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ABCImmigrationServices 📞 Leave your visa needs to Canada to ABC Consulting today!

Exciting news for caregivers! 🇨🇦Canadian Permanent Residence on Arrival? Yes, it is possible!Canada’s new caregiver prog...

Exciting news for caregivers! 🇨🇦

Canadian Permanent Residence on Arrival? Yes, it is possible!

Canada’s new caregiver programs offer:

✨ Immediate Permanent Residency
✨ Flexible Work Options
✨ Simple Eligibility Requirements

Build your career and life in Canada!

📧 Contact us now: [email protected]
📱 WhatsApp: +1 613-710-9854
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Des nouvelles excitantes pour les aides familiaux! 🇨🇦**Résidence permanente canadienne à l'arrivée ? Oui, c'est possible...

Des nouvelles excitantes pour les aides familiaux! 🇨🇦

**Résidence permanente canadienne à l'arrivée ? Oui, c'est possible !**

Les nouveaux programmes pour soignants du Canada offrent :

✨ Résidence permanente immédiate
✨ Options de travail flexibles
✨ Exigences d'éligibilité simples

Construisez votre carrière et votre vie au Canada !

📧 Contactez-nous maintenant : [email protected]
📱 WhatsApp : +1 613-710-9854
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We specialize in:
🔹 Spousal Sponsorship
🔹 Start-up Visa Program
🔹 Business Visa
🔹 Family Sponsorship
🔹 Permanent Residency Application
🔹 Study Permit, Work Permit

Seize the opportunity to live and work in Canada! 🇨🇦

📧 Contact us today: [email protected]
📱 WhatsApp: +1 613-710-9854
🔗 Meta Channel:

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Sunday Abdy Mshangama, Kader Tapsoba, Ya...

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Sunday Abdy Mshangama, Kader Tapsoba, Yannick Wamaana



Seize the opportunity to live and work in Canada! 🇨🇦

We specialize

Spousal Sponsorship
🔹 Start-up Visa Program
🔹 Business Visa
🔹 Family Sponsorship
🔹 Permanent Residency Application
🔹 Study Permit, Work Permit

📧 Contact us today: [email protected]
📱 WhatsApp: +1 613-710-9854
🔗 Meta Channel:

Haven't heard back about your visa application to Canada? Feeling ignored by the agents?Don't worry! We've got you cover...

Haven't heard back about your visa application to Canada? Feeling ignored by the agents?

Don't worry! We've got you covered. ABC Consulting is here to help!

📧 Contact us today: [email protected]
📱 WhatsApp: +1 613-710-9854
🔗 Meta Channel:


🌟 Discover the best immigration services with ABC Consulting Services! 🌟

We specialize in:
🔹 Spousal Sponsorship
🔹 Start-up Visa Program
🔹 Business Visa
🔹 Family Sponsorship
🔹 Permanent Residency Application
🔹 Study Permit, Work Permit

Seize the opportunity to live and work in Canada! 🇨🇦

📧 Contact us today: [email protected]
📱 WhatsApp: +1 613-710-9854
Facebook Channel link :

🌟 Discover the best immigration services with ABC Consulting Services! 🌟We specialize in:🔹 Spousal Sponsorship🔹 Start-up...

🌟 Discover the best immigration services with ABC Consulting Services! 🌟

We specialize in:
🔹 Spousal Sponsorship
🔹 Start-up Visa Program
🔹 Business Visa
🔹 Family Sponsorship
🔹 Permanent Residency Application
🔹 Study Permit, Work Permit

Seize the opportunity to live and work in Canada! 🇨🇦

📧 Contact us today: [email protected]

I love this 🫶🏻President  truly embodies what it means to be a leader. Humble yet powerful, a true visionary. He was born...

I love this 🫶🏻
President truly embodies what it means to be a leader. Humble yet powerful, a true visionary. He was born to lead. Thank you, President Kagame, for sharing your gift with the world, especially with us Rwandans 🇷🇼. That’s why we will keep choosing you until Jesus returns!


La minute je sens, et je vois que tu te fous de moi!
Je fais Total blackout sur ton existence! Si si si !!!

