tangible difference.

Thank you for being an integral part of this extraordinary support network that I've been fortunate to experience.Keep your eyes peeled for more videos, deconstructions, and community-building endeavors—and who knows, maybe a few funny times as well. Always remember, we're in this beautiful journey together!

Is anyone on this bluesky thing?

Is anyone on this bluesky thing?

This is a heavily interactive web application, and JavaScript is required. Simple HTML interfaces are possible, but that is not what this is.


Was anyone else ever alone with elders of Jehovah’s Witnesses as a kid? Thank you @ Ronpimo for bringing this statement to my attention!


Resilient Humans
Please share this with anyone you feel may benefit.
Mental health is probably the most important thing in my life. Access to mental health is so needed in this world. If you know someone who needs help FIND help for them. There are so many resources available, no one needs to feel alone! I know I am not expressing everything correctly in this video so please show me some grace. I will do better expressing next time. 💙
🌈 😘


Resilient Humans


Leaving a high-control group or cult can be a challenging and life-altering decision. The process of breaking free from such groups can be emotionally, psychologically, and sometimes physically demanding. To help you navigate this journey, we’ve compiled a list of ten essential steps to prepare for and cope with life after leaving such groups.

1. Self-Education:
Knowledge is power. Begin by educating yourself about the group’s beliefs, practices, and the reasons you want to leave. Understanding the organization’s history and doctrines will help you regain control over your beliefs and decisions.
2. Seek Support:
Connect with individuals who have left similar groups. They can provide valuable insights, emotional support, and guidance. Online forums, support groups, and therapy can be helpful resources.
3. Develop a Support Network:
Inform close friends or family members you trust about your decision to leave. Building a support network outside the group will provide you with emotional and practical assistance during your transition.
4. Seek Professional Help:
Consider therapy or counseling to address the psychological trauma that often accompanies leaving high-control groups. Professionals can help you process your experiences and develop coping strategies.
5. Financial Planning:
High-control groups may exert control over your finances. Create a financial plan that includes access to your own bank accounts, credit cards, and assets. Consult a financial advisor if necessary.
6. Legal Considerations:
Review any legal obligations or commitments you may have made to the group. Seek legal advice to understand your rights and responsibilities, especially if you anticipate disputes over assets or custody.
7. Develop Critical Thinking:
Cultivate critical thinking skills to help you discern manipulation and undue influence. Learning to question information and think independently is crucial for your well-being.
8. Reconnect with Interests:
Reignite your passions and interests that may have been suppressed during your time in the group. Reconnect with hobbies, education, and personal goals.
9. Set Boundaries:
Establish clear boundaries with members of the group who may try to influence or manipulate you into returning. Stand firm in your decision and politely but assertively decline any attempts to re-engage.
10. Patience and Self-Compassion:
Understand that the process of leaving a high-control group takes time. Be patient with yourself, and practice self-compassion. Healing is a journey, and you deserve kindness and understanding along the way.

Leaving a high-control group or cult can be a life-transforming experience filled with challenges, but it’s a courageous step towards personal freedom and autonomy. By following these essential steps, seeking support, and maintaining a resilient mindset, you can successfully navigate the path toward a brighter, independent future. Remember, you’re not alone, and there is hope beyond the shadows of control.



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