athletes - here is the official release of the final WOD #4 for June 2nd and June 3rd at Toronto Pro SuperShow for SickKids Foundation presented by Barbell Apparel All programming is crafted by Coexiste CrossFit and powered by GORILA FITNESS Coco5 Canada Trueform Running suzie's good fats company No Yolking Beardhood ATPLab Dotmar Fitness Equipment Inc. Excelife The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance SpiderTech Taping
AMRAP 12min
24 OH KBs
24 Pullups
24 HR Pushups
24 Toes 2 Bar
*athletes can partition the work as they like but MUST tag when switching partners*
**1 athlete must work at a time**
Overhead Kettlebell Swings
Intermediate Men 24kg
Intermediate Women 16kg
Novice Men 16kg
Novice Women 12kg
KB starts on the ground, handle up. Using both hands the athlete grabs the handle of the KB and stands upright with the hips extended. The athlete then begins the lowering arc of the movement. The KB must pass behind the heels at the bottom. The athlete then begins the rising arc and the movement finishes when the KB is fully inverted (bell over the handle), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight throughout the full movement. No KB Snatching.
Pull-ups (Intermediate) - Strict or kipping pull-ups are allowed. Butterfly pull-ups are NOT allowed. Pull-ups begin with the Athlete in full arm extension and feet not touching anything. The bottom of the chin must go above the bar before descending to full arm extension. At least one palm must be facing AWAY from you. A mixed grip is fine but both palms facing you (chin up) is not allowed. NO REP- No reps include the chin not going above the bar, the feet touching anything, the arms not being fully extended in the down position or using the jump to the bar as momentum for the first rep. If a jump is required to get to the bar the Athlete must first dead hang with arms fully extended before beginning reps.
Ring Rows (Novice) - Rings will have been pre-adjusted so the bottom of the ring is 40 inches from the floor. A piece of tape will be on the floor directly below the rings. The Athlete will begin with the back of their heels on the far side of the tape (furthest away from the hands) and gripping the rings. The Athlete will bend their knees and lean back without the heels ever moving to the near side of the tape (the side closest to the hands). The Athlete is in a proper position when the toes are up, heels are the only part of the foot touching the ground OR the feet are flat with the back of the heels on the far side of the tape, AND the body is in a straight line from ankle to neck with arms fully extended. Without kipping or losing the rigid body position the Athlete will pull their chest toward the rings. A rep is complete when the hands break the plane of the chest. NO REP- No reps include not having the body in a rigid line from ankle to neck, the rings not breaking the plane of the chest or the back of the heels moving to the near side of the tape.
HR-Pushups -
All Athletes except Novice female:
A straight body position must be maintained throughout the push-up. No snaking, sagging or pushing up from the knees is allowed. The elbows must be locked out at the top with the feet no wider than shoulder width. At the bottom, the chest (ni**le line or above) must touch the floor, and the hands must be lifted completely off the ground.
With the toes and rest of body on the ground a rep starts by lifting the hands off the floor and pressing the hands to the floor until the elbows are fully extended and only the toes and hands are touching the floor. The hips and shoulders should rise in unison with everything between the ankle and shoulder reasonably in line. The athlete then descends down, maintains the line, lifts the hands off the floor and continues. NO REP: Excessive snaking, sagging, pushing up from the knees, not releasing the hands from the ground, not pressing to full elbow extension with only the toes and hands on ground, if the toes/knees leave the ground at ANY time, if the hips don't rise in line with shoulders.
Novice female:
No-Rock Hand-release on-knees pushup: Same as the standard but replace toes with knees. Knees must be on the ground at all times.
We want REAL pushups. The hips should rise in unison with the shoulders and the toes must NOT leave the ground (no rocking). One great way to avoid snaking is to keep your thighs off the floor.
Toes 2 Bar (Intermediate) - Toes to Bar - In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must touch the bar together, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back to behind the bar, not out front.
Hanging Knee-Raise (Novice) - In the hanging knee-raise, the arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. An overhand, underhand or mixed-grip are all permitted. At the top of the repetition, the athlete must raise the knees above the height of the hips.