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Open Letter
His Excellency Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali, Prime Minister of Ethiopia
His excellency Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, Chief of General Staff of the Ethiopian National
Defense Force
His Excellency Shimelis Abdisa, President of Oromia Regional State
Their Excellencies Maro Diriba, Sagni Negasa, Gemechu Aboye and Other Leaders of the Oromo
Subject: Atrocities on the Oromo people of S**o in Four Districts of Southwest Shewa by
Government forces and Oromo Liberation Army.
Your Excellency,
We write to you with profound concern and deep sorrow regarding the escalating violence and
atrocities in the districts of Tole, Kersa Malima, S**o-Dachi and Saden-S**o in the Southwest Shewa
Zone of Oromia. Over the past three years, these districts have endured unimaginable suffering and
trauma inflicted by both government forces and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA). The relentless
attacks from both sides have led to the loss of countless innocent lives, widespread destruction of
property, and the collapse of social, economic, and cultural structures. While we recognize that
similar atrocities are occurring in many other parts of Oromia, the severity and brutality of the
situation in the S**o area are unparalleled and deeply alarming.
Progression of Atrocities (Stage 1)
Actions of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA)
Since 2022, the OLA has steadily increased its presence in the four districts of S**o in particular.
Initially, they established themselves with little to no resistance from government forces. Following
this, they began to systematically dismantle government structures in these areas, again encountering
no significant opposition.
The OLA subsequently initiated a campaign to disarm local militias and civilians. In response to the
growing threat, some residents, fearing for their lives, chose to return their weapons to the
government. However, instead of being protected, these individuals were later coerced into paying
sums equivalent to the value of the surrendered arms.
As the OLA's control tightened, they began to target individuals they perceived as having ties to the
current or former regime, often detaining them and demanding ransom payments. Those unable to
meet these demands faced brutal executions, with their bodies callously discarded, leaving local
shepherds and residents in a state of terror. The discovery of these bodies became a horrifyingly
regular occurrence, plunging the community into a climate of fear and insecurity.
With the OLA forces using farmers' homes as makeshift camps, commandeering food supplies, and
occupying spaces, the already fragile food security in these districts deteriorated further. Economic
activities ground to a halt as well-to-do farmers were abducted, and ransom demands became a
regular occurrence forcing them to seek refuge in nearby towns leaving the area. For some of those
who fled the area to save their lives, their children and wives have been taken hostage until a ransom
is paid. Consequently, small businesses shut down, educational facilities began to fail, educated
individuals were forced to leave the area, healthcare services collapsed, and transportation systems
were disrupted. This has deepened the crisis of poverty and insecurity in the region to an
unprecedented level not seen in recent history.
Government Response
In response to these escalating atrocities, the government initiated its military attacks approximately
two years ago. However, the lack of a clear strategy and the haphazard approach by the government
forces has only exacerbated the suffering of the local population. Upon arrival, security forces have
resorted to indiscriminate violence, shooting any young people they encounter and detaining many
others. This has caused many youths to flee the area in fear for their lives.
The government forces also adopted a scorched-earth policy, burning down farmers' huts suspected of
sheltering OLA fighters, though these homes were forcefully occupied by OLA forces. This approach
has left many civilians homeless and without recourse to justice, being attacked by two factions.
Furthermore, government forces have systematically destroyed local infrastructure, including