The man ✊🏽🫶 un pain aussi n’est ce pas 🤭😌🇨🇩  ⤵️🫡

The man ✊🏽🫶
un pain aussi n’est ce pas 🤭😌🇨🇩


Wow!I just used  Grok AI and type my name and asked who Denyse is, and guess what? I was totally surprised by how accura...

I just used Grok AI and type my name and asked who Denyse is, and guess what? I was totally surprised by how accurate it was. 😳
You should definitely give it a try and see what you find out. It’s pretty mind-blowing! 😱🤭

Wow!I just used  Grok AI and type my name and asked who Denyse is, and guess what? I was totally surprised by how accura...

I just used Grok AI and type my name and asked who Denyse is, and guess what? I was totally surprised by how accurate it was. 😳
You should definitely give it a try and see what you find out. It’s pretty mind-blowing! 😱🤭

She gave me a new identity, being a mom,and through her i discovered a strength i never knew i had! 🥹 Happy Birthday Que...

She gave me a new identity, being a mom,
and through her i discovered a strength i never knew
i had! 🥹 Happy Birthday Queen 👸 ❤️

Join this Whatsapp channel for more info on how to get your visa ⤵️🇨🇦

Join this Whatsapp channel for more info on how to get your visa ⤵️🇨🇦

- *Study Permits:* Get access to Canada's top universities with our streamlined application process.
- *Work Permits:* Kickstart your career by working in one of the most dynamic job markets in the world.
- *Sponsorship & Visitor Visas:* Whether you're visiting or bringing family, we handle it all.

Leave your visa needs to ABC Consulting today!


🍁 Dreaming of studying or working in Canada?
We're your go-to experts in navigating the immigration process smoothly and efficiently. At ABC Consulting, we specialize in assisting young Africans like you in realizing their Canadian dreams.
# # # What We Offer:
- **🎓 Study Permits:** Fast-track your admission into Canada's renowned universities.
- **🏢 Work Permits:** Step into Canada's dynamic job market with our professional guidance.
- **👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Sponsorship & Visitor Visas:** Planning family visits or reunions in Canada? Leave the paperwork to us!
# # # Why Choose Us?
- **Personalized Services:** Tailored advice that fits your unique situation.
- **Experienced Consultants:** Years of expertise in making your transition seamless.
- **Comprehensive Support:** From visa application to settling in, we've got you covered.
👉 Swipe up or click the link below to chat with us directly on WhatsApp and get started on your journey to a fulfilling life in Canada!
🔗 [Join Our WhatsApp Group](
📞 Leave your visa needs to ABC Consulting today!

Call now to connect with business.

🍁 Dreaming of studying or working in Canada? We're your go-to experts in navigating the immigration process smoothly and...

🍁 Dreaming of studying or working in Canada?

We're your go-to experts in navigating the immigration process smoothly and efficiently. At ABC Consulting, we specialize in assisting young Africans like you in realizing their Canadian dreams.

# # # What We Offer:
- **🎓 Study Permits:** Fast-track your admission into Canada's renowned universities.
- **🏢 Work Permits:** Step into Canada's dynamic job market with our professional guidance.
- **👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Sponsorship & Visitor Visas:** Planning family visits or reunions in Canada? Leave the paperwork to us!

# # # Why Choose Us?
- **Personalized Services:** Tailored advice that fits your unique situation.
- **Experienced Consultants:** Years of expertise in making your transition seamless.
- **Comprehensive Support:** From visa application to settling in, we've got you covered.

👉 Swipe up or click the link below to chat with us directly on WhatsApp and get started on your journey to a fulfilling life in Canada!

🔗 [Join Our WhatsApp Group](

📞 Leave your visa needs to ABC Consulting today!

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by ...

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.
__Golda Meir


The tables have turned.They do with time.Don’t give up.Be brave.Despite all doubts.Despite everything.Allow yourself to ...

The tables have turned.

They do with time.
Don’t give up.
Be brave.
Despite all doubts.
Despite everything.

Allow yourself to make mistakes
Give yourself some grace
And keep going.

