The incredible garden.
The António Borges garden was just amazing. The humankind made structures incredibly embedded in nature makes the whole place a very romantic place to share with the love of your life.
This was our first travel moment after deciding to begin this project. Azores definitely fulfilled our expectations and this first day just made our jaws drop. Everything is so green and beautiful, the streets very clean, the road sides well groomed.
The gardens, which you can find quite a few, look very natural. You can see that things have care and love applied on every corner.
The warm temperatures seem very constant, no matter if it's raining or not (yes, you can get wet from rain 2km away where you were sunbathing 😊).
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You're just amazing. Can't wait to get away to some place in the world with you again and again.
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Feeling good on vacation
🇬🇧 Moments of joy during our vacations.
🇵🇹 Alguns dos momentos que gostamos de recordar das nossa férias
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This is how life moves. There's a thought, an idea that plants a seed in the brain. The vision of our lives is just like that.
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🇬🇧 When the seed is planted, you let it grow. Grow until it crystalizes in your life. The seed of our love was also planted, but in our just as well 🥰
🇵🇹 É assim que a vida avança. Quando a semente é semeada, é deixa-la crescer. E tratar dela até que se cristalize nas nossas vidas. O nosso amor também foi semeado mas, no nosso coração. Funciona na mesma 🥰
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🇵🇹 sssssss
🇬🇧 bbbbbbb
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🇵🇹 Acordar a ver o sol a brilhar
🇬🇧 Waking up and see the sun shinning
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🇵🇹 Cascata linda
🇬🇧 Beautiful waterfall
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