windmills and motorcycles, further crippling the livelihoods of the already struggling population.
Stage 2
It has come to our attention that OLA forces have recruited local informants to provide critical
intelligence, while government forces have begun targeting and burning the homes of individuals
suspected of collaborating with OLA. In retaliation, OLA forces and their supporters have launched
brutal attacks on anyone associated with the government, often without clear justification. This has
resulted in the ruthless killing of over 17 individuals, including respected elders, in less than two
weeks, with homes reduced to ashes and livestock cruelly burned alive. Over the past 3-4 years,
OLA's attacks have followed a systematic pattern, first targeting elites, then economically viable
individuals, and now elders, deeply respected in the community. These actions have not only led to
tragic loss of life but have also devastated the local economy and caused profound cultural damage.
We have compiled a partial account of the individuals killed, homes destroyed, and other damages
inflicted by both sides based on available information.
Considering these developments, we urgently call for the following:
To the Government: We urge the government to uphold the rule of law and take immediate action to
stop the violence, ensuring the safety and protection of lives and property in the region. We also
demand an explanation for the targeted attacks on the Oromo people of S**o and various other
districts of Oromia.
To the Leaders of the OLA Forces: We seek clarification on why your forces have targeted this
population. While there have been theft incidents attributed to the chaos created in the area, there is
clear evidence that these actions are being directed by OLA, with known OLA members openly
moving within the community to command them. If these actions are not authorized by your
leadership, we urge you to publicly denounce them and take steps to prevent further atrocities. The
local community must be empowered to defend itself from these violent actors if they are indeed
rogue elements operating beyond your control.
We call the indiscriminate targeting of civilians, the destruction of property, and the violation of basic
human rights to end. Both the government and the OLA forces bear a responsibility to protect the
lives of innocent civilians and to respect their dignity and rights. We implore all sides to prioritize the
safety and welfare of the local population and to seek peaceful solutions to address the underlying
grievances that have fueled this conflict.
We look forward to your prompt response and to meaningful actions being taken to prevent further
suffering and loss of life.
From the concerned bodies
September 10, 2024
Additional information is provided below in the form of images, brief event descriptions, and
Some of the victims in picture (for details please see the table 1)
Figure 1: Teku Lemessa, an 80-year-old most sacred and highly respected elder of the S**o
community and resident of Ilala Saden near an area called Gibiso in Qarsa fi Malima district, was
taken from his home by the OLA forces at 8:00 pm on August 16, 2024. He was ordered to drive his
herd out before being repeatedly stabbed, tortured, and humiliated. Teku pleaded for his life for two
hours, but his cries were ignored. He was ultimately slaughtered and killed by the forces at 10:00 pm.
This atrocity follows the earlier killing of his son, Demise Teku, by OLA forces in June 2023, along
with seven others from the same village at the same location (for further details, see table 1, numbers
4-12). Reason – OLA thinks they are sympathizers of the government. Photo from social media.
Figure 2. Two brothers Abebe Tabor Tolesa (40 years old; on the left) and Melesse Tabor Tolesa (24
years old, on the right), resident of Ilala Saden in Qarsa fi Malima district, were killed at 10:00 pm on
August 16, 2024 by OLA forces. First, OLA forces ordered the two men to open their cow-barn and
drive the herd with them. A few minutes later, they arrived at the residence of another victim
presented above. Abebe & Melesse were stabbed multiple times and tortured before their lives were
taken. They are neighbors of Teku Lemessa (figure 1). Reason - OLA thinks they are sympathizers of
the government.
Figure 3: On March 17, 2023, Tikuru Guluma Birbrisa, a poor farmer from Malima Saden Botone in