Really tables do turn around
I can testify
Si. Si. Si.

They do ooh


That’s why I love her Zena Alisar Khalil

J’aime cette reine Zena Alisar KhalilMerci ☺️

J’aime cette reine Zena Alisar Khalil
Merci ☺️

Je viens de passer 6 jours d’extrême fatigue physique et mentale le mardi j’ai demandé à la nounou des enfants d’aller voir sa famille et de passer du temps avec les siens car depuis 4 mois elle était là sans descendre
J’étais un peu triste pour elle
Et la cuisinière et absente pour des problèmes familiaux
Pendant ses 6 jours
J’ai pas dormi plus de 2 heures
Je suis très impliqué avec les enfants meme en présence de leurs nounou mais là c’était complètement autre chose
❤️ j’ai pas pu terminer mes repas une seule fois
❤️ mes bains étaient sous assistance ( les enfants à côté)
❤️ j’avais meme pas le temps de me m’occuper de moi shampooing gommage rien
❤️ je lavais les assiettes et nettoyais la maison chaque heure
❤️ dès mon réveil à 05h 30 je devais faire le petit déjeuner et prévoir le repas du midi et du soir en même temps
Mais j’ai adoré chaque instant passer avec mes enfants rien qu’eux et moi
Je ne remercierais jamais assez toutes ces personnes qui m’aident dans ma taches de maman qui m’accompagne chaque jours et qui me permettent d’avoir une vie en dehors de mon rôle de maman mille merci ❤️
Atoutes les mamans d’ici et d’ailleurs sachez tout simplement que vous êtes des reines des amazones à vous les mamans qui vivent a l’étranger loin de chez vous soyez fière de vous mes amazones ❤️


Have a graceful Monday.


☺️😌 Indeed.

Remember sis.How He treats you it is MORE important Than how much you like or love him.Based on that.Make a decision and...

Remember sis.
How He treats you it is MORE important Than how much you like or love him.
Based on that.
Make a decision and don’t try to look back
Coz most of the time,that will never change
And don’t tolerate it.
Chose life and you will be fine 😌🇷🇼🇨🇦✌️


J’ai refusé d’être parmi de ces femmes mariées dont cette sœur est en train de parler
Click play, et entend ce qu’elle veut dire
Tolérer l’intolérable, accepter de subir, les pleures
Chaque nuits pourquoi !? pour les yeux de qui ?!
Hell no!!
J’ai choisi de vivre!
C’est okay de te choisir pour être en mesure de donner cette amour à tes enfants et à ceux qui te supportent et t’aiment. Car crois moi.
Il y en a.

La séparation et le divorce ne sont pas des tragédies. La tragédie c’est de mourrir à petit feu dans un couple malheureu...

La séparation et le divorce ne sont pas des tragédies. La tragédie c’est de mourrir à petit feu dans un couple malheureux, qui n’est pas compatible et sans amour.
Et faire semblant devant les enfants ou devant la société et exposer aux enfants la toxicité quand les portes se ferment, ça c’est une tragédie 🍡💋✌️


Me too. No regret . I move on. That’s what I do 🥰✌️No time to regret. I have accepted who I am, not what I should be 😌 Move on too ✌️💕


Sery Dorcas Officiel
tu es une brave femme de t’ouvrir.
Évidement il y’a des belles familles d’enfer ..
Et ce genre de personne sont maudites en effet et critiquent ta vie or elles ne sont même pas arrivé à réaliser le quart de ce que tu as accompli, ou même réalisera !
Juste des haineux ! Et ils récolteront ce que ils ont semé , rien. Juste du vent !
Yako mais tu t’es relevé 💕 le yougoss et ton ex belle famille can kiss your ass!
Bravo! Toi et Yasmine Reda 💕 this !!!!   by Axel Merryl wow 👏🏽👏🏽

Love this !!!! by Axel Merryl wow 👏🏽👏🏽

Voici enfin le clip de cette belle chanson.Chanson dédicacée pour une femme très belle, sincère naturelle et hyper responsable.Ayez tous des KIMI dans votre ...


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