the Tole district, was working his land like many other farmers in the area. Later that day, he visited
the open market in Jimata Abadho to purchase essentials for his family. Without warning, government
security forces stormed the market and began firing indiscriminately. Tikuru Guluma was tragically
killed in the attack, while Shugute Tilaye, also from the same area, and many others were wounded.
Photo from social media.
Figure 4. Kasaye Geremu (52 years old), resident of Koce-Maria (Tole district, Southwest
Shewa zone) was killed along his son, Gemechu Kasaye (23 years old), on the night of
August 11, 2024, by Oromo Liberation Army. Their properties were also destroyed by
fire. Reason is Gemechu was working for the government.
Figure 5. Huruma Hailu, resident of Basi Bilida (Tole district, Southwest Shewa) was killed
by Government security forces on July 1, 2024.
Some sample cases of the unimaginable horror, loss of life, and destruction faced by innocent
civilians in the S**o area of Oromia, with both government and OLA forces responsible for
atrocities (for details see the table).
1. Killing of Family Members by Government Forces in Tole District
● In March 2024, government security forces killed 20 unarmed civilians in 9 kebeles of the
Tole district, West Shoa. In Abeebee S/Gichila Kebele, six individuals, including Niguse
Lelisa, Adugna Gadisa, Dejen Idosa, and Shawe Tadesa, were executed. Brothers, Lema
Gudeta and Baca Gudeta, were among the seven individuals killed in Armofo Taji Kebele.
These killings were carried out under suspicion of supporting OLA without any legal process,
and many of the victims were related, making the impact on families profound and
devastating. In another case, Tadele Kassaye, a person with a disability, was shot dead by
government forces in Dhokat Kebele simply for being in the vicinity. This cruel targeting of
families has left entire communities devastated.
2. OLA's Massacre in Qarsa-Malima and Tole districts: Family Slaughter
● On August 16, 2024, OLA forces targeted two families in Awash Falte Kebele, Qarsa-Malima
district. In a brutal act, they murdered Mr. Siyum Faleke and his son Abitti Siyum, along with
Getacew Bekele and his son Kusha Getachew. These individuals were stabbed multiple times
over several hours. The other family members fled during the night, and after realizing this,
the OLA forces burned their homes. This attack was allegedly due to their connection to one
of OLA members who surrendered to the government forces.
● In another horrifying incident, OLA forces killed four members of a family in Abeebee
Kebele, Tole district, in 2024. Mr. Nagasa Hawase, with his two brothers, Beyene (24) and
Moises (20), and Mr. Ketema Angasa, were brutally murdered. Their only crime was being
related to someone working in Sabata city administration. This chilling example of kin
punishment shows the ruthless targeting of families based on political affiliations.
3. Government Forces Target Families: Burning Homes
● Government forces have burned down the homes of countless families in the area. For
instance, in Tume-Shankora of Tole district, government forces set fire to the home of Mr.
Belete Bekele, as his son, an adult OLA member, was allegedly involved with the rebel
group. This is one of many incidents where the government not only executed suspects but
also burned down the homes of their family members.
4. OLA's Massacre in S**o Dechi: Family, kin and whole village targeted
On December 24, 2022, in Gala Molich, S**o Dechi district, OLA forces launched a brutal attack
targeting entire families and communities, resulting in the killing of three brothers among others. The
massacre claimed the lives of Freda Naggasu G/Mikael, Birahane Taye G/Mikael, Abera Girma
Makiriya, and their relatives, highlighting a pattern of targeting family members. Victims included
Shambel Fiqre Eshete, Abay Eshete Marid, Tsegaye Obsan Nadhasa, Agido Yirda Bekele, Masifn
Yirda Bekele, Chala Sileshi Regassa, Tolasa Sileshi Regassa, Bogale Abera Girma, Takku Mulugeta
Wubitaye, Worku Niguse G/Mikael, Balachew G/Mikael, Dareju Fadda G/Mikael, and Tamiru
Nagasu G/Mikael. These killings underscore the systematic targeting of entire families and villages,
leaving communities devastated.
Table 1. Partial list of civilians killed by the Oromo Liberation Army and Ethiopian security forces in four districts (Tole,
Qarsa fi Malima, Sadan-S**o, and S**o Daci) in South West Shewa. Given the scale of atrocities in the region, this list is
minimal and does not fully capture the extent of the violence.
No. Victims Kebele District Date Killed Actor
1 Teku Lamessa Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 8/16/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
2 Abebe Tabor Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 8/16/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
3 Melessa Tabor Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 8/16/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
4 Habtamu leggese Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
5 Kefeni Mulata Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
6 Ababa Tesemma Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
7 Demisu Teku Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
8 Abona Dese Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
9 Teklu Mokonnen Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
10 Tesgaye Mokonnen Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
11 Fiseha Mokonnon Ilala Saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
12 Lemessa niguse Ilaala saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
13 Gezu Ilaala saden Qarsa fi Malima 6/21/2023 Oromo Liberation Army
14 Robale Harbu Qore Qarsa fi Malima August, 2024 Oromo Liberation Army
15 Kasaye Garamu Koce-Mariam Tole 8/14/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
16 Gemechu Kasaye Koce-Mariam Tole 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
17 Tonkolu Zawude Sadan-S**o 8/11/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
18 Nagassa Hawase Abebe area Tole 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
19 Beyene Hawase Abebe area Tole 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
20 Mosisa Hawase Abebe area Tole 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
21 Ketema Angasa Abebe area Tole 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
22 Chaka Midhaksa Wanji-oditu Qarsa fi Malima 8/12/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
23 Tesfaye Chaka Wanji-oditu Qarsa fi Malima 8/12/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
24 Siyum Feleke Awash Falte Qarsa fi Malima 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
25 Abiti Siyum Awash Falte Qarsa fi Malima 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
26 Kusha Getachew Awash Falte Qarsa fi Malima 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
27 Getachew Bekele Awash Falte Qarsa fi Malima 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
28 Tesemma Aseffa Qarsa fi Malima 8/15/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
29 Taka Gabre Dhokat Tole 2022 Oromo Liberation Army
30 Fayistu Dhokat Tole
2024 Oromo Liberation Army
31 Jaldu Dhaba Dhokat Tole Aug, 2023 Government Forces
32 Niguse Lelisa Abebe S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
33 Adugna Gadissa Abebe S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
34 Dajene Idosa Abebe S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
35 Sayido Ketema Abebe S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
36 Shawe Tadesse Abebe S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
37 Xilu Tesema Abebee S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
38 Mohamed Bashir Abeebe S/Gichila Tole
2024 Government Forces
39 Jambo Legese Bantu 01 Tole
2024 Government Forces
40 Hunde Guta Basi Bilida Tole
2024 Government Forces
41 Sabona Kuma Wasarbi Migiridi Tole
2024 Government Forces
42 Nago Debele Wasarbi Migiridi Tole
2024 Government Forces
43 Lema Gudeta Armufo Taji Tole
2024 Government Forces
44 Baca Gudeta Arumufo Taj Tole
2024 Government Forces
45 Dhuguma Adera Armufo Taji Tole
2024 Government Forces
46 Kalesa Adera Armufo Taji Tole
2024 Government Forces
47 Dhaba Wasanu Armufo Taji Tole
2024 Government Forces
48 Reta Kalesa B/Bodha Tole
2024 Government Forces
49 Darara Dame Golole fi Tamsa Tole
2024 Government Forces
50 Mulata Denbel S/canco Tole
2024 Government Forces
51 Tadele Kasaye Dhokat Tole
2024 Government Forces
52 Freda Naggasu G/Mikael Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
53 Birahane Taye G/ Mikael Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
54 Abera Girma Makiriya Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
55 Shambel Fiqre Eshete Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
56 Abay Eshete Marid Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
57 Tsegaye Obsan Nadhasa Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
58 Agido Yirda Bekele Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
59 Masifn Yirda Bekele Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
60 Chala Sileshi Regassa Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
61 Tolasa Sileshi Regassa Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
62 Bogale Abera Girma Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
63 Takku Mulugeta Wubitaye Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
64 Worku Niguse G/ Mikael Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
65 Balachew G/ mikael Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
66 Dareju Fadda G/ Michael Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
67 Tamiru Nagasu G/ Mikael Gala molicha S**o Deci 12/24/2022 Oromo Liberation Army
68 Girma Olqaba Tole Wayyu Sadan-S**o 08/29/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
69 Alemayehu Benya Tum'e Woto Qarsa fi Malima 06/04/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
70 Mokona Ararso Worebo Haro Qarsa fi Malima 06/04/2024 Oromo Liberation Army
71 Degefa Qernessa Armufo Taji Tole 2024 Oromo Liberation Army
72 Niguse Lema Bantu 01 Tole 2023 Oromo Liberation Army
73 Gulume Lema Bantu 01 Tole Aug 2023 Oromo Liberation Army
74 Guta Gemachu Armufo Sole Tole 2024 Government Forces
75 Tsegaye Awoke Armufo Taji Tole 2024 Oromo Liberation Army
76 Seifu Awoke Armufo Taji Tole 2024 Government Forces
77 Wokene Aliti Tole 2024 Oromo Liberation Army
78 Veterinarian Bantu 01 Tole 2024 Government Forces
79 Huruma Hailu Basi Bilida Tole 30/06/2024 Government Forces
Table 2. A partial list of homes burned by security forces and the Oromo Liberation Army across four districts—Tole, Qarsa fi
Malima, Sadan-S**o, and S**o Dachi—in South West Shewa. The destruction of homes has become so widespread that
documenting every case is nearly impossible.
No. Victims Kebele District
Number of
house burned Actor Reason
1 Belete Bekele
Shankora Tole 4 Government Forces His Son is in OLA
2 Elias Silashi Tume Tole Government Forces -
3 Rata Raya Awash Falte
Qarsa fi
Malima Government Forces family member in OLA
4 Bajirond Raya Awash Falte
Qarsa fi
Malima Government Forces family member in OLA
5 Fiqadu Raya Awash Falte
Qarsa fi
Malima Government Forces family member in OLA
6 Taku Lami Wanji-Oditu
Qarsa fi
Malima Government Forces -
7 Siyum Feleke Awash Falte
Qarsa fi
Malima Oromo Liberation Army his Son left OLA
Bekele Awash Falte
Qarsa fi
Malima Oromo Liberation Army related with Mr Siyum family
Garamo Koci-Mariam Tole Oromo Liberation Army
10 Alemayehu Tume-Wato
Qarsa fi
Malima Oromo Liberation Army
Midhaksa Wanji-Oditu
Qarsa fi
Malima Oromo Liberation Army
Negesa Chala
Malima Saden
Bottone Tole Government Forces
OLA forces use the houses as
shelter the reason given by the
Girma Worebo Haro
Qarsa fi
Malima 2 Government Forces
14 Beyisa Girma Worebo Haro
Qarsa fi
Malima 2 Government Forces
15 Asefa Bedada Tum'e Woto
Qarsa fi
Malima 1 Government Forces
16 Yilma Mulatu kore sabi
Qarsa fi
Malima Government Forces
17 kuma Ita'a Adadi Meriam
Qarsa fi
Malima 1 Government Forces
they destroyed his house from
Adadi Town
Tsegaye Melima Golole Tole 1 Government Forces
suspect OLA use his house as
a shelter
19 Dabele Adugna
Qarsa fi
Malima 1 Government Forces
Tesfaye Jiru Xixxu
Qarsa fi
Malima 1 Government Forces
They randomly threw a hand
gr***de at his mill as they
were passing by.
21 Edae Geda Ilala Waqo
Qarsa fi
Malima Several Government Forces
An 83-year-old highly
respected elder, along with
his son Belaayneh Edae and
five neighboring families,
had their homes burned
Table 3. A list of individuals who were abducted and whose whereabouts remain unknown. Thousands of others have been
released after paying ransom, but their names are not included here for security reasons
No. Victims Kebele District Actor
Dr. Lij Alem
Korbu Bishoftu City Ada'a Oromo Liberation Army
2 Dr. Asnaqeh Fiqire Bishoftu City Ada'a Oromo Liberation Army
3 Nigise Girma Bishoftu City Ada'a Oromo Liberation Army
4 Nega Bishoftu City Ada'a Oromo Liberation Army
5 Dammisa Tafa
Migiridi Tole Oromo Liberation Army


-Barataa kuma 684 keessaa 36,000 ykn 5.2 qofa darbe
-Wal waraansii ummata miidha jira
-wajjir PP wal jeeqa jira/ Hassan Abdul Qadir fi Liya Takaste ari'aman
-PP Xalayaa mana marii nageenyatti ergite
-Motumman Itophiyaa dhiifama yaa gaafatu, beenya yaa kafaluuf jedhe Human Rights watch


-Mindaan irra deebi'ee laalamu akkasuma hojatoota wajjin mariin barbaachisa jedhame
-PP hiriira qopheessa jira
-Misiraan hidhachiiftee nutti ergiti
-POS system fayyadamuu eegalle jedhan



-Opershiinii PP ummata shawa kaaba jala ibsa balleese
-Karaan heddun cufamadha
-EZEMA mormitoota leenji kenna jedhe
-Koriyaan motumma Abiy liqaa kennite
Biden qoqqobbii dheerese


Barreessaa fi direktara filmii Godanisa Seenaa, Iliyaas Hamid wajjin.


የደሞዝ ጭማሪ እና የግብጽ የጦርነት አተሞ


-Daballi mindaa maal fakaata?
-Shukurtii biyya Tanzaniyaa galchaa jirra
-Federalismii sabootaa balleesuf qabsoofna jedhe Iskindir
-Amerikaan hiikamuu hogantoota ABO waan gaaridha jette
-Sharafni dollaraa karaa bankii kan gabaa gurraacha caale


-Dhumarra hogantoonni ABO bahan
-Parkii indastirii dollara bil 1.6 ijaaree galii dollara bil 1.2 qofa arganne
-Gareen ABUT tokko Ertiraa wajjin hidhata qaba jedha Aranaan
-Sudaanii kibbaa karaa Itophiyaa boba'a gara biyya alatti erguuf
Chinaan Africaf biliyeena 50 kennite gaheen Abiy miliyeena 56 qofa

📣EURAXESS network is thrilled to invite you to a series of Research Careers in Europe webinars, tailored specifically for (prospective) PhD students and early career researchers!📣

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• 📅8 October 2024 – Hungary, Slovakia - Research Careers in Europe
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• 📅5 November 2024 – Poland, the Czech Republic - Research Careers in Europe
Time: Tuesday, (Europe/Bratislava), 12:00 - 13:30
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We look forward to seeing you there!😊


-Wancii xiyaarani? Parkiin Abiya dollara miliyeena 50 barbaadu jedhame
-Naannoleen VAT kafalchiisu hin qaban jedhame
-Dandiin Qillensa Itophiyaa eyyama koo malee buufata xiyaara akka hin ijaare
-Mike Hamar Itophiyaa deema jira
-Koreen nageenyaa Amaara Ambasadar Masinga wajjin mari'ate
-Misiraan meeshaale gargaarsa namoomaa yeroo lolaa olan Sumaletti fe'a jirti


-Hojatoonni aanarra gandatti ramadaman yaaddoo isaanii himatu
-Abiy gara Chiyna qajeele
-Dandiin qilleensa Itophiyaa qarshiin na jala qabame jedhe
-Finxaaleyin Matamma qabatte baate
-Walqayiti kan keenya miti jedhaa mallateessa jedhamne
-Ingiliizin Isiraa'eli meesha waraana hin kennu jette

-Ummanni Oromo shawa dhihaa araara jedhan
-Dandiin qillensa Itophiyaa balaliinsa gara Asimara dhaabe
-Misiraan tarkaanfii seera qabeessa fudhadha jette
-Yuniversiitiin Finfinnee baratoota ofii koo qoreen fudhadha jedhe
-Abiy Adaanchiin Gondar bulchi jedhe
-Jarmaniitti partii finxaleyyi mirgaa sagalee heddu argatan


- Watti bu'insi darraa ammas nama 6 galaafate
-Abootiin qabeenyaa akeekachiifaman
-Dollariin dabaluuf
-Lafa qonnaa fudhaadha bishaan soogidda nuuf kenna jennan didan
-Abiy fi Isayas walgahii tokko hirmaachuf
-Lamiileen Isiraa'el 6 ajeefamanii argaman/ Natinahuun itti gaafatama jedhame


Qabsoo aartii Oromoo


-Shimalis Bankii koo(Siinqeen) ala akka mindaan hin kafalamne jedhe
-Taayeen guyyaa 29 murtii argata
-Parkii Abiy fi parkii Adanachi dhaabbanni bulchu hundaa'e
-Bajajiif seerii haaran bahe
-Jibuutin buufata haara Itophiyaaf kennite
-Itophiyaa fi Sumaliyaan wal waraanu danda'u

I moved by this debate between these two friends. However I don’t like how Ayaan describes Muslims, Islam and pro Palest...

I moved by this debate between these two friends. However I don’t like how Ayaan describes Muslims, Islam and pro Palestine students movement in USA. Watch it and learn more about God.
Is idea including religion a mind parasite? Read or watch Dawkins.

📰 Subscribe to UnHerd today at: the UnHerd-sponsored Dissident Dialogues Festival in New York, Richard Dawkins and Ayaan Hirsi Ali ...


ኢትዮጵያ ተከባለች ልትታፈን ነው


-PP hojatoota aanaa gandatti gadi buusuf
-Itophiyaan Ambasadara Sumaleetti muuddee
-Bunnii haala gaariin biyya alaatt erga hin jiru
-Isiraa'el hoganaa Hamas ajeese jetti




-PP ummata darara jirti
-Konkolatan tokko hidhatootan qabamani
-Indiriyas Isheete fi Dani Roma
-Getachoo Raddaa tarkanfii udhadha jedhe
-Misiraatti fincilli ka'uu danda'a
-GA ministeerota Isaraa'el irraa qoqqobii kaa'e
-Biden Shi Pngi yeroo dhihotti nan arga jedhe


From inbox
Urgent: Injustice in Holeta Town

I am writing to bring to your attention a critical issue affecting the residents of Holeta town, located 30 km west of Finfine. Despite the town's slow growth, committed citizens have invested in building hotels and other structures, following all necessary rules and regulations, including contractual agreements, plans, and construction licenses.

However, in a shocking turn of events, the town administration has marked these buildings for demolition, citing "road or corridor road expansion" as the reason. What's more alarming is that no authority has consulted with the affected individuals or the community, and they have declared that there will be no compensation for the losses incurred.

This decision has left the residents in a state of panic and confusion. For many, this is a devastating blow, as they have worked tirelessly to build their properties, and the current construction material prices make it impossible to rebuild on their own.

As a resident, I want to emphasize that we are not opposed to the town's development. However, it is essential that such projects follow legal procedures and respect the rights of citizens. I urge you, Dr. Teferi, to reach out to your contacts in the town, investigate this issue, and bring it to the attention of top policymakers so that they can take prompt and necessary action to address this injustice


-Abiy waraana haara labsuuf fokoraa jira
-Warashaan Sukaara yaa gurguramu jedhame
-Mirgi wabii Taayyee deebii hin arganne
-Humni nageenyaa Tigiray akeekachiise
-Kafaltii hojatoota Abaaboo fi kudura hin siraa'u taanan hin fudhannu jedhee GA


-PP ummata Oromoo darara jirti
-Caasan mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa jijjirame
-Arsi lixaatti bokkan cimaan miidhaa geesise
-Biraanuun olmaa daa'imanii afan Ingiliizii barsiisa jedhe
-Kalifoniyaan baqatoonni seeran ala akka mana bitatan eyyamte
-Misiraan meesha waraana lama Sumaaliyyatti ergite


-Gaafiin araara itti fufee jira
-Namni 22 karaa irratti fincaa'ani qarshii kuma 44 adabaman
-Xiyari Itophiyaa lama Kayroo qubatan
-Baqatoonni 13 bishaanin nyatama/ Maltan baqatoota 100 ol deebisuuf
-Ambasadar Masingaan jaarsummaf Maqale jira
-Dubartiin jaalalee ishii ajeestee quba irra murte Tifanii Teyler qabamte
-Dandiin Qillensa kuniyaa motumman tophiyaa dollara miliyeena 11 na hin kafalle jedhe


-Darratti Finxaaleyin Amaara nama 5 ajeeste
-PP dargaggoota waraanatti guura jira
-Amerikaan muudama Ambasadar Leencoo Baatii hin fudhadhu jette jedhama
-Daraartuun dhiifama gaafatte/ Taamiraat Tolaati simannan godhame
-Murtii Getaachoo hin fudhannu
-Isiraa'el fi Hizboollan wal haleela jiru






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